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the shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly; the sand or pebbles on a shore
beach, beached, beaching, beaches.transitive verbs
to haul or run ashore

the chest of an animal; the ribs and meat taken from the chest of an animal

a chiefly Mediterranean perennial herb (Melissa officinalis) in the mint family, grown for its lemon-scented foliage, which is used as a seasoning or for tea; also called lemon balm; any of several related plants in the mint family, such as the bee balm and the horse balm; any of various aromatic.resins.exuded from several trees and shrubs and related plants, especially Commiphora, the balm of Gilead:.Jeremiah 8:22; an aromatic.salve or oil; a pleasing aromatic fragrance; a soothing, healing or comforting agent or quality

an area on which a drove of cattle or sheep can sleep for a night; breeding ground

breeding ground.noun,.plural.breeding grounds
a place where animals breed; a place or set of circumstances that encourages the development of certain.ideas or conditions (the university as a breeding ground for new scientific theories; anger creates a breeding ground for hatred)

breed, bred, breeding, breeds.verbs
transitive verb use.to produce offspring; give birth to or hatch; to bring about; engender; to cause to reproduce (breed cattle); to mate with; to rear or train; bring up; to produce fissionable.material in a breeder reactor; to be the place of origin of
intransitive verb use.to produce offspring; to originate and thrive (fads breed in empty heads and full purses)

breeder reactor.noun,.plural.breeder reactors
a nuclear.reactor that produces as well as consumes.fissionable material, such as one that produces more fissionable material than it consumes; it's old outdated technology that has proven dangerous to life and is being replaced by the clean, safe, inexpensive and uncomplicated technology of what's called free energy

a group of organisms having common.ancestors and certain.distinguishable.characteristics, especially a group within a species (various breeds of cattle; different breeds of dogs)

a bastard is an individual who has behaved very badly; something regarded as of irregular, inferior or dubious origin (the comet they saw was deemed a bastard as they had never seen it before); a mean, cruel and contemptuous man or woman; a child not knowing who his parent(s) were (the ancient corrupt Pharisees accused Emmanuel of being one who had no known father:.John 8:41)
not genuine.according to some standard; spurious (a bastard style of architecture); resembling a known kind or species but not truly such
bastardize, bastardized, bastardizing, bastardizes.transitive verbs
to lower in quality or character; debase

an aromatic.gum.resin.similar to myrrh, produced by certain Asian and African shrubs or trees of the genus Commiphora

a piece of soft material, such as velvet or leather, often mounted on a block and used for polishing; bare skin (swimming in the buff; a soft, thick, undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo, elk or oxen; a uniform of the military such as one part being a coat made of such leather; a color, being a pale, light or moderate yellowish pink to yellow, including moderate orange yellow to light yellowish brown
made or formed of buff (a buff jacket); of the color buff
buff, buffed, buffing, buffs.transitive verbs
to polish or shine with a piece of soft material; to soften the surface of leather by raising a nap; to make the color of buff

one that is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject (a history buff)

a flash of lightning; a thunderbolt; a sudden or unexpected event (the announcement was a veritable bolt; also, a bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten doors and gates; a metal bar or rod in the mechanism of a lock that is thrown or withdrawn by turning the key; 3. A fastener consisting of a threaded pin or rod with a head at one end, designed to be inserted through holes in assembled parts and secured by a nut that is mated to the threaded rod and is tightened by applying torque; in rifles, a sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles and which closes the breech and ejects the spent cartridge; a similar.device in any breech mechanism; a short, heavy arrow with a thick head, used especially with a crossbow; a sudden movement toward or away (she bolted out of the way of the speedy oncoming bicycle)
bolt, bolted, bolting, bolts.verbs
transitive verb use.to secure or lock with or as if with a bolt; to eat food hurriedly and with little chewing (I couldn't believe he ate all that so quickly, even by bolting it down); gulp
intransitive verb use.to move or spring suddenly (he bolted out the door to get to the airport on time); to start suddenly and run away (the horse bolted at the sound of thunder); to break away from a political party or its policies

