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M o v i e s
and gene Decode mentioned movies
as information in them is in line with the 
truth he talks about

The Pyramid Code. Carmen Boulter Ph.D. University of Calgary, Alberta, walks us through evidence about incredible intelligence ancients possessed and how and why this is avoided being taught in schools, along with so much else of critical importance, such as the fact that you are spirit energy that in this Earth realm acts through your physical body. Each of the five episodes in this groundbreaking series are major eye openers. Filmed in Egypt. On Netflix.

Rolling Stones Olé, Olé, Olé..Their South American Tour. Wow! Spectacular! Will start you up! Netflix.

Raja Rasor Aur Anya Kanayan / Kings, Kitchens and their Stories. If you love the food of India, you'll really like these episodes. Covers, the history and present day cooking of Indian foods. You'll learn how to do it. Have a pen and paper ready. Top Indian chefs interviewed, including Pushposh Pant, Indian food historian. Find out how they do it, what spices and methods used and wait till you see the preparations and results! Foods from many famous regions and cities in India including Punjab, Delhi, Kolkata.(formerly Calcutta), the northern Kashmir region, etc. What they show will make your mouth water, especially if you already know how some of the food tastes and their health benefits. You'll also see the cities, their beautiful buildings, grounds and surrounding areas and the wonderful good hearted people of India. Netflix.

Sustainable. Great new information on farming sustainably that will be encouragement to anyone wanting to go towards better farming practices than the poisonous conventional methods. Netflix. Also see more information on soil health.

What the Health?.Along with.The Game Changer.(listed just below), What the Health?.has surprising information anyone concerned about health must have. Not just information, but takes you on a most interesting and enlightening journey to find it in this captivating exposé movie. A movie to correct many deficient health parts of society. About fixing the confusion, the lies and deceitful ways that are still being perpetrated to negatively affect people. Netflix.

The Chosen
from Angel Studios.https://www.angel.com/, a wonderful series about the life and death of Emmanuel.(Jesus).the Christ. An extremely popular and well done free series about Christ's life on Earth. First two episodes a little heavy, then she really rolls! Available free if you have ROKU, then see at the BYU, blue circle.
See the new movie Sound of Freedom, released July 2023, already over 100 million dollars at the box office, about the truth of the worldwide pedophile ring being taken down. In theaters worldwide.
What the movie's star says about this movie of the true life of Tim Ballard and his team, who is saving children from those engaged in human trafficking, child abuse and worse, such as corrupt politicians, judges, corporate heads and lackeys, et al. And here, the movie's star, Jim Caviezel says more, a lot more info in this short video.

The Lost Century and How To Reclaim It, by Dr. Steven Greer.
About new and older free energy and other amazing devices, all kept hidden from the public, so you have to keep spending for the things you need.

Secret Ingredients. 30 years of research supports this movie about what's really in the 'food' most people consume. Search for it.

VAXXED. Disillusionment supreme. You trusted 'em regarding the health of your children because you believed them, but their lies and collusion to the massive hurt of children finally came out. The last thirty minutes shows the incredible corruption for greed and what they've done in harming children continues unabatedtoday. Search for this full length movie. And now.VAXXED II, The Peoples Truth, about the heartaches a growing nuumber of parents endure who had their kids vaccinated because they foolishly trusted in the corrupt Rockefeller medical system before checking out any vaccine negatives. You have to know that there are liars out there based on greed and control of you and there are misinformers out there because they ignorantly have adopted beliefs without first researching them throughly.

Stink. On Netflix. And you thought personal care products and vaccines were well tested for safe use? Ha! The joke's on you for ignorance in trusting authorities.

The Pharmacist. The gripping true story of how one man stopped an epidemic of deaths from drugs. Neflix.

The Game Changer. What does the strongest man on Earth eat and how strong is he? What about top martial arts people? What about football players, marathon runners and jumpers, etc., all who are far and away masters, medalists and champions? What about firemen? And what does Arnold Schwartzennegger say about it all? Prepare yourself to be shocked! Netflix. Doesn't mean we all have to be vegans. It's your life. Listen to your heart and enjoy your life.

Mega Food. Feeding fresh prepared food to thousands upon thousands three times daily. Hang onto your hat during these 6 episodes, whew! Talk about busy! Netflix.

Heartland. If you're looking for a great out of the city location close to a major city, this series of episodes will provide good information and majestic living scenery for one's consideration, all in well done movies with relevant modern day western stories. The series is made around Calgary, Alberta, one of the ten Sun cities in North America and home of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, the Calgary Stampede. The series follows the ups and downs of families living on ranches and farms around Calgary and circumstances they daily encounter. Interesting, informative, true to life and the spectacular real panoramas and beautiful sets will awaken your love for the simpler life away from the city. As the actors 'settle in', the episodes become even better. Netflix.

Rabindranath Tagore. The great love poems of Sir Rabindranath Tagore are acted out in these episodes on Netflix. A different culture back then.

