is the faith of Christ? But
first, what is Christ other than a body of individuals. Christ isn't some
energy. What
How does one get this faith
of Christ?.Galatians
17:20 "...If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say
unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and
nothing will be impossible unto you."
What draws an individual to the point of considering
consciousness things, to accept them and want them to affect his or
her life, so that life goes much better for them? It's believing that things
be better, otherwise why would you ever even consider it?
Higher consciousness things are above what he or
she has been used to relying upon to get by in life:.John
6:44 "No one can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw
The individual comes to see
that the things of the world come with an eventual
negative downside:.2Corinthians
4:4; 6:17.
Rather than listening
to faith, some religious individuals listen
to fear and therein is their limitation. How to walk on
the better road.
Christ is both the author
and finisher of faith:.Colossians
1:20; Hebrews 4:3; 4:11;
9:23,24. To be both its author and finisher regarding you, it must
be in you and you in it.
If it's finishing faith, it must be on those humans who want to be.His.workmanship:.Ephesians
2:10. This is put into practice by walking on the
better road.
And they are those who are
to the free gift of faith:.Ephesians
2:8 "For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves.(it's
saying that any faith you have is of God, not some bootstrap
philosophy you may have accepted);
is the gift of God."
And like any gift it's useless
until it's used. Use it and it'll take you up onto the better road of life.
One of the gifts God the Father
has given us is money.
How to use
gifts God has given.
If He's the author.of
faith, then man really can't add anything to what He has already authored,
in fact can't add anything to what Christ has already done for each of
us as a gift:.Romans
3:22,24-28; 11:30-32. All
man can do with a gift is use it or ignore
from Mike Williams website, gospelrevolution.com Website is about information
on the true Gospel:
'Emmanuel was successful
in his mission on Earth! Because he was such a success, you.are.perfect,
and sinless, because of having been
with what God is and that's love.(1John
that's done for you, all thanks to what Christ had done:.John
10:15,17,18; 1John 3:16. It's
your appreciation of it that makes it effective for you. After all, what
good are God's gifts if they aren't used? Don't be like the close-minded
ancients who wanted nothing to do with God or any gifts from Him:.Jeremiah
And so is everybody else
perfect, holy, righteous and sinless regarding how God now considers them!
But most have yet to know this and not knowing it is the same as not having
it, because it's not in use.
So there is no compulsion.any
longer toward our faith.(if
we ever thought that we had an amount of effective faith on our
own anyhow),
toward our prayer.(our
thoughts of considerateness
for others are our prayers about and for their concerns),
church attendance.(because
one feels it's pleasing to God and good for their own spirituality or for
10:25), repentance and/or confession
from a human being who may feel he is in need of these things; this too
is finished:.Hebrews
6:1,2. The ancients stupidly and stubbornly
wanted their own way. This made them unable
to effectively listen to anything that may have been better for them.
All the spiritual works
you could ever do, have been done and completed by Christ. It's
faith in the Father that counts
for you. And so you can now rest in blessed
11:28.29 "Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden and
I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and.learn
of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest
unto your souls."
It is already.all
17:4; 19:30. And it was all finished
even before we came to be on the Earth:.2Timothy
1:9. But being here unawakened to that,
left us at the low consciousness realm, leaving us with a propensity
toward the negative, in
turn which provided for life filled with heartaches, lacks and loss;
that being a pathway for awhile, as it was of necessary to be on the alert
for something that may come along making life better. Some clue into that
lot don't see.
Why was it that way? We learn
by contrasts. And so we go through this thing called life with a faint
hope that something better would eventually be our experience:.Acts
17:30; 1Timothy 2:4.
Problem was, that because
this something better was new to us, like all new things, when we
are prompted about it, we approach it with apprehension,
than with faith, being the assurance that what prompts we hear, are
And to know if they are good, one has to determine prompts coming to the
mind which aren't good. See notes at.Joshua
'Emmanuel fulfilled all faith,
all of the law, all Bible prophecy, all of God's righteousness.(Matthew
took all of God's anger, wrath and judgment on the cross. You are never
God.no matter
what you do, have done, think or feel or may do in the future. Only
in your mind this may carry some weight and in your physical life, we all
reap what we may have sown, but there's no spiritual weight against you,
nor ever was:.2Timothy
1:9. God is always all for you. Grab that mentally and you'll move
forward in all ways. This is the good news, the meaning of the word gospel.
Well, where
is God then?
Keeping ourselves in the faith of Christ
is important to remain within high consciousness living and bringing a
14:12 "Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep
commandments of God and the faith of Emmanuel." 1Peter
1:18-23 "Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible
things...but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish
and without spot, who verily was foreordained before the foundation of
the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by him
do believe in God...that your faith and hope might be in God. Seeing you
have purified your souls in harkening to the
truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that
you love one another with a pure heart fervently, being born again, not
of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives
and abides for ever."
One is built up by the faith
Christ is working in us:.Jude
1:20. Why?.Ephesians
Sincere seekers are advised
to maintain higher consciousness:.1Timothy
3:9 "Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience."
1:1 "Paul, an apostle of Emmanuel.the
by the will of God, to the saints.(including
are at Ephesus and to the faithful.(those
having His faith:.Ephesians
3:12 "In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith
of him.").in
Christ Emmanuel."
26:18 "To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness
to light and from the
power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins
and inheritance among them which are sanctified by the same faith that
is in me."
3:22 "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Emmanuel the
Christ unto all and upon all them that believe, for there is no difference.".Faith
righteousness also called the righteousness of faith is your confidence
in His righteousness.
2:16 "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law,
but by the faith of Emmanuel the Christ, even we have believed in Emmanuel
the Christ that we might be justified by the
faith of Christ and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the
law shall no flesh be justified." Galatians
3:22 "But the scripture has concluded all under sin, that the promise
by faith of Emmanuel the Christ might be given to them that believe."
