wrong with being abundantly prosperous and healthy? Why do some people
think that there is something wrong with these things when they are the
very things the Creator wants us to enjoy to be happy?.John
10:10; 3John 1:2. And to that,
there is a plan.
Some suggestions for those
good hearted people in charge of implementing
their desire for all to be happy and prosperous.
For those under 60, an agreement
will have to be signed having to work, unless disabled, a minimum of 3
days a week or 30 hours a week or there would be no one to produce the
things in society we all still may need to rely upon and that because we'd
all quit when we have enough money. Apart from that, how can we handle
that kind of money without 'going nuts'? How?
7:14 "In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity
consider that God also has set the one over against the other, to the end
that man should find nothing after him."
But when is the time of prosperity, health, safety
and peace in my life, as the QFS talks about,
many might ask?.Acts
2:21 "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name
of Christ shall be saved.".Click
on the scripture link for explanation of word 'saved'. How does one 'call
on the name of Christ', the name that has all things the Father-God has
for us?.1Corinthians
The time of your prosperity!.How?
But know this, God is more concerned with your character than getting money
into your hands:.1Peter
1:7. God is patient and waits till
you've had enough of the evil permeating
this world. How to know if you've had
Please don't be like ancient
king Jehoahaz who started off good, but ended doing evil. It seems
to be a harder road that way. Would have been better if he had maintained
good as best he could have, even though he may have failed many times as
and so many others have.
Some people just don't
want to listen to God. They figure they know best:.Jeremiah
44:16,17. Many people do eventually wake up:.Isaiah
11:9 "They shall not hurt nor destroy.(who
is the 'they' who hurt and destroy?).in
all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God,
as the waters cover the sea."
The plan of God
involves each individual, that is, each has his own particular part
in that plan. Figuring it out involves trusting God, talking to God.
God always answers if you are alert
to listening. But what's the plan man? And what's its cost to me? Nothing!
For those patient ones waiting for God to release
good things for all good people, it's here, just not widely released, as
minor changes appear to still be being made. And the criminals are still
being cleaned up, but almost finished for the most part. Yep! It's God's
love for each individual of good heart, soon to be shown massively
in the GESARA/BRICS/QFS/XRPL program. Please
be patient. Everything in life these days seems to be changing day by day,
but the plan is of God and that means absolutely nothing can stop the
good. The plan also includes catching the evil ones. Remember the movie.The
Paul Newman? It will keep you alert for the cons
that attract us in life.
So, the suggestions that provides money
to people and helps them not to 'go nuts' over it. No good individual wants
money to again be in the hands of the controllers who have caused so much
harm and pain to good people. So here's the plan man!
You earn how much now? Let's say $8000. monthly
or maybe it's $4000. Whatever. Let's say that's upped to double for you
and let's say the entire year is paid to you at once. And on top of that
you also get two million dollars. So, ok, you and your immediate family
are going to be ok for at least a year as you may purchaseland build a
home on it, etc..
If you have an employer advise him that you only
need to work 3 days, 30 hours a week now, so he can hire someone else who
may need work to fill in the gap and also that you'll work your 3 days
and he doesn't have to pay you because the QFS is providing well for you.
Explain the QFS if he doesn't know what that
is, so he or she too can get benefit. You can tell him to go to the index
here at go to the Q index and find out all about it.
So, do the same for others you trust as you'll
now have time to introduce the QFS to
of good heart. Don't waste your time talking to evil hearted people about
it. You don't want them to have that money.
Getting people of good hearts involved in the
QFS, while safely protecting the QFS, can better be explained by the lesson
in 'network marketing',
where for example, one individual prospers from the QFS and shares that
opportunity with others of good heart that, in turn, he or she trusts
another to similarly do. But remember your NDA terms.
And this so that only those brought into the sharing
of the QFS/BRICS prosperity are those of good heart and that because it
started with those of good heart who want to keep it that way, that is,
keep it away from any evil ones who still may be around. You don't want
to put money into evil peoples' hands ever again; that's just stupid! Look
what has already happened to the world with evil ones having controlled
the money and the 'health' of the nation.
And why now has God waited so long to bring all this good
for us out? Why now, when I needed it so much, years before, people might
say? Dave explains in one of his videos that God agreed to a contract with
devil, that for 7885 years God would allow the devil's reign, so that
we all would see what evil is and would even participate
in it, having been sucked into it:.Ephesians
6:11-13. In that way we could taste evil, living it as we all have
until God would call us back.(1Corinthians
1:9).and if we'd
had enough of the s#^t of this evil world.(Galatians
1:4), God the Father of all light, love and compassion
made a way to come back. Christ is that way:.Isaiah
In effect,
God said to Satan.(Job
2:1-3), 'You want to be the big guy in charge, then let's see
what you can do' and that will show if you and those with you have any
compassion at all and if any of you on the Earth are redeemable
or whether you have to be sent back to Me, the
final judge.
