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13:1 Let brotherly love continue.
13:2 Be not forgetful.(don't
be neglectful
in this regard).to entertain strangers.(original
for 'entertain strangers' is 'be hospitable
to those you have yet to know well':.1John
4:7,20). For thereby some have entertained angels
13:3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them, and
them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in
the body.
Hebrews 13:4.Marriage
is honourable in all and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers
God will judge.
is honourable in all.(in
what?; same original for 'in all' is in verse 18 below).and
the bed undefiled.(God
is no prude; He created our sex parts,
sex drives and desires); but whoremongers.(original
is 'male prostitute'; using sex to selfish extremes, i.e.
for money).and adulterers
God will judge.
about judging.
Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation
be without covetousness and be content
with such things as you have. For he has
said, I will never leave you,
nor forsake you.
13:5 Let your conversation.(word
'conversation' is old English for 'conduct').be
without covetousness.(in
other words, keep aligned with the real true God and you'll be content,
instead of being anxious
to hastily grab
as much as possible for the self; remember God
will always be with you and help in some way that perhaps you would not
have expected, God is real).and
be content.(original
means 'possessed of unfailing strength', 'to be strong', 'to defend', 'to
ward off', to 'be constant
in', to 'carry along with you', 'without descend
from' or, without going back:.2Peter
2:22; you are content when no matter what circumstance you may now
be in, you are constant in knowing God is with you {Psalms
46:10}, which God says here
He always is with you; it does not
mean to be content that you have horrible circumstances in your life and
to stay at the level you may be at, because we are here to rise up, to
grow, to become the best we can become
and to know that it's important to stand
for the rights given by God to each of us and what if you're abused
and tortured to death as children and others were today in
the DUMBS?.Hebrews
11:37).with such things as you
have.(and what such
things do you have that will remain always with you?.1John
2:24. Wait for the manifestation of the good you have been assured
10:10; 3John 1:2. Know
that it is all working out for each individual according to their good
beliefs; keep your mind on the good things:.Romans
2:7; Galatians 6:9; 2Thessalonians
3:13; 1Peter 2:15; 3:17;
God provides daily {Matthew 7:7-10}
as He did with the ancient Israelites in the wilderness {Nehemiah
9:20}, bringing them into the promised land and God will bring you
also to the promised land, but you have to get onto
and stay on the right pathway, the pathway where others of like minds
are on and if you slip, decide not to any more and God through what Christ
did, forgives you when you ask), because he has said, I will
leave you, nor forsake.(*).you.(not
even for a second).
You'll have
what you need as you go along in life:.Philippians
1:9; 1Chronicles 28:20;
Luke 15:10-32; John
10:28; Romans 8:37-39; 16:25;
3:20; 2Timothy 1:12; Hebrews
7:25; 1Peter 1:5. Similar promises
8:35-39; 1John 5:12; Jude
1:1; 1:24;
Deuteronomy 31:6;
1:5; Psalms 46:1,5; 55:22;
41:10; 43:2;
"You are that
one whom the Creator has seen in you, whom He has created in you.
you are also the one who wants the Creator to personify
Himself with His acts in that infinity
in which you see yourself. The Creator who is present in you is that
Creator who is moving together with you in each of your actions."....Grigori
Grabovoi. "In reality, we are all dependent
on God. Without God, there is no life!
For God is life itself."....Bruno
Closer to the
original of Hebrews 13:5: '...I
will not send you away,
you' or in our vernacular
'I'll never get fed
up with you and use that as an excuse
to send you away from me or walk away from you':.Deuteronomy
31:6; Matthew 11:28-30;
18:9; Romans 8:35-39. So
really, how
close is God? Be content with what you have, because if you have God,
you really have everything
to take yourself forward in life. Number one thing you have is your choice.
Choose God.
People say,
How come at times we just don't know what to do? Well, do something
to avoid just sitting there. Learn what
rights as a human being are. Remember you always have free
choice. Choose only the good,
you can at this time. Know God is always there with you:.Exodus
14:14 "The Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace."
1:29,30 "Don't be afraid of them, God goes before you to fight for
you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes." Deuteronomy
3:22 "You shall not fear them, for your God fights for you." Deuteronomy
20:1-4 "...be not afraid. Let not your hearts faint, fear not and do
not tremble, neither be you terrified because of them. God is he that goes
with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
People say
"I just don't feel like God is there. I feel so alone." Avoid going just
by what you may think are your feelings. You know that you are doing this
when your feelings make you sad. Instead go by what you may know for sure
to be true about you. And, what do you know about God to be true?.1,
Just as your
brain is connected to all going on in your physical body through the nerves
(touch your face and you know it because of your central nervous system
which the brain constantly monitors, so to is God, with whom we are all
are connected. But, connecting the lamp cord to the socket does nothing
unless you turn the lamp switch on. So desire to learn and you'll
learn Desire to be joyful and you'll become joyful. Start
what you can do now about leaving your limitations. God did go away
from people in Old Testament times because the people wanted God gone from
their presence:.Jeremiah
But what about
4:11 where it says to be content in whatever state one may now be in?
Does that mean one should not seek a better way?.Philippians
3:13 "...this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind
and reaching forth unto those things which are before.".Note
Paul wasn't content with the state his life was often in:.2Corinthians
11:26. But he knew a secret, having been taught by Christ:.Philippians
4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
13:6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper and I will not
fear what man shall do unto me.
That's great.
But, what if we do fear? Is
that bad?
Hebrews 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over
you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow,
considering the end of their conversation.
