-What does it mean
to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost and is this an unforgivable
12:31,32 and Mark 3:28,29.
there really any act we could do where the God who created us would
use that to permanently reject us? Nope! God stands ready
to repair anyone's soul if they ask Him.
is not the attitude most are in when they hear of spiritual things, instead
that of simply
not being interested in spiritual things after being exposed to them.
It simply may
not yet be their time for the spiritual journey or at least, for a
longer walk on it. The Creator will 'call' them more
strongly to a better life when He is ready
to do so. Your interest in God will open the door to higher consciousess
and its opportunity for reward.
Missing the mark of a better
life because one may be an unbeliever, is really not a problem, because
none can come to God, meaning awakened to the things of God, unless called
and it's an individual free choice
that here would take them forward into increasing knowledge of what it's
all about:.1Corinthians
1:26. Until then they just carry on as they always have:.1Timothy
1:13 "Who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious, but
I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief."
Blasphemy is close-mindedness
resulting in one remaining in a negative.state.when
he knows better but doesn't want to make any effort towards a better
life for self or for others:.2Peter
2:10-15; 1Timothy 4:2.
Such are they don't want
to incorporate higher consciousness living principles into his or her life,
not wanting to improve, preferring instead to turn the back on such things
and carry on as one has been used to, living from the low consciousness
ego level that he or she is tethered
to. Dogs go back to their vomit even after being exposed to better food;
why? because it's partially.digested;
they must think, 'this is delicious',
Ha ha!:.2Peter
1Timothy 1:19,20;
11:2,3; Galatians 4:9-12.
If evil wasn't enticing
no one would do it.
There is really nothing we
would do where God who created us could use that to permanently reject
us? All things that God creates are perfect in their original creation.
It's when man gets involved that things go awry.
But, guess who can repair
the soul, even give you a new one?
Created and saved in eternity.(2Timothy
1:9), man struggles on Earth before
his Earth time is finished. Hopefully in the interim
he awakens to his true state
and heads toward the reward for his
efforts to move from the
low consciousness he was put on Earth with and into the higher consciousness,
into the thinking that will gain him so much:.1Corinthians
An example to comprehend
blasphemy was having to do with the societal.elite
in Emmanuel's time on Earth. These were the leaders who put their corruptness
upon society,
these were the Pharisees,
Sadducees, scribes, doctors and lawyers, et
al, the schizophrenic
ones, schizophrenic because as comprised from what Ryle says in Ryle
Gospels: the sin of deliberately
rejecting God's truth with the heart, while the truth is clearly known
with the head, splits the personality leading the person from being 'unsane'
and into insanity; example.
Some have been or are on the road toward being hardened and twice dead.(Jude
their conscience is seared with a hot iron:.1Timothy
4:2; 2Peter 2:12; 18,19;
4:5; Jude 1:8,10.
The leaders of these cults.(they
obviously weren't the brightest bulbs on the chandelierand
going through life with only one bulb and that half lit; their elevator
just couldn't get to the top floor).were
always out to discredit
Emmanuel's divinity.in
public, in
order to turn others against him:.Matthew
22:15-48; Luke 20:20,21.
They knew in their heart
they were wrong, but refused to change, refused to be affected by good.
This was the blasphemy. What they did, was not sinning ignorantly:.1Timothy
1:13. The works Emmanuel was doing were
of God, but these elite deplored
that with hypocrisy.
knew what Emmanuel was doing on Earth were good works, but being corrupt
and viciously
hateful, these good works were ascribed
by the Pharisees and their ilk,
as coming from an evil source by claiming Emmanuel was of the dark side:.Matthew
9:34; 11:18; 26:59,60;
7:33,34,39. And their hearts were shown by what they said:.Luke
These corrupt religious people
who set themselves up.(Luke
18:9; Psalms 2:1,2).as
leaders of others, disqualified
themselves by choosing evil works instead of good works. The works of Emmanuel
were good works brought about by the indwelling power of
Holy Spirit. These hypocritical religious people said good works by
Emmanuel were really not good, that He had some alternate.agenda
which was evil, yet they themselves were guilty of just that and knew it
but hid it:.Matthew
23:3 "...but do not you after their works, for they say and do not."