God loves those of the dark side too. God gave Satan and those with
him 7885 years to put humanity
the grinder. These demons saw all the evil they did to others, but
they didn't change. They just kept getting worse and more effective with
their evil ways. That time ended, December 21, 2020. The time of evil is
3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count
slackness, but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should
3:17), but that.all.should
come to repentance." 2Corinthians
9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound
toward you, that you
always having all sufficiency in all things.(and
that's why the prosperity for you today),
may abound to every good work." Luke
6:35 ".....for he is kind
unto the unthankful and to the evil." Lamentations
3:33 "For he does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of
How is God kind to the unthankful
and the evil ones?.Romans
2:4; 2Corinthians 9:8; Ephesians
3:20; Philippians 3:21;
20:4-6; Joshua 24:20; Psalms
33:18; 42:5;
anyone's heart but doesn't, because God made all sentient
beings with ability to choose
for themselves. No askey, no getty! God
overrides one's
whose name was changed from Lucifer, was one of the top three angelic beings
having great power.(*),
but Satan was all about showing others how great he was, so he would get
all the attention and adoration from others. The dark side ones purpose
included shining above all others, including putting others down in any
way he could. He was never out to help, to serve, to lift up and to contribute
to the happiness of others and neither were those
who followed him away from God. They were all for self, hating and
out to destroy the humanity God put into the physical, the humanity that
was to reign above them:.Hebrews
2:6-8. The dark side ones hated this and would thwart
it any way they could. Satan was self-centered and this attitude doomed
his efforts to failure, because his efforts violated the overall principle
on which the multiverse was made and that was love.
Satan who was originally called Luicifer,
was ok at first but was not content, not thankful for anything good and
never could get enough evil either, being of psychopathic
nature. He was on the top level of the angels.(*),
right next to God:.Job
2:1-3. He did not want to continue in the role
which God created him for:.Isaiah
14:12,13. That role was to lift up the humans God created, to bring
them up to a higher level, from which they could progress even further.(*),
way any true executive would be.
All sentient
beings have free choice. Satan, like all of us, was able to freely choose.
God does not want automatons.
Is your cat, dog or horse, etc. becoming sentient? See gene Decode's series
on pets. One way to tell is how
much they show love.
What good are actions if they are not out of a loving heart? That is,
what good are they if they be self-centered? According to DaveXRPLion Satan's
time ended on December 21, 2020. And so, now it's God's time. What did
Satan learn from all this? Did it in some way change him or, make him have
increasing hatred toward God and the things that are good? The fruits show:.Matthew
7:16. Satan, originally called Lucifer when he was good, but, what
Now it's the time of God:.2Corinthians
time of all good for all God's creation to enjoy. The dark side ones are
no longer around, at al!, except perhaps in our memories. The ones you
may see are not they. They are clones, doubles or wear masks made as their
faces were. Why? To act out what really would have happened if the evil
ones hadn't been taken out and that because the minds of the brainwashed
'normies' need to slowly see it unfold 'drip by drip' in order to come
to a determined place in mind that such evils will never occur again; that
never again we'll allow ourselves to be sidetracked
away from God.
is XRP?
For handing in a presentation at the Redemption
Centre, if that's still the plan. We'll know soon. The presentation
is you presenting yourself for the money God wants you to have for you
and your family.
Just take a
sheet of paper and put your Contact Information at the top, typed
or hand printed,
date it and put in your project's approximate cost
and/OR a statement that you'll support other project(s) and that you'll
pick one when they are made known to you. How many people will be needed
approximately for your project? If no project, your statement that you'll
wait for other projects to become known should keep you 'in the ballpark'
as it shows your intent. For example, for your project, again if you have
one, you may hire someone with the expertise and he or she will take your
project from there and hire who else may be needed. Put in a bit about
you, your interests and abilities, that sort of thing. So they know something
about you. That's it. Make one or two
copies as the Redemption Center
may want two.(so
you'll have three, including your original, which original and maybe a
copy they may want and a copy for yourself. So, you'll have 2 for handing
in at the Redemption Center, if they want two and then there's one
to keep for yourself). Now,
you're ready.
An example
of how your page(s) would look, includes a page you can copy to fill in
and then take to a Notary who verifies from your identification that you
are actually you and signs and uses his seal to that effect. You can type
that page up or hand print it for taking it to the Notary. For that, you
need the Notary page.
