Antibodies are formed
by an
of 4 amino
sets of 2; 1 large and heavy set and 1 small and lighter set).
Could this system have evolved step by step? Could the process of clonal
defense mechanism's ability to clone {make another cell just the same as
itself} just the right defense cell to mount an attack on invading bacteria).have
evolved step by step? Hardly! The fight would have been over long before
evolutionary processes accumulated enough time to reach the next step needed
to vanquish
the invaders, unless of course, they all evolved at the same rate of speed,
but then time then would have had to be not as the day/night common to
Earth since its inception.
The problem of the origin
of antibody diversity runs headlong into the requirement for minimal
function. How does the body acquire tolerance to its own tissues?
These and other concerns
re: the complex functioning inherent in the integrated mechanisms of the
body effectively doom Darwinian explanations to frustration.
requiring several components to function).as
evidenced in DNA
presents mammoth barriers to gradual evolution. To compensate for this
hurdle, evolutionists have devised the concept
of punctuated
equilibria, itself a crock of crap!
Darwin admitted he had massive
problems with his theory of evolution when he considered an eye's intricacy.
To keep the immune system
functioning effectively, one factor is that our tissues are kept at nearly
neutral pH.(acid,
alkaline balance).no
matter what we seem to eat. Remarkable!
A healthy immune system is
aided by healthy relationships. The ultimate
multi-tasker is the body.
It is believed, in error,
that a virus causes AIDS and that this 'virus'
its coat in order to evade the human immune system. So-called 'vruses'
are always 'mutating' because they are exosomes,
looking different from each other, because they are agglomerations
of material the body regards as fit to be removed from it. They don't become
something else, just as different things you put in your home garbage are
regarded by you as nothing other than something to remove from your house.
Antibiotics are useless here as the body simply has to get rid of its garbage
and antibiotics would just add to the load to be removed.
One would think, that if
evolution happened over eons
of time and that in the development by means of the principles of evolution
involving natural selection, mutation and so-called
of the fittest; surely during all these eons
of time, we would have the ability to deal effectively with the common
cold, flu and fever.
Wasn't the common cold threat
always there? Didn't the body always have a need to keep itself clean by
removing weak and dying cells that sacrificed themselves in protecting
your body by using its incredible
All this type of knowledge
was replaced by the onset of
the puppets of those of the
13 bloodlines all living in Venice, Italy.
of their puppets being Rothschild and another main one, Rockefeller. Their
plans of harming and poisoning
humanity was through the pharmaceutical/medical/chemical system, duping,
bribing, coercing and brainwashing others into following along. All the
result of people not knowing about 'trying the spirits', so they just allow
what could happen to happen:.1John
Many ignoramuses
'sold their souls to the devil' for Rockefeller et
al money and for a lifestyle of prestige, thus throwing the rest of
us 'under the bus' in
favor of their selfishnesses. Some of these evil ones had a greater
degree of evil
genes than others of the same type. They became the authorities in
life, the ones calling
the shots, while the rest of us were left with accepting the lie of
'authority is correct'. Some knew that authorities were puppets of the
opinions of those behind the scenes pushing an evil satanic agenda
concocted by those of satanic
bloodlines and non human evil entity shapeshifters
originally not from Earth.
So, the people were duped.
Just as they left off God centuries before.(Jeremiah
44:16,17), they did the same again
and embraced
the 'those with money and authority must be right' type of 'unsane'
thinking. And so, they left off lookng to God and some of God's
nature remedies of wellness if they became ill and unknowingly gave
attention to the minions
of Satan,
even allowing their babies to be handled by stupid non thinking doctors
and nurses who follow the dictates learned in their so-called professional
training, which had mostly to do with symptoms
management, nothing to do with healing the body. People, you just have
to question the hell out of them and say a big NO to their face to what
they want to do to newborns, including jabbing them with a vialed
poisonous concoction.
Listen to the advice of world vaccine
experts. Avoid the propaganda
to get you to take something proven to disable and even kill you. Avoid
hospital births by learning yourself how to deliver a newborn. But what
if? What if what? What if something goes wrong? That's why YOU along with
those helping you need to learn some
things that will take down willy-nilly.accepted.erroneous.concepts.lodged
in your minds. There is a worldwide conspiracy
of evil being taken down that is
so large, most just can't believe it, but of course most also don't
bother to even question
things affecting them or could affect them. Question things throughly
so you can be aware of Satan's subtle.inroads
of harm and stop them instantly:.James
4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will
flee from you."
In the beginning part of
the 1900's cancer also 'came along'. It
started to soar with the onset of the poisonings the cabal planned, such
as vaccinations. Poisonings by any
and all means began affecting others. See the 1918 Spanish Flu documentary.
What poisonings are around
How evil was this satanic
Rockefeller scheme to deceive and harm, while they had the media propagandize
you over the years?
Cancer: (*)
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations infected human subjects
with cancer cells. Dr. Cornelius Rhoads established the U.S. Army Biological
Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah and Panama and began a series of radiation
exposure experiments on patients in government and civilian hospitals.
