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relating to two or more phases; incongruous; foreign; dissimilar; miscellaneous; completely different

any member of the family Hominidae, including man and his supposed fossil ancestors

any of a superfamily (Hominoidea) of primates including recent hominids, gibbons and pongids together with extinct ancestral and related forms (as of the genera Proconsul and Dryopithecus)

Homo habilis.noun,.plural.Homo habili
homo is Greek for 'alike' and 'man'
habilis is able; skillful; handy; clever

Homo erectus.noun,.plural.Homo erecti
homo is Greek for 'alike' and 'man'
erectus is to sit up. Pithecanthropus was an extinct primate.postulated from bones found in Java (an island of Indonesia separated from Borneo by the Java Sea) in 1891 and originally designated Pithecanthropus erectus because it was thought to represent a species evolutionarily between apes and human beings. Pithecanthropus is now classified as Homo erectus.

homogeneous.adjective.also spelt.homogenous
of or exhibiting homogeny
relating to only one phase
the state or quality of being homogeneous

hormone means, made in one organ, goes into the blood and has an effect on another organ system; a pheromone; a chemical substance formed in some organ of the body, as the adrenal glands, the pituitary, etc. and carried to another organ or tissue, where it has a specific effect; a hormone is a substance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity, such as growth, metabolism, sexual desire, etc.

specifically, the northern (the half of the Earth that lies north of the equator) or southern half of the Earth divided by the equator, or the eastern (the half of the Earth east of the Atlantic Ocean including Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa) or western half divided by a meridian; a half of the celestial sphere divided into two halves by the horizon, the celestial equator also called the ecliptic; half of a spherical or roughly spherical body (as a planet); see Western Hemisphere
hemispheric or hemispherical.adjectives

hibernate, hibernated, hibernating, hibernates.intransitive verbs
to be in an inactive or dormant.state or period; to spend the winter in a dormant or torpid state
hibernation, hibernator.nouns

a trick; an act.intended to deceive or trick; something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent.means; a fraud
hoax, hoaxed, hoaxing, hoaxes.transitive verbs
to deceive with a fraud; to cheat by using a hoax

exaggerated.pride or self-confidence; (politicians are dishonest with themselves when they use hubris); overbearing.pride or presumption; an overtone of superiority; arrogance

a mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble; mishmash; a heterogeneous mixture

helium, a byproduct of radioactive decay, is a very light inert colorless gas, slightly heavier than hydrogen a helium particle is identical to the nucleus of an alpha particle; it's alleged that both helium and hydrogen came from what's called the big bang

the story of man is 'his story'; a narrative of events; the branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events; a chronological record of events, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events; a formal written account of related natural phenomena (a history of volcanoes; a record of a patient's medical background; a history of lies)
a writer, student or scholar of history; one who writes or compiles a chronological.record of events; a chronicler
having importance in or influence on history; historical (there's a historical display of cars from the early 1900's we could go to)
of or relating to the character of history; based on or concerned with events in history; something used in the past (historical costumes; historical and time honored natural treatments); important or famous in history; historic
(historically the plays have been presented in this order)
the principles, theories.or.methodology.of.scholarly historical research and presentation; the writing of history based on, a critical analysis, evaluation and selection of authentic source materials and composition of these materials into a narrative.subject to scholarly methods of criticism; a body of historical literature

the branch of biology concerned with the microscopic study of the structure of tissues
histological, histoid.adjectives
like the surrounding or normal tissue

the breaking down and dissolution of organic tissue

an environment conducive to vigorous growth or development, especially of something undesirable

looking after, caring for the act or practice of cultivating crops and breeding and raising livestock; agriculture; farming; gardening; application of scientific principles to agriculture, especially to animal breeding; careful management or conservation of resources; economy (we are God's husbandry:.Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Emmanuel unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them." 1Corinthians 3:9 "For we are labourers together with God. You are God's husbandry, you are God's building."
husbandman.noun, plural.husbandmen
one whose occupation is husbandry; a farmer
Word history:."We gain an insight into the history of the word husband by considering the Old English word where 'hus' corresponds to house. The element 'band' or 'bunde' is in the feminine form. The entire Old English word is a borrowing of the Old Icelandic meaning 'the master of a house' and 'a man who has land and stock' and comes from a verb meaning 'to live', 'dwell','have a household'.".So we see that a man who could provide for a woman by his means of house, land and animals, etc. would make for being a 'husband'. Nothing said about the necessity religion has made it to be in today's society, that of marriage ceremony with religion and/or involvement by some state body in order to get a license for sex at a price. And nothing wrong with that either if that's what a couple believes should be done. More on it.

