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rage, raged, raging, rages.intransitive verbs
to speak or act in violent.anger (raged at the mindless bureaucracy); to move with great violence or intensity (a storm raged through the mountains)
violent, intense anger; a current, eagerly adopted fashion; a fad or craze (when torn jeans were all the rage)

roll, rolled, rolling, rolls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over (when playing they liked to roll down that hill; the puppy rolled in the mud); to travel around; wander (roll from town to town); to start to move or operate  (roll the press now or the papers will be late getting out); to work or succeed in a sustained way; gain momentum (sales in the fledgling enterprise were beginning to roll); to recur (summer has rolled around again); to extend or appear to extend in gentle rises and falls (the rocky mountains roll down into foothills); to move or rock from side to side (the ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas); to become flattened by or as if by pressure applied by a roller (rolled out the dough for the pie crust); to make a deep sound (thunder rolled in the distance; his brogue rolled the r's); to pour or flow in or as if in a continual stream (tourists rolling into the city for the Calgary Stampede); to enjoy ample amounts (rolled in the money)
transitive verb use.to cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over; to move or push along on wheels or rollers (rolled the plane out of the hangar); to impel or send onward in a steady, swelling motion (the sea rolls its waves onto the sand); to impart a swaying, rocking motion to (heavy seas rolled the ship); to turn around or partly turn around; rotate (roll your head toward the door and have a look); to cause to begin moving or operating (roll the cameras; roll the presses); to extend or lay out (roll out the long rope); to envelop or enfold in a covering (roll dirty laundry in a sheet); to make by shaping into a ball or cylinder (roll a cigarette); to spread, compress or flatten by applying pressure with a roller (roll pastry dough); to apply paint to with a roller or rollers (roll on the paint); to throw dice, as in craps (roll the dice)
the act or an instance of rolling; something rolled up (a roll of tape); a scroll; a list of names of individuals belonging to a group (kids in school at time of roll call)
roll out.verb
to spread something out widely (the rolling out of the new financial system); to flatten or spread with a roller (she rolled out the dough with a rolling pin to make the bread; roll out the scroll); to straighten by unrolling (rolled out the big map)

morally.upright; without guilt or sin (a righteous woman); good.as opposed to.bad; in accordance with virtue or morality (a righteous judgment); morally justifiable (righteous indignation); ethical
righteous.plural noun
righteous people considered as a group
the act or state of being righteous

remain, remained, remaining, remains.intransitive verbs
to continue in the same state or condition; to continue to be in the same place; stay or stay behind (we are remaining at home); to be left after the removal, loss, passage or destruction of others (only a few trees remain); to be left as still to be dealt with (a cure remains to be found; if someone or something remains in a particular state or condition, they stay in that state or condition and do not change (the three men remained silent; human remains were left as ash after the cremation; it remains possible that bad weather could tear more holes in the tanker's hull); if you remain in a place, you stay there and do not move away (he's going to remain in the Sun at the resort for another 10 days); to endure or persist
remains.plural noun
all that is left after other parts have been taken away, used up, or destroyed; remainder; a corpse; ancient ruins or fossils

something left over after other parts have been taken away; in mathematics, the number left over when one integer is divided by another; the remainder plus the product of the quotient times the divisor equals the dividend; the number obtained when one number is subtracted from another; the difference.
remainder, remaindered, remaindering, remainders.transitive verbs
do dispose of as a remainder

a trip from one place to another and back, usually over the same route; 'roundtrip' is often used to modify another noun (roundtrip flights; roundtrip tickets; round trip passengers)

being.such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center (a round ball); moving in or forming a circle; shaped like a cylinder; cylindrical; rather rounded in shape (the child's round face); plump (a round figure); not exact; approximate (a round estimate)
something, such as a circle, disk, globe or ring, that is round; a circle formed of various things; movement around a circle or about an axis; a cut of beef from the part of the thigh between the rump and the shank; a complete course, succession or series (a round of parties at Christmas time; a round of meetings); a course of customary or prescribed actions, duties or places (security makes the rounds nightly); one drink for each person in a gathering or group (let me buy the next round); a single shot or volley (a round of ammunition)
round, rounded, rounding, rounds.verbs
transitive verb use.to make round; to encompass; surround; to cause to proceed or move in a circular course' to fill out; make plump; in mathematics, to express as a round number (the number 1.64 can be rounded to 1.6 or to 2); to make a complete circuit of; go or pass around; to make a turn about or to the other side of (rounded a bend in the road)
intransitive verb use.to become round; to take a circular course; complete or partially complete a circuit (racecars rounding into the final lap); to turn about, as on an axis; to become curved, filled out or plump; to come to satisfactory completion or perfection (time to round it down for the weekend)
in a circular progression or movement; around' with revolutions (wheels moving round); to a specific place or person (called round for the pastor; sent round for the veterinarian
around; from the beginning to the end of; throughout (a plant that grows round the year)
in the round.phrasal verb
with the stage in the center of the audience; fully shaped so as to stand free of a background (a sculpture in the round)
make the rounds.or.go the rounds.phrasal verbs
to go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment (a delivery truck making the rounds; students going the rounds in the entertainment district); to be communicated or passed from individual to individual (the news quickly made the rounds)
roundness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

indirect; circuitous; circumlocution; circumnavigation; detour; digressive; loop
a traffic circle; a merry-go-round

red herring.noun,.plural.red herrings
something that draws attention away from the central issue; a smoked herring having a reddish color

