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T r i a l s  a n d  S u f f e r i n g s
p a g e  3

Anyone the Creator is working with is 'righteous'. Why?.Romans 4:17 ".....God, who quickens the dead and calls those things which be not as though they were." Isaiah 46:10 "Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done.(what's one of those things?.2Timothy 1:9), saying, My counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure.(it's a delight to the Creator to bring us up higher in happiness)." Isaiah 64:8 "But now, O Lord, you are our father, we are the clay and you our potter.(one who fashions pottery {bowls, etc.} with his hands).and we.all are.the work of your hand."

David had trials. Here David comments on his trusting of others:.Psalms 55:12-23. That is life here:.Matthew 5:45

"Don't you trust people?" "Of course I do; it's just the dark side in them I don't trust."

There are two reasons why it is so difficult to trust others: One, because we do not know them and the other, because we do!

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them! Ha ha!.(*)

There are two major sides to each of us and about six personas we use.

"Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be."....Rumi

The premise most people hold is that of distrust of others. Many by the decisions made against humanity, qualify for others distrust of them

Rather than accept things with open-mindedness that it is possible something is true, proceeding along until or if, one finds something not right, most instead maintain inaction so they do not have to proceed with something perhaps new for them that may turn out be of benefit.

But when you start to see negatives or things that just don't seem to add up, it's time to move away from them. Many spiritual persons have this worldly super cautious fearful attitude of losing something they feel they have gained, not realizing all is from the Creator and in this balanced universe of things, there is no loss without gain.(*), no down without up and vice-versa.

A program was offered by wealthy Christians to provide other Christians and similar good hearted individuals having the wherewithal to increase their ability to be of benefit to others, deposit being fully secured, the return.(higher than regular market).guaranteed. One could even come with their lawyer, etc. 9 out of 10 individuals having heard of this opportunity deemed it 'too good to be true'. That did not change the fact that it was indeed true. Unfortunately those missing out preferred instead to not pursue that which could help others and themselves and their families:.Luke 19:12-26; Luke 16:10-13; John 10:25-27.

Do be open-minded, but also be very cautious. There are many wolves out there. Listen to your body, your body that looks after you. What is it's first reaction to what you have been confronted with? Is it comfortable or uncomfortable?

Both ancient David and Joseph had long continuous trials. David because he decided wrongly and Joseph because he wouldn't decide wrongly. Why does God test us? Do you take a test drive before you buy a car? Do you get to know another really well before deciding to make him or her a hopefully lifetime partner?.(see Mating)

Do you inspect a place well before committing to living there? The Queen of Sheba tested the wisest person in the world at that time:.1Kings 10:1-7. Nothing wrong with testing someone if you're unsure of your intuition.

Trials are necessary in everyone's life. Trials work character. Trials and tests show us what our own hearts are really like so that we can decide to be better.

The Creator is behind our trials. In them we become established in righteousness:.Psalms 7:9 "Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just, for the righteous, God tries the hearts and reins."

David failed his 'test', but 'passed' because he realized how great God's forgiveness is. He learned about the Creator's character. David trusted his Creator, but allowed his passions to cause an awareness of his closeness with the Creator to drift away. How?

Joseph passed his test because he was resolute in trusting God. He had learned to trust God no matter the surrounding circumstances. No matter how hard we try, no one escapes life's trials and tests. Once life's trials and tests show us what we are like, do we do anything about it? Do we leave our ways of anger, deceit, greed, hate, 'flies' or just carry on as we were? If so, then we can await even more severe trials as what happened to this guy.

But for spiritual persons of love, trials can be hard to take, often causing confusion:.Psalms 44th chapter. Many trials are of our own making by how we live life, all because we never knew the secret to a great life. Our parents didn't know or they would have taught us how to use it. And the schools, well, they weren't schools of discovery, but were institutions of remembering and repeating, which is not real learning at all. If they know anything about it, they certainly weren't allowed to teach it, because it smacks of independence and they were training little obedient worker bees for the corporations, keeping them dumbed down on purpose, so they would never really soar as they might want to in life. So, where can we look then? To God of course. He doesn't manipulate you. Man does. God won't keep you down. Man does. 

So, what's God got for us?

All our prayers are instantly heard, but sometimes and because of how the universe works, the answers to them may come a few weeks after they have been known by God, as in Daniel's case:.Daniel:10:12,13.

Those having love motivation, which deepens as they go along in life, are promised blessings. Often in their trials they fail to see the 'blessings', not realizing how important character development is. This guy did!

Character improves when one moves out of the ego level. Away from that, it's a different story:.Psalms 119:165 "Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them.".If you don't love, if you are not of a loving nature, then you'll be offended when non loving things occur in your life.

Why did this have to happen to me, many ask? I mean, aren't we 'serving the Lord' or 'Aren't I a good person?' many people ask. 'Aren't we His chosen at this time' many in religion may ask? Good question! Why

'Doesn't God hear prayers for relief?'. Prayer is actually praise, praise for what God has already completed:.Genesis 2:1. One doesn't have to ask for things that are already there. That's stupid:.Matthew 6:7. If you want or need something, praise God, that is, be thankful, grateful that you already have it. You just didn't know all God has done was finished before humanity was made.

