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...continued from Questions, Page 1.What about faith being made perfect by works?

...The Old Testament Mosaic Law worked wrath:.Romans 4:15; Hebrews 3:7-10. Because of Romans 4:15, Christ had to do this:.Galatians 3:13. And because of that, this:.1Thessalonians 5:9; 1:10; Romans 5:9. And because of those, this:.1Thessalonians 5:11.

The wrath of the Creator is only for the children of disobedience, which includes those allowing others to place them into bondage without being forced into it:.Ephesians 5:6 "Let no man deceive you with vain words. For because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.".Romans 9:22,23.

Revelation 16:1 "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth."
Revelation 14:8 "And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
Revelation 11:18 "And the nations were angry that your wrath is come and the time of the dead, that they should be judged and that you are to give reward unto your servants the prophets and to the saints and them that fear your name, small and great and destroy them which destroy the earth."
Hebrews 3:11 "So I swore in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest."
1Thessalonians 5:9,10 "For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by Emmanuel the Christ."
1Thessalonians 1:10 "And to wait for his Son from heaven whom he raised from the dead and by whom we are delivered from the wrath to come."
Ephesians 4:31 "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking and malice, be put away from you."

Like humans, some children need to be dealt with a little more sternly than others. And yet others may have severe trials to bring out even greater character qualities to enable them to receive a high position in God's coming kingdom.(government).on Earth:.Colossians 3:6. God's wrath however, has a good purpose for those who cannot bring themselves into line.

We were once under His wrath too:.Ephesians 2:3;.John 3:36 "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life and he that believes not the Son sees no life.(*); but the wrath.(original Greek is 'to deeply desire'; to 'be indignant accompanied with intent to cause change'; in other words God deeply wants a relationship with each of us in His creation and He's extremely concerned when He sees us unhappy and even hurting ourselves when He has provided a great life for all who stop rejecting {Romans 1:18} what the death and resurrection of His Son made possible).of God abides on him." Psalms 106:36-45; Ephesians 5:1-8; Colossians 3:1-6; Revelation 14:10. It is through faith that an individual has life:.Romans 1:17 "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." 1John 2:24 "Let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning remains in you, you also shall continue in the Son and in the Father."

It is not the wrath of the Creator that 'wakes people up'.(examples in Emmanuel's time:.John 7:7).and brings them into His family of spiritual beings, but rather the Creator's goodness towards people:.Isaiah 63:7; Romans 2:4;.Ephesians 5:9 "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth." Psalms 52:1 "...the goodness of God endures continually.".1Corinthians 2:9; Deuteronomy 32:4. God is good and is with the good. Who's good?

Find what's good in life:.1Chronicles 22:11,12; 2Chronicles 19:11. There is a good God and a bad god. The bad god is with the liars and the deceivers:.John 8:44; Revelation 12:9. Follow the good. How?.Matthew 5:44.

"People come and say 'Mr. Groening, prove that to us, then I'll believe'.(*). I'm not in need of the good, because I own it. But, you need it. And I should prove it to you?.(*)"....Bruno Gröning.

How to become good? Learn to be good always:.James 4:17. Pray/praise to God about others. Your good thoughts for others is your prayer. Good actions of help and concern for others lifts both you and them into a higher consciousness. Why bother?

What is the good one should stick with throughout life? Doing good shows that one's heart is affected by faith he or she holds:.Galations 5:6. If you want to be good, do good.(Romans 13:10; Hebrews 13:16).and avoid working alongside satanists with their pursuits, examples.

1Peter 3:9-11.

Good people are those having God's guidance, who use it to do and create good things that help, heal and support humanity. How? By being kind, caring, compassionate and loving in all they do and think. These are some of the things of love.

Evil people are those who respond to the promptings of those on the dark side and create and do that which harms, hinders and deprecates humanity. They are jealous of humanity because those of humanity have a true full soul, something these others never have had. They hate humanity and want most of humanity replaced and the rest kept as slaves to them. They are so evil.

It's good to get well. It's good when you do good and others do so to you:.Psalms 82:2-4. It's good when your life is aligned with God:.John 10:10. God is always powerfully on the side of good, but never overrides, never disturbs, one's belief structure. You have choice. It's always your choice.

You are left alone in that until you wake up. Your belief structure is what you think to be true.(Proverbs 14:12).and a lot of that is because we all have been conned into a framework of beliefs that suited those conning us.

Once into good, it's constant growth in more of it. How so?.Hebrews 9:14. Trust God that you'll be able to stay on the right track because God will never forsake you:.Hebrews 13:5

Just as God is with Christ and as close as they could be.(John 17:5), so it also is with us.

It's all good for you and for others:.Romans 13:10 "Love works no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?"

