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The Gaia.(guy-ya; Greek for 'mother Earth').theory is thought to solve a fundamental question in biology of how those different levels are related. Gaians are those correctly believing that all things on Earth are bathed by the same atmosphere and waters, that the Earth is one giant living organism. They are correct. The Earth and actually everything in the multiverse is one living organism. And, you are one organism within it, comprising its whole.

Water is a unique molecule thanks to the special properties of the hydrogen.atom. As you know, water has three forms. Water is unusual! We know what comprises water, but, like the climate, we aren't sure why it is exactly what it is or exactly why it behaves as it does and when freezing, forming the patterns it does. Everything formed comes out of light, the frequency patterns in the invisible.

The fractal geometric patterns show the Earth is mathematically based. On this see the PBS/Nova movie.The Great Math Mystery.featuring among others Mario Livio, author of.Is God a Mathematician?.and Max Tegmark who wrote.Our Mathematical Universe.

Observing what most people consume as food, it's easy to see that most of us do not realize.its importance to our cells

Such brilliant design evidenced everywhere, that is, if one is looking, for we only really see what our attention may be on.

Water in its solid form is lighter, otherwise it would freeze from the bottom up and the fresh water systems and the organisms relying upon them, would be in chaos. Frozen water occupies 10% more space than water in its liquid form. Why is the freezing of water so powerful, cracking open rocks into which it has seeped into. Why does it occupy 10% more space and not 5, 15, 18 or 50?

The secrets of water's oddities are in the chemical bonds water has that maintain two hydrogen atoms attached to one oxygen atom in a cucumber shaped molecule.."Oxygen hogs the electron like a selfish lover stealing most of the duvet.(a quilt)."....the book.H20.by Phillip Ball, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, ISBN 0297643142. This hydrogen bonding makes water more organized and structured than other liquids, providing a considerable electrical magnetism between its molecules.

University of Toronto.(Canada).biochemist Ron Williams attended Oxford University.(England).to see James Lovelock, atmospheric scientist and promoter of the Gaia system.(Gaia means 'living Earth'), the system of the Earth's self-regulation, the behavior of the Earth as one giant organism, of which the tiny diatom plays a crucial part.

Lovelock was commissioned by NASA to determine the criteria for measuring life signs in the universe. His standards for this measurement are in use today by NASA as they undertake space exploration in their quest.for signs of life elsewhere in the multiverse; a completely useless effort to help cover what they've already found. The effort continues to be part of a public 'snow job'. 

Lovelock developed an extremely sensitive chemical measuring instrument able to determine whether or not life exists elsewhere in the cosmos. NASA has adopted Lovelock's criteria in determining whether life occurs on other planets. Thanks to Lovelock, we can tell whether Mars and Venus are deathly stable or alive and kicking like Earth.."Mars can be classified as cold desert with many impact craters."....Pascal Lee, NASA planetary scientist. But scientists have determined that the entire universe is of water and they have found water deep in a crater on the moon. But what about anciently?.Genesis 15:17. Were there ancient spacecraft, ET's. Were they angels?

The Web of Life, 1996, Anchor Books, Doubleday Dell Publishing, N.Y., N.Y., by Fritjof Capra, Ph.D. in theoretical physics, University of Vienna and Director of the Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, California."The Gaia theory, as well as the entire work of Lynn Margulis in microbiology, have exposed the fallacy of the narrow Darwinian concept of adaption." ...The Web of Life, page 227.

Plankton:.On Earth, Lovelock showed how huge amounts of warming carbon dioxide are conveniently absorbed by little planktonic shellfish and used to make shells when the animals die. The carbon dioxide is removed from Earth's system and locked up as their remains turn to chalk or limestone. While living they release dimethyl sulfide.(sulfur).after taking in carbon dioxide.(CO2), without which we would have one half the marine clouds on Earth as we do. Plankton, the most abundant creatures on Earth, pump more sulfur into the world's atmosphere than all the world's volcanoes. They recycle! Do you? 

The cycle is: calcium erodes from the silicate rocks and is carried by runoff into rivers to the Earth's oceans. There it combines with carbonate to make shells and corals, etc., the excess eventually sinking to the ocean bottom forming carbonate rock. The ocean's carbonate supply is replenished by carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thereby carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, where it ends up on the sea bed as carbonate rock.

Plankton can form into an agglomerations to initiate actions becoming a counteracting force to turbulent waters. What's the overriding intelligence affecting them so they are able to do this when nece?

Algae.too, recycling flatworms'.uric acid. Algae do many other things: 1) 2) 4) 5).

Some algae have a 'gene bank' five thousand times larger than other algae. The deadly puffer fish's DNA is 500 times as small as human DNA. And a little salamander's DNA is some 40 times larger than a human DNA. Why?

Some species of plankton.(algae and protozoans are plankton).generate light. Bioluminescent plankton often glow when they are physically disturbed, by a submarine's submerged wake, for example, thus betraying its position to satellite observation.

Evolutionary biologists were vehement. They do not believe Lovelock. They don't believe in free lunches. They believe creatures are out to help the self and their relatives, not strangers. Their belief in selfishness elicits a low consciousness approach to humanity.

The idea that some creatures waste effort to make the world a better place.(altruism).didn't make sense to them. To them the global and even universal self-regulation including the complex physiological systems of living beings, do not come about by any other way than evolution. They believe many different versions of evolutionary organisms are tried out, with only the best leaving descendants; a 'survival of the fittest' approach.(*). This negates.compassion, by presupposing violence in getting rid of characteristics deemed undesirable in a species. With them, natural selection reigns supreme. However, natural selection cannot apply to a whole planet which shows forth gallant forms of altruism. And once one understands it, it can be useful as an imaginative tool in forming fables.