Many churches still deal
with people who want spiritual fulness as though those people are still
on the dark side. They deal with them using religious doctrines.of
their church. They don't seem to comprehend
the freedom the enlightened Emmanuel
came to reveal.
Persecutions against Emmanuel
were remissible
and so were personal dislikes of him, but attributing an evil source to
His good works and knowing that this wasn't true, showed an unconscionable.attitude
of incorrigibility:.Matthew
12:22-24 "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind
and dumb and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake
and saw. And all the people were amazed and said, Is not this the son of
David? But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow does not
cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils." 1Timothy
4:1,2 "Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having
their conscience
seared with a hot iron." Titus 1:15
"Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and
unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled."
The Pharisees and those with
them were on a pathway, that if stayed on, would limit existence to the
physical life. They were continuing on without caring, in a direction to
continuing on with negative ways that hurt both self and others:.2Peter
2:12 "But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things that they understand not and shall utterly perish
in their own corruption." 2Peter 2:22
"But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is
turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed, to her wallowing
in the mire."
These were in danger of losing
out on their future:.Mark
and sneering
finds its ultimate expression
in cynicism,
and acceptance of and adherence
to the status
"The ultimate.ignorance
is the rejection
of something you know nothing about and refuse
to investigate."....more
Dr. Wayne Dyer, 1, 2,
"Because I poorly understood
and want to understand better, I ask questions. The hallmark
of an intelligent society
is its ability to ask questions. If I am in doubt,
I ask questions." ...unknown
Nation of Sheep Will Beget a Government of Wolves",
written January 23, 2009 by Diamond Tiger in.Constitutional
"In a time of universal.deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary
"A great civilization is
not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."....Will
Durant American historian on the example of the Ottoman
12:31,32 "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy
shall be forgiven unto men, but the blasphemy
against the Holy Ghost shall not
be forgiven unto men.(why?
because God never overrides
anyone and really, how can anything be forgiven to one who doesn't
want it?). And whosoever speaks a word
against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him.(if
a person wants forgiveness, they'll ask).
But whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost.(one
shows his heart by what he says, but in Emmanuel's time on Earth, some
were corrupt with hypocrisy
{Matthew 12:34} and how, if
at all, do you reach someone who shows by hypocrisy that they don't
want to be reached?), it shall not
be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."
3:29 "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost has never
but is in danger of eternal damnation.".(?)
A better translation of this
verse in Mark 3:29 would have been:.'But
he that
is blaspheming by words and/or actions.(Matthew
12:34; Luke 6:45).against
the Holy Ghost will not find forgiveness.(while
he or she is in that state
of mind, who's going to forgive him or her? and if he or she is like that
they would never be of the mind to even
seek forgiveness and if long enough being like that, their conscience could
be seared {1Timothy 4:2} causing
them to not want to change), but is
in danger of eternal damnation'.
Why? Because he's got an
'I don't give
a damn about anything except me' attitude;
not good and is dangerous:.Proverbs
21:2; 19:21.
The fact that he is 'in danger
of it' shows that a change is possible....if attitude is reshaped and if
the person is willing to reshape his attitude. Creator is not harsh.
He is very kind, merciful, caring and loving:.Ezekiel
33:11,14-16,30-32; Luke 6:35.
And Mark's next verse shows
exactly what blaspheming against the Holy Spirit/Ghost is:.Mark
3:30 "Because they said.(Luke
6:45,47-49), He has an unclean
Why would this 'blasphemy
against the spirit' not be a forgivable sin? Why cannot this type of blasphemy
be forgiven? First comprehend, the Creator has given us choice. Again,
He is not about to override
us in any way. Secondly, comprehend what
sin is. Thirdly consider what forgiveness
is. Fourthly, know that you are the only one who can agree to a change
in you:.Romans
The Bible calls this
repentance; repentance means to change. Change from
what? How often should one repent? Once. How
often should we be willing to forgive? Since God tells us to be of
the mind to limitlessly
forgive, could He even possibly hold to some other standard Himself? Of
course not!
