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an ancient.ruined city, also known as Sela, which predates the occupation of it by the Edomites in B.C.E. 1200 and is located in present-day southwest Jordan (map), having flourished as a trade center from B.C.E. 4th century until its capture by the Romans in 106 A.D. then by Moslems in the 7th century and by Crusaders in the 12th century; ruins of the rose-red city were discovered in 1812; Petra was an ancient strong city.(Psalms 60:9), chief city among scores, which once filled that region:.Judges 1:36 "And the coast of the Amorites was from the going up to Akrabbim, from the rock and upward."

Yet the prophets of God foretold its downfall and its abandonment to solitude and desolation, in terms which strikingly agree with the facts:.Jeremiah 49:15,16 "For, lo, I will make you small among the heathen and despised among men. Your terribleness has deceived you and the pride of thy heart, O you that dwells in the clefts of the rock, that holds the height of the hill. Though you should make your nest as high as the eagle, I will bring you down from thence, says the Lord.".Obadiah 1:1-4.

When its ruin took place we are not informed. There were Christian churches there in the fifth and sixth centuries, but after  536 A.D. no mention is made of it in history, often altered by the satanic.cabal existing since the beginning of people on Earth. Why

The place is mentioned in 2Kings 14:7. Here it say that Amaziah king of Judah slew ten thousand men of Edom in the valley of Salt and took Sela by war. The ruins of this place were in modern times first visited by Burckhardt, 1812 and attest the splendor of the ancient city. In the red sandstone of the which the valley is composed are upwards of two hundred and fifty sepulchres, entirely cut out of the rock, the greater part of them with Grecian ornaments. There is a mausoleum in the shape of a temple, of colossal dimensions, likewise cut out of the rock, with all its apartments, its vestibule, peristyle, etc. It is a most beautiful specimen of Grecian architecture and in perfect preservation. There are other mausolea with obelisks, apparently in the Egyptian style, a whole amphitheater cut out of the rock with the remains of a palace and of several temples. Upon the summit of the mountains, which closes the narrow valley on its western side (Mount Hor), is the tomb of Haroun or Aaron. It is held in great veneration by the Arabs. It is still called' Jebel Neby Haroon' meaning 'mount of the prophet Aaron' and on its summit stands a Mohammedan tomb of Aaron on the site of a still more ancient structure and marking perhaps the place of his burial. That this was indeed the ancient Sela or Petra is established by various concurring proofs, such as by the historians Josephus, Eusebius and Jerome affirm that the location and ruins correspond with the notices given in the Bible and by Pliny and Strabo. 

Subsequent travelers, especially Laborde, have given minute and graphic description of this wonderful city, with drawings of the principal ruins. The valley of Petra 2,200 feet above the great valley El-Arabah, is about a mile long from north to south and half a mile wide, with numerous short ravines in its sides, making its whole circuit perhaps four miles. It is accessible through ravines at the north and the south; but the cliffs, which define it on the east and west, are precipitous and vary from two hundred to one thousand feet in height. The main passage into the city is on the east and begins between cliffs forty feet high and fifty yards apart, which soon become higher, nearer and full of excavated tombs. This winding ravine is a mile long and gives entrance to a small brook; its sides at one place are but twelve feet apart and two hundred and fifty feet high. At the termination of this narrow gorge you confront the most splendid of all the structures of Petra, el-Khusneh, the temple mentioned by Burckhardt, hewn out of the face of the opposite cliff. Here you enter a wider ravine, which leads northwest, passes the amphitheatre in a recess on the left and at length opens on the great valley of the main city towards the west. The tombs excavated in these and in all the side gorges, are without number, rising range above range. Many of them are approached by steps cut in the rock, while others are inaccessible, at the height of nearly four hundred feet. The theatre was so large as to accommodate more than three thousand persons. The palace, called Pharaoh's house by the Arabs, is the chief structure not excavated in the mountain that survives in any good degree the ravages of time; it was evidently a gorgeous building. Most of the valley is strewn with the ruins of public edifices and with fragments of pottery. The brook flows through the valley towards the west and passes off through a narrow gorge like that by which it entered. One of the finest temples, the Deir, stands high up in a ravine on the west side. It is hewn out of the solid rock, are eight feet in diameter. A singular charm is thrown over the whole by the beauty of the stone from which these various structures are wrought. It is fine and soft sandstone, variegated with almost every variety of hues, red, purple, black, white, azure and yellow, the deepest crimson and the softest pink blending with each other, while high above the sculptured monuments the rocks rise in their native rudeness and majesty. The whole strange and beautiful scene leaves on the spectator's mind impressions, which nothing can efface.

