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We have all seen photogenically perfect faces and personalities that become ugly the more one is around them. Conversely, a homely person can become stunning in attractiveness as they allow themselves.(by a decision to become that way).to be motivated by beautiful thoughts.(Philippians 4:8), thereby increasing the love that may be in them. Love radiates the true soul of a person. When you love someone you crave to touch them.

"Good looks have little to do with one's body and everything to do with one's mind."....more from Mike Dooley, star in the movie The Secret.

This spirit area, the Soul, is where the real attractiveness of a person resides and is cultivated and where it will be recognized by that special other; more

Over months and years the outer features begin to mimic the beauty inside, that is, unless one is obstinate, angry, resentful, etc., then they are on the road to ugliness.(Psalms 39:11).that will show up increasingly in physical appearance as the months and years roll on by.

"Beauty is love at the heart of creation."....Deepak Chopra. When you feel and see beauty, you know it is truth. Where do you find beauty? In a child's smile, children playing, laughing, singing, studying, talking, in sunsets/sunrises, vistas of water.(such as 1, 2, 3), a pretty woman dressed attractively.(Proverbs 30:18,19), a friendly park with happy trees, a well prepared and attractively presented meal, the design of an exciting car, the graceful lines of an animal.(such as you see near the end of this fine movie), the presentation of flowers growing in a garden, the world from space at night, the patterns of creation? Add some things to your mind that you find beautiful.

All people do not see the same things in another, so not to worry about your looks. A few be repulsed by you. That's good. You don't want to be around them anyway. Others will see you as pleasing and yet others as immensely attractive. The ones in sync with what you are at heart, the ones you too are attracted to, as friends or as desiring more and perhaps into a special deeper relationship where both of you can ride the crest of the waves, are the ones to chum with.

Many people can't see beyond themselves far enough to notice any beauty anywhere. Dried up souls stumble across beauty, but the moment dwindles all too quickly for them and they quickly run back to their normal mindset before being affected to produce good:.Luke 11:24.

Attraction is generated by a positive response to what we experience. Attraction comes from kindness. Seek the hidden qualities. Why? This involves qualities of the soul if it is to be true attractiveness. If you are out to find the hidden jewel, the soul in a person, you will see them as they really are and not be blinded by some concocted image you have developed that you want someone to fit into. That's not to say you shouldn't be intelligently selective. How to be intelligently selective. 

Love connects us to others because we are all in the same sea of spirit which we classify as God. Love is a spiritual quality. Can any of us ever really turn away forever in our hearts from real true love? Once you have loved someone, you always will, even if they have hurt you. You may not want to be around them, but love is always alive, deep in there somewhere. The deep unity of real love is never ending. Love and its many sides are so beautiful, as beautiful as the unending joy from all a flower does to a person.

Because love begets more love, a great attractiveness, to the right person, begins to accompany them. A 'physical'.(all is really spirit, energy).thing you can do now to improve looks, attitude, brain power, etc. 

Most, living from the ego level and what else have they ever known?, look for and believe that they too should have labels such as type of cool clothes, friends another may have, job, vehicle and so on. Those who see no deeper than this will never have a decent relationship because they are looking for fulfilment of an image they have been conditioned to think they should have. They are too occupied.with externals. Their world is defined by a fixed set of brands including such as name, age, status, wealth attributes, height, color, family, location, house type, movies watched, books read, gadgets used, travel destinations, etc.

These label the person but tells nothing of one's innate character, tells nothing of the reality that is the person, the invisible.soul.which cannot be labeled because it is connected to the.Soul, the all of everything that is and becomes.

You are a body embedded in the spirit. That is the real you! Labels put on to us by schools, government, friends and family members distract from the true reality and condition us to accept ourselves as the labels being the reality. Your name isolates you from others and is the main cause of our belief in separateness. No wonder the soul of each of us is hidden. Hey! Keep me hidden. They're nuts out there! Ha ha!

Labels hide the true dynamic self that exists beyond the physical. These define the man or woman by rigid conditioning and outdated thinking.

Just as you want others to see the real you and not the labels, so should you be with others. Learn to look beyond the masks of individuality.
   Problem is we buy into the judgments we make on the spur of the moment and most of these are off the separating kind, that is, we make a decision to remain separate from and never get to know the soul of another. Even more dangerous is an emotional decision to jump in right away, "this is the one, this is the one".

To keep yourself in a depth of spiritual love, keep focused upon the kindness that God has toward you:.Jude 1:21. You bring forth character magnetism when you thoroughly believe what.God really does now think about you.