If one is concerned that
he or she may have blasphemed, then her or she hasn't! Learn well what
the scriptures mean and then you won't be subject to fears religion might
has to do with hypocrisy.
Here were these highly educated.(for
their times back then).leaders,
the Pharisees,
Sadducees, lawyers, doctors, scribes, etc., denying the reality of
what they had just witnessed in front of them; the good works of a good
man who was out helping others and they attributed
these good works to a bad source. This was 'unsaneness':.Matthew
9:32-34. To impute
Emmanuel's good works to an evil source, is nuts!
Things get worse in life
as a signal that we need to take action as to finding out why. But some
say 'to hell with it, I'm going to live as I please' and do what I want,
as this young man
in British Columbia was like. It was no different back in Old Testament
times: Isaiah 30:1-18; Jeremiah
God wants all of us to be
10:10; 3John 1:2).and
designed an agreement so that back then they would be:.Deuteronomy
29:9 "Keep therefore the words of this covenant and do them that you
may prosper in all that you do."
19:15 "Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Behold, I will
bring upon this city and upon all her towns all the evil that I have pronounced
against it, because they have hardened their necks, that they might not
hear my words." Ecclesiastes 5:1
"Keep your foot when you go to the house of God and be more ready to
hear than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they consider not that
they do evil." Proverbs 14:12
"There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the
ways of death." Hosea 4:6 "My people
are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge,
I will also reject you...Seeing you have forgotten the law of your God,
I will also forget your children." Hosea
7:2 "And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their
wickedness. Now their own doings have beset them about; they are before
my face.".Jeremiah
7:8-10; 22:21; 40:8
to 41:18.
Not listening
means one is rejecting
would be helpful, knowledge such as learning about why things are the way
they are in society and what
could greatly prosper us in all areas of living:.Proverbs
1:7,8; 4:1-4,13, 20-27;
Awakening is being aware
of what has gone on
and is going on. And you won't get that information from the mainstream
media. It's designed to keep you asleep to dangers.
Not listening is selfishness
with stubbornness
in it. One should always be on the alert to what can be learned to improve
himself or herself. See the lessons
listed here. Not listening is akin
to wanting to hurt oneself. Not listening is not knowing this thing about
your mind that you should know.
Ok then, so listening to
God is important, but how are we to listen?
When you look within using what's called intuition,
you 'hear' God's voice. How?
And how
often do these inner guidances occur?
This is what the first king
of ancient Israel did, hurt himself by not really listening carefully to
the information he received and therefore he halfheartedly.mollified
the detailed instructions with the attitude of 'I have a sort
of an idea of what needs done', 'I know basically
what I'm supposed to do, but I'll do it as I want to, because I feel
it's not important to be exacting'. The
to the prompts to take one to good in life can lead to this thing called
which is disregard for the things of the Creator, as the ancients did in
the time of Moses:.Numbers
14:43-45. And this disregard for God carried on all through the times
of the Old Testament.
The principles which applied
then, when the people wanted God out of their lives.(Isaiah
today because the attitude is the same as that which devastated those people
in ancient times, not once, but again
and again and again. Everytime God helped them come out of their captivity,
they would drift back into the same attitude and again the same thing would
happen, back into captivity. It's the same today. If you don't want to
become captive to someone's evil idea of life, get busy. What
to do that'll make a difference for all? Get busy and do it!
People just don't
get it! They just want to live their own way, that is, until their
own way cannot be lived anymore because they are in captivity of some kind
to someone else. People carp,
and even
over things going awry
in their lives. They need to come to the realization that things going
wrong are the trials needed to bring a person into spirituality and an
increased amount of it:.Philippians
1:19. Most of these trials and heartaches in life are brought on by
automatic law of the universe according
to our thinking and actions.
