Once we learn to
be compassionate toward one another and move from being unloving, unconcerned
and selfishly living life without restraint, feeding just ourselves with
our own desires, in effect, being a worthless
individual of no value to anyone but himself and one's desires.(ego).
Once we move from the ego
crap, life opens up for us in ways unimaginable
from where most are now:.1Corinthians
2:9. Life opens up because once we have decided to walk the bettter
road, we have a fellow passenger:.Isaiah
50:9 "Behold, the Lord God will help me. Who is he that shall condemn
me? lo, they all
shall wax old as a garment. The moth shall eat them up..Be
while enemies dissipate.
by the shield of faith is living knowing Christ.(what
does 'living knowing' mean?).is
you and knowing this means, living in righteousness.(righteousness
is not what you may think it means).
So, leave off worrying about what you may be suffering.(Romans
instead about higher things such as how to accomplish compassion
and kindness.
When you are in righteousness
you are out of the snare of the devil, which is that which deceives a person
toward evil ways by influencing his or her ego by bribery.(greatness
{'we are the elite
and you are scum}),
and blackmail.
In reality it is the 'devil', the
dark side all of us are subject to that precipitates
and perpetuates.evil,
gaining a foothold toward a stranglehold, by what
it is that is in our minds. Be alert to your thoughts. What
is the way out of the tricks of the
dark side?
The Creator created us good,
but with subjectivity
to the bad side. Why?
Evil is that which takes
one beyond bad, taking one away from
with what the Creator is and that is high consciousness. The mechanism
that allows evil to flourish
is our own egos:.2Timothy
2:26. The 'devil' proliferates
through deeds of evil that have lodged themselves in our psyche.
Paul is saying selfishness
is not Godliness and that selfish ways are ways your
dark side can gain a foothold. Instead:.Ephesians
God had favor towards, including Paul, had done many bad things during
their lives, but they weren't in the category
of evil, Why? 1Timothy 1:13.
The original Greek for devil
is 'diabolos', meaning a 'slanderer'. To slander, one must want.(has
decided to).to
find wrong in some area. Terrorists
in 'holy' causes are this way, as was
Paul until he came to see
that the way he was going was wrong.
The devil is called also."the
accuser of the brethren":.Revelation
12:10. And isn't this just the way we just all seem to grow into not
knowing anything but the ways
of the dark side ego.
The dark side 'crew' wait.(Ephesians
2:2), meaning, the things of your
dark side that you wish to remain hidden will one
day come back and bite you.(Luke
8:17), unless you've dealt
with them. How?.Romans
Perhaps long after they have
been forgotten without having been dealt with, they again surface. Not
having dealt with them, they lodge in your subconscious.
One way to clear them is to do, what's called, 'spiral
back', to see what they are and lay them down at the
feet of Christ, having no more to do with them, even in mind.
A purpose of the dark side
is to take you down one step at a time,
because if it's subtle,
it may hardly be noticed and difficult later to 'put one's finger on' what
"Evil rarely looks evil until
it accomplished its goal. It gains entrance by appearing attractive, desirable
and perfectly legitimate. It is a bated and camouflaged trap.".…David
Lester Straight, from his video on Utah classes, part 3.
One trick used by the dark
ones is to set you up for a response to greed, by getting you to choose
the me, me, me narcisstic way.
The ndark side does this
by conditioning your mind toward opportunities to become better than you
now are financially, so that when an opportunity is placed in front of
you that is dangling
there, you'll be disposed
to bite on the bait and like in fishing, won't be cognizant
of the sharp hook.
You can tell if the devil
is out trying to influence you when you have selfish tricks in mind in
taking advantage of another:.Luke
8:18. This is Self Inflicted Narcissism,
SIN, as Dave XRPLion has stated, that is, you have chosen the selfish way
of living and that's the way of the
dark side ones.
Be alert for the wiles of
the devil, a major one being tricking you to do the bidding of the dark
side. How's he does this?
Be alert
to what circumstance
you may be in, as to yourself not getting sucked into something that could
eventually turn out badly, the covid con being one example with the
a vaccine. We are dealling with satanic liers our there, who hate humans
and are out to eliminate them. No, you won't see the hate right away. They
are too sophisticated
for that. They are smooth as grease:.Psalms
119:69,70. but here's what to look for:.Matthew
Guard yourself and others
close to you who are cared about, such as your children
Satan's chains of darkness
you and/or them. How
to help your children.
