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Charlie explains more good stuff here and there, in daily videos.

The great benefits of hydroxychloroquine you can easily make yourself. Search for it on Telegram. 

And,.this video especially will open your eyes as it's about clearing most serious diseases using Chlorine Dioxide as Dr. Andreas Kalcker explains. Potassium Iodide used in combination with Dr. Kalcker's protocol or even an MMS protocol as gene Decode explains at 47 minutes in, it kicks up the good effects in getting rid of the killing ingredients of the bioweapon called a covid 19 vaccine. And they've added these now to all vaccines including the flu shot. They are out to kill you and have planned this for decades.(*). They are satanists:.Matthew 7:16-20.

Potassium Iodide is available from Very important to know that they do work and are totally safe and like anything, when used according to directions. For example if you drink too much water, you can die. Drink when thirsty. And here's the pdf file on chlorine dioxide and the science. More you can do if sick from the bioweapon, lyingly called a 'vaccine'. A paper on complete studies of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

The free 'med beds' are below, which will fix whatever ails you, once they are out. In the meantime these other things should do the trick. Learn more things you can do to improve health. No wonder Big Pharma says poo-poo to it, using lying propaganda on their controlled media.

Watch Charlie.(who's Charlie?), as best you can afford time to do so, for release of applications and instructions, so you get the money needed for yourself, family and others. The program is now available, but not everywhere yet. There are caveats of course. Evil purposes, such as these, will not receive money. Remember all your good works also go toward an eternal reward. Could Earth and Sun be some of the good that's coming? Be a good steward

See these short reflective video songs which bring out the meaningful parts of life.(newest is 7).1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Recent news from top people. The final effort on awakening those who can be. The storm is upon us. The calm will come. Learn about the 'med beds' you can use at no charge ever and the incredible things they'll do in working with your body to heal you and those you love. Big Medical and Big Pharma kept them away from humanity and even from this group of dubious ones called mankind.(there is a difference).for decades, while they continued to poison you with vaccines proven toxic and their lies about them. Most people did nothing, that is until todayCrimes Against Humanity, such as this baby, suffering with deformities because his stupid mother failed to research, trusted authority.('they wouldn't do anything to hurt me and my baby, would they? OH YES THEY WOULD AND ARE!!! example, another example).and went ahead and took the covid poison, the bioweapon, she thought to be a helpful vaccine (brainwashed she was, not knowing it wasn't a vaccine at all, but a bioweapon, a satanic trick toward destroying humanity, which all vaccines always have been). And these dead Canadian doctors were just as trusting, not realizing their Colleges of Physicans & Surgeons advice and threats led to their deaths. Were these colleges just another satanic arm feeding lies for the stupid trusting ones to follow? Come on guys! Do your own research. Grow up. Start here! Do you see the satanic psychological manipulation on you?.2Corinthians 11:13-15.

At least desire some sincere milk on your own to get away from being babes needing spoon feeding, making you fair game for those out to feed you nonsense in order to harm you and yours:.Hebrews 5:12;.1Corinthians 7:29 "But this I say, brethren, the time is short..."; Romans 13:11; 2Corinthians 6:2; 1Thessalonians 4:13.

It was decades ago the cabal setup to suck you in for the whammy. Once they got those unawakened ones to trust them, they unleashed the covid bioweapon and other horrible poisons. Anyhow, the perpetrators of the covid brainwashing, poisoning scam continue to be arrested, tried, convicted and executed. Poisoning of vaccines? Do you know what's in them? No? Well find out! Be smart! Do not in the slightest amount trust governments, be they state, provincial, municipal, city, school boards, health services, etc. or Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Agra, Big Chemical, Big Tech, Big Food, Big Corporations, Big Bank, Big Law with those of the BAR associations worldwide, etc. They all have not acted in the best interests of We the People and only for their interests and your disadvantage. Always those of the cabal are this way. They are all being taken down and a new We the People running of all things will occur. Yes, it was that widespread. They had almost taken over the planet for Satan:.Matthew 4:8,9; John 4:22. Most of them were demon shapeshifters. God let it get this far so you would see the contrast and choose life with God running things or Satan running things toward your death. Choose!