And here we learn from our
trials and and grow more in spirituality. This is necessary to bring each
of us to the highest reward we could
possibly get. And here God tests us too, so both He and us can know our
Why would He want
to know your heart? To trust you. And, why does He want to trust you? 1Corinthians
good works that Emmanuel did to the the
dark side is blasphemy, because it's the Creator's nature that is being
brought into question by those ignorant of Him, those still having firm
opinions of that which they really didn't know anything about.
The Creator only wants the
best for all:.1Timothy
4:10 "...we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of
all men, specially of those that believe.(original
for 'believe' is also 'trust him', that is, those trusting God have made
Him special in their lives)."
has made this blasphemy thing, some sort of an 'airy
producing confusion and fear.
Since you
are the Creator in expression, once you are aware of and have allowed
the Creator's presence in your life you can be affected for good by it.
This was the
whole lesson of the Old Testament.
Life is made to bring us
to that something more we all silently know is real.(the
hidden gap).and
that is the reality, the spiritual reality of our soul.
In verse
28 of chapter 12 of Matthew, Emmanuel is saying to get rid of the devils
in your life, the negatives that are afflicting you that hold you back
from good.
In verse
29 you can liken the strong man to your stubborn ego and the spoiling
the strong man's goods to dealing with your
dark side.
The whole
a book about the man/Creator relationship, albeit
having been presented as a book of religious regulation intended for those
apart from true spirituality.(John
14:17; 15:19; 17:16;
the spirituality of love, which encompasses all there is and with which
it's impossible to do those things which are uncomfortable toward another:.Romans
13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling
of the law.(or
as the original has it.'love
is its own fulness')."
The self is obscured
by the world in order that the reality of both may be discovered:.John
8:23 "And he said unto them, You are from beneath. I am from above.
You are of this world. I am not of this world."
30 talks of the oneness.
31 talks of this blasphemy against the wholeness of the spirit, the
the things of the Creator encompass
all that's good).Ghost.(ghost
because it's invisible, yet very real as it's the presence of the Creator,
but only noticed by those open to that
is us.(John
enlightened. In other words, what you are like, you will be like even
in the afterlife unless you change now
in this life, because it's easier to change having the
pressure cooker that this life is. Just as a mother puts up with changing
dirty diapers by seeing it as part of the growth into a beautiful human
being, so it is with the Creator who sees
us now as perfect.
An individual needs to learn
from any hurts he or she may have caused so that he or she travels the
path of perfection. As you'll see in the 'Perfect'
subject, the Creator calls us perfect already. Why?.Romans
4:17 "...God...calls those things which be not as though they were."
Carrying on with this theme
here of blasphemy, verses 34 and
verse 35 of Matthew 12 speak of one against himself.
In verse
50 Emmanuel shows that we are all one
when in higher consciousness.
Spiritual things can be understood
properly through a spiritual quality such as
Trying to understand the things of the invisible spiritual realm with a
fives senses ego approach is futile
and leads to confusion and to what
religion has become.
Being in a attitude of blasphemy
is being
against good, and against a good Creator who only wants the best for His
Note, these who did blaspheme
were the ones who were not at all concerned about it; they just didn't
care if they had:.verse
31 and Mark 3:28-30.
Creator will simply have
to work with such people at some other time and in
some other way to reach their minds, as the mind is the doorway to
what it is we are individually:.1Timothy
2:4. One's reward would be greater
in this great 'pressure
cooker' of life we presently live in if we all learn lessons now.
Is there ever
a time when Creator would not forgive? And, the Creator uses the devil
to bring some to the point of awakening
their minds:.1Timothy
1:20. So, the sin of blasphemy is not a fait
accompli toward condemnation.
One well on his way to setting
his heart into the things of selfishness.(1Timothy
not be concerned if he blasphemed
or not, because all that is of importance to him or her is the things of
ego level.
