the one and only true
God of all light, love, life, compassion and good creation. Your trust
is your faith. Your trust is attention toward that which you have confidence
Faith is knowing something well enough to rely
upon it. Faith is knowing the meaning of information being considered,
well enough to agree it worthy of being an action in life one can rely
upon. You can have faith in the
good things. The bad things will trick you into harm. Have discernment.
One's faith in the true God is by
means of the Holy Spirit in him or her,
so the Holy Spirit can be described as faith, being faith itself, its function,
its purpose:.John
16:7 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that
I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you,
but if I depart, I will send him unto you."
As DaveXRPLion has said."Faith
the Holy Spirit". What's the Holy
Spirit? That's
you get the faith from that can move mountains.
17:20 "...If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say
unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and
nothing shall be impossible unto you."
It's not that you
produce faith. It's that you are a container for faith. To get faith, you
believe you have it, because God has already given us all things good and
to get any of those things, just believe you have it already, so it comes
into your reality from the invisible.
Faith releases your
praise, not holding onto it as though you're not sure if this is how you
want the true God acting on your behalf. Just praise God in thankfulness
that what you want is already done, as ancient Daniel did:.Daniel
6:10. Why
already done?
Faith has to do with one's
decisions based on his or her beliefs, which are the set of things learned
as we live our individual spiritual lives. It's way above feeling,
such as, 'I just don't feel close to God today'. One's feeling has nothing
to do with it. No matter how you may feel doesn't change the truth that
God is always with you, right there:.Hebrews
30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that
I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose
life, that both you and your seed may live."
Faith produces patience with
Faith is the sure knowing
that what it is you imagine is actually the way it is and the way that
it is, is the way it should be, that is the best it could be at this time
and in the best interests of all those you want it to be that way for.
See Envisioning.
Faith is receiving
by allowing oneself to be guided by God:.Psalms
23:2; Galatians 3:26.
'Good' creation is said because this society we
have worldwide is basically a satanic world of corruption from the top
down and
who is the top?
God the Father's only son was Emmanuel.(Jesus).the
Christ.(meaning 'the anointed
one').and what was the Holy
It's not so much your faith and trust toward God,
but it's His faith in you that
you use, because you wouldn't have faith unless it
a gift from God. So, it's a 'two-way
street'. God gives it. You use it, if you do.
11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped.(imagined).for,
evidence of things not seen."
Faith is seeing far off,
seeing yourself living beyond present circumstances and into what you want.
In this way, faith is of
Example of how does one
use this information?
When the Bible speaks of faith, it means
without works, that is, it was a gift.(*).to
you where you had to do nothing to receive it.
3:11 "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God,
it is evident, for the just shall live by faith."
Faith is so important:.Matthew
9:29 "...According to your faith.(meaning,
the faith you have because, faith
comes from Christ to you and it's a
gift; doesn't mean
it in certain amounts, rather,
you allow it into you through acceptance of the invisible realities, in
this case, the invisible reality being Christ;
this acceptance is called belief and each individual has his or her own
belief amount:.Mark
it unto you." 2Corinthians 1:24
".....for by faith you stand.(showing
the importance of this faith to us; original for 'stand' is 'established'
or set up or bring your life about, make your life what it is)."
The joy
of faith in the
your strength:.Nehemiah
8:10. It's faith that enables courage to forge ahead, no matter what
obstacles may be encountered:.1Peter
1:7 "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of
gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise
and honour and glory at the appearing of Emmanuel Christ."
3:12 "In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith
of him."
1:20 "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing
I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also
Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death.".Live
Remember David and the giant
17:26,36-51 "And David spake to the men that stood by him, saying,
What shall be done to the man that kills this Philistine and takes away
the reproach from Israel, for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that
he should defy the armies of the living God?...Your servant slew both the
lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of
them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God....David said moreover,
The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw
of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine...And
Saul armed David with his armour and he put an helmet of brass upon his
head, also he armed him with a coat of mail...And David girded his sword
upon his armour and he assayed to go, for he had not proved it. And David
said unto Saul, I cannot go with these, for I have not proved them. And
David put them off him....And he took his staff in his hand and chose him
five smooth stones out of the brook and put them in a shepherd's bag which
he had, even in a scrip and his sling was in his hand and he drew near
to the Philistine...And the Philistine came on and drew near unto David
and the man that bare the shield went before him...And when the Philistine
looked about and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but]a youth and
ruddy,and of a fair countenance...And the Philistine said unto David, Am
I a dog, that you come to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David
by his Gods...And the Philistine said to David, Come to me and I will give
your flesh unto the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field...Then
said David to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword and with a spear
and with a shield, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts,
the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied...This day will the
Lord deliver you into my hand and I will smite you and take your head from
you and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day
unto the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the Earth, that all
the Earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly
shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear, for the battle
is the Lord's and he will give you into our hands..And it came to pass,
when the Philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David
hasted and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine...And David put his
hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slang it and smote the Philistine
in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon
his face to the Earth...So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling
and with a stone and smote the Philistine and slew him, but there was no
sword in the hand of David...Therefore David ran and stood upon the Philistine
and took his sword and drew it out of the sheath thereof and slew him and
cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion
was dead, they fled."
