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the way in which something is said, done, expressed or performed (a style of speech and writing); the style of something is the general way in which it is done or presented, which often shows the attitudes of the people involved (our children's different needs and learning styles create.challenges for parents); the combination of distinctive.features of literary or artistic.expression, execution or performance.characterizing a particular person, group, school or era; sort; type (a style of furniture); a quality of imagination and individuality.expressed in one's actions and tastes (does things with style); a comfortable and cozy.mode of existence (living in style); a mode of living (the style of living well); the fashion of the moment, especially of dress; vogue; a particular fashion (the style of the 1920's); a customary.manner of presenting printed material, including.usage, punctuation, spelling, typography and arrangement; a form of address; a title; an implement used for etching or engraving; a slender, pointed writing instrument used by the ancients on wax tablets; the needle of a phonograph; the style aka gnomon of a sundial
style, styled, styling, styles.transitive verbs
to make consistent with rules of style (style a manuscript); to give style to (style hair)
stylize, stylized, stylizing, stylizes.transitive verbs
to give style to (they redesigned the car to increase its appeal to the eye)

Botany: the usually slender part of a pistil, situated between the ovary and the stigma

a set or series of steps for crossing a fence or wall; a turnstile

a vertical.member of a panel or frame, as in a door or window sash

the supporting of life or health; maintenance; the act of sustaining; the condition of being sustained

sop, sopped, sopping, sops.verbs
intransitive verb use.something yielded to placate or soothe; a bribe; to be or become thoroughly.soaked or saturated
transitive verb use.to dip, soak or drench in a liquid; saturate; to take up by absorption (sop up water with a paper towel)
a piece of food soaked or dipped in a liquid

stern, sterner, sternest.adjectives
hard, harsh or severe in manner or character.(a stern disciplinarian); grim, gloomy or forbidding in appearance or outlook; firm or unyielding; uncompromising; inexorable; relentless
synonyms.severe, austere, gruff, harsh
in nautical.terms, the rear part of a ship or boat; rear part or section

in nautical.terms, a single continuous line of planking or metal plating extending on a vessel's hull from stem to stern, used as seamen walked back and forth attending to raising or lowering the sails

importance, significance or emphasis placed on something; the relative.force with which a sound or syllable is spoken; the emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or phrase, such as the ' in describing the pronunciation of the word accent (ak' sent) showing that the vocal stress is on the ak' part of the pronunciation
stress, stressed, stressing, stresses.transitive verbs
to place emphasis on (stressed the importance of basic fire safety)

a mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influences and capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability and depression; a stimulus or circumstance causing such a condition (bullies have to be removed from educational systems and because of their actions they are undeserving of continued opportunities for bullying; bullies are usually the 'black sheep' of a family and why?)
full of or tending to cause stress
stress, stressed, stressing, stresses.transitive verbs
to place emphasis on (stressed the importance of basic fire safety); to subject to mental pressure, tension or strain; 
full of or tending to cause stress
undergoing or suffering the effects of stress
stress out.phrasal verb
to subject to or undergo extreme stress, as from working

Physics:.an applied force or system of forces that tends to strain or deform a body; the internal resistance of a body to such an applied force or system of forces to subject to physical pressure, tension or strain; to be subject mechanical pressure or force; to construct so as to withstand a specified stress
undergoing or suffering the effects of stress

dedicated spiritual things such as; the things of the spirit (Exodus 3:5 "And he said, Draw not nigh hither. Put off your shoes from off your feet, for the place whereon you stand is holy ground."); made or declared holy, such as the ancient ark of the covenant; worthy of religious veneration; dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose or person

of.or.relating.to priests or the priesthood; priestly; of or relating to sacerdotalism
the belief that priests act as mediators between God and human beings

sea urchin.noun,.plural.sea urchins
any of various echinoderms of the class Echinoidea, having a soft body enclosed in a round, symmetrical, calcareous shell covered with long spines (*)

one venerated for experience, judgment and wisdom as the ancient Rishis were
sage, sager, sagest.adjectives
having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment; proceeding from or marked by wisdom and calm judgment (sage advice)
the quality of being.discerning, sound in judgment and farsightedness; wisdom; keen in perception
having or showing keen discernment, soundjudgment and farsightedness; shrewd

any of various plants of the genus Salvia, especially S. officinalis, having aromatic grayish-green, opposite leaves used as a cooking herb; also called ramona

Mathematics: sine
1. The ordinate of the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point (1, 0) if x is positive or clockwise if x is negative
2. In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side opposite an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse. 