If one is concerned about
blasphemy, then they are not in the category
of a blasphemer at all. Rather, they are on their way to comprehending
the mysteries of the invisible higher consciousness things:.Matthew
13:11 "He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you
to know.(original
is closer to.'you
have given yourself to know').the
mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.(original
closer to 'but they haven't' given themselves to know; just not interested)."
"The man whose sins will
not be forgiven is precisely the man who will never seek to have them forgiven.
He might be pardoned, but he will not seek to be pardoned."
A blasphemer has an obstinately.closed-mind.
He is 'thickening his heart' as the words 'waxed gross' mean:.Matthew
13:15 "For this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull
of hearing and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should
see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with
their heart and should be converted and I should heal them.".Such
people are averse
to seeing anything other than the way they see them from their selfishly
minded viewpoint.
The Creator is saying that
He does not
override anyone's heart and that it's a change of mind, conversion,
that heals a person. Attitude is king,
affecting all energy visible and invisible. Your physical body is energy
and so is the overall spirit within which your
the pattern of the physical body in memory. Patterns can be changed.
Believing an alternate
gospel can lead to actions of blasphemy. Instead,
be like the Bereans.(Acts
checking out what you hear. Try to avoid wallowing
in physical things that gobble up time for prayer and study,
such as too many selfish.pursuits:.Luke
The Creator loves so much
that He will cause circumstances
to bring a person back to Him.(Matthew
18:11-14; John 16:27).before
the heart is fully set to do evil:.Ecclesiastes
From Easton's
Bible Dictionary:
"Our Lord was accused
of blasphemy when he claimed to be the Son of God:.Matthew
26:65 compare with 9:3; Mark
2:7. They who deny His Messiahship
blaspheme Emmanuel:.Luke
22:65; John 10:36. Blasphemy
against the Holy Ghost.(Matthew
Mark 3:28,29; Luke
regarded by some as a continued and obstinate rejection of the gospel and
is an unpardonable sin, simply because as long as a sinner remains in unbelief
he voluntarily excludes himself from pardon. Thus the importance of being
Others regard the expression
as designating the sin of attributing to the power of Satan those miracles
which Christ performed or generally those works which are the result of
having a loving nature.
-Who was Melchisedec?
Melchizedek in the Old
110:4; Genesis 14:18,19).is
a very mysterious individual indeed, an extremely high ranking part of
Family of the Creator.(1Peter
one who, along with the rest in this
family, is obviously existing today with an increased function.(what
14:9), as shown by the name Christ,
who heads all.(Colossians
still heading this very special all powerful, loving, ever living, invisible
spiritual order.
Melchisedec, existing before
the universe was made, appears to be in the highest of administrative
positions over the affairs
of the Infinite Intelligent Energy regarding humanity. Humanity on Earth's
spiritual journey in becoming
with God and
higher than being just in the order
named after Melchisedec.
Could this be a higher order
than Christ?.1Peter
Ephesians 3:9.
Melchisedec is an invisible
being of the highest rank. All spiritual principles
to intelligent beings of the energy of the Creator are structured
under Him. He is in charge of setting up the order of spiritual personalities.(us
will be governing on Earth in the system of government the Creator wants
used as a model for continuous expansion into the entire ever growing universe
of no end; a universe based on love:.Ephesians
3:21 "Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Emmanuel throughout
all ages, world without end. Amen."
Emmanuel was
of this
very high order of the everliving priesthood of Melchisedec:.Hebrews
5:10 "Called of God an high priest after the order.(rank,
arrangement, position).of
And what was Melchisedec's
order, rank, arrangement or position that Emmanuel's life was emulative
7:16 "Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after
the power of an endless life.
6:20 "Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Emmanuel, made
an high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec."
Was Melchisedec a particular
formation in the infinite intelligent energy.(Revelation
4:9.10), out of which anything
and everything comes and is sustained.
This intelligent invisible energy is the real 'Father' behind everything
and is everything for the specific purpose of being and sustaining its
material that changed
into the universe. This headed the creation of the physical universe.
Out of this invisible intelligent energy came the Elohim.