Another excellent definition
of faith is found in Bob Proctor's 36 year in the making book entitled.You
Were Born Rich, that you can have free. Bob got the definition
from a guy named Clarence Smithison. He was so impressed by it that Bob
devoted the entire chapter 4 inspired by what Clarence said.
About this remarkable man
Clarence, begins on page 76 of the book. His definition of faith is."Faith
is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that
is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible.".And
Bob has much more to say on that in this Let Go and Let God chapter 4 of
his book. Get the free book!
Comprised from Bob Proctor's
book: Faith is the connecting link between God and you. When you have faith
in yourself, it doesn't mean in your ego, but in that part of you.(what
part of you?).that
is spiritual and perfect.(*).
Whatever you accomplish in your lifetime will be in accordance with intensity
and persistence of you faith. Senses program you from the out to the in,
that is, from the bottom to the top and it should be the other way around
to achieve the good for self and others. Your subconscious seeks ways to
bring about what it is that is in your mind. What are you forming in your
mind with the power that flows constantly into you, allowing you to think?
What images are you imagining for yourself that are good, no matter how
If your mind can make it,
the universal substance of all life will take it, forming it into the image
of what's held in your mind.
What is thing thing called
faith and how do you get it?
11:1 "Now faith is the substance.(a
real thing; you only get what you have in your mind, holding it there with
and persistence;
it means you hold yourself in the high consciousness positiveness
of its surety,
that is, being sure that what's in the mind, comes into physicalness
{the physical world} and is a blessing to you).of
things hoped for, the evidence.(if
you have faith, that's your evidence and you can now be sure).of
things not seen."
Faith is knowing you have
about something. The power of God is already sustaining you. Consider your
body. Faith is knowing results or seeing, a being sure
of, that which you want to occur. Faith is a firm belief in a course of
action. You don't continue thinking upon that which you are unsure about.
"Imagination bodies forth
the forms of things unknown." ...Shakespeare.
It wasn't by works that you
get any faith:.Ephesians
2:8,9 "For by graceare
you saved through faith.(whose
that not of yourselves,
it is the gift of God.(desire
from God this gift of faith), not of
works, lest any man should boast."
1:1 "Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle
of Emmanuel.Christ,
to them that have obtained like precious
faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Emmanuel
When you stop being apprehensive
about life and others, you are living by faith:.Galatians
3:11 "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God,
it is evident, for, The just shall live by faith." Hebrews
10:38 "Now the just live by faith, but if any man draw back, my soul
shall have no pleasure in him."
Living with faith is living
without tentativeness:.Romans
1:17 "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith. As it is written, The just shall live by faith."
4:19 "And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body dead,
when he was about an hundred years old, neither the deadness of Sara's
When you trust God, the
invisible source, then faith is believing, that is, knowing something
is true without having to see some physical evidence of it:.John
20:24-29. But good to look at any physical evidence there may be, like
the evidence in the physical world of the invisible hand of God. But nothing
really approaches any personal
experience one may have, in knowing God
is of a set of
one has accepted as being true, like you have a box and you put slips of
paper in the box, each slip having a different belief on it from the
higher consciousness attributes. That is, you believe they make a difference
and that's why they were important enough to put them on paper and save
them in a box. Think of the box as being labeled My Faith because it contains
the things reminding you of what supports your faith, reminds you
that those things in which is your trust
are sound.
So, faith then is one's beliefs that are used as a basis for action.