in botany, any of various.photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular.organisms of the kingdom 'Plantae', characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls and lacking the power of locomotion; a plant having no permanent woody stem such as an herb; a building or group of buildings equipped for manufacture of a product; a factory; a person or thing put into place in order to mislead or function secretly (a person placed in a group of spectators to influence behavior, such as are called agents provocateurs; a person stationed in a given location as a spy or an observer); a misleading piece of evidence placed so as to be discovered
plant, planted, planting, plants.transitive verbs
to place or set seeds in the ground to grow; to sow (plant a field in radish); to place spawn or young fish in water or an underwater bed for cultivation (plant oysters); to stock with spawn or fish; to set firmly in position; fix (planted both feet on the ground); to establish; found (plant a colony); to fix firmly in the mind; implant; to station a person for the purpose of functioning in secret, as by observing, spying or influencing behavior (detectives were planted all over the store)

of, relating.to.or.resembling a phallus
phallus.noun,.plural.phalluses or phalli
the penis; the sexually undifferentiated.tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris; a representation of the penis and testes

an instrument for writing or drawing with ink or similar fluid (a ballpoint pen; a fountain pen; a quill); an instrument for writing regarded as a means of expression ("Tyranny has no enemy so formidable as the pen"....William Cobbett)
pen, penned, penning, pens.transitive verbs
to write or compose with or as if with a pen
the art, skill and style of handwriting; calligraphy

a fenced enclosure for animals (a pig pen; a playpen)
pen, penned.or.pent, penning, pens.transitive verbs
to confine in or as if in a pen; to enclose
pent up.adjective
not given expression (he was pent up from all else when building our cabin in the country); repressed; pent-up often refers to emotions, energies having been restrained

a female swan

a penitentiary; a prison
pen, penned, penning, pens.intransitive verbs
to place into an area of confinement, such as a penitentiary
a prison for those convicted of major crimes
of or for the purpose of penance; penitential; relating to or used for safely removing threats to society or reformation of criminals or wrongdoers

an animal hunted or caught for food; quarry; one that is defenseless, especially in the face of attack; a victim; the act or practice of preying

prey, preyed, preying,preys.intransitive verbs
to hunt, catch or eat as prey (owls prey on mice; crooks prey on others to take advantage of them); to victimize or make a profit at someone else's expense; to plunder or pillage; to exert a baneful or injurious.effect; spoil; booty; date 1200-1300 A.D. from Old French 'preie' from Latin 'praeda' meaning 'something seized' as articles taken from an enemy

ply, plied, plying, plies.verbs
to join together, as by molding or twisting; to double over cloth, for example
a layer, as of doubled-over cloth or of paperboard; one of the sheets of wood glued together to form the veneer called.plywood; one of the strands twisted together to make yarn, rope or thread (a three-ply cord); biasply (a bias ply tire)

ply, plied, plying, plies.verbs
transitive verb use.to use diligently; wield (plies a needle); to engage in diligently; practice (plies the carpenter's trade; a whale or ship that plies the waters off the coast); to handle; to traverse or sail over regularly (trading ships plied the routes between coastal ports); to continue supplying or offering to (plied their guests with excellent food)
intransitive verb use.to traverse a route or course regularly (the boat plies between the islands on a weekly schedule; to perform or work diligently or regularly (a person who had plied at the weaver's trade for 20 years)

petri dish.noun,.plural.petri dishes
a small shallow dish of thin glass or plastic with a loose cover used especially for cultures of bacteriology, such as cells placed in one back in the 1930's that are still living today; something, as a place or situation, that fosters development or innovation (the college was a petri dish for radical views)

purchase, purchased, purchasing, purchases.transitive verbs
to obtain in exchange for money or its equivalent; buy
the act or an instance of buying; something.bought; acquisition through the payment of money or its equivalent

a bright spot sometimes appearing on either side of the sun, often on a luminous ring or halo, this bright spot being the small nearly round halo on what is called the parhelic circle, located most frequently just outside this halo at 22 degrees; also called sun dog; from Greek 'para-' meaning 'beside'
parhelic circle.noun,.plural.parhelic circles
also called parhelic ring

beside; near; alongside (parathyroid); beyond (paranormal); similar to; resembling; subsidiary; assistant (paraprofessional)

promissory note.noun,.plural.promissory notes
a written promise to pay or repay a specified.sum of money at a stated time or harshly, by on demand

containing, involving or having the nature of a promise

declaration.assuring that one will or will not do something; if you promise that you will do something, you say to someone that you will definitely do it (the post office has promised to resume first class mail delivery to the area on Friday); a vow; something promised; indication of something favorable to come; expectation (a promise of spring in the milder air); indication of future excellence or success (a young singer of great promise)
promise, promised, promising, promises.verbs
transitive verb use.to commit oneself by a promise to do or give; pledge (promised a quick answer; left early but promised to return); to afford a basis for expecting (thunderclouds that promise rain)
intransitive verb use.to make a declaration assuring that something will or will not be done; to afford a basis for expectation (she promised she would meet us at this restaurant)
