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a jumble of loud, usually discordant sounds; noise (the din and clatter of a busy restaurant kitchen); a din is a jumble of loud, usually discordant sounds (the din in the factory ends abruptly when the noon whistle sounds; the din and clamor of life)
din, dinned, dinning, dins.verbs
transitive verb use.to stun with deafening noise; to instil by wearying.repetition (the din and clamor of the rock concert)
intransitive verb use.to make a loud noise

the chief meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday; the food prepared for either of these meals; a full-course meal served at a fixed price; table d'hôte; dinner music; dinner attire; compare supper

dine, dined, dining, dines.verbs
intransitive verb use-to have dinner
transitive verb use-to give dinner to; entertain at dinner

devolve, devolved, devolving, devolves.verbs
transitive verb use-to pass to; to cause to roll onward or downward; to go back to; to transfer to (we devolved some light responsibilities to the new person just hired); to pass on or delegate to another (the senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides); if you devolve something to another you have given it to them to look after
intransitive verb use-to be passed on or transferred to another (the burden of proof devolved upon the defendant; the estate devolved to an unlikely heir)

debunk, debunked, debunking, debunks.transitive verbs
to expose or ridicule the falseness, sham or exaggerated claims of (debunk the evolutionary fraud)

deliberate.adjective.(pronounced 'de liber it')
if you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it beforehand and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance; premeditated; done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional (mistook the oversight for a deliberate insult); arising from or marked by careful consideration (a deliberate decision); unhurried in action, movement or manner, as if trying to avoid error (moved at a deliberate pace)

deliberate.(pronounced 'de liber ate'), deliberated, deliberating, deliberates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to think carefully and often slowly, as about a choice to be made; to consult with another or others in a process of reaching a decision
transitive verb use.to consider a matter carefully and often slowly, as by weighing alternatives; if a movement or action is deliberate, it is done slowly and carefully; ponder
assembled or organized for deliberation or debate (a deliberative legislature); characterized by or for use in deliberation or debate deliberatively.adverb
the act or process of deliberating; discussion and consideration of all sides of an issue (the deliberations of a jury); thoughtfulness in decision or action; leisureliness in motion or manner (the child stacked the blocks with deliberation)

detain, detained, detaining, detains.transitive verbs
to keep from proceeding; delay or retard; delay; to keep in custody or temporary confinement (the police detained several suspects for questioning)
the act of detaining; the state of being detained; a forced.delay

daze, dazed, dazing, dazes.transitive verbs
to stun, as with a heavy blow or shock; stupefy; to dazzle, as with strong light
a stunned or bewildered.condition

dazzle, dazzled, dazzling, dazzles.verbs
transitive verb use.to dim thevision of, such as to blind with intense light; to amaze, overwhelm or bewilder with spectacular.display (a figure skater who dazzled the audience with virtuosic jumps; the massive fireworks presentation dazzled everyone who attended)
intransitive verb use.to become temporarily blinded; to inspire.admiration or wonder
the act of dazzling or the state of being dazzled

'dumb ass'
dumb is conspicuously unintelligent (not taking into consideration feelings of their children, dumb ass parents.criticize their children rather than intelligently train them); stupid (dumb officials); a dumb decision; unintentional; haphazard (uncaring, non planned, casual manner)
ass is a vain, self-important, silly.or.aggressively.stupid person
dumb, dumber, dumbest.adjectives
lacking the power of speech (as ancient Moses was:.Exodus 4:10-.16) due to a physical abnormality (deaf and dumb); used of animals and inanimate.objects; mute, used of human beings; unwilling to speak; taciturn; conspicuously.unintelligent; stupid (a dumb decision)
Computers:.incapable of processing.data (a dumb terminal)
dumb, dumbed, dumbing, dumbs.transitive verbs
to make silent or dumb
dumb down.or.dumb up.phrasal verbs
to purposely.engineer to produce or accommodate a less intelligent audience
dumbfound, dumbfounded, dumbfounding, dumbfounds.transitive verbs
to fill with astonishment and perplexity; confound; surprise

an imitation of a real.or.original.object, intended to be used as a practical.substitute; a mannequin used in displaying.clothes; a figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist
simulating or replacing.something but lacking its function (a dummy shirt pocket); serving as a front or cover for another (a dummy corporation set up to further.limit.liability of lawsuits)
dummy, dummied, dummying, dummies.transitive verbs
in printing, to make a model of a page before publishing it; a mockup

failing to do what law or duty requires; overdue in payment (a delinquent account)
an individual who neglects or fails to do what law or duty requires (a juvenile delinquent)

a regional variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists (Cockney is a British dialect of English; the varying dialects by region in every country)

