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B i b l e  b o o k s  h i s t o r y  i n d e x
short history of each book
(Interlinked Bible.is all through this site and is free,
as is the Interlinked Dictionary)

The Bible.is a history of how humanity used the Intelligent Energy that many in times past and today call God and energy in whatever forms it may take and can be used two ways, for good or for evil. The.Bible.is all about this.

There are many books taken out of the Bible.by the dark side using the Vatican. According to the great scholar gene Decode Cosensei, not his real name, originally there were 777 books, as discovered hiding in the Vatican when the Vatican was taken down recently, including a book of the 7 Books of Revelations, one named the Book of Sarah, Book of Q and apparently 17 books of Enoch, the many books of Maps and Keys, The Books of Ezra, War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness and the Apocalypse of Moses, Book of Baruck, Book of Maccabees, etc. 

You can find out about all released so far, here.

You can find some of them here

These were removed from the vast Vatican archives when the Vatican was taken down. Scholars are working on them and some are available. Even though many books were removed from the Bible we have, there was enough there for us now with the 66 we've had all together in what's called The Bible, just as it is. God didn't leave us empty. We have the main purpose of The Bible.

Newly discovered Bible books:
Enoch. See the others as they are released, under 'Documents' at  http://www.genedecode.org and at gene Decode's Blessed For Service site, blessedforservice.org

All 777 books of it are about learning to be as God is. That's why we are here.

Linking the.Bible.was done so that it would be much easier and quicker to come to a fuller comprehension of what it is all about.

The Creator, God or the Infinite One was 'Something' that everyone in contact with 'Him' knew they needed more of. 

This Energy became much more powerful when one believed that they were loved very much by the Creator:.3John 1:2; John 3:16,17; 10:10. This is why many take daily time for a period of silence to put their attention on God. How?

To this end, in both the Old and New Testaments, the Infinite One had ways to ensure that man's nature that was intrinsically against the good that all humanity actually desired, could be dealt with in such a way as man could always be in alignment with this Intelligent and Loving Energy. In this way man could actually use this power and feel it move in his life and in his heart producing results of good.

But, not all people were thus minded. Some peoples were to be gotten rid of, such as the line of Esau. Others were...

The.Bible.we have today is incomplete with its 66 books, but still is an effective collection of books toward spiritual growth. It comprises 27 books in the New Testament and 39 in the Old Testament part of the.Bible. Each book has many chapters.

Some of the books and short letters written to others are called epistles.

Chapters.of each book are here. Books found we know of are at bottom.

New Testament:.Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.(the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John are known as the Gospels), Acts, Romans, Corinthians.(2 books), Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians.(2 books), Timothy.(2 books), Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, Peter.(2 books), John's Epistles.(3 books), Jude, Revelation

Old Testament:.Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel.(2 books), Kings.(2 books), Chronicles.(2 books), Ezra,Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Hosea to Malachi, the last 12 books of the Old Testament are the so-called minor prophets, called such because the books are shorter in length than the major prophet books. The major prophets of the Old Testament cover a lot of ground.