Guard against attempts by
means of lies and deceit.(Revelation
The devil always uses lies and deceit to reach your mind where your
free choice is and uses those people he has influenced, to lead you a
step away at a time, a further step down the wrong road, no matter how
good at first the pathway may look. Use Ask Suby for a guide in life until
you don't need it. It's free.
poisoning of humanity occurs because good people did not stand up against
it, but again, stand
up against such things respectfully and kindly:.1Peter
3:9; 2Peter 2:11; Jude
1:9. And the almost takeover of the world for evil has crept
in over centuries. How?
Most however have been conditioned by the corrupt media into believing
such things are nothing but 'conspiracy
But instead of letting the
evil ones take you down by a little here and a little there, turn it around
for yourself and take one step at a time upward. To
grow in spirituality.
It's subtle like the ever
so many hurtful things affecting
us today by those people conned
into being on the dark side, those who have been influenced and are in
places of control over others, such as the scams
and cons
those of the dark side use in appealing
to the darkness we may still have in our egos.(*).
Truly, changing the self changes the world. How?
The dark side is out to push
the greed/selfish 'buttons' all of us have. It's one way to be conned.
When one feels that this opportunity.hovering
will make him or her greater in some way.(1Timothy
3:6), when one feels that he or
she is getting excited
about some prospect
that could open up doors to greater things for him or her, then it's time
to take a step back for some considerations.
Use Ask Suby, necessary if
you think you may have left off intuition
somewhere along the way. Intuition provides insight necessary to negotiate
the dangerous forests of living, so you don't end up floundering
in life's sea of uncertainty.
The dark side involves
the invisible workings which affect us negatively:.Ephesians
6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places."
The invisible dark side beings
know if they threw everything at you all at once, you would probably call
on the Creator for help and dark things would lose influence over you.
So, they want to keep some things in your life that at the present seem
what a person of ordinary consciousness would want, in order to keep you
busy and entertained, while the real purpose is to 'throw
darts' at you from time to time; the old adage
'the straw that broke the camel's back'. Being
thankful is a way to extricate
yourself from this negativity.
There is a
way to get rid of your dark side haunts
from your past.
One of many tricks the dark
side has used for thousands of years is to get to children in some way
and as soon as they can after they are born:.Revelation
12:4 "...and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be
delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.".And
a lot of those ways.(2Kings
come through stupid deceived, selfish and uncaring parents,
who have no positive ideas about how to bring up their precious children.
So, humanity
blinded regarding any commonsense,
sucks up the dark side thought frequency of, let's stick needles into pregnant
mom's and new born babies and they'll have poisons put into harm and we'll
tell them 'it's to protect them'. And of course be sure not to tell them
how powerful one's immune system is if not poisoned. Oh, yeah, the dark
side knows how to get rid of you. That's their plan, eliminate humanity,
because they know humanity will be above them forever:.Hebrews
1:5 "For unto which of the angels said he at any time, You are my Son,
this day have I begotten you? And again, I will be to him a Father and
he shall be to me a Son?
In the time of Pharaoh,
it was:.Exodus
1:15,16,22 "And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives...And
he said, When you do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see
them upon the stools.(an
easy way in which the women gave birth),
if it be a son, then you shall kill him...Pharaoh charged all his people,
saying, Every son that is born, you shall cast into the river."
And it was the same behind
the scenes.dark
side pumping those with susceptible
consciousness that did similarly
in Herod's
Pharaoh/Exodus time was the
first recorded plan of depopulation. The same continues
29:3 "...Thus says the Lord God; Behold, I am against you.(and
any like him today), Pharaoh king of
Egypt, the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers, which has
said, My river is mine own and I have made it for myself."
attitude many in authoritative positions have today, acting as a God they
do, being not in alignment
with the Creator's way of love. Ever talk to a doctor or government person
about, say, vaccinations, the
system, the 'cides', fluoride
added to the water supply you drink, education
that is more of indoctrination?
They hide behind their ignorance
by giving opinions.in
place of.verifiable
research they should know. They are not professionals.
These are those never caring enough to find out what any truth may be.