If He relieved us every time we contributed to our own problems, He would not be a Being concerned with the character development important for eternal life:.1Peter 2:20; 5:10; 2Timothy 2:12. He is looking out for your future, even though you may not, at this time, be able to see beyond present trials afflicting your life.(your life may require reincarnations to learn; all of us have had many reincarnations already).and that life is for learning. Character can be developed in us as long as we have a sane reasoning mind and are ready to learn.

He is able to alleviate all problems in our lives immediately, but whether He chooses to is another question:.2Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work."

God helped Asa mightily:.2Chronicles 14:8-15. If you want God to help you too, you like Asa, must ask:.John 16:24.

Trials are necessary if you want a great reward in the real life, a life in such a higher consciouness that it pales into insignificance this one, a life far more vibrant, an exciting and rewarding one more so than this one could ever hope to be and a life available now:.2Corinthians 4:14-18.

But the Creator promises that nothing will come along that you cannot handle, even though you think that you might not be able to handle it:.Romans 8:28; 1Corinthians 10:13; Philippians 2:27.

Belief in the power of Christ's loving nature in you, is the key to getting through tough times:.2Corinthians 1:3-5. Trials are relativeonly to one's perception of the difficulty. To the hopeful, trials are promise of balance. To the discouraged, an omen

Trials are for learning a way we may be following is not working and for learning that overall, God is in control:.Matthew 10:29,30; Hebrews 12:8,10-15;.Daniel 4:25 "..... till you know that the most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever he will.".Then there is no reason to worry. And the Creator greatly responds to attitudes. Good attitudes in the majority of people in an area, cause better governments, because we are all connnected.

Trials are to produce patience and perfection unto holiness, so that we are fully formed.(Galatians 4:19).into the image that God sees us as; that of being holy, righteous and perfect:.James 1:2-4. Impatience is sister to anger and intolerance:.Revelation 3:18.

Many of us are not patient with the Infinite One:.Exodus 32:1; Matthew 26:38-40. Waiting on God requires patience, but we often just 'jump right in' to what we think is an answer:.Luke 21:19 "In your patience possess you your souls." James 1:4 "But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting.(lacking).nothing."

The Infinite One is often guiding you to just stay where you presently may be in order for you to fulfil some spiritual work that is necessary, for you and/or for others. But you are frustrated in life because you want something else, because you see that you lack it. This tells you that you are out of alignment with God.(the way of love for all).at the time and are steeped within frustration.

The more love one expresses by acts of compassion, concern, consideration, etc., the less trials come along

Many people in this fast paced age are hasty in what they do, causing many problems for themselves:.Proverbs 14:29; 21:5; 28:20; 29:20; Ecclesiastes 5:2; 7:9. Take driving for instance: Many people drive as though tomorrow is not worth waiting for! Fast, reckless driving leads to slow, soft music!

And worse!

Carl Jung said."Hurry is not of the devil. It is the devil". Jung held that once one finds his divinely destined interaction with his true self, his soul connection through his spirit, it is a defeat for what has been causing all our problems, the ego. Jung called this, reconciling the great divide within, the divide between one's spirit connection with the Soul, the multiversal intelligent energy we can all use and the ego, what we work with by default in the absence of connection to the higher consciousness of the Soul. Another Jung quote.

He called this 'marriage' synchronicity, that is the meaningful welding of inner and outer events. Like Freud, Jung's mentor for six years, he believed the multiverse was causal.(every event is the effect of a prior event, first in the soul, then from the invisible there, it comes into the material world), which modern quantum physics also adopts. How it all works

Trials are for finding out your heart, your thoughts and the emotions you may specifically have and your reactions to the variables of life we all experience. 

Trials are for learning to believe only in Him, in whom are all answers for us:.2Corinthians 2:14 "Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ....."

Notice that with all the power Emmanuel had available to Him.(Matthew 26:53).that He said that He would pray for His disciple Simon Peter that his faith would not fail, not that He would pray that Satan would be kept from macho man Simon Peter:.Luke 22:31-34 "And God said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith fails not and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren. And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with you both into prison and to death. And he said, I tell you Peter, the cock shall not crow this day before that you shall thrice deny that you know me."

The books of the Bible and here, the Book of Luke in the New Testament in the Bible tells us much is required from him who has been given much. If you have trials in your life, know that the Engineer.(Ephesians 2:10).has determined that you can take them and come up smiling, with His help. 

Luke 12:48  ".....for unto whomsoever much is given, of him much is required....." 

Hebrews 13:5 ".....for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

Isaiah 41:17 "When the poor and needy seek water and there is none and their tongue fails for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them."

Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Emmanuel the Christ."

1Corinthians 10:13 "There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear.(or 'endure').it."

"Do you trust people?" "Of course I trust them. It's the devil in them I don't trust."
There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time
to do the most important thing, whatever that may be for you at anytime.