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not subject to an obligation.imposed on others; exempt (immune from disease because of her healthy immune system; immune from criminal prosecution); not affected by a given influence; unresponsive (immune to persuasion)
an individual who is immune
immune response.noun,.plural.immune responses
also called immune reaction; a body responding to an antigen.occurring when lymphocytes identify the antigenic molecule as foreign and induce the formation of antibodies and lymphocytes.capable of reacting with it and rendering it harmless; word came into being in the year 1953

resistance or protection against a specified threat; the quality or condition of coming to be immune, such as the body developing its natural defenses through experiencing childhood diseases (Sally just got over measles and chicken pox so she has developed immunity to those diseases and will not get them again as she grows into adulthood and all this without vaccines which harm one's innate.immune system); inherited, acquired or induced.resistance to infection by a specific.pathogen; an exemption from normal duties, penalties or liabilities

the study of the body's reaction to invaders and its waste production such as what are called viruses; the branch of biomedicine that is concerned with the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired.immunity, the bodily distinction of self from nonself and laboratory techniques.involving the interaction of antigens with specific.antibodies

immunize, immunized, immunizing, immunizes.transitive verbs
what's the difference between having immunity and getting a vaccination? rendered.immune; to allow immunity to develop, as by natural exposure to common childhood diseases as a child grows
Law:.in law, to grant immunity from prosecution (immunize a witness) 

the act of injecting; something that is injected, especially a vaccine dose into the body with a needle

inject, injected, injecting, injects.transitive verbs
to force or drive a fluid into something (inject fuel into an engine cylinder; inject air into a liquid mixture; inject a vaccine concoction into the body); to introduce into conversation or consideration (injected a note of humor into the talk she gave making it lighthearted); to place into an orbit, a trajectory or a stream

tending to rouse.ill will, animosity or resentment: invidious.accusations; containing or implying a slight; discriminatory (invidious distinctions); envious

not conclusive (the book that I thought was finished, the publisher said was inconclusive)

prone to or characterized by indecision; irresolute (an indecisive manager); inconclusive (an indecisive contest); not clearly defined; indefinite (indecisive boundaries running through mountainous terrain)

reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind; irresolution

indispose, indisposed, indisposing, indisposes.transitive verbs
to make averse; disincline; to cause to be or feel ill; sicken; to render.unfit; disqualify

disinclination; unwillingness; a minor.ailment

invade, invaded, invading, invades.verbs
transitive verb use.to enter by force in order to conquer or pillage; to encroach or intrude on; violate; infest; to enter and permeate, especially.harmfully
intransitive verb use.to make an invasion
the act of invading; an intrusion or encroachment; a large-scale onset of something.injurious or harmful, such as a disease

disqualified by rule (ineligible to run for office; ineligible for benefits); unworthy of being chosen; unfit (considered her ineligible for the job); if you are ineligible for something, you are not qualified for it or entitled to it
one that is not eligible

easily or readily.communicated (an infectious laugh); something capable of causing infection; caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection; caused by a pathogenic.microorganism or agent

capable of producing infection; infectious

ready communication of an emotion or attitude by contact or example (her pleasant.manner infected me with its charm); an agent or a contaminated.substance.responsible for one's becoming infected by matter which the body interprets as being toxic to its organism's.normal.functioning

infect, infected, infecting, infects.transitive verbs
to contaminate with a pathogenic.microorganism or agent; to communicate a pathogen or disease to; to invade and produce infection; to contaminate or corrupt (envy that infected their thoughts; a society that was infected by enthusiasm); to affect in a contagious way

difficult or impossible to digest (an indigestible meal, making one feel stodgy)

increase, increased, increasing, increases.verbs
intransitive verb use.to become greater or larger; to multiply; reproduce
transitive verb use.to make greater or larger
the act of increasing (a steady increase in temperature); the amount or rate by which something is increased (increases in costs of all things must continually occur because there is not enough money in circulation to repay both the borrowed principal and the compounding interest tacked on it)
on the increase.idiom
increasing, especially in frequency of occurrence (prices should decrease with the increasing availability of organic food)
the increaser of lack comes down to the way money is created and by who

instal also install, installed, installing, instals also installs.transitive verbs
to set in position and connect or adjust for use (installed the new furnace); to induct into an office, a rank or a position (the school installed a new librarian); to settle in an indicated place or condition; establish (installed an office in my home)
the act of installing; the state of being installed; an instalment; a system of machinery or other apparatus set up for use
instalment also spelt.installment.noun,.plural.instalments also installments
one of a number of successive payments in settlement of a debt (they pay their insurance.premiums by instalments); a portion of something, such as a publication, issued at intervals; a chapter or part of a literary work presented serially

ibex.noun,.plural.ibex or ibexes
any of several wild goats of the genus Capra native to mountainous regions of Eurasia (Europe/Asia land mass) and northern Africa and having long, ridged, backward-curving horns

lacking.elasticity; unyielding or unadaptable; rigid; stiff

not lasting or durable; not permanent

impale, impaled,impaling, impales.transitive verbs
to pierce with a sharp stake or point (she impaled her office notes on the sharp spindle)

the chanting or uttering of words or sounds; a written or recited.formula of words designed to produce a particular.effect; an incantation is a series of words, unintelligible or not, that an indididual may say or sings in order to produce an effect; an incantation is words or sounds that are special to someone used to produce the effect the one saying these words wants to occur, an example being the under 3 minute curing of cancer by chanting; ritual.recitation of words for some purpose that has been used before and trusted now to be efficacious
incantational, incantatory.adjectives

prohibited by law; prohibited by rules (an illegal pass in football) 
an illegal immigrant
the quality or state of being illegal; an illegal act