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ozonize, ozonized, ozonizing, ozonizes.transitive verbs
to treat with ozone; to convert oxygen to ozone
fresh, pure air; a blue gaseous allotrope of oxygen, O3, formed naturally from diatomic oxygen by electric discharge or exposure to ultraviolet radiation; it is an unstable, powerfully bleaching, poisonous oxidizing.agent with a pungent, irritating odor, used to deodorize air, purify water, treat industrial wastes and as a bleach

symbol O; A nonmetallic.element.constituting 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume that occurs as a diatomic gas, O2 and in many compounds such as water and iron ore; it combines with most elements, is essential for plant and animal respiration and is required for nearly all combustion; atomic number 8; atomic weight 15.9994; melting point –218.4°C; boiling point –183.0°C; gas density at 0°C 1.429 grams per liter; valence; from where did oxygen first come from
oxygenate.also.oxygenize, oxygenated.also.oxygenized, oxygenating, oxygenizing, oxygenates, oxygenizes.transitive verbs
to treat, combine or infuse with oxygen
an apparatus and/or person that treats, combines or infuses oxygen

the art or study of correct spelling according to established usage; the aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words; a method of representing the sounds of language or a language by letters and diacritics; spelling

one's self; one's own self

alone in kind or class; sole; standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence (this is the only computer at this time with the fastest processor made; her cat was the only company she had I had); an only child is a child who has no brothers or sisters
without anyone or anything else; alone (room for only one passenger); at the very least (if you would only come home; the story was only too true); and nothing else or more (II only work here); exclusively; solely (facts known only to us at this time); as recently as (called me only last month); in the immediate past (only just saw her); if you talk about the only person or thing involved in a particular situation, you mean there are no others involved in it
with the restriction that; but (you may go, only be careful driving); however; and yet (the merchandise is well made, only we can't use it)
Usage note: When used as an adverb, 'only' should be placed with care to avoid ambiguity. (only then will we know for sure); generally this means having 'only' adjoin the word or words that it limits; variation in the placement of 'only' can change the meaning and impact of a sentence, as the following example shows (she only dates those she grew up with; she dates only those she has grown up with); you use 'only' to indicate the one thing that is true, appropriate or necessary in a particular situation, in contrast to all the other things that are not true, appropriate or necessary (genuine replies only; a business can only be built and expanded on a sound.ethical.base); you use 'only' to introduce the thing which must happen before the thing mentioned in the main part of the sentence can happen (only if he wins does the lawyer get paid; only when it is ready will the bank cut interest rates). See more Usage notes

the branch of medicine that deals with the structure, function and pathology of the ear

the practice.or.profession of one proficient in otometry, the science of reestablishing proper loudness levels in word parts as discovered by the physicist who also developed the first measuring device for radiation, Dr. John Victoreen, Orlando, Florida. His research and production of his created device is one of the 6000 suppressed devices the deep state kept from people.
otometric or otometrical.adjective
a person skilled in using specialized hearing measurement equipment and techniques for remediation of loudness level deficiencies of word parts, because those lacking proper loudness levels do not hear words as normally spoken and this for perhaps years; thus word pronunciations can be reestablished and words are then heard as they are spoken and along with help of a speech pathologist, words can be quickly relearned

the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, as they are connected

oust, ousted, ousting, ousts.transitive verbs
to eject from a position or place; force out; to take the place of, especially by force; supplant

a tall, four-sided shaft of stone, usually tapered and monolithic, that rises to a point; in printing, the dagger sign (†), used especially as a reference mark

overstate, overstated, overstating, overstates.transitive verbs
to state in exaggerated.terms

a river, about 250 miles (402 km) long, flowing through Lebanon, Syria and southern Turkey to the Mediterranean Sea, used extensively for irrigation

the entire body of salt water that covers more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface; any of the principal.divisions of the ocean, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, their southern extensions in Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean; a great expanse or amount (there were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night); compare lake, pond, sea

overshadow, overshadowed, overshadowing, overshadows.transitive verbs
to.cast a shadow over; darken or obscure; to make insignificant.by.comparison; dominate

the act or process of outlawing or the state of having been outlawed; defiance of the law
a fugitive from the law; a habitual criminal; a nonconformist (a social outlaw); a wild or vicious horse or other animal
outlaw, outlawed, outlawing, outlaws.transitive verbs
to declare.illegal (outlawed the sale of harmful drugs); to place under a ban; prohibit (outlawed TV viewing until homework is done); to deprive of any protection of the law
Word history: the word outlaw brings to mind cattle rustlers and gunslingers of the Wild West, but it comes to us from a much earlier time, when guns were not yet invented but cattle stealing was. Outlaw can be traced back to an Old Norse word meaning 'out log', which meant 'banish'; Scandinavians, who invaded and settled in England during the 8th through the 11th century, gave us this Old English word which designated someone who because of criminal acts must give up his property to the crown and could be killed without recrimination. The legal.status of the outlaw became less severe over the course of the Middle Ages. However, the looser use of the word to designate criminals in general, lives on in tales of the Wild West.

in the offing.idiom
in the near or immediate future; soon to come (with exams finished and graduation in the offing); nearby; at hand
the part of the sea visible from shore that is very distant

a set of clothing, often with accessories (mom got her daughter two nice looking outfits to wear to school); a set of tools or equipment for a specialized purpose (a welder's outfit)
outfit, outfitted, outfitting, outfits.transitive verbs
to provide with necessary equipment (a store that outfits skiers); furnish

a unit of weight in the U.S. Customary System, an avoirdupois unit equal to 437.5 grains (28.35 grams); a unit of apothecary weight, equal to 480 grains (31.10 grams); a fluid ounce; a tiny.bit (had more than the usual ounce of compassion)

past participle.of overblow
something that is overblown makes something seem larger, more important or more significant than it really is; done to excess; overdone (overblown decorations); full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic (overblown oratory); past the stage of full bloom (overblown roses); very fat; obese; having been blown down or over (a pile of overblown saplings)
overblow, overblew, overblown, overblowing, overblows.transitive verbs
to blow a wind instrument so as to produce an overtone instead of a fundamental.tone

past participle.of overdo
overdo, overdid, overdone, overdoing, overdoes.verbs
transitive verb use.to do, use or stress to excess; carry something too far (overdid the diet and became malnourished); to exaggerate (overdid the compliments); to wear out the strength of; overtax; to cook food too long
intransitive verb use.to do too much; go to extremes (we always overdo at Thanksgiving)

being unpaid when due (an overdue bill; forgot the monthly payment on the car and now it's overdue); coming or arriving after the scheduled or expected time (an overdue train); expected or required but not yet having come about; being something that should have occurred earlier; tardy

overtax, overtaxed, overtaxing, overtaxes.transitive verbs
to subject to an excessive.burden or strain; to tax.unconscionably, illegally and/or in excess of what may be considered.appropriate or just

Ottoman Empire.was centered in what is now Turkey (map), founded in the late 13th century and dismantled in the early 20th century. At its height in the mid-1500s, at the end of the reign of Suleiman I, the Ottoman Empire controlled a vast area extending from the Balkan Peninsula to the Middle East and North Africa. The empire went into slow decline after Suleiman and by the early 1900s it controlled only Asia Minor, the Anatolia region of present-day Turkey and parts of the Balkans and the Middle East. The Ottomans lost even more territory during World War I 1914-1918. Antioch known as Antakya in modern history was where the name 'Christian' first was heard. This city, was captured by the Turks in 1516 A.D. and it remained a part of the Ottoman Empire until shortly after World War I in 1914-1918.....comprised from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.