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M a t i n g
(has 15 pages)
The purpose of this subject is to reduce the 'distance' between men and women desiring a relationship with each other, thus enhancing its positive potential.

"One day you will ask me which is more important, my life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life."....Kahil Gibran

"A brave man acknowledges the strength of others."....Veronica Roth, Novelist-Writer.

"When we fall in love we are ashamed of our words. Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. When pen hasted to write, on reaching the subject of love it split in twain. When the discourse touched on the matter of love, pen was broken and paper torn. In explaining it, reason sticks fast, as an ass in mire. Naught but Love itself can explain love and lovers! None but the Sun can display the Sun."....Rumi.

But how do you find true love? And the more important question. . . when?

Also important is knowing whether or not another is in love with you? If you have to question it, it's not there. Wait until there is no question. And if there is no question, then why would you want to bring the state into your relationship by getting a marriage certificate? See David Straight's 3rd 'out of Babylon' video on it.

Waiting to date until it's time.(Ecclesiastes 3:1-9,22).for a mate is wise.(wise because life is so short).and you could run a great risk of severely screwing it up. 

Complete a solid education first. Homeschool is far better. Perhaps a master's degree or Ph.D..first, but avoid indoctrinating propaganda propagated by corrupt so-called higher learning educational institutions.

Once your education is set, then a family can be considered. Do not make the error of being hasty and horny. If things do go awry, later in the relationship, you are at least then well able to stand pat and on your own two feet, if need be, that is, if the one you thought would be the 'right one' turns out not to be. And one reason why that would be is motives and attitudes by one that were not evident until after you've 'taken the plunge'.

And a reason why that could be is some people are of humanity genes and others, partly so or not at all. And with this, the Rate-A-Mate section will guide you.

Take this into consideration to do it and you'll be kept free from many major troubles as you grow through life. 

When the energy of your hormones is directed toward a passion for getting your life set up, you won't feel quite so horny. It'll be easier to control and you'll avoid the risks of following the emotions that may be tearing away at you. 

The desire for sex comes from energy; a lot of energy, then a lot of desire, so it's good to master that energy. Master your life. Master your hormones or they will master you, because the emotions we have can be pumped by the weight of what's in the collective consciousness.

The last decision many men ever make is to marry a woman! Ha ha!

Is the real reason women cry at weddings because their daughters are committing to a man like their father? 

To date, there has been no record of a man being shot by his partner while he was washing the dishes! 

Love leads to freedom. Freedom to choose means we can choose a mate based on enjoyment; you chose another based on the amount of enjoyment you think you will derive from the relationship.

Meaning in a relationship leads to intimacy. In any relationship, you are creating a history; memories that hopefully are full of valuable meaning. What you'll always carry is good memories. And, that's what others will also carry, who knew you.

The beginning of this journey toward each other starts with a deep desire to become each other and this means, one in Soul.

Do something different! Don't always rush home from work to be alone or to be with your friends. Go somewhere else new and safe, by yourself! If you aren't now romantically involved with any of your group of friends, chances are, you won't be. Time for new ground. Time for a greater consciousness if you would meet a better quality individual who may be a potential mate. Forget looking, but do be alert.

The wonderful thing about dating is that it can lead to a great good relationship that lasts. That's why this subject. There are things that help towards a great relationship we can be aware of, such as on the third page here. 

".....from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female."....Mark 10:6

Genesis 1:27,31 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.....And God saw every thing that he had made and behold, it was very good....." 

Genesis 2:22 "And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man."

The Creator will do the same today whether you are male or female:.Galatians 3:28. He is able to bring you together with the right one:.Proverbs 19:14 ".....a prudent.(one with comprehension; one seeking to improve knowledge and its application, as opposed to one brash.flighty.floozy).wife is from the Lord."

How would you know love is for you? And if you're convinced that it is, what could you use to be reasonably sure of the potential mate may be considering?

Some individuals become so impatient. They just cannot wait for the right one. They are susceptible to making this mistake, that of increasing the risk of being bypassed by someone they may deeply have feelings for. They may be like the peach in a world of oranges, so much so, that after a while one begins to figure that he or she had better become like one of those oranges out there in order to be acceptable to other oranges. Someday another peach comes along, but he or she won't 'see' you as you have become too much like all the oranges and he or she was looking for a peach.

Never change downward! Improve what it is that you are. Avoid trying to be like someone else, who may be also trying to copy another's outward behavior. That's all such confusion. Instead, adopt high standards like these. And, love now!

If you trust the Great Infinite One for your eternal life trust Him also for bringing the right one to you: John 3:16,17 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(does this mean you don't have to die?). For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world.(to make them feel that all they are doing is wrong), but that the world through him might be saved.(the original for the word 'saved' here is 'sozo' and means way more than just being saved)." If you trust God for the right one, why would you need to try out sex compatibility before commitment? Would God make a mistake here if you are trusting in the Infinite One? But you also have a mind designed by the Infinite One, a mind to use for your choices.

Proverbs 30:18,19 "There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not: The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea and the way of a man with a maid.(original is 'virgin')."

Becoming a partner to another is a lot of fun! Fun, of course, if you are well matched. 

Interesting criteria are listed in some of the free Matchmaker sites that you can search for on the Net. See how many others you match up with. Here you can chat with others as well.

If you want a relationship to start off and continue being blessed, it is important to understand this mystery

Seek for a mate who has perfect love:.1John 4:16,17 "And we have known and believed the love that God has to us. God is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect.....because as he is, so are we in this world."

Love is a decision. We cannot deeply be involved with that which we choose not to have affection for.

If she won't live forever, why buy her a diamond? Ha! ha!
94 is the best age for marriage, because you don't have to work anymore,
you can have someone else feed you and you each will have
the same thing to look forward to. Ha! ha!