Run from them. They may be called 'professionals' but they are only 'greed
boys' propagatingignorance,
risking your hurt for their gain.(Psalms
53:1 ...Corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity. There is
none that does good).and
if questioned beyond their response.ability.
Such are groups
of lower consciousness individuals who defend one another's opinions that
are often based on nothing but thin air. See quote of Chris
Note how the same attitude
as at the birth of Emmanuel.(Matthew
down through history from Pharaoh's time to the present day and what
do we have getting to the children as soon as they are born and even while
still in the womb? Vaccination upon vaccination upon vaccination upon vaccination
upon vaccination and more, all with toxic ingredients people have been
to believe are important and necessary in maintaining health. Be at least
a little smart to these tricks, type into 'vaccine injuries' and
in another search, 'vaccine ingredients'.(*).
Maybe try Bing or other reputable search engine as the mainstream ones
are not anymore to be trusted. There is only one
way to change evils that hurt humanity.
One sees the same 'ol satanic
thinking of evil, time and time again in history, this one comprised
Clarke's Commentary:."Constantius
Chlorus, the father of Constantine, abandoned the absurdities
of paganism
and treated the Christians with great respect.(in
306 A.D., Constantine
his son, ascended the throne and allegedly
became protector of true Christians).
This alarmed the pagan priests, whose interests were so closely connected
with continuance of ancient superstitions.
These pagan priests apprehended
that the Christian religion would daily become more universal and triumphant
throughout the empire, which was, of course, figured
by them to be to their
Under these anxious fears they moved Diocletian
to persecute the Christians.
what is termed the tenth and last general persecution.(by
Roman Emperors), which was the most
severe of all.(of
all persecutions by the Roman Emperors).and
continued nearly ten years..See
Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History of the Third Century."
In 1478 A.D. the
Inqusition began. It was another deceitful ploy
to eradicate
true Christians.
Your soul cannot be affected
by evil when you are in higher
because once on the road of higher consciousness, the playing of the dark
side's tune through you is constantly being dimmed, until it is no longer
heard at all.
Your life can stay in higher
stay in {1John 4:8,9}, that is,
once you have gotten into it, how?.2Corinthians
and study of spiritual things and taking some
of what you learn with you in your mind during the day, such
as... and by applying what you learn as you live your life, such
addition, when you are doing things, expect and listen
for God's guidance and don't
forget to ask if you need help with something, because the true
God, unlike those who are of the dark side, would never
override your heart.
Meditation and other spiritual
efforts strengthen you, keeping you from opening a door
to control by
the ego
again. If you're meditating about 20 minutes twice a day, the ego is constantly
weakened and higher consciousness increasingly prevails.
All these spiritual disciplines can have effect even if all
done in ten minutes.
You will forever grow in
greater love for yourself and all humanity greatly bringing
the world to peace and prosperity for all. And this will continue and
9:7; Luke 1:33.
Just having the heartfelt
words 'love' and 'goodness' or 'eternal life' and 'resurrection' or 'I
am happy, I am healthy.(Isaiah
33:24 "And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick..."),
I am wealthy' in mind every so often opens the
Soul's connection to you and keeps it open, as do other
thoughts of higher consciousness that may at this time be lacking in
your expression on this Earth. Higher consciousness thoughts unwrap
the blanket the ego uses to hide and keep you in the only way all your
life you have known. See and use the
4 disciplines.
But what if for you they
are not heartfelt? If you want them to be as meaningful
to you as they could be, they have the same effect.
One's intent is important.
Words are Soul.functions.
Words are life:.John
1:1-4; 5:24; 6:68;
1:1. The words one thinks determine one's life to be either
enjoyable or of heartaches. Make sure words of life are in your thinking:.John
6:63,68; Acts 5:20.
Words and phrases
such as."and
I give unto them eternal life".(John
am the resurrection and the life".(John
man comes to me but by the Father".(John
similarly, open your soul and expand your mind.
The word 'heartfelt'; you
know what it means or should mean. If I said 'kakinz', you would know that
may be some word in some language, but it's without meaning in
English, just a made up group of letters and in no particular order and
that which makes some meaningless sound when vocalized.
To be a true word it must
communicate meaning, making a sound or a combination of sounds or be represented
in writing or printing. It must symbolize and communicate
Love, emotions, feelings,
think in words which beget
images), are not solid matter. The
invisible things, energy and information,
non local world,
the world of the soul.
