one feels he is still in sin after believing in the sacrifice of Emmanuel.Christ
that put sin away, once and for all,
then he is into some modern form of the Mosaic Law, as this subject is
about. Not being grounded
in the faith yet, means one is still 'double minded'.(James
4:8). Building upon the ancient
Mosaic Law is.finished:.1Corinthians
3:11. God ensured the ancient Roman armies took
care of that!
But entrenched
customs die hard as Paul found out:.Acts
The ancient Mosaic Law,
13th century, is called such as it was because it was Moses who wrote it
31:24. The Mosaic Law was based on the commandments he received from
Creator-God's angels:.Genesis
Various other guidelines.(beginning
at Exodus 21:1).were
when it came to spiritual things, the higher consciousness things of the
2:16), so it was done away forever;
13:39 "...you could not be justified by
the law
of Moses.".Only
in Christ is one made
righteous, justified.
The Mosaic Law was a malicious
law as shown in this glimpse
of it: Exodus 21:4-23. Good thing
it was abolished.
learns about us individually as life is led by us. He sees our choices.
Our life is recorded.
The bad things are scrubbed when we are sorry we had anything to do with
them and turn away from them permanently.
The ancient Mosaic
Law Moses wrote had so many laws, over
600 of them, it was virtually
impossible to keep. The laws Moses wrote were all based on love,
people had a heart to, would obviate
its necessity
as a law:.Romans
13:10. But the people back in those times just didn't have a heart
for God and God didn't force them, for how can you force anyone to love
you or act out of a loving heart in their lives? All throughout Old Testament
times people were hot for God and then cold:.Jeremiah
The Mosaic Law was a disaster
for the people. It couldn't produce permanent changes in heart for those
Old Testament people, so God had to individually do that for each individual
He specifically wanted something done by, such
God came up with this onerous
and rigorous
set of over 600 laws, rules and regulations. This was to keep the peoples'
minds on the fact that God indeed did exist and was there for them. But
God never forces anything on anyone.
This old Mosaic law was
so much better than the corrupt system we have today to catch you with
the satanic cabal's over 800,000 rules,
The cabal has many ways to harm you. Their
ways always have been terrible.
In comparison, the Mosaic Law was way better, still not good, but better.
Even though people wanted
nothing to do with all the 600+ orders of the Mosaic Law, they
wanted a king. The people wanted something better than this rigorous
Mosaic Law. But, things for them were much the same for them under a king.
The king's ways were burdensome.
With now having a king to lead them, they quickly found out it wasn't the
15:39; Deuteronomy 12:8.
The kings that followed were, some good, some not so good.
The problem was that some
kings followed love and cared for others. And some kings were like that
but only for a while. Here's a list
of them.
A way had to be found to
solve this dilemma
between the choice of the Mosaic Law and a king's law. Thankfully the old
Mosaic law is
4:4,5 "...God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption
of sons."
The kings, some good, some
evil, didn't quite 'fill
the bill'.either.
The answer to this matter
was to be in Christ.
Now it's a
new era, an era of sonship, the era of the kingdom of God.
The Mosaic Law was instituted
so people would have a mirror, so they could see how they were and not
just carry on blindly: Deuteronomy
12:8 "You shall not do after all the things that we do here this day,
every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes." Romans
5:13 "For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed
when there is no law.".But
it was soon found that it wasn't so great having a mirror, because most
back then didn't look at it, at least not in a way that improved them.
They just didn't care. They
took it all for granted, much as what people do today in regard to their
government; that is, let the other guy do it. Because of that thinking
we have what we have allowed to come into being and that was no good. The
people back then lacked the
heart to do anything other than what they wanted to do for the self
and so it's much the same today.
And the other guy they wanted
to do it was
not God who was invisible, but a king that they could
8:6,7 "...they said, Give us a king to judge us...And the Lord said
unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say
unto you...they have rejected me that I should not reign over them.".And
so it was as it was before the Mosaic law:.Judges
17:6 "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did
that which was right in his own eyes.".Sort
of like some people today; they need a supervisor over them or they would
just do what they like, nothing.
1:2-7 "Hear O heavens and give ear O earth, for the Lord has spoken,
I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against
me...The ox knows his owner and the ass his master's crib, but Israel
doesn't know, my people do not consider...Ah sinful nation, a people laden
with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters. They
have forsaken the Lord. They have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto
anger. They are gone away backward...Why should you be stricken any more?
You revolt more and more, because the
whole head is sick and the whole heart faint...From the sole of the
foot even unto the head there is no soundness in them, only wounds, bruises
and putrifying sores which have not been closed, neither bound up or neither
mollified with ointment. Your country is being desolated and your cities
are burning with fire. Your land? Strangers devour it in your presence
and it is desolate, being overthrown by strangers."