Apply research, commonsense and logic to words you hear and actions you notice. Many pharmaceutical pills are pesticide laden, opioid and petroleum based; stick one in a microwave for a minute and see. Many also are genetically modified concoctions you're made to think are safe and good for you.(what the liars always say about their poisonings they want you to stupidly accept).and all the while keeping many much more powerful remedies in nature.(learn about some of them in this one of Dr. Ardis information videos).away from you finding out about them. Why? Because they are corrupt. They.are.satanists and actively worship him with their horrendous practices.(1, 2). They are out for the purpose of murdering you and draining money from society along the way, always doing things to take you down. Satanically influenced ones always have that kind of uncaring attitude. Satanists hate humans. Satanists are they that feed off illness, death, destruction, poverty, fear and misery, even genetically modifying babies, like this...

'Med beds' are simply a physical adjunct and work with one's beliefs and you can also be healed without having to wait. That's because all is frequencies, the physical things are connected with the invisible spiritual energy and herein lies healing. Why haven't you learned these things in school? In early school most of us even learned proper grammar which would have helped in critiquing.contracts made in the corrupt system, that is those you knew were contracts. Many contracts you've been in were foisted on you, one being the birth certificate con and others you've been duped into by accepting stupid beliefs you've been propagandized into, such as, 'authority is truth' (on such things as income tax, vehicle & driver's licenses, registrations, dog & cat licenses, property taxes, recycle fees {taxes}, marriage licenses {taxes}, taxes on items {GST, VAT}, 'hidden' taxes, manufacturers taxes, airport fees {taxes}, gasoline taxes, inheritance taxes, bank fees {taxes}, school fees {taxes}, student loans, etc. and the incredibly stupid belief that media, the medical system, Big Pharma, our politicians and health service people, wouldn't lie to us because they are out for our good health and surely they would let us know if these things weren't right and wouldn't lie to hurt us, they seem so sincere, helpful and friendly when they speak')

Beware also of the special language of the cabal's Maritime/Admiralty/Civil/Statute eight hundred thousand 'laws' duped upon you for your acceptance which is your consent to them by simply complying, simply just going along with them. And now the cabal has gone beyond that into complete totalitarianism, such as in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Ezekiel 33:31 "And they come unto you as the people come and they sit before you as my people and they hear your words, but they will not do them, for with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their covetousness."

So you trusted those who were out to harm you in so many ways, even not giving you a break when that can be done.(example, letting new vehicles be destroyed instead of reducing the cost to sell them, similar to what the corrupt Canadian government {a criminal private foreign owned corporation} did with butter in dumping 11 million pounds of it into the ocean in order to keep prices up. That's how much they care about others. Wake up folks! As George Carlin said, they don't care about you AT ALL). For example, what did you think when your Natural Law.(Creator-Father-God's laws of the heart).was watered down to what became known as Common Law. Or did we.(our forefathers that is).at all think about it then? The written down laws not completely.derived from Natural Law, such as Common Law, were made by man and as such became the best man could do, but man can be unbalanced, self-serving and basing things somewhat on human ego and wants. But, it's a big step up from the cabal's Maritime/Admiralty/Civil/Statute eight hundred thousand 'laws' and legalese language such as in Black's Law Dictionary, we have now. Is it called 'Black's' because it hides the light? Hmm!

Only Natural Law is perfect:.Psalms 18:30,31; 19:7. Constitutional Law is an embedded Common Law document approved by We the People, that is, those of We the People who were in approval, such as became the original 1776 US Constitution, the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Alberta Bill of Rights, the Nuremberg Code, the Canadian Charter

What did you think when arrests were made on the innocent by those blatantly overriding God given rights of Natural Law such as was done with the covid con and the Ken and Barbie Cromar case.(updates often at Situation Updates)? Nothing supersedes the goodness of God's Natural Law. The entire satanic system is corrupt. Apart from Natural Law and We the People approved documents just above, the others are corrupt, satanic and designed for your ultimate harm. The corrupt ones in places of control.(courts, BAR associations, judicial, attorney, CPS, police, etc.).don't care at all for people or what rights people claim to have. That is why God has taken it over and we all have a part because God won't do it all for you, but only with you. So, use prayer, very powerful and whatever else you feel you should do that exposes, opposes, deposes and transposes these criminals, but without violence:.Romans 11:14 "If by any means I may provoke to emulation and might save some of them."

