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oxymoron.noun,.plural.oxymora or oxymorons
a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in 'a deafening silence' and 'a mournful optimist', and 'microsoft works'; humourous oxymorons

obligate, obligated, obligating, obligates.transitive verbs
to bind, compel or constrain by a social, legal.or.moral tie; to cause to be grateful or indebted; oblige; to commit (money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation
the constraining power of a promise, contract, law or sense of duty; the act of binding oneself by a social, legal or moral tie; a social, legal or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action; a course of action imposed by society, law or conscience by which one is bound or restricted; something owed as payment or in return for a special service or favor; the service or favor for which one is indebted to another; the state, fact or feeling of being indebted to another for a special service or favor received
synonyms.responsibility, duty
morally or legally constraining; binding; imposing or recording an obligation; of the nature of an obligation; compulsory (attendance is obligatory) 

ready to do favors for others; accommodating; amiable
oblige, obliged, obliging, obliges.verbs
transitive verb use.to constrain by physical, legal, social or moral means; to make indebted or grateful (I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality); to do a service or favor for: (they obliged us by arriving early)
intransitive verb use.to do a service or favor (he soloist obliged with yet another encore)

a constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel; Orion and Pleiades

The English scholastic William of Ockham formulated the most radically nominalistic criticism of the scholastic belief in intangible, invisible things such as forms, essences and universals, such as God, angels, frequencies, even perhaps air? He maintained that such abstract.entities are merely references of words to other words, rather than to actual things. His famous rule, known as Ockham's razor, which stupidly says that one should not assume the existence of more things than are logically necessary (don't think all around something {because you may learn some things then}), in other words, avoid using imagination. And this became a fundamental principle of modern science and philosophy (this being another reason modern education is in trouble, where many students can think about as long as the time a fly lands on something before taking off again). How did such a limiting theory become accepted and what groups adopted it as having validity for widespread dissemination?.comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.
Ockham's razor.also.Occam's razor.noun
also called.law of parsimony
a rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly and interpreted as meaning that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable (but what if both theories provide helpful information?) and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known (but what if what is already known throws no light on the phenomena? Are we then to stop asking questions? If so, it's not a scientific approach, but rather an approach lacking substance)

in botany, the ovule bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit

the paired female reproductive organ that produces eggs and hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
the female reproductive cell; ovum is Latin for 'egg'

a minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertilization
ovular or ovulary.adjective

having eight plane surfaces

a solemn.declaration or promise to fulfil a pledge, often calling on Creator-God or a sacred object as witness (in court one takes an oath or affirms that he or she is going to tell the truth, by placing hands on the Bible, a sacred object; if a man or woman is of integrity and honesty, they usually use affirm, rather than swear, because it's not just at this time in court that they are that way and so are swearing to something specific to them at this time:.Matthew 5:34-37); something determined by God and so stated; something declared or promised; open acknowledgment before God of one's commitment to perform something which carries with it the weight of God's presence and so, the thing to be performed is thus of sincerity, a thing of higher consciousness and honesty; synonyms are oath, bond, swear, vow, avow

an ordinance is an order to adhere to the procedure determined (city ordinances that restrict and regulate building development); a command or order coming from some body of authority, such as an Order in Council; a custom or practice established by long usage; an ordinance is also synonym for statute and regulation, especially one enacted by a government; Biblical meaning

military.provisions; ordnance refers to military supplies, such as  weapons, ammunition, combat.vehicles and maintenance.tools and equipment; a service of the army charged with the procuring, distributing and safekeeping of ordnance 

omit, omitted, omitting, omits.transitive verbs
to fail to include or mention; leave out (omit a word)
the act or an instance of omitting; the state of having been omitted; something omitted or neglected

often, oftener, oftenest.adverbs
many times; frequently


oftentimes.noun, also.ofttimes.adverb
frequently; repeatedly

oodles.plural noun
a great amount or number (oodles of fun)

of, relating to, characteristic of or causing an obsession-(obsessive gambling); excessive in degree or nature (an obsessive need to win)
obsess, obsessed, obsessing, obsesses
transitive use.to excessively preoccupy the mind 
intransitive verb use.to have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic

of, relating.to.or.being hidden from the five senses; of or pertaining to any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies, such as in.Acts 19:13-19; information coming and going from mind to mind that becomes known telepathically as is true in meditation (the phenomena of inner and thus.hidden communication); the hidden, but superficially.mysterious, as are satanic practices
occult, occulted, occulting, occults.verbs
transitive verb use.to conceal or cause to disappear from view
intransitive verb use.to become concealed or extinguished at regular intervals (a lighthouse beacon that occults every 45 seconds)

elaborately, heavily and often excessively ornamented; flashy, showy or florid in style or manner; flowery

the beginning of something (the seeming onset of totalitarianism (note, 'onset' is usually followed by 'of', examples, the onset of winter, the onset of the rainy season)

having unlimited or universal power, authority or force; all powerful; infinite; a quality of the Creator
one having unlimited power or authority (the Infinite One)

having total knowledge; knowing everything; a quality of the Creator; the Creator is also omnipresent

present everywhere simultaneously, such as God is

commonly encountered; usual; common; of no exceptional quality; average
the usual or normal condition or course of events (nothing out of the ordinary occurred)
Law: a judge or other official with immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction

being of a specified position in a numbered.series (an ordinal rank of seventh); of or relating to a taxonomic.order
an ordinal number
ordinal number.noun,.plural.ordinal numbers
an ordinal number indicates a position in a series or order; the ordinal numbers are first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd) and and so on or and so forth

excessively.eager; too ardent or impatient

standing out among others of its kind; prominent; noticeable; superior to others of its kind; distinguished; projecting upward or outward; standing out (her performance was just outstanding); still in existence; not settled or resolved (outstanding errors in management; a long outstanding problem such as unable to pay down the debt)
outstand, outstood, outstanding, outstands.intransitive verbs
to stand out plainly

the art or process, originating in Japan, of folding paper into shapes representing flowers and birds for example; a decorative.object made by folding paper

a polymer that consists of two, three or four monomers; most proteins are oligomeric

a sudden, violent display, as of activity or emotion (an outburst of wind pushed on us as we came around the corner of the building; an emotional outburst of indignation)

anything presented to God in thankfulness is an oblation; the act of offering something, such as a gift, a tribute, an offering or a sacrifice for worship or thanks, to God, but the ancients left off doing it to the real God and started to make offerings to stupid.idols they even made with their own hands and added horrible practices to the worship of these idol Gods (small 'g', also written as God, all capitals; proper is God) Gods:.Ezra 4:4-6; something offered, in the case of of the Eucharist as practiced in many churches by using the bread and wine to celebrate what is called the Lord's Supper, this refers to Emmanuel's last supper with his disciples before his crucifixion

having the shape of a spheroid generated by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis; having an equatorial.diameter greater than the distance between poles; appearing as if flattened at the poles (Earth is an oblate design)