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But the children of God must grow strong to avoid the influence of things that can take us all down as we are all predisposed to anger, sexual deviation.(from normal), financial mismanagement and other self sabotage negative inclinations. All of us need to improve our discipline in some area. The children of the Infinite Conscious One want to. The children of the devil are led to care not to.

The children of God have His nature of love.(1John 4:8,16).residing in them because they know how to keep in touch with the frequency of love, thereby having stability of being, as they are anchored to God, one with the Father:.2Corinthians 4:18; 2Timothy 1:7.

In this life we are always becoming something. We many be living from the soul level, where thoughts and feelings are subject to various temptations, if we are not on the side of high conciousness. This is how God set it all up, where all is contrasts. In the spirit, there is perfection that is us, our real selves. But in the physical ego ruled world, it's difficult to see things of the spirit because people are mostly acting from their low consciousness ego rules.

Some spiritually inclined people today are legalists and are constantly attempting.(mostly in ignorance of the reality of their position, their union with God).to become something that, in God, they already are. They are occupied with doing things they feel please God. They forget Hebrews 11:6. They forget that they are already accepted by and acceptable to God.

Relying on the self is the only option for those not placing their faith, their confidence in Him, instead perhaps in those not having Christ as their complete life, that is, in those not allowing Christ to express as them, placing their faith and trust in those whose identity is tied to things not of the Spirit within, but to externals.

The devil and dark side beings who have deceived the world.(Revelation 12:9).would have us think that things of the devil are only the senseless acts of violence and weirdness out there.

The devil's trick is to get and keep you focused on things apart.(and that, long term).from spiritual concerns, such as external things, things that involve the things of the 'I', the things of the 'me', the questionable things of life that appear good or you wouldn't be attracted to them and want them:.2Corinthians 11:14; Hebrews 13:5.

Never sell your soul.to the dark side, the demons, to get ahead in life as those who have chosen evil did:.1Timothy 4:2. Never agree to anything satanic, anything unloving, to get some physical advantage in life. It's the devil's world and you will prosper in it, for awhile. When you turn your life away from love and toward the devil, these shapeshifting evil ones have 'got you'. 

The devil has many ways to take you down:.Ephesians 6:11-14. And that, after they've sucked you in to the type pf prosperity they got you with in the first place. Avoid those dark things that lead you away from good, eventually to destruction of your life. It's a con job to get rid of you by getting you to go even darker as your life carries on. But it's never to late to turn around, as gene Decode explains. Keep your thoughts on life's ways that are good and you'll stay off the paths toward darkness. Build up the ways of good. Here's how.

Eternal concerns are a trap and can end up hurting us, often leading us to despise life, thinking Creator-God made a mistake; like "there can't be a God if things are this bad". But, there is life in all this! One's life is his and her choice, but not knowing the true God, one can only select from externals. Learn to select from internals and you'll explode limitations you have and your life opens to massive good, good with no down side.

The devil.(what or who is that?).wants you against yourself, depressed, downtrodden, confused.(1Corinthians 14:33; James 3:16), frustrated, feeling guilty, feeling unworthy, not knowing what to do, who to go to, what to believe, at your wits end and not knowing from where to go from where you are now in life and not even sure if you should be where you are. 

Those of the dark side, both demons and people highly influenced by them, carry out hitting your mind with thoughts and feelings that make any love for others and for a spiritual life wilt to ineffectiveness. Protect yourself and those you love with this invocation.

The educational system has been influenced to dumb all people down. The dark side has many other tricks. One being confusion. Confusion is not of God; clarity and transparency are:.1Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

Even words like 'confusion and intended', 'in' and so many more, have been altered by those allied with attitudes of the dark side.

The job of the invisible beings of the dark side is to get and keep you confused.(if you're on the path of confusion, you'll get more of it because what's in the mind comes into life:.2Thessalonians 2:11).and also to keep you blinded and away from any knowledge of what the Infinite One is doing on Earth in the hearts of people of higher consciousness. Many regular people are blinded to what's really going on in the world. That's just where the dark side wants them, out to get you into a syndrome of trials and sufferings.

Here you are brought to a point of willingness to make some changes for better tomorrows; careful here not to stupidly 'sell your soul' to the dark side to get prosperity in some area of your life, not realizing it could be a sell out, a trick to get you away from your eternal pathway, thinking these better tomorrows will come by some other way than from the true God of all compassion. And it could, if you choose evil as these ones have done.

Much better it is for you to decide for the good in a quest to find truth:.Jeremiah 44:29; Matthew 6:6-34.

Cain.(Genesis 4:1-7), the first murderer, was of such a mindset that he just couldn't see afar off in his life, much like some today who are blinded by their anger and hate, so much so that they do evil things that they later regret. Such are they living life and lacking insight, clairvoyance and wisdom. And Elijah too had his down moments:.1Kings 19:4-14.

We all have to go through the process of growing up with our egos, seeing the heartaches caused thereby and deciding upon whether we will continue on the ego's path of destruction or whether we will chose and apply higher consciousness ways:.Isaiah 48:10; John 16:2; 4:23; 1Corinthians 14:33:.Acts 17:23; 19:26-29; Proverbs 14:12; James 3:16. What is truth

The Bible can be so confusing because it's a book that one can comprehend when out of or even on his way out of the ego level and into the way of higher consciousness. This is because it's only one part of what is needed in developing comprehension of important spiritual things. The other part is the spiritual guidance of the Creators.(who are they?).by means of what is called the Holy Spirit. Having only the written words has little effect upon those steeped with their ordinary consciousness. 

How does one extract himself from the low consciousness ego which is always on the path of severance.(*).of sour souls, souls not doing good and as such, declining through selfishness? On having an innerstanding of the Bible

But more important than that is the answer the Bible provides to each of us. What's that? Look into yourself for answers. Howone does that. An example of one who didn't look at the evil in himself:.Genesis 4:1-12.

A key to comprehension of the Bible.

Ever wonder why the world is so confused out there, why so few ever 'get a lot of it together'? When we are alienated from the kind of life that comes from being 'in God', then our understanding defaults to what seems like the right choice out of any remaining options.

Ephesians 4:18 "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance.(original 'lack of knowledge').that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.".And why the blindness?

Here is what you get if you are into sin and what you get if you have Christ's loving nature in you:.Romans 6:23. Ever wonder why you do and say some things you just knew were wrong, yet did them anyway?