Because the dark side ones had the guns, many shrunk back using excuses of non involvement, but did you even pray and meditate? Have you prayed for those in prison? Hope so! Because many there should not be. Most of us had no idea the corruption was as bad as it is today and a lot of that because the worldwide media was complicit. Yep! The lie is that big. But the info has been available of this corruption for many decades now. Those who ask no questions seek no answers. 

Now the tables are completely.turned. It's We the People who have the guns and the slaves.(us).have now become the hunters of.all.the corrupt ones. None will slip away! Every evil one is known and will reap what they may have sown.(*). Not only is there nowhere to hide.(*), nothing.will stop retribution.(Zechariah 1:4), that is, nothing but the mercy of God can stop it for those choosing to throw themselves on God and Christ, asking for God's mercy and for a new heart to change to love. Then start actions of love so your reward will be the best you could get.

You always had free choice, but the cabal has kept that info from you. God wants none to be with Him who don't want to be. Change to good and get away from evil and those things that support evil. And then what?.1Corinthians 2:9. Do these things and the evil ones are 'done like dinner', because light expunges darkness. The time for this is when enough of us do what must be done to save the rest of the basically 'good' people who have sat back to 'let the other guy do it'. Be happy with people! Be helpful. Be kind! But do your best, whatever you can, in trying to awaken people without pissing them off. Here's a clue.

Although we did learn some good things in the early days at school, they drifted into the background later, mostly because the educational system worldwide has been as corrupt as every other cabal contrived satanic system and even more so in some regions. That is all now being taken care of. A better educational system is coming and ready for release.

The corruption is vanishing as the fog in the sun. Avoid being a lazy zombified non learning individual that Big Media, having the same horrendously.corrupt harmful attitude as those in Big Pharma, Big Medical, Big Education, Big Chemical, Big Agriculture.(chemical and terrible farming practices), Big Food and ALL governments have, in keeping truth from you. No wonder you were zombified. Your big mistake was in trusting them and in thinking evil couldn't be such a widespread worldwide empire. Well it was and is. Don't trust anybody until you question and are sure that you can trust them. 

Liars don't like to answer questions because they darn well know there's no truth coming from them in answering you. They would rather have you subjugated than knowledgeable. Evil ones shove you away as quickly as they can if you question them:.John 8:44. So, question, question, question! And question again! It's your life we're talking about. Be sure you get answers to questions by your own research, so you can evaluate the situation later and.before you decide on anything. If you can't get answers, get outta there! Don't worry about being likeable, nicey, nicey and respectful. If they can't or won't answer, get the hell away from them. The reason it's astonishing that these criminals are free to walk the streets with impunity, is because they are all in corrupt organizations.(corporations), such as the court system.(corporation), the legal system.(corporation), the corporation system includes the medical system, the government and political systems, educational systems and on and on we could go. In these systems, the satanists cover each other's asses to maintain a false front. As George Carlin said."It's a big club and you ain't in it.".But, the world is awakening and these all soon will be gone. Join the train going in the direction of good or let the criminals lead you further along into the ditch of darkness and death; your choice:.Matthew 15:14.

The satanic harmful crimes against humanity are leaving, as more and more corrupt people, their harmful cohorts and creatures are rounded up, tried, convicted, executed or imprisoned. See about a few of the over two and a half million arrests, tribunals, imprisonments and executions at; down to the list there, for better comprehension of what's going on), at Gitmo, at and on many Telegram channels. Many CEOs had, shall we say, 'stepped down'. Those pushing poisonous injections of so-called vaccines and injections they have slipped into society under the vaccine label to poison humanity, knew the Crimes Against Humanity they were committing and now are paying for it with their lives. The lackey.bureaucrats running 'health' or should we say 'death' services are included in this worldwide take down. They are now being arrested and tried for their Crimes Against Humanity and/or Treason or High Treason, which all demand the death penalty or life imprisonment.(*). Not one will or can escape.
Use a search engine to find a list of pedophile arrests in Canada and tribunals for those politician and medical/pharmaceutical/media and related criminals having participated in the very harmful worldwide pedophile ring, the equally harmful worldwide enslaving monetary system, corrupt BAR legal/court system, corrupted educational system,.poisonous pharmaceutical/chemical/medical system, etc. Arrests are continuing as you read this. Hey, maybe you just saw Trudeau on the street! Wasn't him. Compare 1, 2, 3, 4. The cleanup of the criminals is happening all over the world, including Canada. See the gene Decode reports.

