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Do the commandments set us in the way of God.(the ways of love and compassion)?.Psalms 85:13

Does Jude, one of the apostles, in writing to Christians, say to look to the commandments to keep them in the love of God and into eternal life?.Jude 1:21

Do the very last words in the Bible tell us anything else but grace is important?.Revelation 22:21

Relying upon any of the promises from God to come to you through law keeping is tantamount to making the promises ineffective. More:.Romans 4:4; 5:2.

In talking about being perfect and measuring up to the utmost, the spiritual stature of Christ, Paul says nothing about tithing, or any part of the Mosaic Law including the commandments: Ephesians 4:5,13. Why measure up? 

The nature of the Great Infinite One that Christ came to Earth to make personal to humanity, dwells in us by faith, not, keeping the Mosaic Law's parts some religious persons today feel we need keep to remain in a right relationship with God:.Ephesians 3:17; Galatians 3:2. It is only through faith by the grace of God that we have access to the Father and are saved. Nothing else!.Ephesians 3:12; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 3:24 "Being.justified freely.by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Emmanuel."

It took the One sent to Earth named Emmanuel, to come in the absolute perfection required by the law in order to fulfil it, to complete it, for without this type of righteousness.(righteousness is in consciousness).Christ's righteousness, it was never complete and before the plan of God could progress to where it was now at because of Emmanuel, the previous step to this had to first become complete.

The Mosaic Law was heretofore incomplete.

Without any deviation whatsoever, it had to be kept. This was impossible for ego controlled people. The whole Old Testament was a record of what the ego, the natural man.(1Corinthians 2:14).does for you, destruction.

The old covenant throughout the Old Testament and into Emmanuel's time in the New Testament, was not at all a higher spiritual way, the way of the new covenant that Emmanuel came to reveal:.Matthew 5:17,18 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law.(some people {Pharisees, no doubt} of the multitudes He talked to, were thinking that He came to wipe out, to destroy, their coveted law with all its rules, regulations and traditions).or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily.(or, 'in truth').I say unto you, Till heaven and Earth pass, one jot.(smallest bit).or one tittle.(the minute point or stroke added to some letters of the Hebrew alphabet to distinguish them from others which they resemble; hence, the very least point; today, the dot over the i).shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.".And it was with the advent of Christ:.Luke 16:16.

Are things passing from the law now?.Galatians 3:24-26
   The gift of righteousness couldn't be given until 'someone' had it to give:.John 17:4; Romans 5:17-19.

Emmanuel talked of the law. He was born and brought up under it:.Galatians 4:4. He had to comprehend what it was that He was to take us out from obligation to:.Galatians 4:5

Christians.(what's the word 'Christian' mean?).keeping the commandments today as a point of Godly obedience, are, in effect, trying to be as righteous as Christ was, without, or perhaps, even after accepting the gift of righteousness He made possible by His life and death. This is tantamount to rejecting Him. 

Ephesians 1:7 and Matthew 26:28 show we have redemption from all sin only through Emmanuel's.blood and this as a gift. So never think that because you have done bad, now you should do good, so that God will accept you again. It is through Emmanuel's blood and nothing else that you are redeemed:.Hebrews 9:12; 1Peter 2:24; Isaiah 64:6. It is His gift to those who accept it.

To redeem means to deem again, to have a new opinion, to move from the opinions that have locked a person into the ego level and into the much more beneficial higher consciousness level..Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary: "Deliverances from misery and dangers by the divine power coming through the ransom of the blood of Christ, in scripture, are often called redemption."

Regarding a spiritual relationship with God: In the new covenant, only faith of Christ in a person pleases God:.Hebrews 11:6

Paul had the same concerns in his day to deal with. See 'Alternate Gospel'. The mix of New Testament faith and grace with Old Testament laws is deadly to spiritual life, splits the personality.(schizophrenia).and is the main reason why 70% of those in mental institutions are, sadly, 'born again' Christians.

Having done their utmost to keep themselves right with God by keeping the commandments, church going, tithing and the like, many become disillusioned after experiencing heartache after heartache. Something is seriously wrong. They have done their best, yet have fallen from grace into sin, which means 'missing the mark' of what Christ came to ensure humanity has.

Disappointedly such are they then who again have no other option but to rely on the ego level as a life base. The ego level is a heartache producing level. Headaches come from stress and heartaches from a loss of love. If the body is fighting for proper nutrition, stress is produced. If one's life is fighting for meaning, if one's life is fighting to live better, stress is also produced. The way out. The heart brain is capable of love while the head brain concerns itself with ego and survival. 

The true meaning of 'sin' is 'missing the mark'. They have missed the mark of the free gift of righteousness of the Infinite One, free, by faith and faith alone and not their faith, but the faith of Christ, given as a gift, but no matter who may give you a gift, you always have the option to accept it or not. They have never really been taught how they can have the power of God that 'moves mountains'.(examples.1, 2), the way that brings fulfillment into one's daily living.

They know they lack the identity of connection with a source of power to help them. They know they are missing the esteem that is realized within a man or woman when they know their stance in the universal scheme of things.

Love of others as shown by kindness and helpfulness is critical to mental health and emotional fulfilment. Sociability is important! Knowing that you are capable, worthy, loving and lovable is the faith of Christ working in you and you have the sureness of what you are.

Being capable to be of value to others and indeed making a difference in others' lives is a mark of maturing into the realm of spirituality, as the early church was doing.

To have the power of the Creator effectively working in you like that, there is a key. It's a key false ministers or ministers of the dark side, ministers of Satan.(2Peter 2:18; Jude 1:16).avoid either out of ignorance due to lack of guidance from God and that being no light in them.(Isaiah 8:20).and that due to lack of concern for others which would give them the intuition to see what one could be in spiritual need of. Or it could be that they are so deceived and confused themselves that they are 'totally out of it', locked in the clutches of the dark side and cut off from the connection to inspiration and thus available to be held within the clutches of evil as Paul was:.1John 5:18.

It's no wonder such people have no power in their lives:.2Timothy 3:5; Proverbs 14:12; Isaiah 30:9-13;.Revelation 3:17; Ephesians 5:6.

Many Christians are not 'reigning in life'.(Romans 5:17).because they allow their hearts to be regulated by the expectations of.the church, others and even self imposition of erroneous.concepts.

In this they miss the 'abundance of grace' to reign in life as the expression of Emmanuel's nature as their unfolding character:.Romans 5:17. One thing that would help is to become more like the Bereans:.Acts 17:10,11.
