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a bonus
given to salespeople, such as doctors for promoting
new drugs and/or harmful vaccines that
they were taught in medical schools did some good, which they may if natural
more powerful alternatives contunue to be hidden from the public, which
the medical/pharma system has done; to reward such bootlickers
with a spiff
spiffy, spiffier,
in appearance or dress;
spiffy, spiffied,
to make attractive,
stylish; up to date (spiffying up my wardrobe)
ending in 'ess'
are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es'
making '...esses'
is clumsy)
a marriage.partner;
a husband
or wife (spouses were invited to the company picnic); see espouse
soon, sooner,
in the near future; shortly; promptly
(came as soon as possible); if something is going to happen soon, it will
happen after a short amount of time; if something happened soon after a
time or event,
it happened a short time after it (thanks, we'll go now, but you'll be
hearing from us very soon; the opportunity for the trip was made possible
by both our parents; soon after boarding they served drinks to us); if
you say that something happens as soon as something else happens, you mean
that it happens immediately after the other thing (as soon as the rain
stops we'll be heading out; as soon as she left her room, her puppy followed
right behind her); if you say that you would just as soon do something
or you'd just as soon do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it (we
could afford to retire to Florida but we'd
just as soon stay put); before the usual or appointed time; early;
(I'd as soon leave right now before the busy traffic)
no sooner than.or.as
soon as.idiom
no sooner was the frost off the ground than the
work began
sooner or later.idiom
at some time; eventually
(sooner or later they'll come by and see us again)
a scone is a small pastry
made from flour fat and often with currants
and/or white chocolate added and usually buttered before eating
a ridge
of sand formed
in a river or along a shore by the action of waves or currents
a shelf is a flat piece of wood, metal or glass
which is attached to a wall or to the sides of a cupboard; shelves are
used for keeping things on (he took a book from the shelf; the middle shelf
of the oven); a flat, usually rectangular.structure.composed
of a rigid.material,
such as wood, glass or metal, strong enough to hold what it is it's to
be used for; a shelf is usually.attached
at right
angles to a wall or other vertical.surface
and used
to hold or store.objects;
a reef,
or shoal;
off the shelf.idiom
shelve, shelved,
transitive verb use.to
or arrange
on a shelf; to put
away as though on
a shelf; put aside;
to defer;
to cause
to retire from service;
to furnish
or outfit
with shelves
verb use.to
shelvers often work late
stocking groceries on the store shelves
a large, usually conical
pile of straw or fodder
arranged for outdoor storage; an orderly.pile,
especially one arranged in layers (you can stack your clean underwear on
this shelf); heap
of memory
and its associated registers
used for temporary storage of information in which the item most recently
stored is the first to be retrieved;
a chimney or flue; a vertical.exhaust
pipe, as on a ship or locomotive;
an English measure of coal or cut wood, equal to 108 cubic feet (3.06 cubic
meters); a large quantity (a stack of work to do)
stack, stacked,
transitive verb use.to
arrange in a stack; pile; to load or cover with stacks or piles (stacked
the dishwasher); to prearrange
the order of a deck of cards so as to dishonestly
increase the chance of winning; to direct aircraft to circle at different
altitudes while waiting to land
intransitive verb use.to
a stack
stack up.phrasal
to measure up or equal (the evolutionay
theory doesn't stack up with intelligent people): to make sense; add
up (the supporting evidence just doesn't stack up)
any of various.tools,
either hand-operated or power-driven, having a thin metal blade or disk
with a sharp, usually toothed edge, used for cutting wood, metal or other
hard materials; a saw is known usually
as a tool for cutting wood, which has a blade with sharp teeth along one
edge; some saws are made for cutting stone or other hard objects such as
some saws are pushed backwards and forwards by hand and others are powered
by electricity; a chain saw is a saw powered with a tiny gasoline engine
and is used for cutting down trees and/or for cutting up logs
into smaller sections,
often to be used as firewood
saw, sawed.or.sawn,
transitive verb use.to
cut or divide with a saw; if you saw something, you cut it with a saw (the
farmer was out the back of his home stacking the wood he finished sawing);
he was pruning
the back yard tree using his saw); to produce or shape with a saw (sawed
a hole in the board); saw.past
tense of see
intransitive verb use.to
use a saw (sawing along a penciled guideline; pine wood saws easily)
see, saw
, seen, seeing,
transitive verb use.to
with the eye; when you see something, you notice
it using your eyes (you can't see colors at night); to have a mental image
of; visualize
(they could still see their hometown as it once was); to comprehend
(I see your point) to consider to be; regard
(many saw her as a world leader); to find out; ascertain
(please see who's knocking at the door); to refer.to;
read (persons interested in the book's history should see page fifteen
of the book); to take notice of; recognize
(she sees only the good aspects of the organization); to meet or be in
the company of (I saw all my aunts and uncles at the wedding); to share
the companionship of often or regularly (he's been seeing a new girl since
last time you were here to visit); to attend; view (let's see a movie);
to escort; to attend (I'm seeing
Nellie home); to make sure; take care (please see that it gets done right
away); to meet a bet in card games
intransitive verb use.to
have the power to perceive with or as if with the eye; to comprehend; to
consider (let's see, which suitcase should we take?); to go and look (she
had to see for herself and went into the garden); to ascertain; find out
(we probably can do it, but we'll have to see); to have foresight ("No
man can see to the end of time" ...John F. Kennedy)
see about.phrasal
to attend to
see after.phrasal
to take care of (please see after the dog while
I'm gone
see off.phrasal
to take leave of someone (saw the guests off at
the door; went to the airport to see us off)
see out.phrasal
to escort a guest to the door (would you kindly
see elderly Mr. Smith out with his suitcases)
see through.phrasal
to provide unstinting support, cooperation or
management in good times and bad (when God brings you to it He'll see you
through it; we'll see you through until you finish your college education);
to comprehend the true character or nature of (we saw that it was a scam
by listening to the presentation)
see to.phrasal
to attend to (see to the chores first, then you
can go outside and play)
see red.idiom
to be very angry
stultify, stultified,
to render.useless
or ineffectual
(this attitude
stultifies scientific.progress);
if something stultifies you, it makes you feel empty or dull
in your mind, because it is so boring
a rigid.routine
can be stultifying and boring
in law,
to allege
or prove insane
and so not legally.responsible
any of several tropical American plants of the
Smilax, such
as the American Sassafras, a member of the laurel
family, is cultivated
for the bark covering of its roots;
from this bark are used as flavoring agents in beverages,
including root
beer; it has fragrant
roots which are used as a flavoring; the dried roots of these plants; sarsaparilla
is a refreshing drink flavored with these roots, such as root beer which
also has cane sugar added to sweeten the taste; sarsaparilla is native
to the southern and western coasts of Mexico to Peru; the plants are large,
climbing or trailing vines
with short, thick, underground stems
that produce many prickly, angular,
above ground stems supported by tendrils; sarsaparilla
was once a popular tonic and now is blended with wintergreen and other
flavors and used in root beer and other carbonated
beverages or to flavor and mask the bad taste of medicines; in North America,
the strongly aromatic
roots of the wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) and bristly
sarsaparilla (A. hispida) of the ginseng
family, are sometimes substituted
for true sarsaparilla