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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n  p a g e  3 1

Could this intricate, interdependent system of irreducible complexity have originated step by step? Can evolution be applied here? Can it be really be applied anywhere? Yes it can. Here

Consider that a square inch of human hair contains over 20 feet.(6 meters).of blood vessels, the same length of one's small intestine.

All the components of the blood system had to appear at the same time or this complex system comprising various mechanisms just would not fulfil the necessary requirements for successful blood clotting needed when you cut yourself. Blood coagulation is a paradigm of the staggering complexity underlying even apparently simple bodily processes. In addition, mtDNA gives us added information

One blood component, fibrinogen.(a protein which converts to fibrin by the workings of thrombin when ionized.calcium is present).is a composite of six protein chains, containing twin pairs of three different proteins.

Electron microscopy has shown it resembles a barbell with an extra set of weights in the middle. When a cut occurs, thrombin.(another protein).alters to slice off.(called a protease).several small pieces from two of the three protein chains in fibrinogen. Large numbers of fibrin.(the trimmed protein).form an aggregation. The protein doing the slicing operates.only long enough as is necessary, otherwise the whole blood system would clot. Another organism controls the thrombin. Millions of inborn computers have been programmed by the Creator to regulate all these functions.

The entire system involves parts which activate other needed components in the process of clotting. The entire system is aware of what every part of it is doing at any one moment. Much more complicated procedures occur utilizing some twenty five odd processes and proteins and are described in Michael Behe's book Darwin's Black Box on pages 82-89. 

Why, if evolution be true, is there two different clotting systems?
   Vertebrates, crustaceans.(crustaceans are invertebrates like shrimp, crabs, lobsters, having a hard outer shell).and other arthropods have a protein based clotting system.

Others like the sea urchins, worms, etc., have a very low vascular pressure and can seal any leak with their white blood cells. It's a slower system for a slower species. 

Hemoglobin: There is no evidence in hemoglobin alone of an irreducibly complex designed system, although the function of the individual components is remarkable. The hemoglobin molecule is comprised of 574 amino acid links and 10,000 atoms. Hemoglobin is made when a large number of proteins called amino acids agglomerate. For each red blood cell, there are 280,000,000 hemoglobin molecules. Why not just 2? Why not 500,000,000? Who designed it to be the way that it is? There is precision in the invisible patterns behind the scenes.

Did blood coagulation evolve according to Darwinian theory? Those who know more about blood clotting than anyone else on Earth are professional scientists and doctors who work on specs of blood clotting. Their journal is.Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Professor of Biochemistry, Russel Doolittle, at the Center for Molecular Genetics, University of California, San Diego, asks:."How in the world did this complex and delicately balanced process evolve? The paradox was, if each protein depends on activity by another, how could the system have ever arisen? Of what use would any part of the scheme be without the whole ensemble?"

Cells contain information for building several different types of hemoglobin. For example, one is optimized for carrying oxygen in the blood of adults, but yet another is found in the fetus which has a greater affinity for oxygen capture from the mother's blood. Both are perfected for their unique functions.

Hemoglobin has 4 component proteins.(2 sets of 2 different types).sticking to each other. Hemoglobin binds oxygen.(like you would catch a football and hold it, running with it, later releasing it when you've reached your destination, a touchdown).in a manner which is able to fully saturate in areas such as the lungs, yet releases oxygen when needed by peripheral tissues.(an amazing process); however unlike the.extremely.complex AMP system, the interaction does nothing beyond the functioning of the individual components. 

Among animals, hemoglobin has many differences and many similarities when compared with human hemoglobin. Do these similar sequences support descent from a common ancestor? If you concur, then the question to answer is how comparing shows how a complex biological system achieved its function. 

TPA:.The chance by evolution, that random duplication and recombination of thirty thousand gene pieces could produce the four different types of TPA.(Tissue Plasminogn Activator).clotting proteins appearing one after the other, is approximately 1/1018.(one tenth to the eighteenth power). With these odds, if a million people played the lottery year after year it would take about one thousand billion years before anyone.(not just a particular person).won the lottery. One thousand billion years is roughly one hundred times the current estimated age of the Universe. In other words, it is impossible evolution.(if it were true).could be involved at all. Evolution deals in chances. But, evolution has.absolutely no chance at all!