Fournier showed long ago that any signal can be described as a sum of sine and cosine waveforms of different amplitudes (sizes) and frequencies. If the signal under consideration is an image, the sines and cosines become functions of space, undulating between light and dark as one moves across the image from top to bottom. The particular wave pattern as shown on an oscilloscope.

of astounding force, volume, degree or excellence; marvelous; amazingly large or great; huge
stupendousness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

following in time or order; succeeding
subsequentness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

a sympathetic relationship or affinity between people or things is one in which whatever affects one individual, correspondingly affects the other; of, expressing, feeling or resulting from sympathy (a sympathetic glance); favorably inclined (sympathetic to her proposal); agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial.(sympathetic surroundings); of, relating to or acting on the sympathetic nervous system (a sympathetic neuron)

sympathize, sympathized, sympathizing, sympathizes.intransitive verbs
to feel or express compassion, as for another's suffering; if you sympathize with someone who is in a bad situation, you show that you are sorry for them (I must tell you how much I sympathize with you for your loss; he would sympathize but he wouldn't comprehend); if you sympathize with someone's feelings, you care for them and are not critical of them (some Europeans sympathize with the Americans over the issue; he liked Max and sympathized with his ambitions); if you sympathize with a proposal or action, you approve of it and are willing to support it); commiserate; to share or understand the feelings or ideas of another (sympathized with the other members); to be in accord; correspond

if you have sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation, you are sorry for them and show this in the way you behave towards them, praying for them and helping in ways you are able to; a relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one, correspondingly affects the other; mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity; the act or power of sharing the feelings of another; compassion or commiseration; pity; harmonious agreement; accord.(he is in sympathy with their beliefs); a feeling of loyalty; allegiance; often used in the plural (sympathies usually are with families first)
of like mind or temperament; compatible; having attractive qualities; pleasing

sympathetic nervous system.proper noun
the part of the autonomic nervous system originating in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord that in general inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of the parasympathetic nervous system, as in tending to reduce digestive secretions, speeding up the heart and contracting.blood vessels

a characteristic sign or indication of the existence of something; a symptom is a sign that something is going on that needs further looking into

of, relating.to.or.based on symptoms; constituting a symptom (a rise in unemployment symptomatic of a weakening economy)

somatic nervous system
all information in the body that you are conscious of comes from the somatic nervous system; this system allows voluntary control over skeletal muscle - you intend to move your arm and you do; see also autonomic nervous system

of, relating to or affecting the body, especially as distinguished from a body part, the mind or the environment; corporeal or physical; bodily; of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head, limbs or viscera (soft internal organs); of or relating to a somatic cell or the somatoplasm

the entirety of specialized protoplasm, other than germ plasm, constituting the body; the protoplasm of a somatic cell

scavenge, scavenged, scavenging, scavenges.verbs
transitive verb use.to take or gather something usable from discarded material (the cabal regards you as worthy of discarding and uses their depopulation agenda to justify the riddance of you by vaccinations and other poisonings, while they rob you blind with their government policies, see their book); to collect and remove refuse from (the oceans are scavened by sharks, snails and many other scavengers); to search through for salvageable material (scavenged the garbage cans for food scraps)
intransitive verb use.to feed on dead or decaying matter; to search through refuse for useful material

a distinct unit of people within a larger group, a section (for example, the law societies, audiology, religious cults and agencies calling themselves associations, such as health service agencies who, even in a country called free on the surface, set up dictatorship pockets and determine policies all medical professionals must follow, even though all to often policies are adverse to advancing human health and threaten and/or intimidate those averse to the 'party line' regarding job loss if not following the dictates of the association; this is totalitarianism and we can call them criminals); compare cult
of, relating.to.or.characteristic of a sect; adhering or confined to the dogmatic limits of a sect or denomination; partisan; narrow minded; parochial
a member of a sect; one characterized by bigoted.adherence to a factional viewpoint (partisan politics)

one who overtly imitates, obsequiously.admires and offensively seeks to associate only with those one regarded as being superior to others and who tends to rebuff or ignore.altogether those regarded as one's inferiors; one who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect

of, befitting or resembling a snob; pretentious

snobbish behavior or an instance of it


sedition is a crime against good government of We the People by demons appearing as people but who conduct or use language inciting rebellion against the laws of Creator-Father-God (Matthew 22:36-40) being impugned; insurrection; rebellion against an evil government to remove it is honorable and not a crime
of, relating.to.or.having the nature of sedition; insubordinate

Sufi.noun,.plural.Sufis.pronounced soo fee
a Moslem.mystic
of or relating to the Sufis, who were Islamic.mystics, such as was Hafiz; also, late in the life of the great Islamic poet Rumi or possibly after his passing, his followers organized a Sufi sect called Mawlawiyah or Mevlevi, known in the West as the whirling or dancing, dervishes
Islamic mysticism

swift, swifter, swiftest.adjectives
moving or capable of moving with great speed; fast; quick to act or react
swift, swiftly.adverbs
a reel used to hold yarn as it is being wound off; any of various small, dark, insect-eating birds of the family Apodidae, related to the hummingbirds and noted for their long, strong wings and swift flight; any of various small, fast-moving North American lizards of the genera Sceloporus and Uta