a nuclide that exhibits radioactivity

the repertoire of an individual or thing is all the things of a particular kind that the individual or thing is capable of doing (Mike's impressive repertoire of funny stories); a performer's repertoire is all the plays or pieces of music that he or she has learned and can perform (she has thousands of songs in her repertoire); the stock of songs, plays, operas, readings or other pieces that a player or company is prepared to perform; the range or number of skills, aptitudes or special accomplishments of a particular individual or group
a repertoire; a theater in which a resident.company.presents works from a specified repertoire; a repertory company; a place, such as a storehouse, where a stock of things is kept; a repository; something stored in or as if in such a place; a stock or collection
from Late Latin 'repertorium', from the Latin 'repertus' meaning 'to find out'
repertory company.noun,.plural.repertory companies
a company that presents and performs a number of different plays or other works during a season

rough-sounding and harsh (raucous laughter as the drunks walked down the street); boisterous and disorderly

a framework or stand in or on which to hold, hang or display various articles (a trophy rack; a rack for baseball bats in the dugout; a drying rack to hang laundry); in billiards, a triangular frame for arranging billiard balls at the start of a game; a toothed bar that meshes with a gearwheel, a pinion or another toothed machine part; a pair of antlers (a buck with a handsome rack) 
rack, racked, racking, racks.transitive verbs
to place billiard balls in a rack; also means to afflict

rack your brain.idiom
variant of wrack
to think long and hard (he racked his brain for hours trying to recall her name)

rack and pinion.noun,.plural.rack and pinions
a device for the conversion of rotary and linear motion, consisting of a pinion and a mated rack (the steering mechanism on vehicles is now mostly the rack and pinion type)
rack and pinion.adjective

a wholesale rib cut of lamb or veal between the shoulder and the loin; a retail rib cut of lamb or veal, prepared for roasting or for rib chops; the neck and upper spine of mutton, pork or veal

rack, racked, racking, racks.transitive verbs
to drain wine or cider from the dregs

in sports, a device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of strings and a handle, used to strike a ball or shuttlecock in various games; a wooden paddle, as one used in table tennis; a loud, distressing noise (can you imagine the racket made by a line of empty trailer trucks rolling along cobblestone streets?); a din, clamor; dishonest business or practice, especially one that obtains money through fraud or extortion; a risky, illegal, usually profitable means of livelihood
racket, racketed, racketing, rackets.intransitive verbs
to make or move with a loud, distressing noise
noisy; raucous

an individual who commits crimes such as extortion, loansharking, bribery and obstruction of justice in futherance of illegal business activities
RICO an acronym for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970
racketeer, racketeered, racketeering, racketeers.intransitive verbs
to carry on illegal business activities that involve crimes, such as those harming people
protection racket
is basically a forced agreement to pay sums of money on a regular basis to ensure bad things don't occur to a business and/or individual, that is, bad things perpetrated by the ones forcing the unwanted agreement upon some shop owner or individual, such as the covid con and such as your license renewals, taxes, fees, etc.; a protection racket involves shady dealings, usury, corrupt governments at levels including, local, regional and national, many illegal taxes, illegal and harmful commerce, illegal operations, illegitimate business dealings, illicit businesses, loansharking, moonshining, narcotics traffic, organized crime, prostitution, child trafficking and murder

rush, rushed, rushing, rushes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move or act swiftly; hurry; if air or liquid rushes somewhere, it flows there suddenly and quickly
(water rushes out of huge tunnels); to make a sudden or swift attack or charge; to flow or surge.rapidly, often with noise (tons of water rushed over the falls); in football, to move the ball by running
transitive verb use.to cause to move or act with unusual haste; to perform with great haste (rushed completion of the project as she wanted it ready for Thanksgiving dinner gifts); to transport or carry hastily (an ambulance rushed her to the hospital); in football, to charge a quarterback or passer in order to block or prevent a play
a sudden forward motion; an eager movement to get to or from a place (a rush to the country for relaxation); a sudden, very insistent, generalized.demand (a rush for the sale on Strawberry Shortcake; a rush of air on my face woke me); if you experience a rush of a feeling, you suddenly.experience it strongly (a rush of pure affection.swept over him); if you are rushed off your feet, you are extremely busy (we are rushed off our feet at lunchtimes); she felt an emotional rush which turned into a blush)

red tape.noun
official forms and procedures, especially when oppressively complex and time consuming; red tape comes from its former use in tying British official documents

rear, reared, rearing, rears.verbs
transitive verb use.to care for children or a child during the early stages of life; bring up; to lift upright; raise; to build; erect; lift; to tend growing plants or animals
intransitive verb use.to rise on the hind legs, as a horse (the horse reared up as we approached it); to rise high in the air; tower
those who tend to care for things important to them

a hind part; the point or area farthest from the front (the rear of the hall); the buttocks
of, at or located in the rear

remote, remoter, remotest.adjectives
located far away; distant in space; hidden away; secluded (a remote hamlet); distant in time (the remote past); faint; slight (a remote possibility; had not the remotest interest in politics). far removed in connection or relevance (a cause remote from everyday concerns); distantly related by blood or relationship (a remote cousin); distant in manner; aloof; operating or controlled from a distance (remote sensors; remote control)
a radio or television broadcast originating from a point outside a studio (the remote reporting of something in the city broadcast first to the studio and then on to the viewing audience)
remote control.noun,.plural.remote controls
control of a machine or apparatus from a distance by means ofsignals.transmitted from a radio or electronic device; (also called remote controller) a device that controls an apparatus in this way
remoteness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

recuperate, recuperated, recuperating, recuperates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to return to health or strength; recover
transitive verb use.to restore to health or strength; to regain