We are all one,
all brothers and sisters in this
multiiversal sea of mind, this sea of energy, this sea of spirit:.1John
4:20 "If a man say, I love God and hates.(original
Greek is 'to love less than yourself', which is not good because we are
all one:.Philippians
brother he is a liar. For he that loves not his brother whom he has seen,
how can he love God whom he
has not seen?"
But if this be so, then why
did God want the evil ones of the bloodline
of Cain wiped out?.1Samuel
15:18; Joshua 6:21.
The 'love your neighbor'
teaching of Emmanuel
in Matthew 22:39 is speaking
about those akin
to you.
Love without action is like
air without oxygen, that is, then it isn't air. Things such as praise/prayer,
contemplation, meditation, etc. are spiritual actions which lead us to
physical actions of high
Love from others is sweet,
but love from self is sweeter.
20:29 "Emmanuel said unto him, Thomas, because you have seen me, you
have believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have
Love makes us
one because it overlooks differences within those of the
humanity gene and allows us to see that others too, have the same
spirit that
connects us all.
are the 'us' that can be connected? Love guides,
and heals.
"An unmistakable trait
of every true genius is their persistent awareness of how much more there
is to know. And an unmistakable trait of every true sage
is their persistent awareness of how much more there is to love."....more
from Mike Dooley.
Even in the Old Testament,
God had, under the Mosaic Law, shown His heart:.Leviticus
Know that at some level all
of us of humanity, love and want to be loved and want to base actions on
this invisible agreement within us all. It's just that, to some love is
only an act of will. Refusing to exclude others because of personal difference
or race or language or ethnicity or religion takes love to the level
of oneness. If you hate others they will soon hate or fear you and
reject you.
Keep in mind what Emmanuel
said in Matthew 22:39,40 about
loving your neighbor as yourself and keep in mind:.Philippians
2:3 "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness
of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."
Love is not making
life harder for another. Love is all that really matters:.1Peter
4:8; James 5:20.
Just as when we stop poisoning
ourselves with garbage and geneticallly modified and chemically altered,
processed 'food', poisoned water and the like and then the body gets well,
so it is with our spiritual lives. Love is what's left once we stop
poisoning ourselves with negativity in all
its forms.
3:14,17,18 ".....He that loves not his brother abides in death.....But
whoso has this world's good and sees his brother have need and shuts up
his bowels of compassion from him, how dwells
the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither
in tongue, but in deed and in truth."
10:29-37 ".....and who is my neighbor?".In
this discourse,
Emmanuel shows that one's neighbor is one who needs compassion
shown. And,
is my brother? Remember, friends or enemies are not born, they are
Love is more than a feeling.
It is the flow of high consciousness
energy both into and out from a person.
Love transforms biology.
Lessons of life are lessons of love. Lessons of love are learning true
love and moving from pseudo-love.
Erich Fromm pointed this out in his book Selfishness and Self Love
about the unmasking of pseudo-love.
In an experiment rabbits
were fed a horrible junk food diet. After a short time researchers could
see the rabbits were dying. It wouldn't be long before they were all gone,
all except for four rabbits. What was different with them? Researchers
couldn't figure it out so they monitored every single activity with cameras.
They noticed that one of those feeding the rabbits was picking up each
of them. This one group of rabbits didn't get sick or weaker like the rest
did. Love made the difference.
Your neighbors are those
needing your help, concern and comfort. However some are bitter and fight
off love. Your brothers and sisters are those believers who similarly have
needs. Love not shown is love unknown:.1John
3:11,18,19. Love not expressed has no second best:.1Corinthians
And how much of it to give?
Doing your best to help others without neglecting the self is loving in
balance. Doing your best in loving others involves wisdom. Need it. Get
it. And, why
do your best?
Love is of no value unless
it is expressed and affects someone.(*).
For this to effectively occur, one has to bond with another and to do that,
one has to get to know the other. Love can't be felt by another until it
is expressed toward another or in your heart by thoughts focused
on another, as all is connected in the invisible:.Romans
5:8; 8:32; Ephesians
5:2; Hebrews 9:12,24; Titus
2:14; 1Thessalonians 5:10;
Galatians 3:13. God has
for us.
There are many ways to be
which are loving to others, not so much what you do for them, but what
you are like around them that shows them your heart; looks, listening,
to know what another is saying by their personality and words, being compassionate
to them, searching for the hidden jewels of character
in another; hidden because everything to do with the
Soul is real, more real than the physical, but hidden deep from the
senses. How can you not like someone when you focus on their spirit, but
can you focus on their spirit?
These qualities are peaceful
qualities and peacefulness is attractive. Get beyond the oh so low consciousness
things of the ego realm. Grow
up and seek for the hidden qualities in the other. I mean, do you really
want to be around a selfish hostile person?
Love for another can be expressed
to God. Then those feelings will be communicated through the Spirit, or
as science now calls it, the intelligent energy of the quantum field, to
the person intended.
In this same way this Great
Infinite Being brings
forth sons. It is His love that affects us:.Romans
In the realm
of the Infinite One is love.(1John
He loves us:.John
2:21 "Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world,
but was manifest.(brought
these last times for you. Who by Him do believe in God, that raised Him
up from the dead and gave him glory, that
your faith and hope might be in God.".God
us tremendously.
