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erysipelas.proper noun
an acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue said to be caused by a species of hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever, but more often or not, caused by heavy metals poisoning; also called Saint Anthony's fire

ethylene oxide.noun,.plural.ethylene oxides
a colorless flammable.chemical.toxic.compound C2H4O gas used especially in synthesis, as of ethylene glycol and in sterilization and fumigation; what's an oxide?

a fine-grained impure corundum used for grinding and polishing

a word that fills up a statement one is making by action or words, such as 'damn, I hit my finger'; to fill out a sentence, line of verse, etc., without conveying any meaning of its own, as the word 'it' in 'It is raining'; in the sentence 'There are many books on the table', the word 'there' functions as an expletive
added or inserted in order to fill out something, such as a sentence

the part of the wide lower course of a river where its current is met by the tides; an arm of the sea that extends inland to meet the mouth of a river; compare lake, ocean, pond, gulf, sea, tides, strait

earrings are pieces of jewelry which you attach to your ears

Nautical: the word has a nautical meaning; a rope with a cringle, used for bending a corner of a sail to what's called a yard, boom or gaff or for reefing a sail

based on the principle that all people are equal and possess equal rights and opportunities in accord.with the original 1776 American Constitution, not the cabal created 1871 takeover of America corporate constitution (see the David Lester Straight videos); from French 'égalitaire', from 'égalité' meaning 'equality' and from Latin 'aequlis' which word is from the Latin 'aequlis' meaning equal

an order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of certain ports of a country, usually to halt all trade with some nation
embargo, embargoed, embargoing, embargoes.transitive verbs
to impose an embargo on; to keep out; from Spanish 'embargar' meaning 'to impede', 'to impede with a barrier' and from Vulgar Latin 'imbarricre' meaning 'to barricade', 'to bar'; compare sanction
ex parte.adverb and.adjective
from or on one side only, with the other side absent or unrepresented (she testified ex parte; an ex parte hearing)

a serious.situation or occurrence that happens.unexpectedly and demands.immediate.action; a condition of urgent need for action or assistance (a voice full of emergency was responded to immediately his message was received by the Coast Guard) emergency.adjective
for use during emergencies (emergency equipment is always ready to go by the first responders, the fire departments, Air Rescue, Coast Guard, police departments, etc.; emergency food rations)