You have faith that your
vehicle will take you to where you want to go. An
may help: 'like you know your vehicle's parts are in good working order.(the
beliefs in the box).and
therefore you can take action by going on a trip in assurance.(faith).all
will be ok to get you there and back again without problems. Your faith
is based upon the beliefs in the box being ok.
Your storehouse of beliefs
is used as you travel the journey of life in assurance your beliefs work,
that is, that they produce something and that something is higher
consciousness. That's how you can monitor the effects of your believing.
Many people believe in things
that aren't providing what they had expected. So, their beliefs need attuning.
a radio, they need to switch off the station that is not on track and
so provides garbled
information and instead switch to a station that broadcasts frequencies
that do more for them.
Living a life of faith.(Romans
living a happy life, a life where you don't feel condemned at every turn:.John
3:17 "For God sent not his Son into the
world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.".Faith
is shown by confidence in Christ.(learn
Christ is).and
this shows that your life is on the right track:.Romans
14:22 "Have you faith? have it to yourself before God. Happy is he
that condemns not himself in that thing which he allows." James
1:8 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." James
4:8 "Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands,
you sinners.(what
does the word 'sin' mean?).and
purify your hearts, you double minded."
An underlying quaity of faith
is trust., the assurance
of what it is that comprise
your beliefs. We have confidence in those we know have been and still are,
on our side, those who are out for the good for us. They are those who
love you, with all
that means. And, of course, God.
is having been persuaded
toward that which is true and good. What's
good? And what's true and good is that the faith of Christ has all
things for us:.1Corinthians
3:21. Faith is doing things because you believe in them and you believe
in them because you're sure they have benefit to you in some way. One can
have the faith of God and do good and one can have the faith of the dark
side and do evil. The false faith of the dark side brings results too,
for example, with either of these faith directions one will reap
what they have sown.
One may add to what he or
she already knows to be true, such as, in Christ are all things for us.
What may be true to you.(John
not be believed by another person; examples.
Be open-minded
but don't allow someone else to rule over your belief
structure, that you have based on the truth of Christ.
9:11 "...the purpose of God according
to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calls.".Note
it says this faith is precious and that it is obtained through the righteousness
of God, that is, one needs to know something and that something is,
that the one desiring to have this faith knows it comes not as a result
of his own righteousness. Rather it's a gift of God to him:.Romans
5:17,18. It's a spiritual gift because God loves him:.2Peter
Faith is belief without seeing:.John
20:29. Faith is a bank of beliefs
in Christ, but what
are beliefs and how did we get them and really how good is our
faith? Both the Old and New Testaments showed it was only a few who had
ability from God to do miracles. We lack the faith to do supernatural things
and bring things to us we may want or need, but we can learn as Grabovoi
Christ doesn't lack this
kind of faith and so we look to
faith, because in Christ are all things for us:.1Corinthians
Faith also can be likened
to a person's underlying.state
of confidence, where he
or she is free from concerns,
and resentments
over past actions, both those done by someone else to him or her or actions
he or she may have done to others. How can you have any further concerns
if you have done your best to ameliorate
them and have now left them in the hands of God? Any and all guilt over
them has been nailed to Christ on the cross.
The difference between concerns
and interests
is as concerns have just been explained and, interests are about how you
would now have your affairs done right, that is, not to again cause.similar.situations
to occur. Concerns, worries and resentments erode
Faith is the ability the
Creator gave you to accept what
He believes about you, thanks to Christ. When God says he loves and
cares for you, do you accept that?
Faith is conviction; that
is, being sure that what you have accepted is true. But
how can you 'just know that'?
You have faith that if you
take a certain direction you will arrive at the grocery store. You are
absolutely sure about this: example:.Romans
4:18-21. Faith is sure knowledge you carry around with you and
with which decisions are made in living and regulating your life. If it's
based on Christ's faith, then there is power to it. Generating your own
faith is a waste of time, for there is no substance to it:.John
15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me and
I in him, the same brings forth much fruit, for without me you can do nothing."
How can one know if he or
she has faith? Faith is that something, that spiritual quality which enables
one to keep going, even when there seems
like there is no hope, because you know this:.Romans
Faith is that which enables
a person to see something better than the present situation he or she may
be in:.Galatians
2:20 "...Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by the faith of the Son of God who loves me..."
Faith is that spiritual quality
which underlies one's daily life. It's the activity of the Creator's consciousness
in a person. Faith is a gift:.Ephesians
2:8. You can ask for gifts: Matthew
7:7-11. It takes love to activate faith:.Galatians
5:6. Decide to love in your life.