So, for your presentation you'll
need the Notarized page to put together with your other page(s) for taking
to the RC. You can make a copy of the Notary's page after it's signed at
the Notary's place, if you want one. The Notary probably can photocopy
that for you.
An NDA.(Non
usually for 90 days, is so that all the projects in the world can be synced
to see what's what, before any projects are begun by those wanting to initiate
them, so, not to talk to ANYONE about them until your signed NDA
period is over). They'll have
an NDA at the Redemption Center for you
to read and sign, IF that is still the plan.
Consider why the true God of all love
is working things out here now on Earth to be so very generous
to people. Here's why? God is a loving father, but what good is any parent
if he or she doesn't show love? You wouldn't trust such a parent. So our
Father-God is showing that he's with us and all for us and that we can
trust him here on Earth and into eternity.(1Corinthians
always take care of us. God has great plans for our happiness all through
it, beginning now.
If you have a ZIM bond it should also be able
to be handled at a Redemption Center.
When you do your presentation, put in some project
that you want to accomplish that helps others in some small
or larger way. The kind of people doing their presentations are those
who want to help others. Come up with an idea for helping the world in
a small local or in a larger way. You don't have to personally do it. Just
arrange it to be done and pay for it out of what you'll get. The Humanitarian
Initiative station in Redemption Centers is the 9th and last station.(see
The whole process takes approximately 30 minutes
to go through all 9 stations. Relax! They love you and the whole thing
is easy and good, so make it easy on them by having your presentation done
and questions ready as best you can.
It's for those over 24 years of age.(may
be adjusted to younger), interested
in helping themselves, their families and the world in some way.
See Mary's talk about the simplicity of doing
some necessary papers for it at
at 14 minutes in, to about 17:00.
Here's a bit of what
Mary says > > >
> > > and here's an outine on how
simple it can be.
Stuff to know. See the pdf
on the protocols.
it's back online).and
Updates by Judy Byington, as they and others will have the 800 number
to call. Alternate to this, you may receive an email. Not to worry, you
are known.
The new Internet, maybe called 'Interweb', will
be released? You'll get a new computer, as the old glitchy ones we now
have will not function on the new super clean and fast satellite system.
So, all those 24.(maybe
will be changed to age 18).and
over are to go into a Redemption Center reasonably close to them, to get
all the good that will be given to them. Call the 800 number after it's
available in your area.
As you can see, the
various stations you'll quickly go through. The Humanitarian Initiatives
station is the final one. An individual called a Redemption Center guide,
will help you through the stations.
You'll get your money, a free new Quantum Access
Card (QAC) which connects you to the new free Quantum Financial System
(QFS/BRICS) run off the new secure, unhackable
and free Star Link satellite system, a free secure unhackable NEW PHONE
that the QFS will work off of so you can do your financial transactions
securely on the new system from anywhere in the world and apart from and
never having to ever again go to any bank.(yep!
even alone in the middle of a desert),
a free NEW COMPUTER for the new free ultra speedy Internet.(also
called Interweb), which also works
a free copy of the Bible, complete with its other 711
books the Vatican hid from us, if that is ready for distribution.
At the Redemption Center
you receive what you'll get thanks to the great
program released in your country. Watch for the 800 number, releasing soon
as things are ready in your country or maybe you'll get an Email.
Do not go into the Redemption Center before
your appointment time. They want people to arrive for their appointment
10 minutes of it, so say, 9 or 8 or 7 minutes. Strict rules here. When
finished, you'll go out a different door from what you came in.
So, be ready. The Humanitarian part is for the
rebuilding of society the cabal has so badly damaged.
When at the Redemption Center you can also request
a 'med bed' appointment if you need your
health and/or body/mind restored in any way, even taking
your age back decades if you want. It's free too and will permanently be
available. You can also ask for someone needing 'med bed' time who is in
your family. You make an appointment first while at the Redemption Center
and then you're given a time to show up at the 'med bed' centre another
Kidd of Scotland has a very large good idea for use of his humanitarian
Get a 'heads up' on what it's all about. We're
talking about your future here with never again any money shortage
for you and your family. From now on it's We
the People who control the funds and ALL else to affect us,
not any more by corrupt governments.
any kind of a 'suck in' and there'll be no disappointments. For most of
us, it'll be enough emotionally just to get our own lives and families
looked after first.
You pay nothing for all the good you are
entitled to. They are not about getting something from you, but rather
to give back the money stolen from you, your mom and dad, grandparents
and all the way back in history to the time the satanic cabal started their
cons and plans of destruction on good people.
