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G u i l t y ?
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Really, there is no reason to feel guilty once one becomes a sincere spiritual individual.

The first guilt on Earth occurred when action was taken on what a woman knew she should have shunned but didn't:.Genesis 2:25 and continue through 3:1-13. And this affected the man she was with too, who stood by like a dolt, doing nothing, because he too, really didn't believe God.

Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation.(original Greek for 'condemnation' is 'separation' {meaning here, separation from a relationship with the Creator}, 'damnatory sentence of judgment' and 'to judge worthy of punishment').to them which are in Christ Emmanuel, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." 1Corinthians 6:17 "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.".There is never again a separation from your relationship with the Father:.Hebrews 13:5 "...he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

If there is no condemnation, then no asking for forgiveness is necessary, yet many religious people are always asking God to forgive them for all kinds of things they feel they have done wrong. Let's tell them about.Hebrews 6:1.

Does the Creator have one standard for humans and another for himself? Of course not!.Matthew 18:21,22 "Then came Peter to him and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? till seven times? Emmanuel said unto him, I say not unto you, until seven times, but until seventy times seven.".Being in God means being in total forgiveness. When you forgive someone, you don't want to hurt or punish them and want for them all the good you may want for yourself:.Romans 13:10.

Forgiveness is overlooking things another has done that didn't comply with perhaps one's expected standard, overlooking that is, if those things caused no harm or loss, apart from hurting the relationship or potential of one. Forgiveness is not doing anything about it in return to hurt the other. We are not here to prove who's right, but to forgive the unforgiven. But remember the baseball rule.

To forgive is to give before, to give for, that is, to give in front of, to be up front and open with, to give something good to. You give something better in attitude than what the other individual may have presented to you:.Matthew 22:36-40. Ancient Delilah could not become a forgiving woman because she held greed, deceit and resentment close to her lifestyle and never was sorry for what she had done..

The disciples, the learners Emmanuel had with him were still were learning to come away from their egos. Forgiving others for wrongs done to you is one way to move away from the low consciousness ego realm.

Micah 7:18 "Who is a God like unto thee, that pardons iniquity and passes by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retains not his anger for ever, because he delights in mercy."

A guilty conscience is a heavy burden to have pressing on the heart and demands one's mind do something to resolve it, so without God in their lives, people head into evil. Some people use liquor, some use drugs, others seek to restitute and be forgiven and that works to get you aligned and keep you aligned with Creator-Father-God. At least you know you then have a conscience. Severely evil people don't. It'll take God's special help to bring them around.

Many churches have made the issue of Christianity, the type of life we live, rather than the type of life He.(Christ).lived:.1John 4:8-16. Thus many believe that their weaknesses infringe upon a relationship with their Creator. Many hold religious guilt, be it over divorce, not paying money to the church or what have you? They feel bad. They feel negative. They hold a wrong concept which is hurting them.

Paul the great apostle, talked about his weaknesses:.Romans 7:19. Never doubt your salvation by your conduct! Paul didn't.

Christ having taken on Him all faults, all errors, all sins, appears before the Father for us:.Hebrews 9:24. He exchanged all that is bad or could be bad, about you, for all that's right about Him. Hebrews 9:24 is saying that 'if Christ is there, then we too are there'.

Colossians 1:22 "In the body of his flesh through death, to present you.(to the Father).holy and unblameable.(original is 'without a blemish'; in other words perfect and pure).and unreproveable.(original here is 'unblameable' or 'absolutely unblameable')."

The most celebrated impact of the gospel is freedom from guilt, the removal of judgment in one's thinking produces quietness and assurance forever in the soul. This is nothing other than the power of God, once it is activated. And how do you do that?.John 14:6. People way back when didn't want God around, so God went into hiding. We are the same with those not wanting us around. Like, why be around them?.Jeremiah 44:16,17.

The gospel is a gospel of peace.(John 14:27; Acts 10:36; Romans 10:15; Ephesians 6:15).and reconciliation.(2Corinthians 5:18,19).and hope and confidence. The satanic way is the way of blame, condemnation, war, guilt and mostly, the getting of you into war with yourself. If you start to hate others, it is a sign you already don't care much for yourself.

Satan or the way of evil and those in his spiritual invisible government work on any guilt you may have to take you a step further down, by implanting subtle thoughts into your mind, which in turn bring forth emotions of despair. The dark side works on any reasons you may have for depression, to add 'a just a wee bit more to it', taking you 'further on down the line'. The dark side thrives on attacks where you may be confused:.Psalms 146:9.

Those who may still believe in some of the old covenant laws, rules and regulations won't have peace in their hearts. 

Faith in God, thanks to the faith of Christ in us,.secures for the believer freedom from condemnation, so there is justification for us in His presence. The Creator now looks at us as righteous and as holy and as perfect as His Son. He pronounces you an adopted member of the Family, a participation in the life that is in Christ, the divine life:.John 14:19; Romans 6:4-10; Ephesians 4:15,16; Romans 5:1; Acts 26:18; Acts 15:9.

There is no judgment or retribution for those in Christ and neither for the world at large.

The Creator wants change to a good heart, not to take retribution. All the bad works people have done will be healed:.Acts 3:21. The Creator will cause things to be so good for all of us that the past will be long forgotten:.Revelation 21:4. And this is now and beginning for you where?

We fear retribution when we have done wrong. Many have a hard time believing in a Creator that would love them when they don't love Him. That's why it's important to know what He has made possible, because you can't love Him until you know and are sure how much you are loved by Him:.John 3:16,17

If you do not love this Great Infinite One who has given all of us life, then tell Him about it! Most people think that they must become of some value to their Creator in some way by 'serving Him', before He would even look to them; that they should become 'religious' before He would even notice. They have a 'salvation by works' belief and that's not good..If you hate God, tell Him!.And tell Him why you hate Him! Your Creator will never beat you. He beat Emmanuel.(who really killed Emmanuel?, nope, not you).to set each of us free:.Isaiah 53:4,5. People not wanting God in their life for some reason or other, are just not happy at the thought of God in their lives at all, such as many of the ancients were:.Jeremiah 44:16,17.

God's happy with you and is all out for you. Why else would God have made it so easy to have Him in your heart.(John 14:17)? God wants you to be as happy with Him as He is with you and always has been with you:.2Timothy 1:9; Ecclesiastes 8:12,13; Deuteronomy 33:29; 1Kings 10:8.

God corrects those He loves.

What Grabovoi has to say about it.

1John 4:18 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.".Only perfect love and comprehension in a person of how the ego level plays its part could have been like this:.Luke 23:33,34.

Job voiced his concerns to the Creator about all the misfortunes he was encountering. Job knew God was bringing them into his life. 

All who thus believe in Christ will certainly be saved:.John 6:37,40; 10:27,28. The faith of the gospel.(Galatians 1:23).at times, must be had by aggressiveness.(Jude 1:3), that is, not letting yourself be sidetracked. Getting off the track causes one to wander through a forest of confusion and despair.

Sometimes we just feel bad about things, for no apparent reason, and our heart condemns us:.1John 3:20,21. Sometimes past decisions are presently working out negatively. The Creator knows about all you may be going through.

Many decisions we make are based upon our perception of the facts and not the facts. Example: we do wrong and think that God is displeased with us, that we are bad, that we must be now disliked by God and therefore deserving of punishment. This is not true, but we often allow it to be true for us.


Do not worry if your friends think you are paranoid; it.is.as bad as you think,
and they ARE out to get you! Ha ha!.