Faith is in everyone's life,
that is, everyone operates their life on the degree
of faith that they have, in something:.Luke
Having faith is being persuaded
of that upon which you base actions. A thief has faith he will not be caught.
Problem here is, his faith is not based on the laws of love of the universe:.Mark
11:22 "And Emmanuel answering
said unto them, Have faith in God."
Faith is that invisible spiritual
of just knowing. If you can't make your mind up on something that you may
be in a quandary
about, avoid forcing a decision you may feel pressured about making. Instead
just be aware that you'll know what to do when you have to do it and go
forth in your life with that in mind. That's faith.
Faith is an invisible quality
which comprises
a structure,
an invisible structure from which we act as we do according to what's in
the structure and what's in the structure is the beliefs we hold, the things
we have accepted as being true for us. What's in the structure is there
because of our acceptance of things.
Believers are a class of
3:15-18; Acts 5:14.
Faith is in
general the persuasion
of the mind that a certain statement
is true:.2Thessalonians
2:13 "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren
beloved of the Lord, because God has from
the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification
of the Spirit and belief of the truth."
Faith's primary idea is trust.
Faith is the result of teaching:.Romans
10:14-17. Knowledge is
an essential
element in faith.
Faith is state
of mind awakened to and basking
in higher consciousness. It's is a state of awareness, knowing that you
are in Christ. What
does that mean?
The faith
of Christ draws us toward a higher consciousness.
Your beliefs are based upon
the faith you have. You have faith you are able to climb a high hill, 'I
know I can do it':.Philippians
4:13. Taking action to do so is belief based upon the faith you have
in your climbing ability, 'I'll climb the hill now'. Belief is what allows
you to take action based upon the faith you possess. Belief is faith in
action. The action you took in climbing the hill was based upon the sure
knowledge you held.
Believing/belief is placing
trust in something you plan to take action on, like 'I believe I'll have
another beer'; 'we believe we'll arrive there in the afternoon if we leave
early enough in the morning'.
Faith in the Creator is being
convinced of the efficacy
of things of the Creator; that they indeed, produce a positive result:.Romans
What are those things of
the Creator if not the things of His
character and the things that you are concerned about, for He is in
you if you care about the things of God. That's how you put yourself
in alignment
with Him.
With faith you can step
out knowing the outcome will be good: Romans
8:28. Albeit,
after going through many valleys and even ruts.(remember
Of The Rings.movies).on
your journey to the object of your quest:.Hebrews
11:1; Galatians 2:20.
Faith is regarding that in
which you have confidence, those things you are sure about. But faith without
works is dead. What good is it not to go to the grocery store you are sure
is still there?.James
2:14 "...can faith save him?"
You can have total confidence
that your Creator not only hears you, but will respond. No matter how bad
your children might have been, if they need help, you always love them
enough to assist them in improving. Can we not expect the same from our
7:11. If you are asking for that which is according to His will; and
what's that?:.Matthew
7:12. And what is it that you should do to
have confidence that you are consistently in the will of God?
What did Emmanuel think?.Mark
11:22 "And Emmanuel answering said unto them, Have faith in God."
Faith is direction of heart
toward trusting the Creator. Faith is sureness
of belief; belief being
information that is based on truth
and belief being the foundation for actions one may take in confidence
he is correct; correct being, not causing any harm in any manner to others:.Romans
13:10. That's faith, which is the direction extending from your beliefs
and the action taken thereby:.Hebrews
11:6. So, stay on the pathway of faith in your daily life:.1Corinthians
15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be you stedfast,
unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as you
know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." Hebrews
3:6,14 "But Christ as a son over his own house, whose house are we,
if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto
the end. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning
of our confidence stedfast unto the end."
Faith relays
its spiritual quality through insight
of the meaning of the word the 'Creator', intended for our understanding,
so change could
be effected in our lives. Faith is the door that allows the goodness
of the Creator into your life.
Faith is knowing the power
of the Creator, the
Lord - the Good Spirit we often refer to as God,.is
working in you: 1John 5:19. It's
a looking for an increase of the Infinite
Presence in you. No looky no findy! You get what you seek:.Matthew
7:7. The Creator can't do for you what He can't do in you:.1Corinthians
3:7-9; Matthew 9:29.
