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5:35 Nor by the Earth, for it is his footstool; neither by Jerusalem,
for it is the city of the great King.
5:36 Neither shalt you swear by your head, because you cannot not make
one hair white or black.
5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea or Nay, nay. For whatsoever
is more than these comes of evil.
Notes: A man of honor and integrity
does not need oaths
and swearing to convince another who may also be of honor and integrity:.James
5:12. If it's necessary to laboriously explain to someone, you can
be sure thay have no insight and may be looking at what you may say for
that which could be used against you in some way. In these situations it's
good to know
your rights and in
order to know your rights, know the constitution.
11:3 "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through
his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that
is in Christ."
20:7,8; Leviticus 19:11,12.
5:38 You have heard that it has been said, An eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth.(*).
Matthew 5:39 But I say unto you, That you resist
not evil, but whosoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn to him
the other also.
Commentary: According to the original translation, it ought to
be translated 'Do not repel one outrage by another', that is. if someone
is treating you badly, don't be toward them as he or she may be being toward
22:37-40. He that does so makes himself precisely what the other is,
a wicked man or woman.
5:39 But I say unto you, That you resist.(original
is 'to set one's self against', 'withstand', 'oppose', 'resist'.(James
4:7).not evil.(original
'hardships', 'painful' {things
that seem bad to you; things that bring pressure upon you; things that
cause desire for relief; things that cause you to only be able to see one
day's food at a time, like as war causes for so many}; explained
here), but whosoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn
to him the other also.
Why would someone
smite you for not going along with what he or she wanted you to do (such
as with the covid con), if you calmly
15:1. Learn not to exasperate
a situation:.Proverbs
16:7. The verse means don't be belligerent
in your manner of speaking and don't be obnoxious
either, in your behavior.
mean to be a doormat, but also doesn't mean that your other cheek won't
smitten also.
It does mean, instead of fighting we acknowledge
darker side and this dissipates
it. Stop blaming others for the world the way it is. It has been all of
us that have caused it by how we are which has fed this information into
the collective consciousness to affect all and just as it has caused the
evil, so it can also cause
the good:.Proverbs
20:22; 24:29; Romans
12:17-19; Lamentations 3:30;
God is dealing
with the evil, so God says in the above scriptures 'resist not' and that
God will look after it:.Romans
12:19. God's doing it so you don't have to, but you should not be ignorant
of ways to get sucked into evil:.2Corinthians
2:11. Be sharp. Be alert. Apply the things that can peacefully gain
you favor, the things of the rights God has given you, such as Natural
Law, Common Law/Constitutional Law.
Learn about how to calmly handle the scams that may be robbing you, such
as the birth certificate and
other scams.
Notes: To interpret such cases in scripture as rules to be kept
in the case specified is to make God's teaching a laughingstock
to the commonsense
of the world. Are we to surrender our property to any one who claims it
and to give to every beggar, thus encouraging fraud and idleness? NO, but
we ought to be ready to give to all who are in need and our reason for
refusing to give must not be that we prefer to keep all that we have got.
We are not told to give everything that is asked for, but to help every
one who asks. We may give him a wholesome word or may pray for him or whatever
we are both willing and able to. Christ did not consent when He was asked
to interfere about the inheritance, but He gave a wholesome rebuke and
5:40 And if any man will sue you at the law.(here
it's talking of being in front of a judge; compare with verses 42-48 just
below).and take away your coat,
let him have your cloke also.
true Christians should be preferring the ways of peace (Romans
12:18) in relationships and all interactions with others.
But does that mean you should not stand up for the rights God gave you?
Do remain excluded
from the mass mind angers that spill over into personal contentious issues
and be contrary
minded to temporary selfish
5:41 And whosoever shall compel.(force,
talking of those who may have authority over you for some reason).you
to go a mile, go with him twain.
means to be forced to do that which is in good purpose for the king
in his service to the nation. In this case it was delivering mail to another
carrier on the king's mail route (important to get the message out) and
they could ask for anyone along the route to help them in taking the mail
another thousand paces; a Roman mile was a thousand paces.
5:42 Give to him that asks you and from him
that would borrow of you turn not you away.
with verses 40,41 just above.
5:43 You have heard that it has been said, You shall love your neighbor
and hate your enemy.
Notes: the law about loving one's neighbor is in Leviticus
19:18. That we must, therefore, hate our enemy, was an inference
drawn from it by the corrupt teachers of religion Emmanuel castigated
in Matthew 23rd chapter. They
supposed that if we loved one, we must, of course, hate the other. They
were total strangers to that great, peculiar
law of love, which talks about loving both. A neighbor is literally one
that lives near to us; after that, one that is near to us by acts of kindness
and friendship:.Luke10:29.
on it.
Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them
which despitefully use you and persecute you.
5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies.(original
for word 'enemies' is those who 'dislike' you, 'hate' you, those
who are 'adversaries'
toward any particular
individual of good heart such as you may be, where they 'oppose' and are
'hostile' to you, meaning subjective
enemies as compared to those who commit Crimes against Humanity, where
it's not focused just on you, but on killing, on murdering,
all they can. These are the satanic criminals, who are out to harm any
and all and so they must be stopped and so one goes
to war against them to protect all), bless.(original
'be good and kind to').them that curse.(original
'are ready to do negative things to you').you,
do good.(what
is good?).to them that hate.(original
those that are 'against you and ready to be at war' with you).you
and pray.(the original
Greek word for 'pray' here, means 'to be all for wanting another's best':.Philippians
2:3; and, if you're all for another's best, ask the Creator for these
things for others as well as for yourself; which others? you decide
that!).for them which despitefully
use you.(take advantage
of you in some way; they don't love or even like you, you are only for
them to get something from and at your expense; speaking metaphorically,
the low consciousness way of uncaring
is to step on you and walk away, to 'use you till you bruise and leave
you to lose', you know the feeling).and
enough to make another want to flee away or to keep them at
6:21-23. But it also says:.Deuteronomy
7:1-6. So, what's one to do, love them
or kill them? Read again the above notes at
this verse's beginning:.Romans
11:14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation [them which
are] my flesh, and might save some of them.
9:22 "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak. I am
made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."
for your enemies. Good example
things. Example things recorded for us today:.1Corinthians
Christ's example:.1Timothy
5:45 That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.
For he made the sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain
on the just and on the unjust.
'sends' not in original, just means God is responsible for creating the
system that brings weather but the verse is mostly a metaphor
for daily life:.Romans
5:46 For if you love them which love you, what reward have you? Do
not even the publicans
the same?
5:47 And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more than others?
Do not even the publicans so?
5:48 Be you therefore perfect,
even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.