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L o v e
p a g e  6

A way to solve negotiation stumblingblocks:.Psalms 119:165 "Great peace have they which love your law.(what law? Is it the commandments? Nope. The commandments are mostly 'shall not, do not' instructions. That's ok. It is good to avoid certain things. However the New Testament goes far beyond this, instructing us to go to great lengths to love one another. In this the law truly is fulfilled:.John 13:35; Romans 13:10; Matthew 5:23-25).and nothing shall offend them.".From the higher consciousness level of the New Testament we enter into the field of love where it's noble to seek agreement and prefer reconciliation to continued dissidence.

Having the very best interests of our opponents at heart.(Matthew 5:44-46).and knowing their values an opponent holds are right steps towards parties coming out of negotiations successful. But you must realize things about the unseen world behind the scenes. What good is winning an argument if you lose involvement with another. One is never 'right' if another has real or imagined reasons for dislike. One is never right if he has turned the tide further away from friendship for no other justification than the winning of an argument. With this in mind, one looks for what can be agreed upon and avoids that which can separate and take everyone involved further from harmony. A discussion is the exchange of ideas. An argument is the expressing of ignorance. 

The strong one is always the one who has the most.(in all ways).to give, and fears losing nothing. He is the one that makes it all happen, that controls the leverage. He is the one who has engaged in forethought and set his intention on how he wishes to see the negotiations go. He is the one who can see the harmony, the selfishness, the greed, because he is above all these things and knows that harmony just cannot exist with inharmony. He is the one who can lead the way if those others have minds that are open, and if not, or won't open to higher standards, then the deal should never take place.

Decide to find some niche, some way.(Psalms 122:9).to reach the other. When aligned with the Great Infinite Intelligence.(Luke 6:35,36), one has the guidance necessary to see the end result quickly, as new things come to mind when needed. 

But what if another gloats over your clumsy expressions of love which may give him an advantage?.Matthew 5:38-42.

Asking God for wisdom in the relationship.(1Kings 5:12; James 1:5).would also be a very good thing to do. 

Perhaps use the words 'wise' and 'wisdom' to search for references regarding this subject. When you have a motivation of love behind you, inspiring you, guiding you and backing you up, what have you to fear?.1John 4:18; 2Timothy 1:7.

The key to a loyal mate and the key to building love in a relationship. 

A Poem From A Six Year Old Girl In Tennessee
 (as told by her grandmother; name unknown)

"God is a Spirit and He needs bodies. He lives in my 
mommy and daddy. When I'm loving them, I'm loving God. 
    God needs bodies. Some have lights in them and know 
Him, but some do not know Him, but He loves them anyway. 
    God lives in everybody, but they don't know it and they 
don't have any lights inside. When they find out God loves them,
their lights will go on."

Most people are good hearted. Getting people to do things is often not the issue.
The issue being, showing them exactly what you want them to do.
A kid's view on love and marriage:
Question: How would you make a marriage work?
Answer: Tell your wife that she looks pretty even
if she looks like a truck. ...Ricky, age 10.