Knowing He is faithful
to you.(Hebrews
1John 1:9).and
not taking steps to have this effect you, is the same as not having known
it. What good to you is it? It is the same as if you were
Faith in Christ is knowing
that the sacrifice of Emmanuel has been applied by the Father to make you
acceptable, adopted.(Romans
Galatians 4:5; Ephesians
the God family and now ready to be resurrected:.Romans
8:23. How does this affect you? Is it words? Or life?.John
His faith for salvation comes
to us through the righteousness of God:.2Peter
1:1. And this is what is needed to be made righteous and set for a
relationship with God.(Galatians
to stay in that stead:.verse
20. If Christ is in you.(what
does that mean?), your sanctification
is perfect.
Salvation is through Christ's
2:8 "For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God." Romans 6:23
"..... the gift of God is eternal life through Emmanuel the Christ our
He has faith that can move
mountains. We have got the faith to believe He
in us can do it. Ask the Creator constantly for help in all you encounter.
Watch things change! He is the source of faith and love:.2Timothy
By looking to Him.(and
not ourselves doing a
bunch of rules and regulations in order to make us feel that we have
higher' and such things done both to ascend in consciousness and to be
'made righteous').for
and love, grace upon us is
1:14. When one's disposition
contains faith, that is, being
aligned with God, it's carried with him or her daily and continually.
It is this access into grace
by faith.(His
faith in us).accepted
by our minds.(belief).that
ensures our rising from death:.Romans
5:2 "By whom.also
have access.(access
to what?).by
faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the
of God."
4:13-16 "For the promise that he should be the heir of the world, was
not to Abraham or to his seed through
the law, but through the righteousness of faith.(the
fact that you have Christ in you {Colossians
1:27} ensures you have His faith. You use it by knowing that
you are righteous now with God). Because
the law works wrath, for where no law is there is no transgression. Therefore
it is of faith that it might be by grace, to the end the promise might
be sure to all the seed, not to that only which is of the law but to that
also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all."
We should have great boldness
in the faith which Christ possesses:.1Timothy
The faith in Christ involves
righteousness, temperance, judgment.(Acts
as righteousness and means to be 'made righteous'):.Galatians
3:24; Philippians 3:9. Not
the judgement as to whether you do good or bad and this being the determining
factor regarding you 'making it', but the judgement of what you do in love
and concern for others with what it is that you are able to do with.
It is by this faith that
we are the children of God:.Galatians
The faith of Emmanuel the
Christ Paul talked of was regarding a change in how God can be viewed.
He's now our Father, always open.(Luke
a relationship with His sons and daughters.
The word
means 'change' and more. Most spiritual persons take it to mean 'sorry
for sins they commit'. But it means much
more than this.
It means to
change from thinking of yourself as a sinner to caring for yourself
as God will care for you once you change from the low consciousness we
all have carried; it means to have come to the point of seeing one's life
as having been a product of his or her own limiting outlook.
that mean?.Matthew
Henry's Commentary:."God's
promises to us are more powerful and effective for mortifying
is sin?), than our promises to
"The evil has been defeated!
Trust and believe this. More is happening than you can imagine. The havoc
only disappears when the human being binds himself again to God."....Bruno
We all have been born
good, but soon
after become subject to corruption from the mass
mind of humanity and from society negatively influenced by the
dark side:.1Corinthians
One's ability to choose emerges
as he or she grows and so do the choices for good and bad. And so the purpose
of each individual life
12:1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great
a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which
does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set
before us."
1:21,22 "And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your
mind by wicked works, yet now has he reconciled in the body of his
flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable
in his sight."
So, for the bad deeds, which
come from bad thoughts, wanting to change is called repentance. You are
not responsible for the nature you have. That was all looked after by the
first man, Adam. But, like him, we too
have a choice. And the choice to move from evil, brings the will and power
to do so.
such, is repentance necessary every time we may do wrong? No, but learning
is. Learn to avoid the negatives. We are here to move from
bad to good.
If we have opted
out of low consciousness living thanks to the gift of Christ, the degree
of that opting out depends upon how much faith one has at any particular
time, while he or she continues to grow in faith:.John
4:10; Ephesians 2:8;4:7
"But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the
gift of Christ." 2Timothy 1:6 "Wherefore
I put you in remembrance that you stir up the gift of God, which is in
So, in repentance, is once
not enough? And, is it the deeds or is it the thoughts that led to the
need for this thing called repentance or is it both?
Sin simply means 'missing
the mark'; missing the mark of what? Missing the mark of a higher consciousness.
Missing it why? Because we really had no choice in the matter. We were
born into a low consciousness realm
known as the ego realm of existence. It was God's plan that all humanity
first be in this low consciousness level, so that we could see that something
better was needed for us to be happy. Contrasts
are necessary.
This faith of Emmanuel the
Christ comes once you believe that you are indeed righteous:.Romans
3:22; 10:6.
5:1:.It is
by this faith that we are justified.(made
righteous in the eyes of God). And
because faith is a gift from God.(Ephesians
2:8), without which we could not
receive His Holy Spirit, we could not have been made righteous if God had
not called us.(2Timothy
given us the gift of His Holy Nature,.(His
Holy Spirit).with
all the attributes
that come with that gift:.Galatians
Faith becomes effective by
acknowledging the fact that you are righteous, holy
and perfect in Christ:.Philemon
We are advised to be steadfast
in this faith in order to overcome.(1John
a great reward.
When we are rooted in love,
Christ will dwell more fully in us:.Ephesians
Christ is watching our works:.Revelation
2:19. We too need to watch them.