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boastful, unwarranted pride in one's accomplishments or qualities vain, ostentatious display

vain, vainer, vainest.adjectives
good for nothing; for no good purpose; to no helpful purposes; useless toward any good purpose due to lack of a sincere.depth.of.interest; not interested in that which is away from selfishness; lacking.value.or.substance; not mattering one way or the other; having no concern for or against something; having no particular interest in or concern for; apathetic; indifferent; not producing, not yielding a desired outcome beneficial to all; a vain attempt or action is one that fails to achieve what was intended; fruitless (a vain attempt); lacking worth (vain talk; things of vanity that ultimately come to nothing, such as the physical material life); excessively proud of one's appearance or accomplishments; if you describe someone as vain, you are critical of their pride in their own beauty, intelligence or other good qualities (some in the office think that she is shallow, vain and untrustworthy) conceited
in vain.idiom
to no avail; in an irreverent or disrespectful.manner.(took the name of the Lord in vain:.Leviticus 19:12; Jeremiah 8:8); futile; without success (our labor was in vain); to no end; to no good purpose; without merit, success or result; worthless, idle; a waste of time; a vain attempt or action is one that fails to achieve what was intended; marked by futility or ineffectualness, useless; also, having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements, conceited
vainness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)
(he vainly hoped that he wouldn't be as busy as he did become in retirement)

ways of the world mostly lack.ultimate.usefulness, that is, are empty and worthless regarding the substance of helping others and/or toward eternal life; vanity is lack of usefulness, worth or good effect and a doing mostly of temporary things, many of them selfish, to fill one's daily time, attract attention and by impressing others in order to puff up one's own ego; worthlessness; something that is vain, empty or overall, valueless; being vain; having inflated pride in oneself, one's appearance and/or in how acquired possessions add to one's opinion of himself and of what others may think towards him or her; vanity is a form of pride over something one can gloat over (world controllers show vanity when they have subjugated others; conversely, moms and dads being deeply thankful for their children's ways and accomplishments are showing healthy satisfaction over a far better kind of pride that remains good as long as they don't feel others are inferior in regards to what they have:.Philipians 2:3); conceit; a dressing table is also called a vanity

vacillate, vacillated, vacillating, vacillates.intransitive verbs
to sway through lack of equilibrium; fluctuate; oscillate; to waver in mind, will or feeling; to be in a mental state of cognitive dissonance; to hesitate in choice of opinions or courses of life to adhere to; double minded; cannot make up one's mind as to what to do or which way to follow (James 1:8); changes often from one state of mind to another
synonym.hesitate, waver, falter

in the exact words; word for word

extreme in emotion; angry; intense; marked by extreme force or sudden.intense.activity; notably.furious or vehement; emotionally agitated.to the point of loss of self-control
physical.force.exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging or abusing (crimes of violence; gratuitous violence); cruelty; the act or an instance of violent action or behavior (spanking a child for other than correction can be because of a frustrated or angry parent); intensity or severity, as in natural.phenomena; untamed force (the violence of a hurricane); abusive or unjust exercise of power; abuse or injury to meaning, content or intent (the teacher in a rage tore up the student's paper disproving evolution); vehemence of feeling or expression; fervor

an act of making a choice or decision; also, a choice or decision made; the power of choosing or determining; will

using a language or dialect.native to a time, region or country rather than a literary, cultured or foreign language 

vice versa.adverb
the order or relation being reversed; conversely (example, righteousness is truth and truth is righteousness)

a left-hand page of a book or the reverse side of a leaf, as opposed to the recto; the back of a coin or medal

having the nature or quality of vice or immorality; depraved; defective; faulty; impure; noxious; dangerously aggressive; savage (a vicious dog); marked by violence or ferocity; fierce; malicious; spiteful (vicious gossip); worsened by internal causes that reciprocally.augment each other (a vicious wage price spiral) 
synonyms-villainous, iniquitous, nefarious, corrupt, degenerate 
vicious: may directly oppose virtuous in implying moral depravity or may connote malignancy, cruelty or destructive violence (a vicious gangster) 
villainous: applies to any evil, depraved or vile conduct or characteristic (a villainous assault) 
iniquitous: implies absence of all signs of justice or fairness (an iniquitous system of taxation) 
nefarious: suggests flagrant breaching of time-honored laws and traditions of conduct (the nefarious rackets of organized crime) 
corrupt: stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity (honesty) causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations (city hall was rife with corrupt politicians) 
degenerate: means highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature or conduct: suggests having sunk to an especially vicious or enervated condition (a degenerate regime propped up by foreign powers)
vile, viler, vilest.adjectives
morally.despicable or abhorrent.(nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty); loathsome; disgusting; disrespectful (vile language; vile acts of cruelty and deceit to gain selfish advantage or punishment on others); repulsive; foul (a vile slum); of little worth or account (a vile individual regards others with contempt:.Isaiah 32:5,6); worthless (she felt like she was no good for anything, even vile:.Lamentations 1:21); common; mean; tending to degrade (vile employments); disgustingly or utterly bad; obnoxious; contemptible (vile weather) (had a vile temper) unpleasant or objectionable (vile weather); offensive; contemptibly low in worth or account; morally depraved; ignoble or wicked (a vile conspiracy)

felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another  (read or watched TV about mountain climbing and experienced vicarious thrills; was so involved in the video game he imagined for awhile that he was the person he was playing); endured or done by one person substituting for another (vicarious punishment); acting or serving in place of someone or something else; substituted; committed or entrusted to another, as powers or authority; delegated

vivify, vivified, vivifying, vivifies.transitive verbs
to make more lively, intense or striking; enliven (a smile may vivify a face; to give or bring life to; animate (vivify a puppet; vivifying the brown grasslands)

