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the ability to infect another
disease.transmission by direct or indirect.contact, such as vaccinations causing the one being vaccinated to become a carrier of the disease, thus infecting others as the direct cause of a communicable disease; a contagious disease; Middle English 'contagioun' from Latin 'contagio' and from 'contingere', meaning 'contact', 'to touch', 'to contaminate'

disparaging or haughty-disdain, as for something regarded as  base, unworthy or believed in, thus being unwanted in one's life; scorn; if you hold someone or something in contempt, you feel contempt for them (small wonder that many voters hold their politicians and some judges in contempt); the state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace
manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful; a contemptuous man or woman is one whose attitude and actions toward others are devoid of courtesy and respect, often.exhibited by an uncaring and cruel.manner
to hold in contempt.verb
a despicable.attitude one doesn't see as applying to him or her having such an attitude which looks down upon another or others; to think nothing of; to care less about; to regard as worthless; to scorn; to slight
contemptuousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
deserving of contempt; despicable
contemptibility or contemptibleness-noun
in a manner or to an extent that deserves and arouses contempt

contemn, contemned, contemning, contemns.transitive verbs
to regard with extreme.dislike and hostility; to view with contempt

existing side by side; together; belonging to the same period of time (a fact documented by two contemporary sources); of about the same age; current; modern (contemporary trends in design)
one of the same time or age; a person of the present age (Linda and Bill were contemporaries)
originating, existing or happening during the same period of time (the contemporaneous reigns of two monarchs; two contemporaneous methods arrived at results simultaneously); contemporaneous.adjective
originating, existing or happening during the same period of time synchronous, concurrent, coincident, concomitant
contemporaneity or contemporaneousness.noun

devoid of anxiety; patient (Titus 2:13);at the present feeling fulfilled; at the present moment not feeling the need for effort in any direction; satisfied presently with things as they are; content (a contented expression on the child's face)
desiring no more than what one has; satisfied.(she was content to retire after twenty years in that position); willing
content, contented, contenting, contents-transitive verbs
to appease the desires of; to limit (oneself) in requirements, desires or actions
the state of being contented; satisfaction; a source of satisfaction (the contentments of a happy family)

something contained, as in a receptacle (the contents of my desk drawer; the contents of an aerosol can); the subject.matter of a written work, such as a book or magazine (what does the book say in its contents?)

contend, contended, contending, contends.verbs
intransitive verb use.to strive in opposition or against.difficulties; struggle (armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at the airport); to compete, as in a race; vie; to strive in controversy or debate; dispute; discuss
transitive verb use.to maintain or assert.(his defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible)

verbal.strife; brawling; to contend; argument; dispute; contest; struggle; quarrel; debate; dispute; someone's contention is the idea or opinion that they are expressing in an argument or discussion (this evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged); if something is a cause of contention, it is a cause of disagreement or argument (a particular.source of contention is plans to privatize state-run companies)
contentious adjective
unfriendly; argumentative, quarrelsome, characterized by dispute and debate; anger; combative
bone of contention.noun,.plural.bones of contention
if a particular.matter or issue is a bone of contention, it is the subject of a disagreement or argument (two or more dogs wanting the same bone at the same time is a bone of contention; the main bone of contention is the too cold temperature level of the air-conditioners; the will has been a bone of contention to the heirs)

the context of writings are the meanings in adjacent.paragraphs; the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning; the context of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it and which helps it to make sense of the meaning; environment; setting 
contextless, contextual.adjectives

self-restraint; the ability to retain a bodily discharge voluntarily (fecal continence)
refraining from sexual intercourse when it is not proper (ancient Amnon had a problem with continence:.2Chronicles 11:20); 
exercising continence; to contain

one of the principal land masses of the Earth, such as Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America
of, relating.to.or.characteristic of a continent
an inhabitant of a continent
Continental Congress
the group of patriots representing the original 13 American  colonies who met between 1774 and 1789. They later formed the government of the US. The Continental Congress wrote the  Declaration of Independence and its members are often called "The  Founding Fathers."

