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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

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"Woodchucks and badgers also have their front limbs directed down for good locomotion...The paws of the moles are like large scraping shovels. Each forepaw has an extra bone...making it.(the shovel).even wider. A mole's breastbone is deeply ridged to allow attachment of strong chest muscles that power its digging...Like the rest of its body, the fur of the mole is styled for tunnel life. Its pelt lacks the stiff, coarse guard hairs that protect the soft inner fur of most mammals. For moles, these guard hairs would make passage through tight tunnels more difficult.

"Even their inner fur has a special adaptation to make underground travel easier. While most mammal hair is thick at the base and tapers toward the tip, each mole hair has flat sections along its cylindrical length. These act as hinges and allow the hair to bend easily in any direction, In addition, the mole's shiny, dense  inner fur has no grain to it. It lies sleek and smooth no matter which way it is stroked. This allows a mole to slip through its tunnels forwards or backwards with little resistance...The moleskin sold in drugstores today to protect the skin from chafing is synthetic."....Nature Canada Magazine.(cnf.ca)., Spring, 2000.

Moles spend more time in winter underwater than in summer. Their longest dives reach to one minute and about one meter underwater. They live mostly on Earthworms at about 8000 of them a year, seldom attacking roots, bulbs or shoots in gardens and yards.

Animal mathematics:.Animals have an even number of legs. Was this randomness or design? Why not three legs? Or maybe 5 or 7? The mathematics of creation are seen many places.

The mathematics of walking is most interesting.

Instinct is nothing more than mathematical rules; preprogramming as it were or perhaps better to call it a predisposition to respond to the physics of creation.
   Mathematical rules have much to do with the web of life.

Photosynthesis:."One surprise in the structural comparison of reaction centers from different photosynthetic systems has been that they are similar to each other in terms of their overall three-dimensional structure. This suggests that all photosynthetic reaction centers are related to each other and share a common ancestor."....Wim Vermaas is professor of plant biology and former director of the Center for the Study of Early Events in Photosynthesis at Arizona State University in Tempe.

The supreme intelligence of the Great Infinite One gives us the idea as we examine His mind evidenced in His creation. Then, we take the lead to produce wonderful things.

Photosynthesis and related processes can be applied to many more areas than just solar energy conversion. There are a myriad of possible applications of artificial reaction centers and related molecules in nanotechnology. As mentioned above, they could be applied as optical switches and sensors in computer technology to facilitate chip-to-chip or board-to-board contact, among others.

Many synthetic pigments have also found biomedical uses in tumor detection, as they, for unknown reasons, tend to accumulate preferentially in tumors and are highly fluorescent and thus easily detectable in a patient who is being operated on to remove a tumor. 

"In the biotechnology field, photosynthetic organisms are likely to play an increasing role in the production of enzymes, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and so forth. Until now, these valuable molecules have been produced primarily by genetically modified forms of heterotrophic microorganisms such as yeast and selected bacteria, which can live off only organic matter. Photosynthetic organisms do not need an added fixed carbon source for growth. Therefore production costs are lower and the chances of contamination with other microorganisms are less. By addition of a new gene to a photosynthetic organism, synthesis of a 'new' enzyme can be achieved. 

"Another potential application of photosynthetic organisms is in bioremediation, which is the cleanup of environmental pollutants by biological means. An example is the biological breakdown of toxic organic compounds to form innocuous breakdown products. Also, remediation of agricultural chemicals such as nitrate is feasible. With photosynthetic organisms, no external energy source needs to be provided for growth in the light, making these organisms suitable for remediation of aqueous surface environments. 

"A more crude utilization of photosynthetic organisms is to have them use solar energy to produce clean burning fuels.

"Even under natural conditions some photosynthetic systems such as algae can produce hydrogen, which is a clean fuel since it produces only water when it burns. Hydrogen production probably can be improved upon by introduction of genetic changes. However, one remaining problem is that the cheapest and most universal electron donor of all, water, upon oxidation in PS II, forms oxygen, which is not very safe in combination with hydrogen. 

"Another option would be to use photosynthetic organisms to produce methane, which could be burned without disturbing the atmospheric balance of CO2, since CO2 would earlier have been removed from the atmosphere to make the methane. 

"Research in photosynthesis in all its facets has opened many doors in a variety of disciplines, ranging from biophysics to plant physiology. Progress has been driven by an interdisciplinary approach to this complex yet fascinating spectrum of questions, challenges, and opportunities. Photosynthesis is at the basis of our food and energy supply, and innovative utilization of solar energy is likely to be of increasingly critical importance in the future. This, together with novel uses of photosynthetic principles for other purposes, make it likely that photosynthesis and its applications will help to shape an increasingly broad area of exciting discoveries and innovative ideas."....Wim Vermaas is professor of plant biology and former director of the Center for the Study of Early Events in Photosynthesis at Arizona State University in Tempe.

Kelp and red algae:.Kelp releases millions of spores each year. 

Kelp spores link with red algae, releasing chemicals that help them stick to their hosts. Inside the red algae these spores develop into young kelp fronds by obtaining nutrients needed for their growth from the red algae. In addition, the red algae's calcium oxalate crystals protect the kelp from would be grazers of the kelp. A symbiotic relationship.

It is impossible kelp would survive without the red algae, so needed for kelp to perpetuate. They both had to be created side by side.

Penguins:.Penguins defy evolution. Like, what did they do? Develop in the African continent, from which evolution in its fairy story supposes all life originated and then just walk to Antarctica, developing what they needed to survive down there along the way, somehow forseeing the need for their special equipment? Perhaps they were keeping ahead of ice flows. Ha ha! Intelligent but severely.duped people actually believe this! Ha ha! Obviously the way intelligence has been measured is woefully.inadequate.

Penguins are strange birds! They do not have feathers tracts as do many other birds. Many birds shed their feathers and grow new ones slowly, however, penguins molt.(cast off).all of their feathers and even shed parts of their beaks quite quickly.

Penguins are flightless birds, living in the southern hemisphere in and around cold Antarctica. What would think that by now they would have evolved some way to fly and get the hell out of that cold place. Ha ha!

"The cold Humboldt Current along the west side of South America permits two species to breed in what are otherwise tropical latitudes; the Galapagos penguin on the Galápagos Islands and the Humboldt penguin on the South American coast and offshore islets.(very small islands)."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99.

Now, if they can't fly, they must have arrived there by walking and then loved the cold there so much, they refused to evolve the capability to fly outta dah place. Ha ha! The theory of evolution as common indoctrination is just such a bunch of total crap! It is too ludicrous for description.