Dancing With the Birds. You may have thought you've seen all birds can do. Well, see this one and you'll be more than amazed; it can copy multiple voices and give them back all at once like children in a playground laughing and talking as they do. Just unreal! And so much more in this great documentary. Netflix.

The Kindness Diaries. Leon Logothetis travels from Alaska through Alberta, down to Argentina looking for kindness. Driving his 50 year old yellow Volkswagen convertible without a heater and without money to pay for food and lodging, he finds kindness and returns it in inspiring ways helping others. Netflix.

The Grand Hotel. Intrigue, mystery, a 'who-done-it' series of episodes with an interesting plot, great acting and a story line that will keep you alert throughout each episode. In Spanish and subtitled in English. Netflix.

Billy Graham.(pronounced 'gray uhm' also 'gram'). The legacy of a man millions upon millions of people respected and why. Billy said that he didn't understand all the Bible.(similar to what Job said in Job 42:3), but what he knew to be true, he followed and it changed the lives of millions. Netflix.
Thank God the Russians took Donbass away from the satanic Nazis who were usurping control from Ukrainians and killing children or there would not be any left by now. And it was not just the children Russia stopped the Nazis from harming first then murdering them. 

Nazis set up and backed by the many now bankrupt world governments, including the corporate United States, corporate UK, corporate EU, corporate Canada, etc., had almost taken over the entire world, using the 'two of everything trick' such as the cabal did in naming Texas a state, when it was and still is the republic of Texas.(another example and another example and another), not just takeover the Ukraine from where some 46 bioweapon labs producing toxins to kill by injection into people and calling them 'safe and effective vaccines' were to, along with some 300 other US corporate sponsored bioweapon labs, wipe out 90% of humanity. The satanists were busy, that is, until Trump, Putin, Moti, Xi Jinping and other members of the Earth Alliance, along with the non terrestrial Alliance, began STOPPING these horrendous crimes of slavery and murder by the satanic worldwide cabal. Satanic because Satan is real and here was his plan for humanity. See the movie.The Matrix. A bit about it.

Victoria & Abdul. Abdul sells carpets in India. English Royalty bought one. Abdul's invited to meet Queen Victoria. Filmed in England, India & Scotland. Stars Judi Dench.(James Bond movies).and Ali Fazal. A Rumi quote from this nice movie:."Listen little drop. Give yourself up without regret and in return you will gain the ocean. Give yourself away and in the great sea you will be secure."

God Blesses the Broken Road. A story of the broken lives of so many of us and why it occurs. Netflix. Deuteronomy 8:16 "...that God might humble you and that he might prove you, to do you good at your latter end.".It's also the story of ancient Job in the Bible.

Samson. A spectacular production about the historical figure known as Samson. Netflix.

Rotten. The corporate food industry and their dirty tricks. Need we say more? Netflix. Buy from farmers direct after you know how what they produce is grown.

Conspiracies. Wondered about behind the scenes stuff? Consider the opposites to the accepted opinions. Netflix.

Only the Brave. True story of firefighters and their dedication to save you and your property amongst the sometimes strange changes in paths of fires, even at risk of their own lives. The fires are true. The stories of the firefighters, some of whom gave their lives, are also true.

Night On Earth. Special cameras reveal what really goes on at night. Many animals you may have thought sleep, don't. What are they doing? Netflix.

15:17. The 15:17 Train to Paris. A movie based on the real events on that train in August 2015 and how three Americans on vacation, saved others on the train from a terrorist attack. A Clint Eastwood movie. On Netflix.

Molly's Game. The true story of a brilliant girl and skier and how circumstances turned her life around and why. Jessica Chastain, Kevin Costner. Netflix.

The Post. Starring Meryl Streep. Based on true events, this well done most interesting watch should be remembered for its lessons in helping. Netflix.

Masterminds. The true story of the largest heist in U.S. history. Concocted by a group of dimwit southerners, it works out amazingly for them. Netflix.

Land Girls. A series of episodes on the girls who supported Britain's World War II effort. A well done interesting series that gets one thinking. Great countryside scenery. Good acting. Well done.

Into The Wild. The true story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, February 12 1968-August 18 1992, who sought the spectacular outdoors of Alaska in order to escape from the rough emotional past he endured. It'll move your heart and leave you with new thoughts. If you don't love your child and show it, then see this movie by Sean Power and you'll then love your child.

Ancient Aliens. On Netflix. Interesting! Gripping! Factual! Ties in with The Pyramid Code. And a great prelude to Dr. Steven Greer's new factual movie, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.

Our Planet: Behind the Scenes. Brand new 2020. Another amazing BBC documentary. New scenes with information not known before that will make you wonder what on Earth are these animals thinking. Great new information. What the camera crews go through for up to two years, just to bring you a few minutes of their amazing shots, will fill you with thankfulness. Netflix.