the art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical.arguments; the dialectical method involves the idea that movement such as process and progress, is the result of the contrast of opposites; the process.especially.associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory.antithesis and combining and resolving them into a coherent.synthesis; the Marxian process of change through the conflict of opposing forces, whereby a given contradiction is characterized by a primary and a secondary aspect, the secondary succumbing to the primary, which is then transformed into an aspect of a new contradiction; the Marxian.critique of this process; a method of argument or exposition that systematically weighs contradictory facts or ideas with a view to the resolution of their real or apparent contradictions; the contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining.factor in their continuing interaction

displease, displeased, displeasing, displeases.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause annoyance or vexation to
intransitive verb use.to cause annoyance or displeasure

the condition or fact of being.displeased; dissatisfaction; discomfort, uneasiness or pain

absence of contentment; dissatisfaction; a longing for better circumstances; one who is discontented
discontent, discontented, discontenting, discontents.transitive verbs
to make discontented

feeling or exhibiting a lack of contentment or satisfaction. dissatisfiedly.adverb
dissatisfy, dissatisfied, dissatisfying,dissatisfies.transitive verbs
to fail to satisfy; disappoint

the condition or feeling of being.displeased or dissatisfied; discontent; a cause of discontent

describe, described, describing, describes.transitive verbs
to give an account of in speech or writing (teach your children to describe what they see, example); to convey an idea or impression of; characterize.(she described her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery); depict

the act, process.or.technique of describing.(published a description of her travels; gave a vivid description of the game); a depiction; kind or sort (toys of every size and description)

involving or characterized by description; serving to describe; concerned with classification or description (a descriptive science) descriptively.adverb

debate, debated, debating, debates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to consider something; deliberate; to engage in argument by discussing.opposing points; a contention by words or arguments (some people put a wall up around them, debating anything in order to keep others away); discuss
transitive verb use.to deliberate on; consider; to dispute or argue about
a discussion involving opposing points; an argument towards finding out more information that may bring minds closer in outlook
being such that argument or discussion is possible; open to dispute; questionable; in dispute, as land or territory claimed by more than one country

discard, discarded, discarding, discards.verbs
transitive verb use.to throw away; reject; to throw out a playing card from one's hand; to remove from your presence or surroundings
intransitive verb use.to discard a playing card
the act of discarding in a card game; a discarded playing card; something that is discarded or rejected

a failure or refusal to agree; a disparity; an inconsistency; a conflict or difference of opinion; the act of disagreeing; the state of being at variance; lack of agreement; diversity; unlikeness; dissent

not to one's liking; unpleasant or offensive; having a quarrelsome, bad-tempered.manner

disagree, disagreed, disagreeing, disagrees.intransitive verbs
to fail to correspond (our figures disagree); differ; to have a differing opinion (she disagrees with him on everything; they say it will rain, but I disagree); to dispute or quarrel; to causeadverse effects (genetically modified frankenfood disagrees with my digestion); to not be in agreement

develop, developed, developing, develops.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring from latency to or toward fulfillment  (an instructor who develops the capabilities of each student); to expand or enlarge (developed her enterprise into a worldwide business); to aid in the growth of; strengthen (exercises that develop muscles); to improve the quality of; refine (develops his recipes to perfection; an extra year of study to perfect his technique); to bring into being gradually (develop a new cottage industry); to set forth or clarify by degrees (developed her thesis in a series of articles); to come to have gradually; acquire (develop a taste for opera; develop a friendship); to become affected with; contract (developed a love of flowers; developed agoraphobia); to cause to acquire a specific role, function or form or to influence the behavior of toward a specific end (to cause something such as a tract of land to serve a particular purpose; to make available and effective to fulfill a particular end or need such as to develop the state's water resources to serve a growing population; to convert or transform (developed the play into a movie); to process a photosensitive material, especially with chemicals, in order to render a recorded image visible)
intransitive verb use.to grow by degrees into a more advanced or mature state (applying all she knew she developed into a great writer); mature; to increase or expand; to improve; advance (their skill developed until it rivaled their teacher's; to come gradually to light; be disclosed (reports the news as it develops); to progress from earlier to later stages of a life cycle (caterpillars develop into butterflies); to progress from earlier to later or from simpler to more complex stages of evolution (from the wheel we have gone from carriages to bicycles to motor cars)
the act of developing; the state of being developed; a significant.event, occurrence or change; a group of dwellings built by the same contractor
one that develops (a developer of hidden talent); a person who develops real estate, epecially by preparing a site for residential or commercial use; a chemical used to render visible the image recorded on a photosensitive surface