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cladistics.plural noun.but singular in construction
a system of classification.based on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of groups of organisms
a group of organisms, such as a species, whose members share homologous features derived from a common.ancestor

a readily.perceived.pretense; a travesty (went through the charade of a public apology); a game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime, sometimes syllable by syllable, until they are guessed by the other players

convince, convinced, convincing, convinces.transitive verbs
to bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a course of action; persuade
convincement, convincer.nouns,.plurals.convincements, convincers
serving to convince (a convincing argument; a convincing manner); believable; plausible-(a convincing story); valid

the state of being convinced; certainty; a fixed or strong belief; opinion; the judgment of a jury that an individual is innocent of charges or guilty of a crime as charged (the jury was completely convicted of her innocence)

convict, convicted, convicting, convicts.verbs
transitive verb use.in law, to find or prove someone guilty of an offense or crime, often by the verdict of a court (the jury convicted the defendant); to make aware of one's sinfulness or guilt; to show or declare to be blameworthy (his remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity; she became convicted in heart that she was wrong and subsequently.apologized); to make aware of one's sinfulness or guilt (she was convicted in mind that it was important to stay in the same city as her parents)
intransitive verb use.to return a verdict of guilty in a court
in law, a person found or declared guilty of an offense or crime; a person serving a sentence of imprisonment
found guilty; convicted

captivate, captivated, captivating, captivates.transitive verbs
to attract and hold by charm, beauty or excellence
captivation, captivator.nouns,.plurals.captivations, captivators

clack, clacked, clacking, clacks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to chatter thoughtlessly or at length; to cackle or cluck, as a hen; to make an abrupt, sharp sound, as in the collision of two hard surfaces
transitive verb use-to cause to make an abrupt, sharp sound
thoughtless, prolonged talk; chatter; a clacking sound (the clack of an old fashioned typewriter); something that makes a clacking sound

worthless nonsense (poorly made junk is crap); rubbish; excrement; an act of defecating; a game of craps
if you describe something as crappy, you think it is of inferior or very poor quality
crapped, crapping, craps.intransitive verbs
to defecate

a risky.undertaking; difficult to estimate.results

an event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress or severe.affliction; a disaster (a hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region); dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy
causing or involving calamity; disastrous
calamitousness.noun.(most words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

not openly practiced, avowed, engaged in, accumulated or shown (covert military operations); covert funding for the rebels; secret; covered or covered over; sheltered; a covering or cover; a covered place or shelter; a hiding place 

coarse, coarser, coarsest.adjectives
of low, common or inferior.quality; lacking in delicacy or refinement.(coarse manners); vulgar or indecent (coarse language); consisting of large particles; not fine in texture

definite; specific; fixed (she set aside a certain sum each week; felt a certain wave of joy after working through resentments); you use certain to indicate that you are referring to one particular thing, individual or group, although you are not saying exactly which it is (there will be certain people who'll say, 'I told you so'; leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas; presents most appreciated by me are gifts of money); sure to come or happen; unavoidable; inevitable.(it is certain the Sun rises each day); if you make certain that something is the way you want or expect it to be, you take action to ensure that it is (firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are sufficient)
an indefinite but limited number; some (certain of the products are of better quality)
make certain.idiom
to take action ensuring that something happens; to have all doubts answered; to establish.whether something is indeed.correct
for certain.idiom
without doubt

undoubtedly; definitely.(this is certainly not my writing); by all means; of course (you may certainly join us for lunch); surely (hey certainly are competent workers)

the fact, quality or state of being certain.(the certainty of the sun rising each day)

cultivate, cultivated, cultivating, cultivates.transitive verbs
to grow or tend (a plant or crop); nurture; to form and refine, as by education; to seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; make friends with; to improve and prepare (land), as by plowing or fertilizing, for raising crops; till (till the land); to loosen or dig soil around (growing plants)

the act of cultivating; the state of being cultivated; refinement; culture

culture.noun, plural.cultures
the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions and all other products of human work and thought; these patterns, traits and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, ethnicity or population, make up the flow of quality denoting a higher level  society; development of the intellect through training or education; enlightenment resulting from such training or education; a high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training; special training and development (voice culture for singers and actors)
of or relating to culture or cultivation
educated, polished and refined; cultivated; produced under artificial and controlled conditions (cultured pearls)

culture.noun, plural.cultures
the growing of microorganisms, tissue.cells or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrientmedium; such a growth or colony, as of bacteria
culture, cultured, culturing, cultures.transitive verbs
to cultivate; to grow (microorganisms or other living matter) in a specially prepared nutrient.medium; in science, a culture is a group of bacteria or cells which are grown, usually in a laboratory as part of an experiment (a culture of human cells can last virtually forever if propernutrients are provided {*}; to culture a group of bacteria or cells means to grow them (hospital laboratories culture colonies of bacteria to confirm diagnoses); to use a substance as a medium for culture (to culture milk so as to produce sour cream, buttermilk, etc.)

