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trump up.phrasal verb
to devise.fraudulently (trumped up a charge against an obviously honest person)
a suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand; a card of such a suit; a trump card; trump is an alteration of the word triumph used in special senses that are now obsolete as first recorded in a sermon of 1529 A.D. by the English prelate Hugh Latimer; in the same 1529 text one may find the first instances of trump, used in the same two senses as triumph
trump, trumped, trumping, trumps.verbs
transitive verb use.to take a card or trick with a trump; to get the better of an adversary or a competitor, for example, by using a key, often hidden resource
intransitive verb use.to play a trump

Tyndale, William, 1494?-1536 A.D.
English religious reformer and martyr whose translation of the New Testament was the basis of the King James Bible

three times; in a threefold quantity or degree

being three in one, such as the Christian Trinity.and such as water

a fine, very thin fabric, such as gauze; tissue paper; a soft, absorbent piece of paper used as toilet paper, a handkerchief or a towel; in biology, an aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated intercellular matter acting together to perform one or more specific.functions in the body; there are four basic.types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epidermal and connective
tissuey, tissular.adjectives

the subject of a speech, an essay, a thesis or a discourse; a subject of discussion or conversation
of or belonging to a particular location or place; local; currently of interest; contemporary; in medicine, of or applied to an isolated or localized area of the body (an ointment which is topically applied to the abrasion)
; of, arranged by or relating to a particular topic or topics

a loose-fitting garment, sleeved or sleeveless, extending to the knees and worn by men and women especially in ancient Greece and Rome; a long, plain, close-fitting military jacket, usually with a stiff high collar; a long, plain, sleeved or sleeveless blouse; a short pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports; in botany, a loose, membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip or crocus

a large, often metallic container for holding or storing liquids or gases (a tank of gas); an enclosed, heavily armored combat vehicle that is mounted with cannon and guns and moves on caterpillar treads
tank, tanked, tanking, tanks.transitive verbs
to place, store or process in a tank
tank up.phrasal verb
to fill the tank

trudge, trudged, trudging, trudges.intransitive verbs
to walk in a laborious, heavy-footed way; tramp; plod
a long, tedious walk

any of numerous flatworms of the class Trematoda, including both external and internal parasites of animal hosts, that have a thick outer cuticle and one or more suckers or hooks for attaching to host tissue; also called fluke
of or belonging to the Trematoda

ofor relating to Earth or its inhabitants; of, relating to or composed of land; living or growing on land; not aquatic (a terrestrial plant or animal); compare extraterrestrial
an inhabitant of Earth

the act of drawing or pulling, especially the drawing of a vehicle or load over a surface by motor power; the condition of being drawn or pulled; pulling power, as of a draft animal or an engine; adhesive friction, as of a wheel on a track or a tire on a road; in medicine, a sustained pull applied mechanically especially to the arm, leg or neck so as to correct fractured or dislocated bones, overcome muscle spasms or relieve pressure

tug, tugged, tugging, tugs.verbs
transitive verb use.to pull at vigorously; strain at; to move by pulling with great effort or exertion; drag; to tow by tugboat
intransitive verb use.to pull hard (tugged at her boots; pull; to toil or struggle; strain; to vie; contend
a strong pull or pulling force (the tug of the river's current); a contest; a struggle (the tug between good and evil); a tugboat tugger.noun,.plural.tuggers
a small powerful boat designed for towing or pushing larger vessels; also called towboat

a sweet, chewy candy of molasses or brown sugar boiled until very thick and then pulled with the hands or by machine until the candy is glossy and holds its shape

trespass, trespassed, trespassing, trespasses.intransitive verbs
to commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err; in law, to commit an unlawful injury to the person, property or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another's land wrongfully; to infringe on the privacy, time or attention of another
transgression of a moral or social law, code or duty; in law, the act of trespassing; a suit brought for trespassing; an intrusion or infringement on another; breach

tawdry, tawdrier, tawdriest.adjectives
gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance; tawdry applies to what is at once gaudy and cheap and sleazy (tawdry saloons); if you describe something such as clothes or decorations as tawdry, you mean that they are cheap and show a lack of taste
cheap and gaudy finery
tawdriness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

communication at a distance as by telephone or computers on the Internet; technology that deals with telecommunication systems used in transmitting messages; the science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, television or the Internet

a projection on the end of a piece of wood shaped for insertion into a mortise to make a joint
tenon, tenons, tenoned, tenoning.transitive verbs
to provide with a tenon; to join with a tenon

a theme in a piece of writing, a talk, a discussion or movie is an important idea or subject that runs through it (the movie has a humorous theme throughout); a topic of discourse or discussion; subject

tie, ties, tied, tying.verbs
transitive verb use.to fasten or secure with or as if with a cord, rope or strap (tied the kite to a post; tie up a bundle of sticks); to fasten by drawing together the parts or sides and knotting with strings or laces (tied her shoes); to make by fastening ends or parts (tie a knot); to put a knot or bow in (tie a neck scarf); to confine or restrict as if with cord (duties that tied him to the office); to bring together in relationship; connect or unite (friends who were tied by common interests; a family is tied to each other); to equal in a contest (the hockey teams were tied late in the third period; tied the game with minutes remaining)
intransitive verb use.to be fastened or attached (the apron ties at the back); to achieve equal scores in a contest
a cord, string or other means by which something is tied; a necktie (she bought a colorful necktie for her dad's annual birthday); something that connects or unites; a link (family ties); one of the beams, usually made of wood, that are laid across a railroad bed to secure the rails; an equality of scores, votes or performance in a contest (the election ended in a tie)
tie in, etc..phrasal verb
to bring into or have a close or effective relation; connect or coordinate (tie in the movie promotion in with the book sales)
tie into, etc..phrasal verb
to approach.energetically
tie up, etc..phrasal verb
to secure or be secured to a shore or pier; dock; to impede the progress of; block (the accident tied up traffic); to keep occupied; engage (she was tied up in a meeting all morning; the phone was tied up for an hour); to place funds so as to make inaccessible for other uses (tied up her cash in long-term investments)

trespass, trespassed, trespassing, trespasses.intransitive verbs
to commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err; in law, to commit an unlawful injury to the person, property or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another's land wrongfully; to infringe on the privacy, time or attention of another
transgression of a moral or social law, code or duty; an intrusion or infringement on another; breach

a past participle of tread
tread, trod, trodden.or.trod, treading, treads.verbs
transitive verb use.to walk on, over or along; to press beneath the feet; trample; to subdue.harshly or cruelly; crush; to form by walking or trampling (tread a path; tread down the carboard box with his feet)
intransitive verb use.to go on foot; walk; to set down the foot; step (tread carefully on those stairs); to press, crush or injure something by or as if by trampling; to copulate, used of birds
the act, manner or sound of treading (we could hear them treading water at the lake); an instance of treading; a step (treading over the rocks); the upper horizontal part of a step in a staircase); the part of a wheel or tire that makes contact with the road or rails; the grooved face of a tire; the part of a shoe sole that touches the ground
(the tire is worn out being almost treadless)
tread water.idiom
to keep the head above water while in an upright position by pumping the legs; to expend effort but make little or no progress to achievement of a goal or an end
past tense and a past participle of tread