Why the cleanup? One reason is the horrific things.(1, 2, 3).that satanic politicians, corporate elites, entertainment figures and other scum were doing in trying to replace humanity with satanic creations called mankind.(kinda like man), all the while ' the ground' using their anti humanity policies, such as corrupt corporate police practices.(that's right, they too had become a corporation), taxation in the form of income tax, fees.(taxation), licenses.(taxation), interest on loans, property taxes, etc. And don't forget the 'rub outs', the poisonings, depressions and so on. George Carlin got it right! And don't forget their attempts at genocide.(covid jab anyone? Still eating genetically modified crap 'food'?), supported by almost all politicians and corporate people, who are mostly satanists, throughout the entire world. Criminal cabal controlled politicians think of you as an insect, yet expect you to respect and vote for them. Such arrogance!

Wake up! How many more people will be injured or die before We the People stop this madness in all these areas, one being, the biggest lie ever told in the recent history of humanity, that of vaccines are safe and protect you!

How do we stop such evils as this? Do that and then this will apply for at least you:.Ezekiel 9:4 "And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem.(what's 'Jerusalem' today?).and set a mark upon the foreheads of those that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof."

The new free 'med beds' will go out worldwide, at the same time the QFS.(Quantum Financial System).part of the 'off-world' technology Quantum system is widely released. The 'med beds' are planned to be in some hospitals, in some alternative health practitioners offices, in certain schools and community centers. Anything that happens to a man or woman or one's pet on the physical level doesn't reach into the quantum level, which the med beds do. That's why it can all be fixed back to normal and stay that way, unless of course you again do things to undo the body. This system of good put into place by the combined world good militaries in the time of Donald J. Trump, is for all humanity and is due for release any day now as we are all waiting on the 'word' from God, that it is time and that being when those corrupters who have brought the world to where it is today have been mostly dealt with. The effort of cleansing continues worldwide. Again, what you can do to hasten this great new life for all.

Charlie reads and you can follow along on the screen explaining the QFS.(Quantum Financial System).part of the new Quantum system out of which the money comes

Corrupt banks have been trying to steal money from the accounts of those having received it from their test Quantum account. Such corrupt bankers are being 'welcomed' to Gitmo and similar locations. You don't come back from Gitmo.

What we each must do about it. The.cabal has been taken down. There are stlll remnants being cleaned up and in this you have a part; praise and meditation and wisely awakening others and why? The operating QFS plan is now expanding, as it becomes a clean new world..Besides the critically important spiritual side.(no, not religious).that you can hasten expansion, each of us also has something to do so that these horrible evils and the nonsense.policies designed by these selfish types of controlling people, their lackey politicians, bureaucrats, corrupt bankers, judges and lawyers, NEVER again sneak in to harm humanity. And they've snuck in with their legalese.language in formulating courses of action.(what courses of action?) to subjugate and harm those having higher standards.(the good people, the white hats, the evil ones being the black hats). How to tell if they are good people.

So, what to do? Learn again the proper parts of writing you learned in school. Noam Chomsky talks about how we pick up language. It's the grammar that obviates, while we are still within the present corrupt system, the fraudulent documents used by all government departments, lawyers and banksters and corrupt corporations worldwide. It gives us insight into how the corrupters did it while we didn't notice. Correct knowledge lays bare fraudulent language used to retain control over people with the cabal's contracts, such as the birth certificate scam, for one.(Isaiah 10:1,2), to keep you under their boot and enrich themselves until they are ready to dispose of you. The cabal was not out for doing good, but only continuous harm

The corrupt system will be no more because the original 1776 American Constitution is leading the way with its emphasis on the change to Natural Law worldwide. The people subjugating us under their Maritime/Admiralty/Civil law, their made up 'law of the sea', will all be gone, along with their corrupt laws.