liable to occur but not with certainty; possible; dependent on conditions or occurrences not yet established; conditional (arms sales contingent on the approval of Congress); appening by chance or accident; fortuitous; accidental; true only under certain conditions; not necessarily or universally true (a contingent proposition)
the quality or state of being contingent; a contingent event or condition (as an emergency that may but is not certain to occur) (trying to provide for every contingency); something liable to happen as an adjunct to or result of something else; dependent 
a contingent is a group of people; a representative group forming part of an assemblage, such as in the days when the apostles were out to get the message of the gospel to others (Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47), they were to go to the Jewish contingents in each area first:.Romans 2:9; Acts 13:46); a contingent is also a share or quota, as of troops

having the power of contracting; producing contraction

contradict, contradicted, contradicting, contradicts.verbs
transitive verb senses.to assert the contrary of; take issue with; to imply the opposite or a denial of (your actions contradict your words)
contradict implies an open or flat denial (her account contradicts his) 
synonyms.deny, contradict, disaffirm, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse
involving, of the nature of or being a contradiction; opposite; given to contradicting
Logic:.either of two propositions related in such a way that it is impossible for both to be true or both to be false
the act of contradicting; the state of being contradicted; inconsistency; discrepancy; something that contains contradictory elements

altogether different (contrary opinions); opposite in direction; adverse; unfavorable (a contrary wind); averse; the opposite of (considering the other side of the question); also, obstinate.(recalcitrant behavior)
to the contrary.or.on the contrary.idiom
notwithstanding; instead; rather; on the other hand; in opposition to what has been stated or what is expected (I'm not sick; on the contrary, I'm in the peak of health)
synonym.equanimity, stability
something that is opposite or contrary; either of two opposing or contrary things
in an opposite direction or manner; counter
from a contrasting point of view; in the opposite way or reverse order
the quality or condition of being contrary; something that is contrary

contravene, contravened, contravening, contravenes.transitive verbs
to act or be counter to; violate (contravene a direct order); to oppose in argument; gainsay.(contravened the proposal)

contrast, contrasted, contrasting, contrasts.verbs
transitive verb use.to set in opposition in order to show or emphasize.differences (an essay that contrasts city and country life; contrasted this computer with inferior models)
intransitive verb use.to show differences when compared (siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities; a color that contrasted clearly with the dark background)
the act of contrasting; a setting off of dissimilar.entities or objects; the state of being contrasted (red berries standing in vivid contrast against the snow); a difference, especially a strong dissimilarity, between entities or objects compared (the contrast between Northern and Southern speech patterns); one thing that is strikingly dissimilar to another; (my new school was a welcome contrast to the one before); the use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art; the difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of a picture, such as a photograph or video image

contrive, contrived, contriving, contrives-verbs
transitive verb use.to devise, plan (contrive ways of handling the situation) to form or create in an artistic or ingenious manner (contrived household utensils from stone); to bring about; to devise, plan, invent (they have contrived an automatic dishwasher); to bring about by stratagem
intransitive verb use.to make plans or schemes
artificial, labored
contrivable adjective
that can be contrived

Anatomy: one of the minute blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules; these blood vessels form an intricate network throughout the body for the interchange of various substances, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, between blood and tissue cells; a tube with a very small internal diameter
capillary adjective
relating to or resembling a hair; fine and slender; having a very small internal diameter (a capillary tube)
Anatomy: of or relating to the capillaries

a large open space for the gathering or passage of crowds, as in an airport; a broad thoroughfare; a great crowd; a throng; the act of coming, moving or flowing together

a gentle touch or gesture of fondness, tenderness or love
carress, caressed, caressing, caresses.transitive verbs
to touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving.manner; to touch or move as if with a caress (soft music that caressed the ears); to treat fondly, kindly or favorably; cherish

also called chloroplastid; a plastid which contains chlorophyll found in algal and green plant cells

a complex.carbohydrate, C6H10O5n', that is composed of glucose units, forms the main.constituent of the cell wall in most plants, and is important in the manufacture of numerous products, such as paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals and explosives

the most important or valuable part; one who is highest in rank or authority; a leader (a chief of a First Nations tribe); a chief petty officer); the upper section of a shield
highest in rank, authority or office (is the chief of the construction project around here?)
chiefdom, chiefship.noun
above all; especially; almost.entirely; mainly
of.or.relating.to a chief (chiefly responsibilities)

the leader or head of a group, especially a clan or tribe
chieftaincy, chieftainship.noun

chief warrant officer.noun,.plural.chief warrant officers
a rank in the US armed forces, above warrant officer and below the lowest-ranking commissioned officer; a warrant officer is of senior rank in the armed forces; in the Navy or Coast Guard, a commissioned officer who ranks below an ensign

chief executive.noun,.plural.chief executives
also Chief Executive, such as the President of the United States of America; a principal.executive.official, such as the leader of a nation's government or the governor of a state

a traditional.social.unit in the Scottish.Highlands, consisting of a number of families claiming a common.ancestor and following the same hereditary.chieftain; a division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor; a large group of relatives, friends or associates (their whole clan is coming for the reunion)