3:14-17 tells us that if you are into law.(the
effort of man using a law to 'develop' his character based upon Old Testament
law, as many religions still today do),
you will be 'missing the mark'.(original
Greek and Hebrew meaning for word 'sin').as
you cannot then see the true purpose of it all and you will not see past
law and into a state of grace.(Romans
11:6,7; 9:32).where
there is no sin.(1John
you know what
it really means to become a spiritual individual.(perhaps
also see
after, if you have a few hours).
The commandments.(original
is 'instructions').known
as the precepts
that we call the commandments.(Deuteronomy
a fine set of guidelines
to follow:.Ephesians
But there were two
additional commandments, according to the
other books of the Bible
that were hidden away from people by the satanist.cabal
and are being released.(where
to get them and they are free).
That's because those hiding the books wanted to keep away from you much
information, so you would think that there was only the destructive timeline
of the one and only
Book of Revelation we have, as though this was
a fait accompli
laid out by God with no other choices, making you think that this information
was what you should believe.
But other books have been
found that the ancient cabal
removed because they wanted us to think there is this only one timeline
of events to be expected and that it's not based on your choice and already
set by God to occur. Typical of satanic thinking, they always push their
lies on people. It's a satanic
trick to get you only to focus on negative outcomes, because the
more people who do that, makes it happen. It's how the collective
consciousness works re events happening.
The satanic ones can't create.
They can copy and influence. Their plan is to influence those who can create.
That's the good men and women on this Earth. So if they can get you to
believe in negative things, those things can be created in the world for
them by you and me. Your mind is more powerful than you may think.
One of the satanic
tricks is to dumb
us all down. Instead,
select good thoughts, as gene Decode has said so many times "let
your thoughts be.only.of
kindness, compassion, respect for others, helpfulness and about service
to others, because this is God's mind".and
that's the timeline
to be on. It's God's happy timeline.
As gene has said "practice
envisioning". It brings the world into
God and how the kingdom
of God will reign. If you don't see
the world in your imagination as being ideal for you, how would you
recognize it if it was? See peace, harmony and good will everywhere.
Each of us is brought into
closeness with God.by
God first.prepping
our minds, just like you would get a meal ready. How's
this work? If the meal wasn't prepared how could anyone eat what wouldn't
be there?
You can plant good seeds
in another's mind by simply thinking of that individual with your heart
of good toward them. It
See others as having their
personal experience toward God being fully in their lives. That's what
the word 'Namaste'
means, to respect others where they are on their pathway.
But why
now for all this? gene has said if those of good heart just took one
full day for praise to God, including thinking and contemplating the things
of love, that the world's evils would be immediately over:.Matthew
18:20. And this because the dark side evil ones actually feed
off the negative human emotions of fear, guilt, hate, frustrations, despondencies,
harms, doubts, feelings of inadequacies
and hopelessnesses.
We feed of food and water. Not them. For them it's the negative emotions
we have that keeps them going. Their favorite food is being above a battlefield.
They need wars and divisions of all kinds, as there's much hate, death,
fears etc produced there for them. Don't let them con your mind into being
part of the problem mentality, which the dark ones want you to stay in.
Keep close to God and life becomes agreeable for all not of the dark side,
but for those leaning toward good. Choose to live within
a timeline that is happy for you:.Deuteronomy
30:15-20; 1Kings 18:21.
It's also true that the more
people who don't do anything about evils affecting the world, are tacitly.consenting
to their happening and this perpetuates
evils. Why?
And we've all been in that frame of mind. Being on Earth is for our learning,
learning what's good and
evil. Time to move
beyond any limiting concepts.
There is always
a choice, a choice the satanist cabal didn't want you to know of and
thus think about, because they did not want you to become aware of how
powerful a choice could be. A choice is a decision one can make. Choose
the good ones. Some decisions
for consideration are...
Almighty God set up things
regarding his chosen people and they are those having a heart for God as
ancient David did, as they played out their lives on this world
stage, such as in the lives of Esau
and Jacob, which bloodlines are evident today.
One of the other books soon
to be available is the Book of Sarah, which is another revelation
book, that of a great and good outcome for humanity. This is another of
the actual seven Books
of Revelations, each having different
humanity could have selected if they hadn't been hidden away from us by
the most evil cabal. What more
books have been made ready?
The cabal only wanted humanity
to know of the destructive timeline, the one of a conflagration.
The cabal ones can't create, can't envision. They know this and so had
to trick humanity into having the same evil mind they have, thus putting
them into a continuous consciousness prison, where humanity too would be
as evil as the cabal is. Humanity with a developing cabal outlook because
of all the evil that's around affecting them, became closed-minded
to truth and set themselves on the pathway of cabal thinking:.Isaiah
42:22. Such are they who label truth as a conspiracy
theory without doing any research before slapping a label on it. They're
not insane, just unsane.