black magic.noun,.plural.black magics
magic practiced for evil purposes or in league with evil spirits:.Isaiah 8:19; religious witchcraft:.Acts 19:19; why never to be fearful of those things you wouldn't get involved in anyway and that's because they are repulsive to you and you know the true God of heaven and the multiverse and His son are with you at all times and nothing can hurt you

bas-relief is a technique of sculpture in which shapes are carved so that they stand out from the background

a harness, consisting of a headstall, bit and reins, fitted about a horse's head and used to restrain or guide the animal; a curb or check (put a bridle on spending)
bridle, bridled, bridling, bridles.verbs
transitive verb use.to put a bridle on; to control or restrain with or as if with a bridle
intransitive verb use.to lift the head and draw in the chin as an expression of scorn or resentment (something must have set her off as she seemed bridled today); to show anger or resentment; take offense (got bridled at her words of criticism)

a woman who is about to be married or has recently been married
a ceremony called marriage; a wedding
of.or.relating.toa bride or a marriage ceremony; nuptial. 2. 
designed for a bride or a newly married couple (a bridal shop; the hotel's bridal suite)

a body of water partially enclosed by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea (San Francisco Bay; the Bay of Biscay)

in architecture, a part of a building marked off by vertical elements, such as columns or pilasters (this is the area we've made into bays for individual offices and parking below the building has 70 bays); a bay window; an opening or recess in a wall; a section or compartment, as in a service station, barn or aircraft, that is set off for a specific.purpose (a cargo bay; an engine bay); a.sickbay, being a place where the sick or injured are treated such as the hospital and dispensary of a ship

at bay.adjective
at a distance; away; off; at arm's length (to keep the foxes at bay the farmer put a strong wire fence around the area chickens were in; Americans use guns to keep those at bay, necessary to repel the evil ones who have shown that their policies are to murder you); trapped or cornered (he had the attitude of keeping others at bay, that is, cornered, trapped, confused and/or busy as it were, so they couldn't get close, either physically or emotionally,  such as is the manner of many politicians and bureaucrats)

a reddish-brown color (a bay colt)
a reddish-brown animal, especially a horse having a black mane and tail

a deep, prolonged bark, such as the sound made by hounds; the position of one cornered by pursuers and forced to turn and fight at close quarters (the hunters brought their quarry to bay); the position of having been checked or held at a distance
bay, bayed, baying, bays.verbs
intransitive verb use.to utter a deep, prolonged bark
transitive verb use.to pursue or challenge with barking ("I had rather be a dog and bay the moon"....Shakespeare); to express by barking or howling (a protest.group baying its fury)

resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen (a bulbous nose; a bulbous stem base); in botany, bearing bulbs or growing from a bulb

befall, befell, befallen, befalling, befalls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to come to pass; happen
transitive verb use.to happen to

on the far side of; past (just beyond the fenced garden is a beautiful pathway); later than; after (beyond midnight; if something happens beyond a particular time or date, it continues after that time or date has passed (not many truckers continue long hauls after reaching 60 years of age); to a degree that is past the beginning of understanding toward an overstanding; reach or scope of (the concept of God is out and beyond comprehension to many people; the building's top goes beyond it and covers half the sidewalk below); to a degree or amount greater than (rich beyond his wildest dreams); in addition to (asked for nothing beyond peace and quiet); if something is beyond a place or barrier, it is on the other side of it (they heard what sounded like a coyote beyond the fence behind the barn); you use the word beyond to introduce an exception to what you are saying (I knew little about it beyond a few random facts)
farther along or away; in addition; more (wanted her share but nothing beyond; the house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond); the financing of home ownership will continue through the 2020's and beyond; if something extends beyond a particular thing, it affects or includes other things (his interests extended beyond the fine arts and into mechanical things); if you say that something is beyond someone, you mean that they cannot deal with it (the situation was beyond her control)
that which is now gone by and in the past or that which is to a degree greater than knowledge or experience; the unknown (the great unknown beyonds of space)