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comprise, comprised, comprising, comprises.transitive verbs
to include.especially within a particular.scope; to compose; to be made up of (a vast installation comprising fifty buildings; he comprised his life helping those in need); put together from; constitute.(what are the terms which constitute this agreement?)

computerized assisted or, axial.tomography (CAT) scan
a machine which produces X-ray pictures of sections of the body with the assistance of a computer Compare PET scan.

conceal, concealed, concealing, conceals.transitive verbs
to hide; to obfuscate; to put out of sight; secrete; hide

concede, conceded, conceding, concedes.verbs
to yield as in argument; admit the truth of; acknowledge; grant a concession
transitive verb use.to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just or proper; admit; acknowledge; to yield or grant (a privilege)
intransitive verb use.to make a concession.(the losing candidate conceded after the polls had closed)

if you say that someone is conceited, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they are far too proud of their abilities or achievements (she knew she was a good student and that was not a conceit; I thought him conceited and arrogant as I saw his mind was always on gaining something for himself); conceit is pride in your abilities or achievements that goes beyond being well-mannered and considerate of proper behavior (she was conceited to the point of being a snob); an unduly high opinion of one's own abilities or worth; excessive.appreciation of one's own worth or virtue; a result of mental activity toward an overtone of the self being superior; favorable opinion of one's worth (Harold used his intelligence to help others, others, being conceited, used intellect to elevate their opinions); conceited attitudes lack humilty
having an excessively high opinion of oneself, which means one's got an unbalanced personality
an exaggerated opinion of one's own qualities or abilities; vanity; Proverbs 

having a common center (concentric circles); having a common axis, coaxial

a concept is something conceived in the mind initialized from other thoughts and experiences; a concept is a thought, a notion; an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular.instances; a concept is an idea or abstract principle; based on accepted principles; a concept is one's idea of how something is or how something should be done; contrast the word precept
of concepts or conception
conceptualize, conceptualized, conceptualizing, conceptualizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to form a concept or concepts of and especially to interpret in a conceptual way ("Efforts to conceptualize the history and structure of the universe were already running into trouble because the universe was not as uniform as had been assumed." ...John Noble Wilford)
intransitive verb use.to form concepts

in philosophy, the erroneous.doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial.reality

the beginning of some process; conceiving or being conceived in the womb; the mental process behind conception in the womb; a mental concept, an idea

a fertilized egg, embryo.or.fetus

a conceding; granting; giving in; yielding (a privilege granted); the privilege of maintaining a subsidiary business within certain premises; the space allotted for such a business; the business itself (had an ice-cream concession at the town beach)
of the nature of or containing a concession
Grammar: expressing concession, as the conjunction though

brief, clear and to the point; terse; succinct; expressing much in few words (parables teach many lessons)

a cutting apart or off (circumcision); the state or quality of being concise

concoct, concocted, concocting, concocts.transitive verbs
if you concoct an excuse or explanation, you invent one that is not true; if you concoct something, especially something unusual, such as the theory of evolution, you make it up by mixing several things together; devise, fabricate; to prepare by combining.raw.materials, mixing the ingredients (all vaccines are damaging and are deadly concoctions suppressing and eventually.overriding one's innate.immune system); to devise, using skill and intelligence; to prepare by as in cooking (come on over and I'll whip up some kind of a concoction for dinner)
concocter or concoctor, concoction.nouns,.plural.concoctions

concomitant is used to describe something that happens at the same time as another thing and is connected with it (cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth; this approach was concomitant with the move away from relying solely on official records; the right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press); occurring or existing concurrently; attendant with

belonging to the present time (current events; current focus in class is about history; the current time is); being in progress now (current bills and coins in circulation); prevalent (current fashions); prevailing; running; flowing (they are currently showing old movies at the town theater)

flow or continuous onward movement (a river's swift current makes boating or swimming dangerous; rowed out into the river's swift current); a steady, smooth onward movement (a current of air from a fan; a current of spoken words; a general.tendency, movement or course (yoga is a current trend many find great benefits in doing); tendency

Electricity:.a flow of electric charge; the amount of electric charge flowing past a specified.circuit point per unit of time
Alternating Current (AC).is electrical current that reverses direction periodically.at.regularly.recurring.intervals; it starts, say, from zero, grows to a maximum, decreases to zero, reverses, reaches a maximum in the opposite direction, returns again to the original value and repeats this cycle indefinitely; the interval of time between the attainment of a definite value on two successive cycles is called the period; the number of cycles or periods per second is the frequency and the maximum value in either direction is the amplitude of the alternating current. Low frequencies, such as 50 and 60 cycles per second (cycles also known as 'hertz'), are used for domestic and commercial power, but alternating currents of frequencies around 100,000,000 cycles per second (100 megahertz) are used in television and of several thousand megahertz in radar or microwave communication. Cellular telephones operate at frequencies of about 1,000 megahertz (1 gigahertz)....comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica.
direct current (DC).is an electric current flowing in one direction only; direct current is produced by batteries and some generators

currants are small dried black grapes (raisins), used chiefly in baking pastries such as scones; currants are bushes which produce edible red, black or white berries; the berries are also called currants; the fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts or beverages