Our World. Narrated by Sir David Attenborough. Akin to.Planet Earth.and.Planet Earth II.from BBC, these 8 episodes will fill your hunger of nature with more spectacular videography and with new and updated information. Netflix.

The Surprising Riches of Peru. Wow! Netflix.

Andes Magic. Take this captivating extended adventure up the West coast of South America's Andes mountains and valleys. Great cameras! Spectacular videos. Netflix.

4L. Starring Jean Reno (of.My Summer in Provence.fame). A hilarious path through the African desert toward Timbuktu to see an old friend. Netflix.

Morocco. The story of dedicated brave nurses and their loves, in Spain, during its war with the Rifs. Beautiful scenery. This well done, well acted movie maintains interest through its episodes. Netflix.

Mary Portas Secret Shopper. Advice you may need if you're selling something. Netflix.

The 12th Man. You won't think the things that happened could possibly have been true, but they actually did occur. Netflix.

The Gift. An unusual thriller about the worlds between, that'll carry you through much guessing until the last few episodes. One of the interesting quotes from the movie.."Eternity is not having endless time, but being in timelessness.".Netflix.

Timeless. A thrilling historical drama based on true events; glues you to your seat. Netflix.

Saving Sirga: A Journey Into the Heart of a Lion. The bond between good hearted men and a lion cub. Very interesting. Netflix.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. The true story of a boy, who against all hardship was able to develop a device from scrap which saved his village of Wimbe, Malawi, Africa, map 1, 2. Netflix. Also is a TED talk.

Root Cause. A must see for anyone thinking of or having had a root canal or any tooth extraction. On Netflix. Educate yourself first!

Lion, but not an animal here. A true story that will turn hearts. Starring, among others, Nicole Kidman. Netflix.

Hunter Killer. A great submarine thriller on par with The Hunt for Red October. Netflix.

High Seas. A short series about intrigue that you can see all at once.

The Quake. A scenario about the Earthquake danger in and around Oslo, Norway. Very well done. Netflix.

Tarzan. Extremely well done and with the beautiful scenery of Africa. On Netflix.

Under the Tuscan Sun, Diane Lane. Gorgeous scenery of Tuscan, Italy and a really warm story. On Netflix.

Paris Can Wait. Diane Lane, Alex Baldwin. A lady needs to get to Paris, but as life would have it, ends up on a bit of a wild and funny roundabout tour towards it through the beautiful countryside of France with a somewhat impetuous romantic character. On Netflix.

About a Boy. Hugh Grant stars in this light-hearted farce as a fellow who has never worked and lives selfishly, that is, until he's thrown into new life where he changes. On Netflix.

The Accountant. Ben Affleck. Mystery, intrigue. Great acting and story. An autistic boy who grows into being much more than being an accountant. A powerful, well put together movie that will keep you glued to the screen as it comes together. On Netflix.

Designated Survivor, with Kiefer Sutherland. An extremely well written story told as a riveting episodic political corruption thriller that keeps one's interest glued through both seasons 1 & 2. On Netflix.

The Mechanic, starring Jason Statam, will also keep you on the edge of your seat.

Security.with Antonio Banderos. Holds on to you. Grabs and keeps your interest. For those wanting to be on the edge of their seat all way through.

Evil Genius. The true story of what happened when the dark side was given opportunity to influence an individual. On Netflix.

Unknown. Liam Neesen stars in this amazingly concocted thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, with a twist at the end that'll surprise you. On Netflix.

Now You See Me, Woody Harrelson, Michael Caine. Co-produced with David Copperfield. A movie based on the magic of David Copperfield, one you're sure to enjoy.

7 Years In Tibet. Starring Brad Pitt. Based on a true story. Very interesting, amazing scenery, a great story and superb acting.

24 hours. A gripping thriller through all episodes. On Netflix.

Just a little so your immune system slowly depletes and you get sicker and sicker

C l a s s i c  M o v i e s
The Sting. Academy Award winner. Starring Paul Newman. A really good movie. Lighthearted. What it's about that we need to learn in protecting ourselves from being conned.

Legends of the Fall. 1994. Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins. One of the greatest western movies ever made. Great scenery. Filmed in Alberta. 
Patton. Won the Academy Award in 1970 for best picture. George C. Scott stars in this docudrama about the life and times of the famous general who was key to winning the second world war in Europe. Interesting true story and great cinematography. Search the Net for it.

How The West Was Won. A great interesting and inspiring movie, great music, from the 60's, starring Jimmy Stewart. They couldn't use a title name showing the truth, that would have been How the West Was Stolen from the North American Indians. See Kevin Costner's series about the truth of it all.

High Noon, with Gary Cooper, a movie about the old West that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Very well done.

Gandi. The historical figure Mohandas Gandi who advocated non violent passive resistance and was assassinated.

Green Mile.(will make you think).with Tom Hanks.

The Governess, Minnie Driver.