11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen.".Not
seen means it's a spiritual thing, something beyond the 'slowed down' energy
of spirit things that we label as physical:.Colossians
1:15 "Who is the image of the invisible God...".True
love is also a thing of the spirit.
10:8 "...The word is near you, even in your mouth and in your heart,
that is, the word of faith, which we preach."
1:3 "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common
salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that
you should earnestly contend.(how?
work through the errors you have caused that have hurt you and others;
it's your sincere efforts that count
the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."
Faith is many aspects
of awareness of a presence
with you - your
Soul and how deep you sense it being one
with all there is and ever will be. In this oneness you are secure.
Here, when you know that you know what it is that you want for good for
you and for others, it must come for sure and sometime. Why
sometime? Faith is all the evidence you need. The
of how are worked out for you in the invisible.
A person of faith will be
seeking where the faith is leading him.
You live in the body and
see through it at the same time. You are the
observer of your life.
"You block your dream when
you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith."....Mary
Manin Morrissey.
"Faith is expressed in the
higher state of consciousness. Faith is the vehicle that takes you
into the soul level, the knowing that a deeper reality is dawning. The
moment of faith is when nothing seems to work."....Deepak
Chopra. That's because that's the moment the
unknown opens up.
Faith is believing that the
original patterns work as designed; e.g.
the development of a baby and the
giant electrical engine that is the universe.
Like in all spiritual things
there are many levels:.John
14:2. Faith increases as one
grows in the things of higher consciousness, which are the things of
12:6; 2Corinthians 10:15.
You can equate
faith with fire and enthusiasm.–.life!.Faith
comes from the decision to embrace the future with confidence:.Acts
17:28. Why would one allow anything less than full confidence if he
or she knew the true God of all creation is with you? How
As opposed to a mundane
daily existence, one now looks onward to an exciting never ending surety.
One is now curious about life, alert to its possibilities, confident that
whatever passion from high consciousness that you decide upon is possible.
That is how to know if you have faith.
about what's called belief?
In what is called the
Kingdom of God, it will be much easier to have this thing called faith
because more men and women will be spiritually inclined.
What if you do not have it?
It is a gift and you can get
it! You need it to build you up:.Acts
20:32 ".....grace,
which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all
them which are sanctified.(other
spiritual persons in the family
of God)."
The biggest killer of faith
is impatience, not depression. And this impatience
is due to programming that demands you must know 'all the answers' before
venturing forth. This causes frustration.
of patience always does this.
Do not trust until you know
is in in contradiction
to the wisdom of the ancients who knew that to have spiritual things of
the mind effective, one must first trust.
Wanting to take things into
our own hands, your own control, wanting to 'jump right in' to something
you can control, is an open invitation to trouble.
Once one knows what his
deep heart's dreams are.(how),
then risk it to attain
them. Better to be a bit patient and wait to see what God is doing. If
you're not sure what He is doing, don't take action. But
know if you are 'in His will'.."There
is no action without inspiration."....Bernie
Siegel, M.D., featured in the award winning movie.What
If? The Movie. Once on the path of action engage in activities
that contribute to spiritual growth; activities based on
love. And if you're still feeling limitations, learn about it here
in the movie documentary.The
Grand Self.
Many people have more faith
than they give themselves credit for. Who cooks your meals? Without faith
you wouldn't even eat stew.
Faith is important! If you
have it, it is counted to you for righteousness:.Romans
4:3. With faith one is able to bring for the things of what the Creator
calls, a righteous life:.Hebrews
11:33 "Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness,
obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.".The
gift of the Holy Spirit.(the
spirit of wholeness {holy or wholly, meaning completely high consciousness}
in higher consciousness concerns).is
by faith:.Galatians
3:14. You 'get' things from God by being sure that you already have
them. Chew on that one awhile.
can save you from many troubles and afflictions:.Matthew
9:18-22; 15:28; Mark
5:25-43; 10:46-52; 11:19-24;
7:50; 17:14-19;
One obtains
faith by Christ's righteousness even if sin is still hanging around
in his life.
Without faith God is not
11:5,6. The faith we have.(thanks
to God's gift of it to us that we
can accept by desiring to live higher consciousness ways and if we then
desire that, then there is another
gift to make life for you and all those you love, massively abundant
in all areas.(John
10:10; 1Timothy 6:17).pleases
Him. In other
words, His concern is that we do indeed have faith.(Hebrews
have we have all the gifts made available:.Ephesians
4:8. And from where comes this
6:6-8 "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before
the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves
of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with
ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has showed you, O man,
what is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly and
to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?".Learn
to do good. How to do good.