of, relating to,or characteristic of life; living; necessary to the continuation of life; life-sustaining (a vital organ; vital nutrients); full of life; animated; imparting life or animation; invigorating (the Sun's vital rays); necessary to continued existence or effectiveness; essential (irrigation is vital to grow crops when the land is dry); concerned with or recording data pertinent to lives (vital records); destructive to life; fatal (a vital injury) 

the capacity to live, grow or develop (plants that lost their vitality when badly pruned); physical or intellectual vigor; energy; the characteristic, principle or force that distinguishes living things from nonliving things; power to survive (the vitality of an old tradition)

vitalize, vitalized, vitalizing, vitalizes.transitive verbs
to endow with life; animate; to make more lively or vigorous; invigorate

any of the oldest Hindu sacred texts, composed in Sanskrit and gathered into four collections
of or relating to the Veda or Vedas, the variety of Sanskrit in which they are written or the Hindu culture that produced them; the word Vedic refers to the wholeness of knowledge
Vedic is the early Sanskrit in which the Vedas are written

an erratic notion or action; caprice

a watch kept during normal sleeping hours (it was a long vigil when firemen kept watch on the approaching lava); the act or a period of observing

the highest point; the apex or summit.(the vertex of a mountain)
Mathematics:.the point at which the sides of an angle intersect; the point on a triangle or pyramid opposite to and farthest away from its base; a point on a polyhedron common to three or more sides

being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright; situated at the vertex or highest point; directly overhead; in economics, relating to or involving all stages from production to sale (vertical integration)
something vertical, as a line, plane or circle; a vertical position

if you refer to someone as a visionary, you mean that they have strong, original ideas about how things might be different in the future, especially about how things might be improved; characterized by vision or foresight; existing in the imagination; a visionary has clairvoyant abilities (Tesla was one of the great visionaries of our time, working out his many inventions using his mind, before bringing them into physical reality; Tesla has now passed, but today we have the likes of Grigori Grabovoi doing similarly)
an inventor is a visionary; a seer; a dreamer; one who imagines the future as he or she would like it to be

competence in discernment or perception; unusual intelligent foresight; using the imagination in applying wisdom; the faculty of sight; eyesight; something that is or has been seen (he saw a vision when in a trance); the manner in which one sees or conceives of something
vision, visioned, visioning, visions.transitive verbs
to see in or as if in a vision; envision
visional, visionally.adjectives

of.or.relating.tothe sense of sight (a visual organ; visual receptors on the retina); seen or able to be seen by the eye; visible (a visual presentation such as a movie); having the nature of or producing an image in the mind (a visual memory of early years in life)
pictures, charts or other materials that appealto the sense of sight

possible to see; perceptible to the eye (the moon is a visible object); obvious to the eye (a visible change of expression such as going to a smile from a frown); being often in the public view; conspicuous; manifest; apparent (no visible solution to the problem)
visibleness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

the fact, state.or.degree of being visible; the greatest distance under given weather conditions to which it is possible to see without instrumental assistance; the capability of being easily observed (we had great visibility after the fog was gone); the capability of providing a clear, unobstructed view (a windshield with good visibility)

visualize, visualized, visualizing, visualizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to form a mental image of; envisage (tried to visualize the scene as it was described); to make visible
intransitive verb use.to form a mental image

a view is a way of looking at what is known or seen, that is, each man, woman and child has a somewhat.different.opinion of what is seen, although what is known about or seen is the same (their view of holidaying in the winter was different than their neighbors who preferred the warm summers on the beach; our neighbors ideal color for their new vehicle was white and ours was silver tan); an examination or inspection (used binoculars to get a better view; used a magnifyiong glass to get a better view of the tiny print list of ingredients); coverage (a view of Romantic.poetry); an individual and personal perception, judgment or interpretation; an opinion (in his view, humanity is on a spiritual pathway); field of vision (the deer outside the window have now disappeared from view); a scene or vista (the view from the high hills); a picture of a landscape (a view of Paris, done using water colors); a way of showing or seeing something, as from a particular position or angle (a side view of the house); something kept in sight as an aim or intention (keep in view the present because out of it comes the future) expectation; chance (this endeavor of building the garage will soon be completed)
view, viewed, viewing, views.transitive verbs
to look at; watch (view an exhibit of etchings); to examine or inspect (viewed the house they were thinking of buying); to survey or study mentally; consider; to think of in a particular way; regard (viewed herself as a success; viewed their efforts as important); see
in view of.idiom
taking into account; taking into consideration; to allow for (in view of the distance we had to travel we allowed for an extra night to sleep); in consideration of (in view of the fine weather we went ahead with the holiday)
on view.idiom
placed so as to be seen; exhibited

point of view.noun,.plural.points of view
a manner of viewing things; an attitude; a position from which something is observed or considered; a standpoint; you refer to the opinions or attitudes that you have about something as your point of view (good to get the points of view of others before making decisions; try to look at this situation or concept from another point of view); if you consider something from a particular point of view, you are using one aspect of a situation in order to.judge that situation (do you think that, from the point of view of results, this exercise was worth the effort?); a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated

vie, vied, vying, vies.verbs
intransitive verb use.to strive for victory or superiority; contend; rival
transitive verb use.to offer in competition; match; to measure oneself against others (*)

relating to or situated on or close to the abdomen; abdominal; relating to or situated on or close to the anterior.aspect of the human body or the lower surface of the body of an animal
Botany:.of or on the lower or inner surface of an organ that faces the axis; adaxial
a ventral fin; the abdominal segment of an insect

a small cavity or chamber within a body or an organ, especially the chamber on the left side of the heart that receives arterial blood from the left atrium and contracts to force it into the aorta; the chamber on the right side of the heart that receives venous blood from the right atrium and forces it into the pulmonary artery; any of the interconnecting cavities of the brain