happening at the same time as something else; simultaneously; contemporary; operating or acting in conjunction with another; meeting or tending to meet at the same point; convergent; being in accordance; harmonious
concur, concurred, concurring, concurs.intransitive verbs
agree; be in accord; to be of the same opinion; agreeing with; assent; to act together; cooperate; to occur at the same time; coincide
agreement in opinion; cooperation, as of agents, circumstances, or events; simultaneous.occurrence; coincidence

condone, condoned, condoning, condones.transitive verbs
overlook; pardon; forgive; disregard an offense without protest or censure

the way an individual acts, especially from the standpoint of morality and ethics; the act of directing or controlling (conduct yourself wisely if a bear sees you); guiding
conduct, conducted, conducting, conducts.verbs
transitive verb use.to direct the course of; manage or control; to lead or guide
Music:.to lead (an orchestra, for example); to serve as a medium for conveying; transmit (some metals conduct heat; to comport oneself in a specified way (she conducted herself with grace and beauty)
intransitive verb use.to act as a conductor; to lead

one who conducts; one who is in charge of a railroad train, bus or streetcar; in music, one who directs an orchestra or other such group; in physics, a substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound or an electric charge; a lightning rod, as on a house or barn which conducts lightning into the ground, thus protecting the building; an electrical.component allowing the flow of electric energy
(this was his second conductorship position on train lines)

the ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity or sound; the conductance of a material
exhibiting conductivity
Symbol G; a measure of a material's ability to conduct electric charge; the reciprocal of the resistance

helpful; contributive; tending
intransitive verb use.to conduce; to lead or bring together; to tend; contribute; lead

conduce, conduced, conducing, conduces.intransitive verbs
to contribute or lead to a specific result

one to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed; a character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner thoughts or intentions of a main character

marked by assurance, as of success; marked by confidence in oneself; self assured; sure

trust or faith in a person or thing that produces a happy feeling in you:.Hebrews 13:8; a trusting relationship (she avoided things which could threaten her confident outlook; I took them into my confidence {trust}); that which is confided, such as a secret (a friend does not betray confidences); a feeling of assurance that a confidant will keep a secret (she told him in strict confidence); a feeling of assurance, especially of self assurance; the state or quality of being certain.(I have every confidence in your ability to succeed) 
of, relating to or involving a swindle.or.fraud.(a confidence scheme; a confidence trickster)

confidence trick.or.game.noun
a confidence trick is a trick in which someone deceives you by telling you something that is not true, often to trick you out of something you value; a dishonest trick played on you in order to gain some kind of selfish.advantage; a swindle in which you are cheated out of something of value after your confidencehas been won; having been persuaded by someone to believe something that is not true; deception
confidence man.noun
a person who swindles his victims by using a confidence game (the leader of the party was surreptitiously stealing from those who placed trust in him)

confide, confided, confiding, confides.verbs
transitive verb use.to tell something in confidence; to put into another's keeping
intransitive verb use.to disclose private matters in confidence; commit

done or communicated in confidence; secret; entrusted with the confidence of another (a confidential secretary); denoting confidence or intimacy.(a confidential tone of voice)

conflict, conflicted, conflicting, conflicts.intransitive verbs
to be in or come into opposition; differ
conflict of interest.noun,.plural.conflicts of interest
a conflict between responsibilities of a person in a position of trust and other interests held (he was elected to stand for the wishes of those electing him and not for the corporation he has allegiance to; example)
a state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas or interests; a clash; a state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war; resulting from the opposition or simultaneous functioning of mutually exclusive impulses, desires or tendencies

yielding or containing plenty; affording ample supply (a copious harvest); plentiful; large in quantity; abundant (copious rainfall); abounding in matter, thoughts or words; wordy

in the Roman Catholic Church, an assembly of cardinals presided over by the pope for the solemn.promulgation of papal acts; a council; a tribunal

commonsense.noun.or common sense
having or exhibiting judgment that is practical and believed after researching, to produce positive results; an individual's own inner good judgment involving protection & safety; innate good judgment; common feelings of those of humanity (it's common sense to comprehend that a heartfelt smile in any language means kindness; see commonsense on the Covid con)

chasm.noun.(pronounced 'cah {'ca' like in cat} zum' {zum like in gum})
a deep, steep sided opening in the Earth's surface; an abyss or a gorge

curt, curter, curtest.adjectives
rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner; gruff; using few words; terse; having been shortened

curtail, curtailed, curtailing, curtails.transitive verbs
to cut short; to restrict; abbreviate; shorten

something that completes, makes up a whole or brings to perfection; to add to (I think this new couch will add to the good atmosphere of the family room); something that is a complement to something else complements it (the green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser); the quantity or number needed to make up a whole (shelves with a full complement of books); either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other; see also compliment
complement, complemented, complementing, complements.transitive verbs
if one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable (nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well); if people or things complement each other, they are different or do something different, which makes them a good combination; there will be a written examination to complement the practical test (those two complement one another fairly well)
forming or serving as a complement; completing; supplying mutual needs
Grammar:.a word or words used after a verb to complete a predicate construction; for example, the phrase.'to eat ice cream' in 'We like to eat ice cream'

compliment.noun,.plural.compliments.(see also complement)
an expression of praise, admiration or congratulation.(extend my compliments to your parents)
compliment, complimented, complimenting, compliments.transitive verbs
to show fondness, regard.or.respect for by giving a gift or performing a favor
expressing, using or resembling a compliment (a concert that received complimentary reviews); given free to repay a favor or as an act of courtesy (complimentary copies of the new book) 