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emaciate, emaciated, emaciating, emaciates.transitive and intransitive verbs
to make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation; to make thin

not accompanied by others; single or sole (your exclusive function); complete; undivided (gained their exclusive attention); excluding or tending to exclude (exclusive barriers); not divided or shared with others (exclusive publishing rights); excluding some or most, as from membership or participation (an exclusive club); catering to a wealthy clientele; expensive (exclusive shops)
exclusive, exclusivity.or.exclusiveness.nouns
a news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster; an exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product
exclusive of.preposition
not including, considering or taking into account (bought the house, exclusive of the outbuildings; on the trip there were four of us, exclusive of the guide)

constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent
basic or indispensable; necessary (essential ingredients); indispensable
essentiality or essentialness.noun
something.fundamental; something necessary or indispensable

entrap, entrapped, entrapping, entraps.transitive verbs
to catch in or as if in a trap; to lure into danger, difficulty or a compromising.situation; catch; to lure into performing a previously or otherwise.unthought of illegal.act

being without beginning or end; existing outside of time; infinite; continuing without interruption; perpetual; forever true or changeless; seemingly endless; interminable; ageless; continual
something timeless, uninterrupted or endless; called, the Eternal, the Creator, God and accessed within you
eternality or eternalness.noun

marked by or showing deep sincerity and desire or serious desire (an earnest concern for children who are hurting); of an important or weighty nature; grave; serious
in earnest.idiom
with a purposeful or sincere intent (settled down to study in earnest for the examination)

money paid in advance as part payment to bind a contract or bargain; a token of something to come; a promise or an assurance; a pledge

a person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something, such as a city, country or era, for example, Romulus is the eponym of Rome
of, relating.to.or.constituting an eponym
derivation of a name of a city, a country, an era, an institution or other place or thing from that of a person

a letter, especially a formalone; a literary composition in the form of a letter; one of the letters included as a book in the New Testament; an excerpt from one of these letters

any of various minute single celled freshwater organisms of the genus Euglena, characterized by the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot and a single anterior.flagellum

epilog also epilogue.noun,.plural.epilogs also epilogues.
a short poem or speech spoken directly to the audience following the conclusion of a play; the performer who delivers such a short poem or speech; a short addition or concluding section at the end of a literary work, often dealing with the future of its characters; in this sense, also called afterword

the practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority; protocol; decorum
etiquette and the plural form proprieties-denote the forms of conduct prescribed in polite society

ex post facto.adjective
formulated, enacted or operating retroactively

estimate, estimated, estimating, estimates.transitive verbs
to calculate approximately (the amount, extent, magnitude, position or value of something); to form an opinion about; evaluate
the act of evaluating or appraising; tentative evaluation or rough calculation, as of worth, quantity or size; a statement of the approximate cost of work to be done, such as a building project or car repairs; a judgment based on one's impressions; an opinion
synonyms-appraise, assess, assay, evaluate, rate

the state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair (dealing fairly in life with others); unoffensive and pleasant to others; in law, justice applied in circumstances covered by law yet influenced by principles of ethics and fairness; equity is also the residual value of a business or property beyond any mortgage thereon and liability therein (how much equity is in your home?); the market value of securities less any debt incurred; common stock and preferred stock (learn about the con of interest)

marked by or having.equity; just and impartial; fair; equitable implies.justice, but justice dictated by reason, conscience and a natural.sense of what is fair to all concerned (an equitable distribution of gifts among the children)
equitableness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

expedite, expedited, expediting, expedites.transitive verbs
to speed up the progress of; facilitate; to perform quickly and efficiently; dispatch

appropriate to a purpose; serving to promote one's interest (was merciful only when mercy was expedient); based on or marked by a concern for self interest rather than principle; self interested
something that is a means to an end; something contrived or used to meet an urgent need; makeshift

appropriateness to the purpose at hand; fitness; adherence to self serving means

enforced removal from one's native country; self-imposed absence from one's country; the condition or a period of living away from one's native country; one who lives away from his native country, whether because of expulsion or voluntary absence (the apostle John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelation)
exile, exiled, exiling, exiles.transitive verbs
to send into exile; banish
exilic or exilian.adjective