See the blockbuster video by David E. Martin, based on 10 years of almost daily research, that's over 3,600 days of many hours research a day, let's say 5 hours, so that's 18,000 hours of research in producing this most important video and you can see and learn this incredibly well put together information from him in an hour and a half free video. You'll like both Davids, David Martin and David Straight. They are both of the most likeable and intelligent people on Earth, by far. Who are the others? And if you're a public speaker, you'll learn much from their presentations.
Some banksters, so long having been a part of the controlling cabal, are putting conditions on money received such as, we will only release an amount that we determine and we won't allow the money you received to be used in a way which hinders the bank's.(cabal's).purposes. These banker criminal idiots trying to hold onto their cabal.rule have no idea how severely they and those of their ilk are now being dealt with, some 8,000 bankers, numbers rising daily, have been arrested just in April-October 2021 plus 2,700,000 criminal politicians and bureaucrats, judges and corporate crooks arrested and many executed worldwide. The number is growing. 

These are the ones who have brought the satanic dark side's ways into life today which ways have negatively affected us all, bringing the world to the mess it has become, while most of us slept and those who cried out were labeled as conspiracy theorists in the lying corrupt media which a dull-minded public believed. History repeats itself mainly because the broken down educational system has either twisted the truth or out and out ignored it and kept it out of school textbooks, textbooks they purposely changed to fill them with lies and so most people are ignorant about history, one example. Get knowledgeable:.Proverbs 4:7; Hosea 4:6. While most of us did nothing, perhaps not even digging deeper, much behind the scenes to correct this mess was and is being done and that's why much good is about to come into all the lives of good people. Are you thankful? Do you want to be awake to all that has gone on that affected you negatively and is now being fixed?

Many arrogant evil cabalists.(Isaiah 10:13,14), local and international, now realize that they are totally, absolutely and completely finished.(Revelation 18:2-9).and they have nowhere to hide, only to await their arrests and carry on with their evilnesses till then, just like a bully who wouldn't take steps to become good. Many thanks to the US military and the Alliance militaries, Trump, Putin, Moti of India, Xi of China and the non terrestrials helping them and to the BRICS countries who are also on side and taking action to eliminate the cabal. The cabal still hangs on to their positions and their despicable attitudes as long as there's money, position, opportunity to harm and control others. We leave them be so it's found out who else of them is onside with their corruption. It's in their evil natures:.Isaiah 10:7. They have made their bed in evil. They are simply going to reap what they have sown:.Isaiah 10:3,4..The tables have now been turned on them:.Isaiah 29:20. We must ensure that our children and our children's children and their posterity, never have to do what now is being done in cleaning up the evil.

How evil overall is the cabal.(aka deep state, illuminati)?
1 is about.the story of the cabal; how they gained almost the whole world for their evils, while most of us did nothing.(Einstein's quote on it). And, their cruelness to children. That's one reason these corrupt evil people of the deep state are being arrested for crimes against humanity and treason.
2 is about.When at 2, scroll about half-way down the page to the actual video. Jim Caviezel explains his new movie Sound of Freedom, about rescuing children stolen, trafficked, abused and murdered by this cabal all over the world. It's a true movie based on the life of Tim Ballard and his team.(Tim speaks here too), who are right now saving children from this satanically evil worldwide group having even in your area such evil people and will continue doing so wherever they need rescuing from until they all are rescued and the criminals dealt with.
3 is about.the underground DUMBS.(Deep Underground Military Bases or as gene Decode calls them SUCFS {Secret Underground Cabal Facilities} and other names)