Once a person's mind has
opened by the Creator,
one can increase faith.(by
bringing out more of what is already there).by
thinking of Himself as is thought of him by his Creator:.2Peter
1:1 " them that have obtained like precious faith with us through
righteousness of God and our Saviour
Emmanuel the Christ.".Why
'and our saviour'?.John
The Great Infinite One is
pleased when we are healthy and prosperous.(3John
1:2), when we do good and are generous.(Hebrews
13:16), when we increase in
the power that He made available for us:.Galatians
1:10 "For do I now persuade.(for
'persuade', click on reference).men,
or God? or do I seek to please men?.(for
'please men', click on reference).for
if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."
the 11th chapter shows that faith enables one to make choices to do
things that without faith, he wouldn't. It also shows that the Creator
does things when we have faith.
12:1 paraphrased:.'Wherefore
seeing we have these examples of such a great a cloud of witnesses, let
us lay aside anything that may cause us to consistently miss the mark in
the struggle to keep the faith of
Emmanuel uppermost in our hearts.'
Creator controls absolutely everything.
To know if you have faith
one must know first what it is.
Faith is an acceptance of
something as true.(1Peter
1:8), a trusting
of God with your life, that it can be based upon His
Living faith is using
what you have accepted as true in your life. If you ask for directions
from someone to reach a destination, you choose whether or not to have
faith in his instructions or not. If you accept them as true, you may decide
to follow the instructions that he gave you to proceed to the destination.
This then is living faith; faith upon which actions are taken.
Bible Dictionary:."Faith
is, in general, the persuasion
of the mind that a certain statement is true: Philippians
2Thessalonians. 2:13.
Its primary.idea
is trust.
"A thing is true and therefore
worthy of trust. It admits of many degrees up to full assurance of faith,
in accordance with the evidence on which it rests.
"Faith is the result of teaching,
of learning:.Romans
10:14-17. Knowledge is an essential element in all faith and is sometimes
spoken of as an equivalent to faith:.John
10:38; 1John 2:3. Yet the two are
distinguished in this respect; that faith includes in it assent,
which is an act of the will.(a
decision to agree and accept).in
addition to the act of the understanding.(a
the meaning of something)."
Regarding Christian faith,
it is accepting Emmanuel Christ's
life as true. To do this, one must personally know some things about
Him that is meaningfully important. If you have faith in Christ, you obviously
have accepted the fact as true that He indeed did rise from the dead:.1Corinthians
A few things to know about
#1: Faith is had by knowing
that you are righteous:.2Peter
Romans 4:13. Creator knows
He is righteous and if you have become a spiritual individual, this is
also true of you, for you are equal to the Creator and a creator too in
that what you think about comes into being, both negative and positive,
so be on the positive side:.Phillipians
The words of the Creator
must be accepted as
true for them to become effective in life and produce any fruit:.Hebrews
4:2; Philemon 1:6; 1Thessalonians
Colossians 3:16; Philippians
2:5. Our confidence must be in Christ.(Philippians
1:6), not in a,
in order for spiritual change to occur in our lives. If one is in two
minds about things, he is in doubt.
And what does being 'in
Christ' mean?
#2: Faith is needed for those
wanting to live in a manner pleasing to God, the Multiversal Intelligence.(Hebrews
for having access to this Creator:.Ephesians
3:12. It is seeing the outcome in the imagination with a sureness that
what is in the mind is more 'real' that what it is that we see daily with
our eyes. This is because everything that is and all sustaining of that
which we see and know of, comes out of invisible intelligent energy, that
we most often call God or the Creator:.Revelation
#3: It takes faith to learn
about salvation.(2Timothy
to hold fast.(keep
words of the Creator in one's heart:.2Timothy
#4: Faith involves believing
in Christ; that He made possible personal resurrection
into eternal life now:.2Timothy
#5: Faith far supersedes
the righteousness of the Mosaic Law including
the commandments:.2Corinthians
5:7; Romans 7:6.
#6: Faith makes us want to
great message of the
gospel about
those who come to believe in
can have a relationship
with the Father and have no fear of rejection even
if they still sin..That much
God loves you. In Christ we are one with God through our individual
Ephesians 2:14.