The commandments give us
11:33 "...walked in my ways, to do that which is right...".Isaiah
58:2 "Yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways, as a nation
that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their God. They
ask of me the ordinances of justice and take delight in approaching to
Like anything that comes
from the true God of all love and compassion, it's all comprised
of love.
The first
two commandments were that there always
was free choice.(this
was commandment one),
that is, there could be a choice other than destruction, death and the
negatives we see all around us today along the lines of steal, kill and
destroy and the so-called end of the world tribulation as shown in the
one Book of Revelation we have. There are six others that have been
kept from you. All 711 ones missing are being released. Choose to think
about peace, health and prosperity for all.
There are 711 previously
hidden Bible books, some with only a few pages as these also are
in the Bible we have today, Ruth,
of Solomon, Haggai,
and 3rd John, very small and others with a more pages. A
list of all we have in the present Bible.
One of those 7 books of
Revelations is the
Book Of Sarah.
Free choice means it can
be chosen to be a powerful and sure transition into the higher consciousness
of peace and prosperity for all, a harmonious
world where those of
humanity get along well because they follow what's called 'the
golden rule':.Matthew
there are those people not of the humanity
gene. Depending on how many of those non humanity genes people have
in what makes them what they are, where they follow to.varying.degrees.'the
rule with the gold', this being a me, me, me way of thinking. Such
a negative way to live as that involves control of others, aggression,
greed, hastiness
and an attitude of not really interested in you apart from what may be
gotten from you in some sort of
theft. Depending on how bad these non humanity ones are, even your
life could be at risk, as it is from trusting
those who said the vaccines were
safe and expected you to trust in all their other
harmful scams, presented always as good and necessary. It's your life
and your choice what or who you trust in. The
selfish way of living is what most of the world is in and blindly
(unquestioningly) follows.
Once thoughts are accepted
as the choice of preference, they have power to manifest effectively. That's
why the cabal wanted you to accept the death, destruction and poverty timeline,
so you would see a world of death, harm, destruction, sickness, despair
and poverty
materialize. That's the way of Satan
and those in line with that way.
And second
commandment, that there is only one agreement,
one contract the true and only everliving God and Father of all creation
wanted you to make and that was you reap what
you sow.(*).
But those of old were already deceived.(Revelation
thinking God was not good for them and following God got you nothing:.Deuteronomy
30:19 "I call heaven and Earth to record this day against you, that
I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose
life, that both you and your seed may live.".What
about us today?
So, they avoided the one
and only true God:.Deuteronomy
5:29; Jeremiah 44:16,17.
And of course this would devolve
to the devil, exactly what the dark side wanted and the main reason so
books were removed and hidden away from public knowledge in the Vatican
It all was to keep you from
knowing the truth about God's only Son, Emmanuel,
Jesus Christ. And why?.1John
5:12 "He that has the Son has life and he that has not the Son of God
has not life." John 10:10 "...I
am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly."
11:27 "All things are delivered unto me of my Father and no man knows
the Son, but the Father, neither knows any man the Father, except the Son
and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him."
All the commandments are
for daily living principles.(*),
but, but, but, since Emmanuel who became the Christ came, you better not
have in mind that the Infinite One wants you keeping them so you'll be.in
Him. God does not want you 'doing things' just for the purpose of
getting and keeping in His favor.
What pleases God?.Hebrews
11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that
comes to God.(how
do we each get to actually come to God?.Matthew
believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek
If we're
perfect, thanks to Christ, what need is there for superfluous.trappings?.Galatians
And what
about faith and works? Are not the commandments given by Emmanuel Christ
what we should be abiding by? What are these then?.Matthew
In 1John 4:16,17 note it's
not keeping the commandments part of the Mosaic Law that makes one perfect
in love, but believing the love God has for us:.1John
4:16,17 "And we have known and believed the love that God has toward
us. God is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him.
Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of
judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world."
The law that Moses
received on two tablets of stone when he went to meet Creator-God on Mount
Sinai, can never provide righteousness because it involves works to
keep the law and righteousness is a gift requiring no works to receive
The only law applicable today
is of the heart and it's one of willingness.(Matthew
22:36-40), willingness because
God never overrides anyone.
That was the issue
with those who thought the Old Testament Mosaic Law was good enough to
keep, as it had blessings if its instructions were followed, but they just
have the heart to back then and for sure, would not today either.
The Infinite One wants you
in the family,
the family of higher
consciousness beings.
