-Is there life on
other planets or in the outermost galaxies?
If there were, do you think
they would come here and reveal themselves? "Beam me up Scotty, there's
no intelligent life down here" would be the the non terrestrials' first
words after arriving.
The word is
out and throughout the Universe, they're all nuts down there, hide! Ha
"Advanced civilizations,
if they exist, aren't breaking their backs to save us before we destroy
Sagan. But they are here
and busy.
With all the other stars
in our Universe, we often wonder if there is life on other planets.
With radio telescopes scientists
have recorded 500 trillion.(U.S.A.
in the last six years, with no evidence of signals coming from any life
out there, because the non terrestrials come into our universe from some
of the multiverses, different from the vibrations that make up our universe
but we may get out there
soon if NASA can solve the food supply problems for such a long journey
and they may have that one down pat already as they've found out a person
can live for years on the energy of the Sun alone. See the information
in the movie What If? The Movie.
And for further removal of limitations that hold people back in living
as God intended, see The Grand
Self documentary movie.
The Earth was created first
and the Sun, moon and stars were made
on the fourth day, it seems likely that because the Earth was centre
stage in the Creation, everything else was
created for the Earth. Most likely only Earth has life as
we know human life to be. The Bible presents a strong argument
that human life does not exist off our planet. Extra terrestrial
life does. See the free movie.Unacknowledged.and
its sequel.Close
Encounters of the Fifth Kind.
University of Washington
in Seattle geophysicist Robert M. Winglee's plasma.propulsion
machine creates an immense magnetic
field which surrounds the spacecraft for miles. The craft travels within
it. This magnetic field can carry the spacecraft at such a high rate of
speed it will make it to Jupiter in 475 days. This is all accomplished
by riding on the wind, solar
wind, that is, like an oversized balloon. Most ingenious! But there
are problems, big
When you take into account
all that is necessary for the sustenance of life as we know it, there are
other planets that could support life have been found, as NASA
found out. Taking into account factors such as our galaxy type, star
location, star age, star mass, star color, distance from star, axis
tilt, rotation period, surface
tidal force, magnetic
field, oxygen quantity in atmosphere, atmospheric pressure and 20 other
important factors.
A factor such as water:."Presumably,
a habitable planet must have a solid surface and an orbit that allows the
presence of water. Yet even the stability of liquid water on Earth over
its geologic history is not well understood".says
Jonathan Lunine, Lunar and Planetary Observatory, University of Arizona.."The
general requirements for habitability are very poorly understood", says
Lunine. Lunine continues."The story of Earth's habitability is surprisingly
The probability of all 33
occurrences happening on any one planet is one in 1042.(to
the 42 power).
We have a such a long way to go. The total number of possible planets in
the Universe is 1022."
Other scientists think that for the 400 billion.(U.S.A.
3% or 12 billion of them have at least one planet, however....
If we assume that colonists
will travel at a significant percentage of the speed of light, possibly
a naive.presumption,
their spacecraft would be a doomsday machine as well. A ship the size of
the space shuttle, crashing into any hard surface planet at even 30 percent
of the speed of light, would cause more damage than two hundred thousand
atomic bombs going off.
The U.S. government spends
$100 million a year looking
for extraterrestrial intelligence, when it's already
been found. Maybe they should spend some developing intelligence here
instead of 'dumbing
it down', especially when one considers what many 'intelligent' of
us espouse,.crackpot
ways taught by schools.(and
ways that often perhaps should have been taught, but for some reason, avoided).
Let's see,
what have we got? Crackpot
parenting methods.(perhaps
better called 'non-parenting no methods'),
theory of evolution
as applied to human origins, poisonous health practices; can you add some?
-How can I get my life into
greater opportunities?
One thing we all seek in
life is improvement. Often when we think of venturing out, we strike fear
and fail to strike out. Faith replaces fear. Before heading out 'somewhere'
into 'something', be sure you have 'all barrels loaded'.
You must be sure you are
the will of the Great Infinite One, which means to be aligned with
consciousness. You must be sure that He really
is there and with
you and that you are very
important to Him. Then, you are ready to go toward
greater opportunities.