Some women seem to compensate for what they feel they may be lacking and become gaudy in appearance, showing instead, lack of taste:.1Timothy 2:9. Excessive jewelry and makeup, loud clothes and always wanting to be out and about and with 'with it' behavior, are unappealing to one of quality:.Proverbs 7:11

The reason women are more concerned about attractiveness than intelligence is because they know the average man can see better than he can think! And ladies, don't go for 'sham' poo. Get real poo! and look for a man with the kindness and sincerity of a dog, the virility of a horse and the intelligence of a dolphin.

And don't yourself use 'sham' poo by acting in a manner that you think a man will be sure to respond to. Instead be your real self, and if he doesn't respond, you now have to decide to either let it go and continue being what you feel are the ways that are most comfortable to you or if you feel uncomfortable over the results your getting, decide to become a better person and begin immediately acting out of your image of how you now have decided to become. Soon, this new way will be inherent to you, the new you and keep open minded about constant change over the things you feel are not right about you. Above all, don't allow the negatives of yourself to become entrenced into your character through stubbornness and bitterness.

A lesson in the story of Jacob that can keep familiarity from eroding a relationship. 

Men and women still have difficulty getting along. Understanding is needed.

You can't love another until you know how much you are loved by him and vice versa. Thus, the importance of openness and honesty. Apart from that, it's often mostly infatuation.(attractiveness to an image one has in their minds of how they think the other person is or can become),.unless.there appears such an immediate strong bond.(very rare and very special).and all that forth comes in the next weeks and months corroborates the initial feelings with.no downside, not the slightest doubt. But that is extremely rare. It is well worth waiting for. 

When God gives you the right one, you'll know it! The question is, Do you have perhaps the months and even years of patience to wait for that, while you continue to improve along the way? Is it better to wait 20 years for the right one or to jump quickly and live maybe 10, 20 or more years in hell, in and out of relationships, some perhaps much worse than the last? 

To be real meaningful love, the other has to accept your love, love in return and find within you a meaning so deep, so never ending, so special, that you both know it is not only 'beyond you both', but put together by God. But most can't wait and, being hasty, look elsewhere, settling for less. Mostly, love at first sight deserves a second look and a third and a forth. Use the rate-a-mate.(or, a potential one).often! It will give you some guidance along the way.

Guys: Many women would rather mend your ways than your socks! Many women choose men as they would an old house, with an eye toward remodeling! Most women only want one thing from a man, everything! Don't take a woman to church. They learn how to preach sermons to you at home and usually end it with taking up a collection! 

Seek for a women with some of these finer qualities:.Proverbs 6:25. And look for a woman with a brain towards being helpful and thoughtful of another's need:.Genesis 24:14. And trust that the Creator will guide you to one who trusts in divine providence as Rebekah, one who has good qualities. 'Rebekah' in Old Testament comes from original Hebrew spelling; 'Rebecca' in New Testament, from the original Greek spelling; both referring to the same individual. 

A woman who is capable of making a house a home will never be left alone! A man's club is a place for those who have no home and a refuge for many that do!

A ten year study in the U.S.A. revealed that first, most women want control. In fact the article, in a respected large newspaper had said "Inside every woman is a screaming #^#*#, just waiting to gain control." Second was money. Then came all the rest that women want; handsome guy, cool, a little rough, kind, patient, fun loving, lighthearted, healthy, show me the world and 'worship me I'm woman', etc., etc. 

Some girls think there's one thing better than marrying a millionaire, divorcing him.(Proverbs 6:24,26).or, worse yet, being a quick self made widow. Hey! It takes real faith to eat some of the things those with attitudes prepare. Food prepared without love is upsetting to those eating it. Food eaten in anger is food sickening to the one eating it.

Remember guys; it's less expensive to borrow money than be forced to share it in a divorce! Ha! ha! And guys: Some girls think it's easy to get money. They treat you as if you were the government and they a foreign country. A study of economics has shown that the best time to sell something is when a girl has control over a guy's money. Women may like their friends, but competition risks loss of profit! Ask her if she has ever opted freely out of her wallet to help another apart from her own family. Same applies to guys. 

Women become committed to a man for many reasons other than love. And that's fine, as love can grow. But you should be aware of the reasons. It'll take time, circumstances and insight for you to really get to know a potential mate. You can Ask Suby!

Man's advice to a woman: "Don't fake it! We'd rather be
ineffective than deceived."