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English language: The present English language has an estimated over 1,000,000 words including words from its various dictionaries, such as scientific, computer/electronic, anthropological, medical and many other dictionaries. Up to 1933 there were approximately 500,000 words and today it's over 1,000,000, what with the explosion of knowledge in all fields. 

As knowledge expands.(Daniel 12:4), so does the invisible memory structure and thus the multiverse expands and now at an ever increasing rate. The English vocabulary is more extensive than that of any other language in the world, although some other languages, such as Chinese, have a word-building capacity equal to that of English.

English is based on Anglo-Norman; Norman; Normans; Old Norse; Norse; Anglo Saxon; Celtic; Middle Dutch; Indo-European; Greek; Late Greek; Hebrew; Middle Ages; Middle Eastern; Middle English; Old English; Anglo-French; Middle French; Old French; Old North French; Old Icelandic; Old Italian; New and Modern Latin; Latin; Late Latin; Medieval Latin; Vulgar Latin; Germanic; Low German; Middle Low German; High German; Old High German; Medieval; Old Provençal; Scandinavian.origin; Old Spanish;.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy). English is far from a pure language in many ways, but like the confusing mess in all languages, that will change:.Zephaniah 3:9.

Welcome to the descriptively beautiful English language, but a confusing.hodgepodge with shifted meanings done on purpose so the language can be manipulated against you. Ever seen how lawyers operate with their 'legalese'? One dictionary for the people and the legalese one for those using Maritime, Admiralty, Civil, Statute 'law', which you know nothing or little about and is far below Natural Law, the law of love of God:.Matthew 22:36-40. It's part of the confusing mess the confuser has concocted on purpose to dumb us all down:

Examples, besides screwing up words on purpose by those out to screw you up, these few words of many examples, also may throw you for a loop: absorb/adsorb, amiable/amicable, appertain/pertain, arrester/arrestor, bless, blow, compass/encompass, crescendos/crescendoes, dendrite/dendron, dependent/dependant, egoist/egotist, emigrate/immigrate, fiber/fibre, flammable/inflammable, fulfil/fulfill, galivant/gallivant, gray/grey, guaranty/guarantee, I and me, issue (and its meanings), inoculate/vaccinate, iterate/reiterate, inquire/enquire, liquify/liquefy, offer/proffer, party, raven/ravin, right (and its meanings), role/roll, sanction, spelled/spelt (and its meanings), spoke and spoke, stumblestone/stumble-stone/stumble stone, systemize/systematize, trek, their/there, tracheas/tracheae, transferable/transferrable, volume (amount) & volume (loudness), waist/waste, who/whom.and so on

These haphazard and purposeful screw ups are part of the now rapidly diminishing cabal control they had over the world and will soon be gone, thankfully! In everything they do, they are out to trip you up, confuse you, harm you and even kill you in some way. They are satanists.

We see confusion everywhere. Why? Who's behind this effort? Not the true God:.1Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion.".The main demon language on Earth, English, is not a language formulated by We the People who use it, but formulated by those of the early cabal wanting you to use it to get and keep you confused:.Genesis 11:1-9.

English is said to have one of the most difficult spelling systems in the world. Spanish has one meaning for each word. English can have many for some words. The written representation of English is not phonetically exact for two main reasons:

"First, the spelling of words has changed to a lesser extent than their sounds; for example, the 'k' in knife and the 'gh' in right were formerly pronounced differently. 

"Second, certain spelling conventions acquired from foreign sources have been perpetuated; for example, during the 16th century the 'b' was inserted in doubt.(formerly spelled doute).on the authority of 'dubitare', the Latin source of the word.

"Outstanding examples of discrepancies between spelling and pronunciation are the six different pronunciations of 'ough', as in bough, cough, thorough, thought, through and rough; the spellings are kept from a time when the 'gh' represented a back fricative.consonant that was pronounced in these words.

"Other obvious discrepancies are the 14 different spellings of the 'sh' sound, for example, as in anxious, fission, fuchsia and ocean.

"Theoretically, the spelling of phonemes, the simplest sound elements used to distinguish one word from another, should indicate precisely the sound characteristics of the language. For example, in English, 'at' contains two phonemes, 'mat' three and 'mast' four. Very frequently, however, the spelling of English words does not conform to the number of phonemes. 'Enough', for example, which has four phonemes (enuf), is spelled with six letters.

"The main vowel phonemes in English include those represented by the italicized letters in the following words: bit, beat, bet, bate, bat, but, botany, bought, boat, boot, book and burr. These phonemes are distinguished from one another by the position of articulation in the mouth. Four vowel sounds or complex nuclei, of English are diphthongs formed by gliding from a low position of articulation to a higher one. These diphthongs are the 'i' of bite, the 'ou' of 'bout', the 'oy' of 'joy' and the 'u' of 'butte'."....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

of, relating to or between England and France or their peoples; English and French

one of the Normans who lived in England after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 A.D. or a descendant of these settlers

Middle Dutch.noun
the Dutch language from the middle of the 12th through the 15th century

Middle English.noun
the English language from about 1000 to 1500 A.D.

Middle French.noun
the French language in use from the 14th to 16th centuries

Old English.noun
the English language from the middle of the 5th to the beginning of the 12th century, which would be about 900 to 1100 A.D.; also called Anglo-Saxon

Old French.noun
the French language from the 9th to the early 16th century A.D.