a fit of anger or annoyance; a pique.(stormed off in a huff)
huff, huffed, huffing, huffs.verbs
intransitive verb use.to puff; blow; to make noisy, empty threats; bluster to react indignantly; take offense
transitive verb use.to cause to puff up; inflate; to treat with insolence; bully; to anger; annoy

a mark indicating.quality or excellence; a conspicuous.feature or characteristic; a mark used in England to stamp gold and silver articles that meet established standards of purity
hallmark, hallmarked, hallmarking, hallmarks.transitive verbs
to stamp (gold and silver articles) with a mark indicating purity

hazy, hazier, haziest.adjectives
marked by the presence of haze; misty (hazy sunshine); not clearly defined; unclear or vague.(I'm a bit hazy on mathematics)
atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke and vapor that diminishes.visibility; a partially.opaque covering (let the polish dry to a haze before buffing it); a vague or confused.state of mind
haze, hazed, hazing, hazes.intransitive verbs
to become misty or hazy; blur

haze, hazed, hazing, hazes.transitive verbs
to persecute or harass with meaningless, difficult or humiliating.tasks; the incredibly.immature.stupid.practice of initiating, as into a college.fraternity, by exactinghumiliating performances from a person or playing rough.practical jokes upon

hoarse, hoarser, hoarsest.adjectives
rough or grating in sound; having or characterized by a husky, grating voice (yelled ourselves hoarse)

a danger
hazard, hazarded, hazarding, hazards.transitive verbs
to expose to danger or harm; endanger
marked by danger; perilous; risky

made without regard for consequences or relevancy; mere chance; accident; fortuity; random; caprice

haggle, haggled, haggling, haggles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to bargain, as over the price of something; dicker; to argue in an attempt to come to terms
transitive verb use.to cut something in a crude, unskillful manner; hack
an instance of bargaining or arguing

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich.1770-1831. German philosopher who proposed that truth is reached by a continuing dialectic; his major works include.Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences (1817) and The Philosophy of Right (1821)
the monist, idealist.philosophy of Hegel in which the dialectic of thesis, antithesis and synthesis is used as an analytic.tool in order to approach a higher unity or a new thesis; his philosophy is contradicted by Kierkegaard, showing forth confusion amongst 'experts':.1Corinthians 14:33.
Hegelian Dialectic is a framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to synthetic solutions which can only be introduced once those being manipulated take a side that will advance the pre-determined agenda. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION = PROBLEM—REACTION—SOLUTION; the way of the cabal, producing false flag incitations toward war.

a group of vernacular.Indic.dialects spoken in northern India; the literary and official language of northern India that is based on these dialects which language is written in Devanagari and uses Sanskrit as a resource language; see also Hindu, Hindus, Hindoo, Hindoos, Hinduism

to or toward this place (come hither)
located on the near side
hither and thither or hither and yon.idiom
in or to many places; here and there (looked hither and thither for the ring; ran hither and yon) 

a state of separation from God (hell is living on the Earth separated from God and causes all the problems of humanity, for a reason)
hell or high water or hell and high water
troubles or difficulties of whatever magnitude (we're staying, come hell or high water)
for the hell of it.idiom
for no particular reason; on a whim (walked home by the old school for the hell of it)
hell on.idiom
damaging or destructive to (driving in a hilly town is hell on the brakes)
hell to pay
great trouble (there'll be hell to pay if it's not soon finished as we are already behind in schedule)
to hell with.idiom
it's used to say that you do not care about somebody or something any more

impetuously or recklessly determined to do or achieve something (was hellbent on winning at any cost; not good!)

a comb for separating flax fibers
hatchel, hatcheled.also.hatchelled, hatcheling.or.hatchelling, hatchels.or.hatchels.transitive verbs
to separate (flax fibers) with a hatchel

heckle, heckled, heckling, heckles.transitive verbs
to try to embarrass and annoy (another) by questions, gibes or objections; badger; to comb (flax or hemp) with a hatchel

disposed to treat guests with warmth and generosity; indicative of cordiality toward guests (a hospitable act it was to invite the new neighbours over for tea); having an open mind; receptive (hospitable to new ideas); favorable to growth and development; agreeable (the new job place was a hospitable environment)

cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests; an instance of cordial and generous treatment of guests

harness, harnessed, harnessing, harnesses.transitive verbs
if you harness something, you bring it under your control and use it; to put a harness on a draft animal; if a horse or other animal is harnessed, a harness is put on it, especially so that it can pull a carriage, cart or plough; to fasten by the use of a harness; to bring under control and direct the force of (we can harness the power of the vacuum to generate free electricity
harness.noun, plural.harnesses
the gear or tackle, other than a yoke, with which a draft animal pulls a vehicle or an implement; something resembling such gear or tackle, as the arrangement of straps used to hold a parachute to the body; a set of bands used to hold someone in a place or to stop them from falling (a safety harness)
harnesser.noun, plural.harnessers