-What are suggestions
as to now what to do in this age?
-Will some of us be in space
when God's loving nature comes forth in enough of us to rule the Earth?
-Why do we have so many
churches, which all believe different things? My pastor says they all emphasize
different aspects of the truth of God.
Yes, some of them do. And
a lot of them have their 'salesmen' who go door to door or stand on street
corners. God can use many ways to call a person.
was exposed all his life to the Bible books they had at the time,
which were the writings of the Old
Testament. He consistently missed the real message of God in it, that
is, until God called him:.Ephesians
3:3-5 "How that by revelation.(a
revealing from within).he
made known unto me the mystery, as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby,
when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the
mystery of Christ;.which in other ages was not made known.unto
the sons of men, as it is.now revealed.unto his holy apostles and
the Spirit."
If the Creator does not
open an inividual's mind.(all
is God and one's calling is up to God).to
His truth, they just will never find it, drifting
through life until the time when their mind is opened. So, hasten
your calling by asking.(John
16:24), because God never
overrides you. Apart from little
sparks of light occurring
daily, generally
minds are incapable
of knowing spiritual things until awakened:.Romans
11:25; 1Corinthians 13:9,10.
No doubt the many
religious freaks Paul met during his life, had tried to open his mind
to different directions.
Paul, along with John,
became probably, two of the greatest believers of their time.
The alternate beliefs were
creeping in back then:.1Timothy
A principle to keep mindful
when considering all the choices of churches and their varying doctrines
-Why is the thinking of
modern day policy makers so similar to the ancients in religion, where
they reveal only what they determine the masses should be aware
of, the
knowledge, the knowledge which has debilitated
into the propaganda
it has become.
Much education/indoctrination
in today's so called modern universities is based on the dark side influenced
crackpot David Friedrich Strauss 1808-1874, German theologian who applied
for new light, new approaches to gain and maintain control).philosophy
to the study of spiritual concerns.
Shadia Drury, a very smart
lady at the University of Calgary,
a political science teacher, talks about what Strauss believed; that."those
who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that
there is only one natural right, the right of the superior to rule over
the inferior."
This dichotomy.(division
into two usually contradictory parts or opinions).requires
'perpetual deception' between the rulers and the ruled, according to Drury.
Robert Locke, another Strauss analyst says."The
people are told what they need to know and no more."
Strauss viewed religion as
absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses
who otherwise would be out of control. At the same time, he stressed that
religion was for the masses alone; the rulers need not be bound by it.
Indeed, it would be absurd if they were, since the truths proclaimed by
religion were 'a
Strauss believed that the
inherently aggressive nature of human beings could only be restrained by
a powerful nationalistic state. Do we hear totalitarianism?
humanity is intrinsically wicked.(except
for the cabal
of course), he has to be governed".he
once wrote.."Such
governance can only be established, however, when men are united and they
can only be united against other people.".And
so his thinking was 'What can we do to cause this to happen? Black Lives
Matter, maybe. How about Antifa? How about both?
Not surprisingly, Strauss'
attitude toward foreign policy was distinctly Machiavellian.."Strauss
thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an
external threat".Drury
wrote in her book.."Following
Machiavelli, he maintained that if no external threat exists then one has
to be manufactured.".(remember
'weapons of mass destruction', the 9/11 con,
con, the vaccines are safe con and
the so many other cons and excuses used
to pinpoint enemies and so, wars result to the detriment
of the many for the purposes of the few. And what's been planned today
along this line? See the free movie Unacknowledged)
"Perpetual war, not perpetual
peace, is what Straussians believe in".says
Drury. The idea easily translates into, in her words, an "aggressive,
foreign policy".of
the kind that has been advocated by neocon groups like PNAC and AEI scholars,
not to mention Wolfowitz and other administration 'hawks' who have called
for a world order dominated by U.S. military power.
Type Bo
Gritz into an Internet search engine for more. He is the individual
they made the movies
Uncommon Valor and the
Rambo series
about. He's the most decorated man is U.S. history.