engulf, engulfed, engulfing, engulfs.transitive verbs
to swallow up or overwhelm by or as if by overflowing and enclosing (the spring tide engulfed the beach houses); engulf is the same as the verb gulfed

empower, empowered, empowering, empowers.transitive verbs
to invest with power; inspiring another to lift himself or herself up higher, but not to overpower

showing initiative and willingness to undertake new projects (the enterprising children opened a lemonade stand)
an undertaking; an industrious, systematic activity, especially when directed toward profit; a business organization; willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative

evil, eviler, evilest.adjectives
thoughts and/or actions contributing no good to those affected or to be affected by them; morally.bad.or.wrong; wicked.(an evil tyrant, like.Luke 13:1-5); evil satanic.rituals {*}); very bad, disagreeable, malignant; very unpleasant, giving pain, unhappiness and misery; displeasing;.baneful; causing ruin, injury or pain; harmful (the evil effects.of a poor diet or government {*}); characterized by or indicating.misfortune; ominous.(evil omens); blameworthy; infamous.(an evil reputation); malicious; word 'evil' in the Bible; why evil exists; why evil now is being eradicated and not before
being morally bad or wrong and staying that way (the cabal has institutionalized evil); wickedness; that which causes harm, misfortune or destruction (a leader's power to do both good and evil to a populace who only wanted the good); something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury or destruction (the social evils of poverty and injustice are exacerbated by wicked satanic governments); it's by looking at what these people of Satan, this group today called the cabal, have done, that we see what evil really is
evilness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

enrapture, enraptured, enrapturing, enraptures.transitive verbs
to fill with rapture or delight

extend, extended, extending, extends.verbs
transitive verb use.to open or straighten something out; unbend  (extended the legs of the folding table); to stretch or spread something out to greater or fullest length (extended the radio antenna); to exert oneself vigorously or to full capacity (few mountain climbers have extended themselves as those two have); to cause to move at full gallop, as a horse does); to increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper.substance (used rice or pasta to extend leftover casseroles); to adulterate; to enlarge the area, scope or range of; to expand the influence of; to make more comprehensive or inclusive; increase; to offer (extend one's greetings); to make available; provide (extend opportunity for a trip to qualified purchasers; to cause something to be or last longer (extended our visit by a day); to prolong the time allowed: (extend the life of automobile parts by using better quality components)
intransitive verb use.to be or become long, large or comprehensive (influence that extended to other continents; table legs that extend by unscrewing)

the act of extending or the condition of being extended; the amount, degree or range to which something extends or can extend (the wire has an extension of 50 feet); an addition that increases the area, influence, operation or contents of something (an extension for the vacuum cleaner; built a new extension onto the hospital wing); an additional telephone connected to a main line; an allowance of extra time (needed an extension of time to complete the building); the period of this extra time (three months more it took to finish the building due to inclement weather); a program in a university, college or school that offers instruction, as by the Internet or correspondence, to persons unable to attend at the usual time or in the usual place
attributive often used to modify another noun (an extension ladder; an extension cord)

relating to or having the nature of an explosion; tending to explode
a substance, such as a prepared chemical, that explodes or causes explosion
explosiveness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
(don't touch that, its explosiveness is harmful)
explode, exploded, exploding, explodes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to release mechanical, chemical or nuclear energy by the sudden production of gases in a confined space (the bomb exploded; she just explodes when we talk about that); to burst.violently as a result of internal.pressure; to shatter with a loud noise (I dropped the vase on the floor and it exploded into tiny pieces); to burst forth or break out suddenly; to change state or appearance suddenly (over the weekend the trees exploded with color)
transitive verb use.to cause to release energy or burst violently and noisily (the children exploded three firecrackers); to show to be false or unreliable (explode a hypothesis of evolution)

a release of mechanical, chemical or nuclear energy in a sudden and often violent manner with the generation of high temperature and usually with the release of gases; a violent bursting as a result of internalpressure; the loud, sharp sound made as a result of either of these actions; a sudden, often vehement.outburst (an explosion of rage); a sudden, great increase