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controvert, controverted, controverting, controverts.transitive verbs
to raise arguments against; voice opposition to; (from controversy); to dispute or oppose by reasoning (controvert a point in a discussion)
intransitive verb senses.to engage in controversy

obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority; stubborn rebelliousness
obstinately disobedient or rebellious; insubordinate

harsh language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt; an instance of such language or treatment

a conundrum is a problem or puzzle which is difficult or near impossible to solve; a puzzling question or problem; a paradoxical, seemingly.insoluble or difficult problem; a plight; a dilemma

the act or process of conveying; transmission
Physics: in physics, heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another
convectional, convective.adjectives

a talk; a spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions and feelings; a skill which can be learnt for interacting.intelligently with others (conversation is short informal speaking) 

familiar, as by study or experience (conversant with medieval history)

converse, conversed, conversing, converses.intransitive verbs
to engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts, ideas or feelings; talk; speak

something that has been reversed; an opposite; to turn around converse.adjective
reversed in order, relation or action; being a logical or mathematical converse; contrary

convert, converted, converting, converts.transitive verbs
to change; transform
an individual converted to belief in God and Emmanuel.Christ from an ordinary ego bound consciousness way of living
one in ordinary living consciousness; not yet of higher consciousness
a change from lack of faith to belief in God and Emmanuel the Christ, the things of a higher consciousness; a change from one belief, opinion, doctrine, etc. to another
that can be converted (a convertible sofa bed); having a top that can be folded back or removed (a convertible automobile); exchangeable for gold or another money (dollars convertible into gold as in the new QFS (Quantum Financial System)
something that can be converted; a convertible automobile; a convertible security such as gold

convey, conveyed, conveying, conveys.transitive verbs
to communicate or make known; impart; to take or carry from one place to another; to transport; to serve as a medium of transmission for; to transmit.(the speech that conveys intelligence will reach the minds of listeners; wires that convey electricity)

the act of conveying; a means of conveying, especially a vehicle for transportation
Law:.in law, transfer of title to property from one person to another; the document by which a property transfer is effected
in law, the branch of legal practice dealing with the conveyance of property or real estate

cope, coped, coping, copes.intransitive verbs
to contend with difficulties and act to overcome them (coping with child rearing and a full-time job); to deal with and attempt to overcome problems and difficulties; meet, encounter

corollary.noun,.plural.corollaries, also.adjective
something that accompanies or parallels (side by side); a corollary of something is an idea, argument or fact that results directly from the idea, argument or fact (the number of prisoners increased as a corollary of the people's determination in getting rid of corrupt government involved in crimes against people and the crime of treason; corollaries of love are kindness, helpfulness, etc.; corollaries of genetically modified food and vaccinations, are sickness and slow death); a corollary is something that naturally follows; a result; a natural consequence or effect; a proposition inferred immediately from a proved proposition with little or no additional proof; a deduction or an inference

correlate, correlated, correlating, correlates.verbs
transitive use.to put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel or reciprocal relation; to establish or demonstrate as having a correlation (correlated good behavior with happiness)
intransitive use.to be related by a correlation
related by a correlation, especially having corresponding.characteristics.(example, correlates of love are listed here)
either of two correlate entities; a correlative

a close or mutual relation (a correlation between being happy and living long)
correlative, correlational, correlativity.adjectives
the degree or state of correlation
closely and naturally related

related; corresponding
either of two correlative entities; a correlate
Grammar:.indicating a reciprocal or complementary relationship: a correlative.conjunction

the petals of a flower considered as a group or unit
compare correlate above

physical; of a material.nature; corporeal means involving or relating to the physical world rather than the spiritual world (man's corporeal existence); relating to the body, rather than to the invisible things of mind, feelings or spirit
the state or quality of being corporeal; compare incorporeal

a living cell; especially one (as a red or white blood cell or a cell in cartilage or bone) not aggregated into continuous tissues; any of various small circumscribed multicellular bodies 

correspond, corresponded, corresponding, corresponds.intransitive verbs
to be in agreement with something; harmony or conformity; to be similar or equivalent.in character, quantity, origin, structure.or function; equate
agreement; conformity; also, to communicate by exchanging letters
one who communicates by means of letters; one employed by the print or broadcast media to supply news stories or articles (a foreign correspondent); something that corresponds; a correlative

having the same or nearly the same relationship; accompanying another (a position and its corresponding problems); having been assigned the responsibility of written communications (a corresponding secretary); participating at a distance from the rest of a group (a corresponding member of the bar association)

corroborate, corroborated, corroborating, corroborates.transitive verbs
to support with evidence; make more certain; confirm
corroboration, corroborative, corroborator.nouns

a caveat is a warning of a specific limitation of something such as information or an agreement; a caveat is a warning to take note of, to beware of; a qualification or explanation (it will work fine if you follow the guidelines); you will become wealthy, successful, adored and respected IF you sell your soul to the dark side {then they gotcha! but you always have choice to repair what you've done or not to); a modifying or cautionary.detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting or doing something (we can't proceed until the caveat holding us back is removed; she went to Paris with the caveat being she would come back immediately upon being called); a caveat is a warning that something may not be completely true, effective, etc.
caveat, caveated, caveating, caveats.verbs
transitive verb use.to qualify with a warning or clarification (the spokesperson caveated the statement with a reminder that certain.facts were still unknown); a caveat is a warning of a specific.limitation of something such as information or an agreement
intransitive verb use.Law:.to enter a caveat
caveat emptor.noun,.plural.caveat emptors
the axiom or principle in commerce that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying; from the Latin.imperative of 'cavere' meaning 'to beware' + 'emptor' meaning 'buyer', so we have 'let the buyer beware'

characterized by consideration and courtesy, especially toward women; having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight; of or relating to chivalry

of or relating to chivalry

the medieval system, principles and customs of knighthood; chivalrous qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor and gallantry toward women; a manifestation of any of these qualities

circumscribe, circumscribed, circumscribing, circumscribes.transitive verbs
to draw a line around; encircle; to limit narrowly; restrict; to determine the limits of; define; limit; to enclose (a polygon or polyhedron) within a configuration of lines, curves or surfaces so that every vertex of the enclosed object is incident on the enclosing configuration; to erect (such a configuration) around a polygon or polyhedron (circumscribe a circle around a square)

condense, condensed, condensing, condenses.verbs
transitive verb use.to reduce the volume or compass of; contract; to make more concise; abridge or shorten; to remove water from (milk, for example)
intransitive verb use.to become more compact; to undergo condensation
Physics:.to cause a gas or vapor to change to a liquid
the act of condensing; the state of being condensed; a condensate (a product of condensation); the liquid so formed condensational.adjective
Physics:.the process by which a gas or vapor changes to a liquid