With the money you will get, you can do much for
yourself, your family and others.
Once at the Redemption Center, you may have to
sign an NDA. An NDA.(Non
is an agreement to be careful for awhile after, about who you talk to and
what you must not say, for your own safety and for protection of the program,
because the evil ones are still being cleaned up and even regular people
may be out to get what you have if they know what you're getting.
So, we don't put temptation into another's path. They'll soon have enough
money too. Until then keep your mouth shut. We do not want money going
into evil hands and hands that can be tempted ever again and it won't
because there won't be any more evil ones to do that. And hopefully,
none of the regular people will be tempted toward evil because they too
soon will be ok financially. No more corruption
anywhere ever again.
It's suggested that once you leave the Redemption
Center appointment, that you do nothing until your 90 day or whatever
your term of NDA may be, is over. Take a holiday for the term of
your NDA. Then you can get into doing your project. The needs of your project
can then come into play as you want. The money will already be in your
account. You can set how you want it to be withdrawn for use in your humanitarian
project(s) and for your own use. Once you sign the NDA, you shut up
for its term. Go for a holiday till the NDA for you expires. So, the
Redemption Centers have NDA's.(Non
Disclosure Agreements). When agreed
to, they are signed and kept for 90 days,
See Cestui
Que Vie trust. See Income
Tax, etc. about what the cabal has done to We
the People over past decades and centuries with their plans
of harm, all now taken down and being returned to each of We
the People.
God always wanted us to be prosperous, but alas,
the dark side had
their plans too, BUT NO MORE SO! They are about
96% taken out. The remainder of these evil criminals will be gone soon.(see
Najadi on it). God's time is now
and for his reasons was not back
then. It's NOW!.See
great NESARA/GESARA/QFS/BRICS program for
going now and to be released in your country!
You'll need to put together your presentation to take with you, presenting
yourself for your NESARA/GESARA redemption money.
How does one keep from going 'crazy' with all the money he and she
soon receive? Here's how, 1,
The Redemption Process is subject to change, where you'll go to different
stations within a Redemption Center. As it's planned now, you'll be through
all stations in about 30 minutes. Soooooo, expect it soon! God has not
left out anyone of us of good heart, only the evil who have not wanted
their heart changed to good. They know who they are and so does the Alliance.
against them are being acted upon. They are demons
or those highly influenced by them. Just as they cannot tell the truth.(John
8:44), they also are headed in a direction of evil they
can't change from:.2Peter
2:14. Can even their
soul be repaired? If they look to God, yes!.Mark
They'll let you know which Redemption Center is reasonably close to
you and let you know when, by posting an 800 number you can call, where
you'll be asked a few preliminary
questions. Then, they may give you a one time use 800 number to call them
back for your appointment. Not sure on that as yet. Anyhow, that's what's
planned for at this time. Most countries will be similar.
Watch for the 800 number on Situation
Updates by Judy Byington and on Charlie
Ward's and Simon site and it'll also be on other sites.
You won't be left out. They already know who you are and an account in
your name is already set up on the QFS.
But when, when when? Everybody wants to know. No exact dates have been
You probably know something about QFS/XRP/NESARA/GESARA/BRICS
already. That's about prosperity for you and your family. Nothing for you
to buy in this program and no negative suck in. Just a great new world
to enjoy as God wanted it for all of us.
Let God direct your life into all good:.John
10:10. Keep close to God and do what you know you can that's good.
Always be good, kind, compassionate and learning. God backs up the good:.1Samuel
Some good militaries are doing all they can. They
work with what they know in cleaning up the evil that lies at the bottom
of the swamp, as its been called.
Worldwide clean up will be much quicker with our
support of praise to God as it's already, we might as well say, really
all done. Be thankful for what God has done. It's great for us all!
1:3; 2:13; 5:17;
Fasting accelerates spiritual
58:6. Meditation.(*).and
factors those of us supporting
the good militaries could do more of if we were not so burdened by negatives
of financial and time constraints, health concerns and the concern of 'waking
people up' to the evils out there. But, do your best!
The thing that would awaken and fire others up
to the good and the carrying forward of it, is to get them involved in
the good coming that God designed for a society, as the QFS is shown to
be and that is happening. The veil of negatives that we see everywhere,
sadly is perpetuated by what we imagine. It's envisioning producing the
bad and this fits right in with what the cabal is all out for, keeping
your life in a deep hole, as most think negatively, fearfully. Information
such as QFS/BRICS, etc. creates enthusiasm,
once one knows it's true.