13:7 Remember them which have the rule.(original
'lead you' or 'those who have guided you' and this means, guided you into
all things good, not into evil,
so check them out, how?.Titus
3:1).over you, who have spoken
unto you the word of God.(and
these wouldn't be the
criminals running the selfish scams most governments at all levels
in most countries perpetrate
upon We
The People),
whose faith follow.(follow
the faith of others; doesn't say one is under obligation
to follow some control freak's totalitarian.edicts,
who has no faith in the good things of the true God, believes in deopopulation
and harms others), considering the end of their conversation.('conversation'
is an old English word for 'conduct' and the end of their conduct is death;
you do not at all want to follow them and there are rights
you have worldwide to stand up with).
the Christ,
same yesterday and today and forever.
13:8 here is a great scripture giving confidence.
Also Malachi 3:6; 2Timothy
1:9; Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews
3:6,14; 10:35;
2:28; 3:21;
Because Christ
is of and came from the Father-Creator.(John
8:42), both are of the love that is forever.(1John
both are unchangeable in this.(Malachi
3:6), so we can have confidence which comes through this learning.
13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it
is a good thing that the heart be established with grace;
not with meats.(referring
to the practice of belief that if one sacrificed an animal {as in Old Testament
times} for their sins, they would psychologically
feel better:.Hebrews
10:4), which have not profited them that have been occupied
13:11 For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the
sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.
13:12 Wherefore Emmanuel also, that he might sanctify the people with
his own blood, suffered without the gate.
13:13 Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing
his reproach..(?)
13:14 For here have we no continuing city but we seek one to come.
13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God
continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name..(?)
33:11 "The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the
bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say,
Praise the Lord of hosts, for God is good, his mercy God is and forever
is. Those that bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord,
for them I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first,
says the Lord."
13:16 But to do good and to communicate.(original
'be partaker with others', 'to share in their lives' and to do this, one
needs to be generous both with his time and his resources; this original
word here translated "communicate", is translated elsewhere as "contribution"
{Romans 15:26} and "distribution"
{2Corinthians 9:13}).forget
not. For with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over
you and submit yourselves. For they watch for your souls, as they that
must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief. For
that is unprofitable for you.
13:17 Obey.(original
'allow yourself to be persuaded.by'
and 'to persuade others to bring you'; of course use your wisdom, otherwise
you could be listening to some so-called authority that does not have your
and others best interests at heart; it means to follow their example).them
that have the rule over you.(on
'rule over you', see verse 7 above).and
submit.(that is be willing
to learn from them, but be sure to check out what they say if there's even
the slightest doubt in your mind about what they are wanting you to do
or accept as true:.Acts
17:11).yourselves. For they watch
for your souls.(one
has to decide if this is true:.Matthew
7:16; Acts
5:29; 2John
1:7; why?.1John
4:1), as they that must give account, that they may do it with
joy and not with grief.(1Peter
2:13). For that is unprofitable for you.
Hebrews 13:17."Obey.(original
'allow yourself to be persuaded by' and 'to persuade others to bring';
to bring them where? Ephesians 4:13,15;
1:3; Acts 26:18); these were dedicated
men and women whose primary concern was for others.them
that have the rule.(those
rules and strong leaders).over
you and submit.(place
yourself under).yourselves.
that).they watch
(original 'first concern', their first concern).for
your souls.(are
concerned with those things regarding your eternal salvation and life now;
and it's a way to tell if you should consider such things said by them,
that they are not out to take advantage of you),.as
they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with
grief.(that shows
that such are they who are all out for your good).for
that is unprofitable.(won't
do you any good if their account of you is negative).for
you.".And who
is watching? The angels record all that is going on:.Matthew
Notes: When the laws interfered with the rights of conscience.(Acts
commanding worship of idols (Ezekiel
14:3-7) or any moral
wrong, then it was their duty to refuse submission.
This verse
does not in any way mean what the cabal
wanted it to mean and that is, 'You are to follow unquestionably what we
say because we have the rule over you'. That would be tyranny
and the true God is not at all tyrannical. The cabal is of Satan.
Analyze them
by having some questions in
Be careful
in your life in following what appears on the surface to be correct but
are really satanic.con
jobs, like all vaccines,
like the
covid bioweapons and like seemingly.justified.wars
throughout history and today by satanic leaders, such as the Clintons,
Bushes, Obamas, Trudeaus, Schwabs, et
al in the world and by the satanically corrupt worldwide mainstream
media and Nazi
health services worldwide.
13:18 Pray for us, for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things.('in
all' is same original as in verse 4, meaning 'all we do'; word 'things'
in this verse added but
also implied in verse 4).willing
to live honestly.
13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought from the dead our Lord.Emmanuel,
that great shepherd of the sheep.(John
10:14,15; 10:27),
the blood
of the
that Emmanuel was brought from the dead by means of the blood; you too
are brought from that state.(*).into
the same future Emmanuel is again in:.John
17:5,6; 1John 1:7; Hebrews
is the original), to be perfectly fit in every good work;
this is doing his will and enabling him to work in you.(Ephesians
2:10; Hebrews 10:14).that
which is well pleasing in his sight.(Creator-Father's
sight; what was well pleasing to the Father?.Mattthew
3:17; John 17:23,26),
through Emmanuel the Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
for word):.'you
are always in a state of perfection regarding your works of good into which
do construct will pleasure into which Him bring forth through Emmanuel
the Christ who these opinion, honor, glory into which forever and ever
bring forth the perfect state of Emmanuel the Christ in you by doing good
works and by so doing, thereby glorify and give honor to Him forever whose
spiritual realm you are now in (1Corinthians
11:18; Hebrews 13:16; 6:10).
New Testament book is James