And, cancer soared everywhere with the advent of vaccines beginning in
1796. The myth was perpetuated from Rockefeller paid interests that 'cancer
just strikes you', a purely satanic lie to discredit God, like, 'the body
God made you with is no good'.
Satanic ones have always been out to deceive you regarding the true God
of all good creation:.Revelation
12:9. Satan is good at duping
people. He's caused intellectual arrogance in those that think they are
smart, to the result that they don't believe Satan and/or the true God
even exists. Such are these who compromise their lives, parking their thinking
ability if there is gain for them in some way, even if something proves
harmful to others, like the covid con.
So, because of being that way they have become tools of the dark side,
being in joinder
promoting lies, lies like, 'vaccines are proven safe and effective' while
they hide behind the equally harmful lie of 'trust us, we are the professionals,
the authorities in this matter', 'the knowledgeable ones'. The truth being,
has instead caused them to appear as ignoramuses
to those of higher consciousness than these uncaring and murderous
individuals unable to arrange thought in a helpful way. It's called insanity,
mental derangement,
mental illness, crazy,
than a fruitcake', 'crackpot
city'. And where's your intelligence for believing them? Did you
even ask God about it? No? Then no wonder you are deceived:.John
8:44; 2Corinthians 11:14;
(1932) Syphilis:
( In the
Tuskegee Syphilis Study, two hundred black men diagnosed with syphilis
were never told of their illness and were used as human guinea pigs in
order to better understand the symptoms of the disease. None of the men
received any kind of treatment and only seventy-four survived.
(1935) Dietary
deficiencies: (
Millions had died of pellagra,
a dietary deficiency, in poverty-stricken black populations. The U.S. Public
Health Service finally acted to curb the disease and admitted
that it had known the causes of pellagra for more than two decades.
(1940) Malaria:
In order to gauge the abilities of experimental drugs designed to fight
malaria, four hundred prisoners in Chicago were infected with the disease.
(1942) Mustard
gas: (*)
Four thousand servicemen, mostly Seventh-day Adventists who were conscientious
objectors, served as human guinea pigs for mustard gas experiments. Brainwashed
they were, to allow their body to be harmed as they did.
(1947) Radioactive
injections: (
The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission began administering intravenous doses
of radioactive materials to human subjects.
(1947) Psychedelics:
In its efforts to evaluate LSD as a potential weapon or truth serum, the
Central Intelligence Agency administered dosages of the powerful hallucinogenic
drug to human subjects, civilian and military, often without their knowledge
or consent.
(1950) Radiation:
With nuclear weapons still in their infancy, Department of Defense detonated
nuclear devices in desert areas and then monitored unsuspecting civilians
in cities downwind from the blasts for medical problems and mortality rates.
(1950) Bacteriological
warfare: (*)
The U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco to test how
a large city would respond to more lethal biological attacks. Many residents
became ill with pneumonia-like symptoms. Also, over
Winnipeg, Manitoba, similar spraying was allowed by corrupt governments,
city and provincial, all kept from the people of course.
(1955) Biological
agents: (*)
In an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological
agents, the Central Intelligence Agency released bacteria in the Tampa,
Florida, area.
(1956) Yellow
fever: (*)
Mosquitoes infected with yellow fever were released over Savannah, Georgia
and Avon Park, Florida. U.S. Army disease specialists, posing as public
health officials, test area residents for effects.
(1965) Dioxin:
Inmates at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were dosed with dioxin,
the toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam.
(1966) Germ
warfare: (*)
More than a million civilians were exposed to germ warfare when U.S. Army
scientists dropped light bulbs filled with bacteria onto ventilation grates
throughout the New York City subway system.
(1977) Contamination:
Senate hearings revealed that between 1949 and 1969, 239 highly populated
areas, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City
(Florida), Minneapolis, and St. Louis, had been contaminated with biological
(1978) Hepatitis
B: (*)
The Centers
for Disease Control asked specifically for promiscuous homosexual males
when it tested an experimental hepatitis B vaccine in New York, Los Angeles
and San Francisco. Three years later, in those same cities, the first cases
of AIDS were confirmed in homosexual men.
(1990) Measles:
The Centers for Disease Control inoculated more than 1,500 six-month-old
black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles against measles. Later, the center
confessed that the vaccine was experimental.
(1995) Biological
agents: (
Evidence surfaced that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had
been manufactured in Houston, Texas, Boca Raton, Florida and tested on
prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections. The beginnings of the
covid bioweapon to later come.
to present): H1N1 (a
pdf on it), H5N1 & related, monkey pox, omicron and all the many
others designed to destroy one's immune system.