All the Humanitarian Initiatives that are submitted
are categorized. The prosperity will fuel healthy growth in society like
never imagined:.Mark
Alerting people to negatives of what has gone
on in the world, provides information on what many have already known throughout
history about those things that have caused hopelessness, fear and heartache:.Proverbs
13:12 "Hope deferred makes the heart sick but when desire.(the
QFS and all else along with it).comes,
it is a tree of life.".Yet,
others seem oblivious to what has led to the mess the world has arrived
at. They are 'asleep'.
Get yourself involved with praise/prayers,
if you care about the 'asleep' ones. Doesn't take long to do all that;
minutes a day. Are they worth it? You bet!
There is opportunity for the great positive of
producing solidly happy individuals strongly united by the common goal
of being fired up to produce the new great society that is now possible.
The good militaries are working as best they can
in eradicating
evils. The best time for releasing these great programs to the general
public will be known by 5 individuals. The exact time, God will let them
know. This part needs encouraging by us, as enthusiasm fires intention.
When money comes to share.(how?
where?), care is shown when
the QFS plan is explained to others, so they too can be part of it all,
that is 'go in to get theirs..Matthew
Henry's Commentary:."It
is good to be with those who have God with them. If we take God for our
God, we must take his people for our people and be willing to take our
with them.".Ephesians
This Great Infinite One has
set up
ways that work
for you to prosper. They
are automatic due to the multiversal law of one reaps
what he has sown, depending upon the balance of good and bad in one's
life. Learn about these ways that work and they'll work for you; from the
true movie.The
Grand Self.
More on how
to become wealthy; more
on it.
But when is that? When will
prosperity come? And, are
we to take risks in 'getting there'? It's all available easily and
effortlessly once in the higher consciousness that Christ.came
to reveal about the Father:.Romans
11:36 "For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Whom
be glory forever.".Matthew
Ephesians 2:6,7. The
good life forever is 'of Him' and 'through Him' by being 'in him' as the
original shows, see the scripture link Romans 11:36.
The good life promised:.John
If one is struggling with
prosperity, it just means there are spiritual things to learn and with
being so close to it overflowing
from God, maybe it's just a little more patience one may need in his or
her character.
Yet, God may have
twists and turns for you first, before prosperity comes and before
your life opens up, but it will surely open up in a good direction. The
twists and turns in life often involve the strenuous
efforts to make ends meet,
etc. Keep on track with the new knowledge you are learning.
Henry's Commentary:."No
one ever hardened his heart against God and prospered.".That
is, not for long:.Joshua
24:20. And why?.Jeremiah
It's a multiverse of mathmatical
exactness, a multiverse of invisible laws. Once one attains a high level
of consciousness, seemingly
miraculous prosperity begins to occur. But, how does one know when that
'magic' level is achieved? You'll know when prosperity things are
beginning in your life. So, what to do to get there? Do the
four things that will keep you on the pathway of
love. That's what high consciousness is, love. And here there are also
many levels.(1John
2:12-14), with each
level of higher consciousness being reached as one grows spirituality,
just as there are
many levels of ordinary
consciousness also.
What can you get and what of it can you keep if
God isn't with you in it?.John
15:5; 1Corinthians 2:12;
When will the good life come
for you? Needing the Creator's help, ancient David felt the same way:.Psalms
69:3 "I am weary of my crying. My throat is dried. Mine eyes fail while
I wait for my God." Psalms 77:7,8
"Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more? Is
his mercy clean gone for ever? does his promise fail for evermore?" Psalms
119:82 "Mine eyes fail for your word, saying, When will you comfort
When you first dig a well
there is no sign of water. You just find mud and rocks for awhile:.Ecclesiastes
4:8 ".....Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise
of the life that now is.and
of that which is to come." Ephesians
So where can this life."that
now is".be
found? Here,
with some effort or here,
easier for you, if you can wait a bit.
1:20 "For all the promises of God in him are yes and in him Amen.(original,
"so be it, in truth, verily", or, it
is for sure!), unto the glory of God
by us."
So, the Creator wants us
to prosper, but humans have been duped
by the great duper:.Revelation
12:9. As a result of all this duping, we have come to honestly believe
the cause of current results in our lives lies outside of us and is due
to conditions or circumstances that we have little or no control over.
Everything that comes in
life after we understand that we are our
Soul's particular.expression
in life, we have attracted; every circumstance, individuals, job, illness,
happy time and sad time. Once we understand that underneath
it all there is no separateness, things begin changing.
This multiverse works by
law. It responds to the laws of your mind that can work good or evil for
you, depending on what thoughts are dominant.