Old High German.noun
High German from the middle of the 9th to the end of the 11th century

Old North French.noun
the dialects of Old French spoken in northern France, especially in Normandy and Picardy

For more on English language

English vis-à-vis British. 'ish' means people and 'brit' is a 'blood writ', referring to those English people who became part of the cabal group dealing in satanic blood rituals; it traces back to
Celtic language of the ancient Britons, inhabitants of Britain before the Germanic invasions of the 5th century A.D.; the word is from Middle English 'Brittish' which is from Old English 'Bryttisc' and relates to the ancient 'Britons' which word is from the word 'Bryttas'; the word 'Britons' is of Celtic origin tracing back to Old English 'Brettisc' from 'Bret' from which we get 'Briton'; other 'ishes' include Scottish, Turkish, Irish, etc.

English (the people) refers only to people from England, not the rest of the United Kingdom. Many in other countries also speak the English language.

the act of coming or going out; emergence; a path or opening for going out; an exit
egress, egressed, egressing, egresses.intransitive verbs
to go out; emerge

the outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo, from which the epidermis, nervous tissue and in vertebrates, sense organs develop; the outer layer of a diploblastic animal, such as a jellyfish

also called hypoblast; the innermost of the three primary.germ.layers of an animal embryo, developing into the gastrointestinal.tract, the lungs and associated structures

the outer, protective, non.vascular.layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis; an outer layer of various.invertebrates; the outermost layer of cells covering the leaves and young parts of a plant

before; rather than

before long; soon

exonerate, exonerated, exonerating, exonerates.transitive verbs
to free from blame; to free from a responsibility, obligation or task

enslave, enslaved, enslaving, enslaves.transitive verbs
to make into or as if into a slave

exchange, exchanged, exchanging, exchanges.verbs
transitive verb use.to give in return for something.received; trade (exchange dollars for francs; exchanging an item.purchasedearlier); to give and receive reciprocally; interchange (exchange gifts; exchange ideas); to give up for a substitute (not happy with the used vehicle she purchased, the kind dealer exchanged it for what proved to be a better one); to turn in for replacement (exchange defective.merchandise at a store)
intransitive verb use.to give something in return for something received; make an exchange; to be received in exchange (at that time the British pound exchanged for $2.80)
the act or an instance of exchanging (an exchange of presents such as at Thanksgiving or Christmas time); an exchange of greetings; a place where things are exchanged (please take your return to the exchange department at the front of the store), especially a center where securities or commodities are bought and sold (a stock exchange); a system of payments using instruments, such as negotiable drafts, instead of money; the fee or percentage charged for participating in such a system of payment; a bill of exchange; a rate of exchange; the amount of difference in the actual.value of two or more currencies or between values of the same currency at two or more places
in exchange.adverb
vice versa, mutatis mutandis

flowing out or forth
something that flows out or forth such as a stream flowing out of a body of water; an outflow from a sewer or sewage system; a discharge of liquid waste, as from a factory or nuclear plant, such as tailingsfrom an oil refinery

a usually short journey made for pleasure; an outing; a roundtrip on a passenger.vehicle at a special low fare; a group taking a short pleasure trip together; a diversion or deviation from a main topic; a digression

encumber, encumbered, encumbering, encumbers.transitive verbs
has same meaning as cumber.(welcome to English); to put a heavy load on; burden (a hiker who was encumbered with a heavy pack; a life that has always been encumbered with responsibilities); to hinder or impede the action or performance of (restrictions that encumber honest people); to burden with legal or financial obligations (an estate that is encumbered with debts)
something that encumbers; a burden or impediment; in law, a lien or claim on property
in law, one that holds an encumbrance

being outside one's usual duties (volunteering his time to help students improve was extracurricular); being outside the regular curriculum of a school or college (sports and drama are the school's most popular extracurricular activities)

elevate,elevated, elevating, elevates.transitive verbs
to move something to a higher place or position from a lower one; lift; to increase the amplitude, intensity or volume of; to promote to a higher rank; to raise to a higher moral, cultural or intellectual.level; to lift the spirits of; elate
the act or an instance of elevating; the condition of being elevated; an elevated place or position; the height of a thing above a reference level; altitude; the ability to achieve height in a jump, as in ballet dancing; the degreeof height reached when such a jump is executed

evangelism is the teaching of Christianity, especially to people who are not Christians; preaching, writing which disseminates the gospel, the happy news of eternal salvation; zeal for a cause

evangelize, evangelized, evangelizing, evangelizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to preach or publish the gospel to those who may be interesting in hearing it (example); to convert to Christianity; out going door to door to get a message one believes in to others is not wise
intransitive verb use.to preach the gospel to those interested in hearing
one who practices evangelism, such as a preacher or missionary; a preacher or writer who brings good news to interested hearers;
from.Barnes New Testament Notes."This word properly means one who announces good news. In the New Testament it is applied to a preacher of the gospel or one who declares the glad tidings of salvation. It occurs only in Acts 21:8; Ephesians 4:11; 2Timothy 4:5. What was the precise rank of those who bore this title in the early Christian church, cannot perhaps be determined. It is evident however, that it is used to denote the office of preaching the gospel and as this title is applied to Philip and not to any other of the seven deacons, it would seem probable that he had been entrusted with a special commission to preach."

of.or.relating.to horseback riding or horseback riders; depictedor represented on horseback (an equestrian statue of a famous horse)
one who rides a horse or performs on horseback
a woman who rides a horse or performs on horseback

elapse, elapsed, elapsing, elapses.intransitive verbs
to slip by; pass (weeks elapsed before we could start renovating) elapse.noun,.plural.elapses
passage; lapse (met again after an elapse of many years)