(2021) The
And let's not
forget the many other harms satanists in nice clothes with smiles and soft
words caused upon people, such as spraying
populations with toxins, fluoridation of their water, Agent Orange,
graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide added to all vaccines and now
to foods (meats and vegetables), Glyphosate (Roundup weed killer
- corn and soy & sprayed on other crops along with toxic
sewage) and ground up people sold in various kinds of genetically modified
'food' and fast food establishments, as well as much else greatly
The key to avoiding the common
cold apart from getting lots of sleep, is to avoid those things
which clog the system and deplete immune functioning, especially if they
are things which the body is overloaded with and cannot eliminate quickly
enough through breathing, sweating and going to the bathroom, necessitating
that these poisons be dumped into sinus cavities, etc., storage awaiting
Listen to your body. Ask
questions of yourself regarding what you are eating
and of vaccinations. Build your
system with good nutrition,
plenty of sleep,
regular exercise, etc. and by avoiding anything that would poison it, such
as aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, etc. which are just a few poisons used
in vaccines. They overload the body
with toxins. It's the same idiotic approach as using a stronger poison
to eliminate a weaker one, as is done in chemotherapy.
It increases the toxicity the body now has to deal with. A brilliant satanic
system if you're out to eliminate people:.Revelation
12:9. The poisoning of water by the addition of fluoride
and snake venom is a
main way to get rid of you.
Fever signals infection.
silver collodial
is great for killing infection and for burns and always has been for thousands
of years. So is organic and/or raw honey, especially the honey that comes
right in the natural comb and many other highly effective home remedies,
such as what's called MMS,
turmeric and oregano. Learn about health by subscribing to health news
More on fever and silver
colloidal? Type into an Internet search engine where as yet, good information
is not
Childhood fevers are beneficial.
Can't fevers be dangerous and cause convulsions?
Following from an article
archived by
August 2007: Dr Robert Mendelsohn, is a Professor of Pediatrics and a man
who treated tens of thousands of children in his lifetime. From his book
To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor he writes."If
your child contracts an infection, the fever that accompanies it is a blessing
not a curse.....A rising body temperature simply indicates that the process
of healing is sped up. It is something to rejoice over not to fear.".Regarding
convulsions, Dr. Mendelsohn writes."High
fevers do not cause convulsions. They result when the temperature rises
at an extremely rapid rate......only 4% of children with high fever experience
fever-related convulsions.
There is no evidence that those who do have them suffer any serious after
effects as a result. One study of 1,706 children who had suffered febrile
convulsions failed to disclose a single death or motor defect."
"According to Australian
Hygienist Dr Alec Burton, fever is not potentially dangerous unless it
is suppressed with antipyretics.(fever
reducing drugs).or
the patient is forced to do physical or mental work. As a footnote to all
this, there was an article in The British Medical Journal a few
years back on the treatment of fevers in hospitalized children. The article
stated that the primary reason why children were given fever-reducing drugs
was."to calm down anxious parents".
Questions such as; what
from the lysogenic
to the lytic cycle?
It doesn't matter if you don't know what on Earth the lysogenic or the
lytic cycles
are. What to notice here is a remarkable mechanism that can be seen to
not have evolved by any stretch of the imagination and can be seen how
remarkably complicated are the processes to cause this to happen. Only
some great, brilliant intelligence far beyond us could have put
it all together from 'stuff' we have yet to comprehend. Other interesting
examples are in Michael Behe's
couldn't speak without our voices. The system is designed to function at
normal volumes, using air and cords to produce various tones of speaking
and singing. Be thankful for your voice. It's one of the miracles of
design. Also see hearing.
in.The Origin
of Species, 'Organs of Extreme Perfection' section, shows his conundrum
over the supposition
that radical.innovations
such as the eye would require generations of organisms to slowly accumulate
beneficial changes in a gradual process. However, gradual development of
the human eye appeared to be impossible as its sophisticated
features seemed to be independent. Furthermore."the
earliest fishes have sophisticated eyes and the eye appears
suddenly in natural history."....The
Great Evolution Mystery, Gordon R. Taylor, 1983, Harper and Row, New
York, pages 101,102. What about the foot?
human eye, animal eyes in some cases are radically different, such
as fish retinas and especially
so in the case of the lobster eye, which caused a revolution in, of all
things, astronomy.
The lobster eye sits at the
end of a long stalk. It focuses light by reflection off mirrors at grazing
angles, not with a lens. It's not a case of which system sees better, but
rather the Creator just 'throwin'
us curves'; Ha ha!
And, that's nothing, compared
to living forever, which a lobster
does, unless he's caught and thrown in a pot of boiling water or dies
from some injury.
And, insects have ultraviolet
vision to see special markings.
Fish retinas are very different
from human retinas. And the eyes
of an eagle...
The retina's
nerves link up to the visual cortex
by means of the LGN.(lateral
geniculate nucleus), a relay complex
for the eye's nerves.
It is
to think that any organism could live, let
alone develop, during the thousands of years evolutionists say it would
take to develop an eye. That's not all, however. There are five different
types of eyes.(that
we know of), that gather light from
images; man's, squids,
and trilobite eyes. And let's not
The changes evolution purports
are way to slow to account for the prodigious
change that has occurred in the history evolution is supposed to have occurred
If evolution is forever
going on somewhere; like hello! Where?