And what if you get off track, off of the the good path?.1Corinthians 10:13.

Bruno Groening.(English spelling of German 'Gröning').here has his mind on everyone's individual responsibility to convince themselves, meaning, it's our decision to respond to things in the way we decide, good or bad:.1Thessalonians 5:21; James 1:22-24.

Ok, but what is good? Good is when there is nothing unwanted going on:.Romans 14:19; 1Thessalonians 5:15; 1Timothy 6:11; Hebrews 12:14; 3John 1:11. When you do good, you are committing your soul to Father-God:.1Peter 4:19. The good things of the true God in heaven are everywhere to know about. Start with seriously considering your body. Start with health, wealth, love, joy, expression

Start with your effect upon others. Do they feel comfort from you? Are they encouraged after being with you? Do they have less fear about life and are more confident? Are they happy you're around having a small part in their lives?

Matthew Henry's Commentary:."Do not excuse yourself with the good you have done, from the good you have further to do."

Psalms 33:5 "He loves righteousness and judgment. The Earth is full of the goodness of the Lord."

Here's why you can trust that only good happens to you:.Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.".Proverbs 12:21.

Wrath or the Creator taking a severe hand in your life.(Romans 9:22).is designed to get you to stop that which will hurt you.(why evils increase).and get you thinking about some things as the Creator thinks about them. Then you will come to see the goodness of Him and of life, everywhere:.1Thessalonians 5:18. To be renewed, we need to focus on good things:.Psalms 103:5.

It was the same all throughout the Old Testament:.Jeremiah 18:10. The Old Testament is a history lesson for us all.

It is because of the hard hearts of some that they expect God's wrath:.Romans 2:5.

But now we are delivered from sin thanks to Christ abolishing the law and this wrath of God has dissipated through believing in Emmanuel the Christ and having received the gift of salvation:.Romans 5:17. But first, you've got to prove to your heart God exists, that God is real.

Thanks to the gift of faith.(Ephesians 2:8), we are to proceed with vigor in doing good works to gain the highest reward, working as best we can to use as much of Christ's spiritual nature as we have been able to bring forth:.Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 4:7; Romans 12:3; Philippians 3:9

Doing good increases the fruits of your righteousness.(the righteousness of Christ that you now have), but doesn't increase your righteousness:.John 15:4,5. The work of righteousness was performed/finished in Christ and given to you as a gift -again, Romans 5:17. But like any gift, one can be thankful for it or just reject it.

So we do good things. We give not to be blessed, as is the case with those who believe in required giving, as tithing is. We give because we are blessed. If you haven't been really blessed yet, don't give, or at least not too much. Giving is always good for you.

We pray because.we have a relationship with the Father, not because we are trying to gain His fellowship. We do good things because we are right with the Creator, not trying to get right with God. 

One can only be right with the Creator through belief in Emmanuel the Christ:.John 6:47; 7:38; 11:25;12:44; 14:12; 1John 5:10. Belief is righteousness, as was the case with Rahab, the harlot. 

We are all the workmanship of He whom the Father has given responsibility to:.Ephesians 2:10. One thing He is working out of us is dead works:.Hebrews 9:14. Notice it doesn't say 'evil' works, as all sin has been looked after and no longer counts. But dead works are works that one's conscience should be purged from and those works are the works of the ego, which include the mindset, the attitude, that operates as no package of high consciousness being necessary, no direct asking of the true God required, only adherence to doctrines, purported as necessary to achieve what you may have been duped into believing would come if you followed some advice and turned over some of your money.

A lifetime of adherence to what has been so-called 'necessary intentions' advanced as what we've heard to be 'the way' to achieve wealth, health, love and right place in life for individuals, has proven woefully inadequate. One eventually begins to realize this as he or she travels on in life. For example, many having followed Bob Proctor's plan to a prosperous life and many having complied with Dr. Joseph Murphy's advice and/or Deepak Chopra's information in order to get ahead, end up disillusioned when things do not work out as expected from their advice:.1Timothy 6:5.

The fault producing this mess was us. We looked not to Christ, but to some man or woman and what they told us about, that they said would work. What they said may have been true for them and made to appear valuable enough to others for people to fork over money for their books, courses and practices to further be a guide for you from their philosophy of success. But after time and no results, many are let down. There comes a point when one must look at what is being produced in their life by following guidance from such gurus who get rich at your expense:.Matthew 7:16-20. Perhaps overall, there is just a different pathway for you and that you should simply trust God with it.

Would these be the things that make one happy and free or the things that make one feel guilty? The law made one feel guilty:.Romans 3:19. Some weekly church 'goers' feel guilty. What are they being taught?

-James 2:24.seems to indicate that works are needed to be saved.

Yep! It does seem to say that and so does verse 25.