Love begets love:.1Peter
1:3; 1John 4:19. Spiritual persons,
Christians in the Holy Bible, show affection to those they love.
A kiss often was given upon
greeting and departure, much as they still do in many Eastern cultures.
Social attention by means of a kiss was a symbol
of brotherly love:.Romans
1Corinthians 16:20;
1Thessalonians 5:26;
In intimate relationships,
avoid the 'quick-kissies'. Such kisses may not hurt, but they certainly
do not say "I'm am totally in love with you!" If you are going to kiss
your lover, even if it isn't a make out session, why not take an extra
moment and make it real? That extra moment is full of positive emotion
and it makes a difference.
Today we have the mental
health professionals advising us of the benefits of
shown affection.(Romans
12:10 & also 1, 2,
means of hugs, etc. and the feminists screaming sexual harassment if you
touch me! Like, hello! Who stopped payment on your reality
side efforts of peoples' egos have many doctrines.(1Timothy
the collective consciousness,
which are 'sucked' into those aligned with similar outlooks, the more so,
the more in the ego realm
the individual may be.
This keeps humanity separated
from each other, where a Soul
connection is kept from the source, the spirit.
Affection is an emotion of
attention with kindness and concern, it's attention with warmth, warmth
with a hug, it's attention with sweet affection, that is, your attention
with kindness and concern affects another for their benefit, for their
There is a way out of mental
illness - prevention and home
life is ground zero for mental health. Most mental illness has a lack
of nutrition and/or toxin ingestion
as its base. And if someone is insane
now, perhaps the same thing that kills
the AIDS virus would kill other pathogens
that may be affecting one with dementia,
Happiness is like a kiss.
In order to get any good out of it you have to give it to somebody else!
is equal to the depth of one's skill in expressing it. Those out
of touch with their Soul do not know, nor can they find, true
love. Does what you think make you love God and people more?
One key to finding true
love is to see more love in whatever person who may be the center of your
attention at any particular moment for whatever reason:.Romans
13:8; 1Thessalonians 4:9;
4:11. And then see
what develops. And of course, if you don't like yourself, don't expect
anyone else to want to be around you.
How would you know love is
for you? You don't! You just believe
that it is if you want to find it; perhaps better said, if you want it
to find you.(*).
When you see no love, maybe
even are repulsed
by the other individual, you are looking at them through the eyes of your
own ego. This is not the way to initiate or to maintain a good relationship.
Learn instead to create
an atmosphere around others that is of benefit to them.
This is what ancient Jacob.(who
was son of Isaac and Isaac was son
of Abraham).did.
Jacob saw God in his brother Esau, who had been very much hurt emotionally
by Jacob and their mom Rebekah tricking him out of his rightful birthright:.Genesis
27:34-38. His brother Esau hated him for this:.Genesis
27:41. And, it tore
emotionally deep into him:.Genesis
32:6-8. But, over the years Esau had changed and no doubt Jacob as
well. And when they met many years later, it was a different story:.Genesis
When you see everyone else
in the light.(light),
it's because you are in the light.
You can't see in total darkness:.Matthew
Loving others makes you
strong in health and stable in outlook. Worrying if others may like you
is negative and takes you down,
robbing you of a joyful present:.Philippians
Seeing things from higher
consciousness levels allows for meeting the
oneness in all things, realizing
that if something is noticed in another that you don't like, it is something
in you reflecting back.
With this you can then understand
what you are all about, finding
your true self and in the process finding both bad and good side.
The so called Beatitudes
are 'reflect back' things.
Those of the ego level of
thinking see separation from others. Those of higher consciousness things
the oneness of all things; and herein is the key
to world change.
Does what you think add to
your attractiveness? To be filled with the fullness of God one must learn
to love as Christ loved: Ephesians 3:19.
Welcome all the heavy, hurting
hearts you can.(those
whom you feel safe with).into
the comfort you have for them. Love involves following peace, kindness,
honesty, helpfulness and generosity with all men:.Hebrews
Just as when you feel the
love from someone.(things
they do for and with you and the ways they are with and towards you).and
you express love back, this builds a relationship, so it is with the Creator
and you.
The Infinite One feels us:.Hebrews
4:15. He.(we
are made in His image:.Genesis
also an emotional being.(that's
why we have emotions; living would be dry without them).
Please do not be like the
blind many, who only see this physical life. You are going to be rewarded.for
your works of love. Ask, seek and you'll find those who need help. Use
your worldly goods to."lay
up treasures for yourself for eternity".Matthew
6:19-21 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth
and rust does corrupt and where thieves break through and steal, but lay
up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust does
corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your
treasure is, there will your heart be also."
5:14 "For all the law.(original
means 'any established law', so it means 'all the laws', gravity
being one for example, but that is automatic,
so, more important is this...).is
fulfilled in one word, even in this; Love
your neighbor as yourself.".Others
being corollaries
of that law, such as, the high standards of honesty,
and so on into the laws
of physics, etc.