Though He.(Emmanuel,
who was the Christ consciousness in the flesh).was
called of God a high priest, He was that and became so very much more.
All just showing that Christ was so much greater.(1Corinthians
15:27,28; Ephesians 1:18-22).than
the priesthood that was extant
in the times of Moses under the leadership
of Aaron. They were priests representing
the Creator. But, Christ was the Creator's own Son and of the higher order
of this one called Melchisedec:.Hebrews
5:5 "So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest,
but he.(the
said unto him, Thou art my Son, today have I begotten you.(to
be a physical representation of the Father in the physical form of one
we call Emmanuel)."
6:20 "... Emmanuel, made an high priest forever after the order of
order of high consciousness)."
7:1.2 "For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high
God... first being by interpretation, King of righteousness and after that
also King of Salem, which is King of peace.(speaking
of Melchisedec)."
7:3 "Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither
beginning of days, nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God,
abides a priest continually.".(true
of both Melchisedec and Christ; the physical father of Emmanuel who was
Christ in the flesh was Joseph:.Matthew
7:15 "...after the similitude
of Melchisedec there arises another priest."
7:16 "Who is made, not after the law of a carnal
as were the humans who comprised
the ancient Levitical
priesthood when the now abolished
Mosaic Law was in effect), but
after the power of an endless life.(Ephesians
3:21 "...world without end...")."
7:21 "For those priests were made without an oath, but this with an
oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent.(repent
means change), You are a priest forever
after the order of Melchisedec."
7:17 "For he testifies, You are a priest for ever after the order of
was a spiritual priesthood of which we know little)."
8:4,5 "For if he.(Christ;
is Christ?).were
on Earth, he should not be a priest...".(and
he wasn't when he was on Earth)
6:20 tells us that Christ
is a priest forever after this order of Melchisdec:.Hebrews
7:11,15-17,21. Christ was so
much more than even the high priest in the
priesthood of the Old Testament.
Melchisedec the one who later became the Christ?
How did the Christ we know
of come to be?
Christ came out of the mind
of the Infinite Intelligence we commonly refer to as the Creator or God:.Colossians
Before Christ.(who
later became Emmanuel in the flesh).was
just pure intelligent energy, God. God wanted physical expressions
of Himself that would be able to interact with Him and each other, so the
worlds were made through Christ:.Hebrews
The Creator 'became' Christ.(a
product of God's imagination; understanding cell
division gives us a bit of an insight).who
then orchestrated
all physical creation.(Colossians
1:16; Hebrews 2:10; 1Corinthians
the same methods. With His mind tuned to the sensitivities of the underlying
laws, each creation was planned and examined with intuitive knowing of
just how to do it right with all independent and interactive factors considered.
it be that there are other places perhaps like Earth with humans or
perhaps not like Earth and with entities
unlike humans, perhaps worlds of different frequencies comprising a type
of other living creation of the Creator the Father?
And, if so, worlds which
humans cannot discover, worlds of different frequencies beyond our ability
to know of at this time, worlds which are also perhaps a part of God's
overall master plan, worlds which also required perhaps some other individual
entity to do for them what Emmanuel the Christ has done for us. And, these
individuals may be like Emmanuel the Christ in the sense that they too
carried the truth of God in a living way to benefit all living there too.
Well, perhaps!
that why we are instructed to pray "in Emmanuel's name", so God would
know which world it comes from? Who knows!
Perhaps once resurrected
and as a continual part of this special high order, those of this order
can interchange or visit each other's worlds. Perhaps one is visiting Earth
now for a short while. Certainly the
ET's come and go here....
Once we qualify by doing
good works in line with the golden
which Christ left many examples:.Matthew
11:2; good works are always necessary if one is to remain in higher
18:19), we too will be doing all
we have learned about Christ:.Romans
8:1. Our spirit will be life because of the righteousness we know and
Melchisedec was around in
the days of Abraham:.Hebrews
And that is all we know about
Paul wrote all this about him. Perhaps
he learned it directly from Christ after
See also Was
Melchisedec Christ?