If they are not in harmony with the love purpose of the universe, then
they are selfish, and doomed as to doing you any long term good.
"This is an orderly universe.
Nothing happens by accident. The images you plant in your marvelous mind
instantly set up an attractive force, which govern your results in life.
Spend a few minutes every morning just daydreaming about absolute financial
freedom, the amount of wealth you want, health, perfect mate, etc. and
how your daily life will be then and what you will do in it."....Rhonda
Byrne, creator of the inspirational movie.The
Secret, shares her secret here about how the mind aligned
with God is on the right and happy path of life.
7:12,13 "For wisdom is a defence and money is a defence but the excellency
of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to them that have it."
The Creator can provide
for your debts:.2Kings
9:8 "And God is able to make all grace
abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things,
may abound to every good work.".Note
it says that you will have all necessary for every good work. Good
works are of the
higher consciousness level, far from the selfish, grasping greedy,
all for me, low consciousness ego
So what's the Creator's attitude
toward prosperity
for you and yours?.Genesis
39:2-5 "And the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man..."
42:10 "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job,
when he prayed for his friends.(*).
Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before."
1:2 "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in
health, even as your soul prospers."
Don't think about the dollars.
Think of what the dollars mean to you. One is selfish, the other can be
yourself. Everybody else is already taken."....Oscar
has to be true to themselves."....Bruno
is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
Don't be a phony,
make sure what you do is of love.
Comprised from notes of
Proctor's writings:."One's
self is where an image of perfection exists.(for,
what isn't perfect in that realm? Your
higher self is the invisible pattern God designed that supports your physicalness
and works automatically, that is, unless you interrupt it with negatives;
what negatives? 1, 2),
where messages come to us from God."
Just like learning to ride
a bicycle or drive a vehicle or swimming, as one increases in learning
of spiritual things, which is what life is all about, then he becomes adept
in life. The messages we are talking about come to us from the invisible
realm 6 seconds before we are
aware of them in our conscious mind. How
and when do they come to us?
If you're having a hard
time keeping on the high consciousness road of life, don't worry about
3:20,21. Be as happy as you can be.
The Creator is able
to make all grace abound
to us:.Isaiah
48:15-17. Are we willing to allow the Infinite One to abound
grace to us. This great Creator never
overrides us. His attitude is that he wants you to be prosperous:.Psalms
35:10,27 "...who is like unto the Lord, who delivers the poor from
him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that
spoils him.(out
thwart him)...Let
the Lord be magnified, which has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.".(*)
One can get through life
better with wisdom than
with money:.Jeremiah
17:10,11 "I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to
give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of
his doings. As the partridge sits on eggs and hatches them not, so he that
gets riches and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days
and at his end shall be a fool." 1Samuel
2:7 "The Lord makes poor and makes
rich. He brings low and lifts
How much prosperity is enough?.Proverbs
30:8 "...Give me neither poverty nor riches..."
The book.Tragedy
and Hope by
Dr. Carroll Quigley.(
Dr. Carroll Quigley is best known as Bill Clinton's professor of history
at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He also taught
at Princeton and at Harvard.
His 1300 page book.Tragedy
among other history books in its exposure of the role of the International
Banking cabal
behind the scenes in world affairs. But who's behind them? Type.Empire
of the City.(*).into
an Internet search engine for the movie.
The free
of Getting
Wallace Wattles is a timeless book on money and consciousness, updated
and added to by Bob Proctor in his book, taking 36 years to produce, called.You
Were Born Rich, free
from Bob to you. This book provides principles of faith one can use
in all areas of life. The book.The
Secret The
Byrne, Atria Books, 2010, will help you to comprehend the most powerful
force in the world that's behind all there is.
Those that think that money
will solve their financial problems have problems that cannot be seen without
And, see the YouTube video.Money
learn about that which will affect you for your lifetime.
102:17 "He will regard the prayer of
destitute and
not despise their prayer.".More
If no abundance, then that's
an alert to you that something is out of line and needs fixing. Probably
it's to find your purpose in life.
found that the most reliable way to live fully is to discover our own dharma.(an
East Indian word) and to do it full
out. To bring everything we've got to the task. To live fully committed
to the gifts that have been freely given us, to cultivate them into a state
of profound mastery and to dedicate our mastery to something bigger than
ourselves. . . . In the authentic development of these gifts, we will both
find ourselves and transcend ourselves at the same time."....Stephen
One may be lacking the energy
to be healthy and wealthy. All
is spirit and spirit is energy and the thoughts that are quietly dominant
are what affects one's energy. Herein is a new way of living, a
new way of being. It all begins with thoughts. Think good and good
comes. Think the way people always have and the heartaches and trials of
life result.