the metabolic breakdown of complex.molecules into simpler ones, often resulting in a release of energy

belonging to the present time (current events); happening now; being in progress now

a steady, smooth onward movement (a current of air from a fan; a current of spoken words); flow; electrically

chaste, chaster, chastest.adjectives
morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest; not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal; pure or simple in design or style

chatter, chattered, chattering, chatters.verbs
intransitive verb use.to talk rapidly, incessantly and on trivial subjects; jabber; to utter a rapid series of short, inarticulate, speechlike sounds (birds chattering in the trees); to click quickly and repeatedly (our teeth chattered from the cold); to vibrate or rattle while in operation (power drill will chatter if the bit is loose)
transitive verb use.to utter in a rapid, usually thoughtless way (chattered a long reply)
idle, trivial talk; sharp, rapid sounds made by some birds and animals; a series of quick rattling or clicking sounds
chat, chatted, chatting, chats.intransitive verbs
to converse in an easy, familiar.manner; talk lightly and casually (light conversation is ...)
an informal, light conversation; any of several birds known for their chattering call, as of the genera Saxicola or Icteria

construe, construed, construing, construes.verbs
transitive verb use.to adduce or explain the meaning of; interpret (construed my smile as assent); to analyze the structure of a clause or sentence; to use syntactically (the noun fish can be construed as singular or plural); to translate, especially aloud (I don't understand this; just give me a minute to construe the meaning of what he wrote; I don't want to misconstrue his intent)
intransitive verb use.to analyze grammatical structure; to be subject to grammatical analysis
interpretation or translation

cease, ceased, ceasing, ceases.verbs
transitive verb use.to put an end to; discontinue (the factory ceased production); stop
intransitive verb use.to come to an end; stop (the renewing of the universe is a process that never ceases); to stop performing an activity or action; desist
cessation; pause (we worked without cease to get the project finished on time)
without stop or pause; constant; continual
a bringing or coming to an end; a ceasing (a cessation of work to allow for holidays)

trivial or worthless matter; thin, dry bracts or scales, especially (the dry bracts enclosing mature grains of wheat and some other cereal grasses, removed during threshing); finely cut straw or hay used as fodder; the scales or bracts borne on the receptacle among the small, individual flowers of many plants in the composite family

chaff, chaffed, chaffing, chaffs.verbs
transitive verb use.to make fun of in a good-natured way; tease
intransitive verb use.to engage in playful teasing; banter
good-natured teasing; banter

cram, crammed, cramming, crams.verbs
transitive verb use.to force, press or squeeze into an insufficient space; stuff; to fill too tightly
intransitive verb use.to study hastily for an impending examination (was up late cramming for the history exam)
a group that has been crammed together; a crush

a sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill (leg cramps can be allieviated by bringing the toes toward the belly button; cramps above the heart by rubbing one way toward the heart and if below the heart, one way up to it); birthing cramps are the spasmodic contractions of the uterus, such as those occurring during menstruation or labor, usually causing pain in the abdomen that may radiate to the lower back and thighs
cramp, cramped, cramping, cramps
transitive verb use.to affect with or as if with a cramp
intransitive verb use.to suffer from or experience cramps

cramp, cramped, cramping, cramps.transitive verbs
to shut in so closely as to restrict the physical freedom of (we were cramped in the tiny cubicle); crammed
restricted; narrowed (there was this cramp in the road on our journey through the mountains which slowed us down); difficult to read or decipher (the letters were of a cramp writing style)

clamp.noun, plural.clamps
any of various devices used to join, grip, support or compress mechanical or structural parts; any of various tools with opposing, often adjustable sides or parts for bracing objects or holding them together
clamp, clamped, clamping, clamps.transitive verbs
to fasten, grip tightly or support with or as if with a clamp
clamp down on.idiom
to supress