This Great Infinite One knew
full well that the spirit can't be controlled by rules and threats, regulations
and laws, as the spirit responds favorably only to spiritual qualities
such as love and kindness. But, there was a purpose for the Old Testament
law. What was it?
Those who keep
the commandments because they feel God requires it of them are placing
themselves under a curse as you will see as you read through.
Those wanting
to be blessed:.Galatians
The law was not for God's
are they?).everywhere
in all times, but the 'way'
The law was not for the spirit,
but for the flesh:.Philippians
3:3,4; Romans 7:5,6..The
flesh refers to the low consciousness
ego we all have, or human nature.
way of the Great Infinite One was from the beginning of man's presence
on Earth:.Genesis
So what
is for today?
The law was for those under
the law.(Romans
7:4,6), the Israelites
at that time back then, but all it did for them was alienate
God from them to the point they didn't want anything to do with God:.Jeremiah
If they kept it perfectly.(which
they didn't), it still had a fault
and that was, they could not attain
the righteousness made possible by what Christ came to Earth to do. This
was available only by faith and faith alone. This righteousness was not
possible for anyone who tried to keep.(which
they couldn't possibly do for two reasons, one being it takes time to learn
them, during which time they would not be keeping all 600 plus and the
other reason being, it was a
burden to keep it).the
600 Old Testament Mosaic Laws.
This Mosaic Law was to make
one feel guilty:.Romans
3:19-21; Hebrews 8:7.
The whole thing was a set
up from the beginning, a stage,
a stage which included our presence in its scenes.
We too were set up for failure from the start and for a very important
reason the Great Infinite One has in His plan.(*).
Had the old covenant been
designed to be successful, we would not have needed Emmanuel! Both covenants.(the
old and the new).were
'unfair'; the first disadvantageous
for those living under this agreement; the second, 'unfair', but to our
in writing to Timothy, reminds him that if he is to call on God out of
pure heart, he should follow righteousness,
2:22), Godliness.(devoted
to God), patience,
says we were called unto eternal life.(1Timothy
mentions not the keeping of the Mosaic Law or any of its parts. It is the
things of the spirit, not the things of the flesh that the old Mosaic Law
was based on, that get us a reward in God's
coming government on Earth. One is of man's efforts, which he failed
at. The other is of God's gift:.Romans
5:17-19 "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one, much more
they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness
shall reign in life by one, Emmanuel Christ. Therefore as by the offence
of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness
of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience
of one many be made righteous."
And here Paul says only these
things abide.(1Corinthians
that it is by faith of Emmanuel we have access
to God, you accept His life and death with all that means as true and
He gives you the gift of faith:.Ephesians
2:8. It is faith that pleases God.(Ephesians
3:12; 2Peter 1:1).and
serving God
as Christ
wants, not with a standard of rules and regulations to abide by, but
rather in this way:.Romans
are purified by faith:.Acts
15:9. Faith leads one to express the nature of the Great Infinite One
within him and faith involves knowing that you have the gift.(one
gift with many attributes.1)
the Infinite One regards you, as righteous and equal
with Him.
you have to 'accept Christ as your personal savior' as many religious
people tell you that you must do to be saved?
Along with this faith come
its other attrubutes of peace and joy. This gift from the Infinite One,
makes us acceptable
in the spiritual realm. Note it says nothing here about rules and regulations
and 'commandments'.
The rigmarole
of Old Testament laws as based on the two tablets of stone Moses received
from God at Mount Sinai.(Exodus
19:20; 20:1; Deuteronomy
9:9-11), those rules and regulations
that gave no hope, provided no peace.(?).and
kept people far off from God, just as the people had been before them:.Exodus
20:19. It was all a plan to reveal to humanity that without God's nature
actually being in them, made possible by what Christ did, man would have
no hope.(Ephesians
2:12), just as those in the Old
Testament, because of their attitude, had no hope of going into the land
promised to their fathers:.Numbers
32:11,12. And this included Moses:.Deuteronomy
In effect, those laws back
then kept God against them.(Ephesians
kept them from being reconciled to the Father:.2Corinthians
5:18-20. Finally, all the Old Testament do's, don'ts and condemnations
were nailed to the cross:.Colossians
2:16 "And that he might reconcile.(word
'reconcile' here means 'to exchange from' {in this case, the law, as the
context shows} or, 'to bring back in favor by' {and
elsewhere the word means}).both
unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity
Slain the enmity.(Ephesians
Romans 5:10; Matthew
we could now have an intimate vibrant life here and now and a loving relationship
with the Father:.John
And Paul
in his epistle.(letter).to
the Christians in Philippi encourages them to be filled with the
of righteousness which are by Emmanuel the Christ in them:.Philippians