Love, emotions, feelings
and thoughts are of the invisible transformational fields where change
actually occurs and which eventually reflects in physical existence. A
person can only experience these fields in the imagination realm while
they are in transformation phase. One gets into transformational phase
through the
spiritual discipline things. Once manifested
in the physical realm they can be experienced with the senses.
Being greedy for gain.(Isaiah
56:11; Proverbs 15:27).spills
over into many character faults, probably the worst of which is believing
those in positions of power when you really can't and should
not at
all trust them, because you are trusting the tricky ego which we all
17:5 "This says the Lord, Cursed be the man that trusts in man...".And
we live in a society with many curses affecting all. Fixing yourself fixes
Trusting the ego to one's
own hurt occurs because men and women just
don't check things out properly in order to discover the truth. Failing
to use commonsense
they quickly jump into errors.
Most of us prefer instead
to continue living as best we can based on all the crap we've been exposed
to. It's easier this way, that is until it's too late to do anything effective
to turn the tide for the better. Then we are left with the world we all
created and need help from beyond.
Close mindedness coupled
with intellectual laziness leads to self righteousness, like, "don't disturb
me from my selfish life". And defenses are put up to cover the close mindedness
as: "well, I don't believe that and I won't waste my time looking into
it"; typical of those of us who are not insane, just
Through apathy,
we allow many negative things to affect us. The devil has many deep ways
and much experience.(John
8:44; 1John 4:20).in
negatively influencing humans since their beginning. Many tricks awaiting
an opening, as you'll see as you read through; one of them being the hope
of 'new light'. What may
appear at first to be new and wonderful, often comes with a horrible pricetag,.1).
Adding to greed and self-righteousness
are sexual deviations,
cruelty and unconcern for others, a 'worship me, I'm worthy of it' attitude
and so many more subtleties.
The dark side has many tricks and they start
One way a door is opened
is when we allow ourselves
get worn out. The more you run around doing this and that in life,
the less time you have to care for your heart,
soul and your physical energy.
In Leviticus
17:7 the word 'devil' is the translation of the Hebrew word 'sair',
meaning a 'goat' or 'satyr'.(Isaiah
to the word 'daemons', the objects of idolatrous worship
among the heathen.
Some sharp thinking people
designing the 'https' standard for the Web, decided to incorporate the
word 'daemon', which is a UNIX term for a program that sits
in the background and waits for requests. In the implementation httpsD
the 'D' stands for daemon.(variant
of spelling the word demon).
The Bible talks of
warfare, a wrestling against invisible principalities and powers, the principalities
and powers that exacerbate
the negatives in the
mass mind of humanity, a war in and about the
mind, a battle to get at you any
way possible; to get at you in such a way that you are eventually overcome;
overcome with grief, discouragement, addictions; poor health, anything
to eventually get you against yourself,
tear your heart inside out; to turn your guts upside down, to wreck
your emotions, to turn hate upon yourself, to wipe out your fire, your
enthusiasm, your hope, your dreams, to stop the music in you, etc., all
designed to take you down
and out.
This warfare you have already
been in and not known what to do about it. That's why the frustration.
That is why things seem to often just get worse. That's why any good you
like is soon balanced by the bad. There are ways
out of this conundrum.
The way out cannot be found from the same level that created any problems.
That's why the Earth has been in wars up to now.
"War is organized murder."....Dr.
Steven Greer. There never was a good war or a bad peace.
8:44 "You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father
you do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his
own, for he is a liar and the father of it."
Since we are already predisposed.(how?),
the devil.(catch
word for the darker sides of our natures {deeds of evil}).has
an easier time in getting you on the road toward confusion, depression
and self hate.
The enemy is only an enemy
if we choose to focus away from a solid spiritual state, made possible
by what the Great Infinite One sent his Son, the one we call Emmanuel the
Christ, to Earth to do:.Ephesians
2Corinthians 10:4.
The purpose of those beings
in the dark side is to get you to the point that you want to do away with
yourself, then you are finished, but hopefully you'll see the purpose of
it all, that the evil is there so you can find the opposite. But once you
have become a spiritual person, the things of what we label as the devil
are not a concern at all anymore, they are not now necessary to
awaken you because you have awakened and are on the spiritual path,
that is, unless you choose to get your mind off your
true spiritual nature and begin to again focus on those negatives that
once took you into the tank of life, letting them affect you to the point
affecting you spiritually.