The One God sent to Earth
way back when talked
abundance for those in
higher consciousness.
In Him is abundant!.What
Him' mean?
Don't stress over creating
points of prosperity, only be aware of them, why you want prosperity, why
you need it. Why?
What you want is wealth consciousness without worries.
The things from the Soul
are all good with no downside:.Romans
13:10. Key is to get in touch with your soul and get things that are
good for you and cause no harm to anyone else in any way. When you do this
you'll have enthusiasm and
in your life.
Always desire the
best things of love and high quality. This lets your soul know your standards.
After all, the universe has potential that is unlimited, affording you
to be carefree and generous once you have these things.
It's a matter of supply and demand. You supply the demand, and the multiversal
energy responds:.John
Don't become a phony
and try to convince yourself. That is not necessary. Don't work at cultivating
a mood of affluence.
Remember no effort, just attention
with intention and that lightly; lightly as dandelion fluff
lands on the grass, and that's it.
Eternal life does not start.
We are in it now! The invisible but so
very real part of us, our spirits, are eternal, eternal means both the
past and the future. 'Take the bull by the horns' now! Do not let the chance
pass you by.
We are human beings, becoming
the individual the Great Infinite One we refer to as God, sees
us in the future being.(no,
no, not a clone!).
Our choices along the way often prolong
the agony.
Some people have asked 'Why
hasn't God blessed me with the abundance I wanted to do so much good with,
for myself, family, friends and those in need?'
It is very important to believe
that Creator-God is going to bless.(blessed
means to be under the favor of God where He works things out for you and
you, etc.).and
prosper you:.Hebrews
11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him.(having
faith in God is trusting God). For
he that comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder
of them that diligently seek him." Deuteronomy
8:18 "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he that gives you power
to get wealth....." John 15:5 "I
am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me and I in him, the
same brings forth much fruit. For without me you can do nothing."
Everything belongs
to Creator-God:.Exodus
19:5. The Creator promises to take
care of you and yours. The Creator knows money is not important, because
things all come out of the invisible. The Creator also knows that nothing
of value will last without deeply foundedpurposes
of love in us. And to this end, circumstances exist because of one reason
or another, to cement faith in us, the true treasure and this.may.take
more reincarnations
to learn:.1Peter
1:7; Matthew 6:19-21; Proverbs
How much you love.(touching
songs by Beth Chapman 1, 2).is
far more important than how much stuff you have, because the Creator is
always in charge:.2Corinthians
9:8; 1Peter 5:10; Deuteronomy
Nehemiah 9:19-21;
6:24 "No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the on,
and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon.(riches)."
6:26 "Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they
reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you
not much better than they?"
Matthew 6:28-31
"And why take thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how
they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin And yet I say unto you,
That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed
like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field,
which to day is and tomorrow is
cast into
the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O you of little
faith? Therefore take no thought,
saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall
we be clothed?".Matthew
A few people still believe
that God is out to punish them,
to teach them lessons and with a severity
they feel they deserve. If God says."bless
them which persecute you".(Romans
12:14), do you not think that He
also would abide by this? Of course! After you study the word 'persecute'
here, realize that you may have been persecuting God and yourself through
believing that God must be some kind of harsh monster and that you are
probably deserving of His wrath. Where did you get such false concepts?
But it did you some good when you saw how you were..2Corinthians
7:11 "For behold this selfsame thing, that you sorrowed after a godly
sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves,
yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea,
what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all you have approved yourselves cleared
in this matter."
One man loved God so much
that he missed what Christ did for him. He was rash
in asking God to severely punish him for the bad he did in life and thought
that this would 'clear him up'. He probably thought he was to suffer horribly
as Emmanuel did during the time of the crucifixion.
Never act
on anything until you are absolutely sure.(one's
gets that way by asking God for His guidance in life on all things:.Matthew
7:7; Proverbs 3:5).and
do not act because of what someone else may have said, no matter who they
may be. Be sure you know the scriptures well before acting on them. Don't
go off half-cocked,
as the saying goes.
Perhaps this
man didn't properly comprehend these scriptures on suffering:.Romans
8:17; 1Corinthians 3:15;
1:5; Philippians 1:29; 4:12;
1:5; 2Timothy 2:12; 3:12;
11:25; 1Peter 2:20,21; 3:17;4:16,19.
In an accident,
this man became a quadriplegic.
