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an older or young living man or woman, who one knows, likes and trusts and is equal with (ancient Abraham was the friend of the one and only true God:.James 2:23); a friend is one who knows another well and wants to maintain a rapport with him or her, because of liking and trust; an acquaintance; an individual with whom one is allied in a purpose or just friendly with (the two girls like each other and are sharing, caring and adding to the betterment of each); a comrade (we are friends in the purpose of reclamation of the Earth from the evil ones for the good people)
friend, friended, friending, friends.transitive verbs
to befriend
friendly, friendlier, friendliest.adjectives
a friend is someone who you know well and like, but who is not related to you (he had a long talk about this with his best friend; she was a friend of mine, but because she soon moved to another country, was not a close friend); if you are friends with someone, you are their friend and they are yours; the friends of a country or cause are the people who help and support them (the friends of the city's philharmonic.orchestra); if you make friends with someone, you begin a friendship with them; uou can also say that two people make friends (he has made friends with the kids on the street); of, relating.to.or.befitting a friend (friendly advice); warm hearted; comforting; in computers, user-friendly
in the manner of a friend; amicably
one on or favorable to one's own side (because it's a reunion of old class mates, there will be a lot of friendlies there)
a friendship is a relationship between two or more friends (they grew up together, went to the same schools together and supported each other through life and their friendship even continued into old age); you use friendship to refer in a general way to the state of being friends or the feelings that friends have for each other (their spiritual interests led to a whole new world of friendship and adventure); friendship is a relationship between two or more persons or entities in which they help and support each other)

at, near or belonging to the front or forepart; fore (the forward section of the aircraft; the forward part of a car); ardently.inclined; eager; lacking.restraint or modesty; presumptuous or bold (a forward child; a salesperson who is too forward)
if you move or look forward, you move or look in a direction that is in front of you (she came forward with her hand out having a letter in it; she fell forwards onto the bed); forward means in a position near the front of something such as a building or a vehicle (the best seats are the aisle seats and as far forward as possible); if you say that someone looks forward, you approve of them because they think about what will happen in the future and plan for it (he's looking forward to seeing his folks on their anniversary); if you put a clock or watch forward, you change the time shown on it so that it shows a later time, for example when the time changes to summer time or daylight saving time; you use forward to indicate that something progresses or improves (quantum physics has just take a giant leap forward with Nassim Haramein's announcement in his new movie); toward or tending to the front; frontward (please step forward when it's your turn) 
in sports, a player in certain games, such as basketball, soccer or hockey, who is part of the forward line of the offense; the position played by such a person
one that forwards, such as an agent that facilitates and assures the passage of received goods to their destination
forward, forwarded, forwarding, forwards.transitive verbs
if a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier (when he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck)
if a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier (when he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck)

having a pleasant sweet odor (fragrant essential oils and perfumes (the air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms)
a fragrance is a pleasant or sweet smell (the fragrance of lavender was in the essential oil which people put on their clothes and/or bodies to make themselves smell nice)

any of a group of abundant rock-forming minerals.occurring.principally in igneous, plutonic and some metamorphic rocks and consisting of silicates of aluminum with potassium, sodium, calcium and rarely, barium; about 60 percent of the Earth's outer crust is composed of feldspar

the hand closed tightly with the fingers bent against the palm; a grasp; a clutch (they had won the lottery, had a fortune in their fists and let it all go within two years)
fist, fisted, fisting, fists.transitive verbs
to clench into a fist; to grasp with the fist

four times as great or many (we started off with 10 members and had a fourfold increase last month, so now we have 40)

a tract of land cultivated for the purpose of agricultural.production and or the raising and breeding of domestic animals (a trout farm; an oyster farm); farm machinery; farm buildings; farming areas
farm, farmed, farming, farms.verbs
transitive verb use.to cultivate or produce a crop on
intransitive verb use.to engage in farming
farm out.phrasal verb
to send work, for example from somewhere to be done elsewhere
one who works on or operates a farm

a group of animals that live, travel or feed together (today we saw many flocks of Canada geese and also some flocks of ducks);
a group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church.(Luke 12:32 "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."); a flock is also a large crowd or number (she was a curious little girl and had a flock of questions)
flock, flocked, flocking, flocks.intransitive verbs
to congregate or travel in a flock or crowd

fight, fought, fighting, fights.verbs
intransitive verb use.to attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons; to engage in a quarrel; argue (they are always fighting about real or perceived grievances)
transitive verb use.to contend with physically or argumentatively; oppose; to contend with or struggle against
a confrontation between opposing groups in which each attempts to harm or gain power over the other, as with bodily force or weapons; a quarrel or conflict

fruit.noun,.plural.is also.fruit
fruit or a fruit is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone surrounded by a substance that you can eat (fresh vegetables and fruit provide vitamins and fiber
(bananas and other tropical fruits; because of their high sugar content limiting oneself to about three fruits a week is easier on the body); fruit trees; fruit growers; a plant crop or product (the fruits of the Earth); result; outcome (the fruit of their labor); offspring; progeny; the fruits or the fruit of someone's work or activity are the things that result from it; anything produced; a product, result or effect; the fruits of one's labors; if the effort that you put into something or a particular way of doing something bears fruit, it is successful and produces results:.Matthew 7:16-20.
fruit, fruited, fruiting, fruits.intransitive and transitive verbs
to produce or cause to produce fruit; if a plant fruits, that means what it produces is the result of its purpose
fruity, fruitier, fruitiest.adjectives
of, containing or relating to fruit (fruity aroma or flavor in a wine); tasting or smelling richly of or as if of fruit; excessively.sentimental or sweet
producing fruit; conducive to productivity; causing to bear in abundance (fruitful soil); prolific (a fruitful producer of inspiring movies); fertile

fruit fly.noun,.plural.fruit flies
any of various small flies of the family Drosophilidae, having larvas that feed on ripening or fermenting fruits and vegetables,

fruit cocktail.noun,.plural.fruit cocktails
a mixture of fresh or preserved fruits cut into pieces and served as an appetizer or dessert; also called fruit cup

fruit bat.noun,.plural.fruit bats
any of various fruit-eating bats of the suborder Megachiroptera, inhabiting chiefly tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia

fruit cake.noun,.plural.fruit cakes
a rich cake containing dried or candied fruit, nuts, spices, etc.; a crazy or stupid individual and/or theory,such as the theory of evolution (he's an absolute fruitcake)

nuttier than a fruit cake.noun,.plural.nuttier than fruit cakes
someone who behaves in a strange way (they really are nutty as a fruitcake; crazy