This is what the Bible talks of when it cautions you about 'letting your
guard down':.Ephesians
The warfare.(1Timothy
6:12; 2Timothy 2:1).is
and sustaining that persuasion, that we are what God says that we are,
when all our life's
and every negative event that comes our way screams to the contrary,
pulling and pulling at us to return to the 'go with the flow' thinking
of the mass mind,
which is influenced by the dark side.
We are born into an ongoing
a battle in which angels behind the scenes
are involved in.
of God, means you are in a battle.(Exodus
15:3), a struggle, but with a sure
outcome, the exercise of the battle being necessary to mold us, to shape
us, to make us the best we can be,
according to how He sees us
as He works with us. He knows us
than we know ourselves. But God never overrides our minds. We choose.
We can choose the way of goodness, or the ways of the
dark side.
When the Infinite One says
that we are righteous, holy
and perfect, do we now believe that we are that
Religion tells us we've been
forgiven, but we know that we aren't yet fully transformed. So, what triggers
transformation? As Deepak Chopra
has said:."When
you are in pure being, it's your
intention that triggers transformation.".So,
do you get into 'pure being'.
Some fail to realize that
they are fully on the transformation highway:.2Corinthians
5:17. When in Christ, the physical things don't ultimately
matter spiritually:.Galatians
6:15. But how we handle the things of the physical world we are in,
do determine
the reward.
Physical errors we all have
made are all now
His blood. John
8:36 "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."
The Great Infinite One says
He loves you.(John
that you are holy and
and righteous.
If one doesn't believe that
he is righteous, pure, holy and thus
equal with the Creator.(Philippians
2:5,6), the Creator's power isn't
for him. Its help has been deprived.
Like hello! What good is having a million dollars and remaining it unused?
It might as well not even
be there.
Overcome strong
negative thoughts with your tongue.(Luke
6:45), by directing the power of
the Spirit in you: "Emmanuel's
love is in me; I have decided to be loving in all I do. I forbid all
evil thoughts by saying no to them.".Reference
is 1John
4:7. Also you can ask
Bruno Gröning if you need help here.
Also say these words or similar,
to yourself "He.(Emmanuel
spoiled all that keeps me from being a creator too." Reference is Colossians
The devil works in.(1John
Earthly enemies by influence over the
mass mind and can give them power.(Luke
4:6; John 13:2; 2Timothy
13:2-4. That's why it is important for you to change it. How?
The devil, the source of
evil, is busy keeping the world away from the way of peace:.Romans
3:11-14; Revelation 12:9;
2:10. That is his job. Just look at the world to see how well he's
been able to do in this regard.
If there were no hurts out
there, what need would there be for compassion
to help others? We would lack that opportunity as everyone would be doing
just great with no problems. And in helping others get on the right pathway,
they too have an opportunity to head toward the
reward that good words, thoughts and deeds opens for them.
The route to increasing
evil is selfishness. Selfishness is the pathway that will lead one
down the
river of no return.
But, there is an easy way to return while one is still living:.Isaiah
A quick way to get away from
evil is to spiral back.
becomes spiritual.(these
are called 'Christians' in the Bible),
through study of the words of the Infinite One and the indwelling and guidance
of the Holy Nature of love.(called
Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost in the Bible),
he or she can now effectively
eradicate all thought patterns that may still be resident that allow
evil influences upon him or her:.2Timpthy
2:20,21 "But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and
of silver, but also of wood and of Earth and some to honour and some to.(or,
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto
honour, sanctified and meet for the masters use and prepared unto every
good work."
2Timothy 2:26 "And
that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are
taken captive by him at his will."
6:14 "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under
the law, but under grace." 1John 5:4,5
"For whatsoever is born of God overcome the world and this is the victory
that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcomes the
world, but he that believes that Emmanuel is the Son of God?" 1John
3:9 "Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, for his seed remains
in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God.".1Corinthians
15:57; 1Chronicles 29:11-13.
There are those on the spiritual
pathways of life and those who just don't give
a damn. By mastering these major
tendencies to fault life becomes more enjoyable.