He had a hearing deficiency and couldn't hear the creaking sound the hay
baler made as it was toppling onto him while his attention was on something
Lesson, you
NEVER have to ask God to punish you, to correct you. Christ took all that
stuff on Him:.Colossians
1:20. So, now you can choose to be free
and happy:.1Peter
God could have
stopped that incident from happening and could have healed his hearing
Why God didn't
is because we have free choice
and we have a subconscious
and God never overrides
what you say you want, as God greatly respects us.
Our subconscious
minds are set to carry out what one wants. So, be careful with what
you may even jokingly ask for by your thinking. The subconscious knows
no difference. It only does one thing, carry out what is in the mind and
that carrying out may be many years later. Be sure your thoughts are ALWAYS
positive and happy:.Philippians
4:8. And for what thoughts you've had before that were negative about
you, get rid of their effect before they affect you. Emmanuel died for
all the ways each of us have missed the mark:.Philippians
He sent His Son to take all
that is bad about you and put it on Him, including erroneous.reasonings.(1Timothy
6:20; Titus 1:14),
so that you could have all that's good about Him:.3John
Creator-God loves you, greatly!.Ephesians
2:4. But all this does one no good unless they accept
it as true. That's what belief is. Belief puts you into higher
timelines as you go along in life's purpose.
Belief must be changed if
you ever expect to be 'hitting the
mark' if you aren't hitting it now:.1John
4:4. Creator-God is an intelligent and personal 'energy', an energy
that you can be in alignment
with, so that it flows in to you; called the
Holy Spirit.
Some people in a year will
be more than they are now and some less. Why?
Inside us we just know that
we were once far greater than we are now and this knowing about that, this
deep inner sensing meets opposition
so often in this life as we long to be more of all that we know to
be true in the depths of our souls.
In Him is abundant living
10:10; 3John 1:2.
1:4 "In him was life and the life was the light
of men." Original for 'life' in the Greek
means 'fullness of living, active and vigorous, actively blessed and enjoying
5:12 "He that has the Son has life and he that has not the Son of God
has not life."
5:24 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and
believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life and shall not come
into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life.".When?
17:3 "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only
true God and Emmanuel the Christ, whom thou hast sent."
10:10 ".....I am come that they might have life and that they might
have it more abundantly.(original
Greek is '')."
6:38 "Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down
and shaken together and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For
with the same measure that you
withal it shall be measured to you again."
This is more than God having
paid for all sin in the death of His Son. This is about His life, now,
alive and very much aware and involved in your life! It is His life that
is to be abundant in you.
No no, it doesn't override
what and who you are. It amplifies
what you are if you have good
in you. And in
Him are all the promises as you will see as you keep reading here.
Wow! Crank 'er up baby! Shift 'er into
7:38 "He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his
belly flows rivers of living water."
6:4, "...we also should walk in newness of life."
4:8 "...but Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise
of the life that now is and of that which is to come. "
5:40 "...come to me, that you might have life."
5:20 " the people all the words of this life."
5:12; John 5:24; John
things of life we like come from the Creator:.2Peter
1:3 "According as his divine power has given unto us all things that
pertain unto life....." Psalms 68:19.Blessed
be the Lord.(the
psalmist is here saying thankyou to God for
the good we experience), who daily
loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation..."
One gets things from God
not because he is necessarily good, but because the Creator is good; that
is, God has set up a way to prosperity. More about
you and yours being in it.
Most people fail even the
first thing they need to get it; they fail to
ask. And that because they haven't proved God
Being thankful is the key
to prosperity. How's this
The Creator will make that
which is true of us in the unseen realm true in the physical realm
also. His promises are eternal, but that does not mean they start when
we are
in the resurrection:.Psalms
12:9 "Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected
us and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection
unto the Father of spirits and live?".Original
Greek for 'live' is 'actively blessed enjoying living'. The same original
word is used in John 10:10 for
the word 'life' above and here in.Acts
17:28 "For in him we live and move and have our being, as certain also
of your own poets have said. For we are also his
1Kings 8:56 "...There
has not failed one word of all his good promises..."
6:17 " in the living God who gives us richly all things
to enjoy.".The
Creator has all things to give.(1Corinthians
He owns it all:.Exodus
3:20 "Now unto him that is able to do.exceeding
that we ask or think, according to the
power that works in us."
2:9 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither
have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for
them that love him."
15:7 "If you abide in Me and My words abide in
you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you."
6:33 "Seek first the kingdom.(original
Greek is 'royalty').of
God and.His.righteousness
and all these things.(word
'shall' not in original Greek).are
added to you."
Some people actually have
own righteousness, thinking that this is pleasing to God. The thing
that is pleasing to God is Christ in you.