Underground cities and tunnels used by the cabal for their horrendous evils including trafficking humans.(children and adults).to abuse and murder and worse, such as sacrificing them in satanic rituals.(Ezekiel 23:39), as those in the worldwide pedophile ring have done along with harvesting their blood and body parts, such as occurs on the Satanic holidays such as December 24. The 'white hats' are shutting it all down. Take a tour of such tunnels with a semitrailer driver delivering goods.( Not all of them were kept in tunnels, but they all were abused. Some were kept, never seeing light of day, in the six cities under Antarctica totaling about sixty million and the 6 cities under Colorado's Denver Airport. The ones not in these locations, but tightly controlled, were being raped up to 50 times a day, at how many dollars the controllers received each time? Many of these had nowhere else to go, saw no way out of it, because the ones they expected to protect them.(politicians, police, social service agencies, judges, courts, lawyers, hospital and medical personnel, etc. - not all of course, but an estimated, plus 90% of them).were part of the evils themselves, so there was no one at hand they could get to help them. They needed food and sleep and so they put up with the abuse and the torture until they died, even praying to God for help. The help only came when they prayed for the other children and asked God to help them save the children:.Job 42:10. God stops atrocities when people want them stopped. If they don't even pray, instead sitting in their little world watching tel-lie-vision, then evils carry on, because it's shown by actions or lack of actions, whether they really do care.
4 is about.the latest on the tunnels being blown up so they can never again be used for the horrible things they were used for.
5 is about.Lin Wood, a top lawyer who was on Trump's team and how upset he is and has set his face against the satanic deeply evil cabal and what they've been doing.
6 is about.arrests & executions done by the US, Russian, Korean (marching), good Chinese and other militaries who are on our side of arresting people in this criminal and horribly evil cabal called the 'deep state'. The Communist Chinese Party has been taken out, no longer exists in China, nor will ever again. The good Chinese leaders want the same as all good people on Earth.
7 is about.what these unbelievably evil ones have done to all of us, so you can wake up.(wake up and then do what?). Wake up if you have no idea why you're on Earth. Don't be like those who don't care.
8 is about politicians, entertainers, et al, who actually worship Satan and why and how they use specific handshakes and other special signals to their ilk.worldwide.
9 is about one of gene Decode's latest ( and part 2

gene Decode is a retired top level military veteran. gene brings a wealth of Intel and military experience to the table as well as a death experience that changed the trajectory of his life toward service to God and humanity. gene Decode will never abandon his mission to Serve, bring truth and knowledge to Humanity, the Earth and God's creation. gene Decode will always put his service to The One True Living God first. 

gene Decode, not his real name, is ex-military with continuing connections to high level military intel and extraordinary sources. He has 20 years in special forces naval intelligence submarine division, with high clearance levels. He also has almost 48 years of advanced martial arts training and is a Sensei (a teacher, a mentor). He does the 'DUMBS and tunnels' videos that the 'white hat'.(the good guys).combined militaries of the world have been busy cleaning up (see #3 above about the underground tunnels). The Truth Beneath the Surface videos have high level information, most of which has now released to the public. gene Decode's official Telegram account is run by coordinators all over the world. Keep up with the new stuff at on and and also on Bitchute.

10 is more research by gene Decode about the massive evil cities and tunnels and what the evil ones were doing down there. Be thankful the world is being cleaned up.

Latest on DUMBS and tunnels is also covered in this gene Decode video:
gene Decode also explains in this video, about sodium azite, highly toxic, now in dangerous covid self-test kits, as are other equally harmful concoctions in some test kits, such as ethylene oxide, graphene oxide and the even more and almost immediate killer in some batches, graphene hydroxide, at 26-27 min in. At 28 min see who they want to keep alive (but not you and you'll see why). The truckers are at 1hr 9 min in. At 1hr 20 min in, what the white hats have gone through to free us. At 1 hr 27 minutes in, the new free satellite phones and explains quantum entanglement.

If you've already had the jab and happened to get a shot from the two or the three numbered batches that are harmful, what can you now do?

More mind blowing information from gene Decode.
Do severely evil ones have a chance to more life? If they throw themselves on the mercy of God, these deep state corrupters will find mercy:.Joel 2:13,14. But it does not seem to be in the hearts to do so:.Isaiah 10:7. It was never in God's heart that those severely evil would deserve the wrath of God:.1Thessalonians 5:9,10: John 3:17. The benevolent beings of God.(angels, non terrestrials, etc.).who know the hearts of each of humanity, will at least then make sure that when these evil ones pass on they can begin on the spiritual road. They won't have their flesh with its corruptions any longer. Maybe the humans advised by the benevolent beings in charge of the physical fate of these criminals, will see this and that could make a difference in their lives, in that, rather than execution, if they assist the 'white hats' in pointing out others so this whole mess can be stopped, they could get life imprisonment, instead of execution, but they will not ever be in any place of control again. Politics will not exist. God's laws will. The world is being cleaned up.

Bankers and corrupt politicians, corporations, etc. have no moral right to do such things as they do to people, even if they declare that they do have a right and make corporate laws to 'make it legal'. It simply shows that evil ones generally cannot give up on their engrained unloving satanic purposes unless maybe faced with the penalties of Crimes Against Humanity and/or high treason.

As with things in nature, the seed planted doesn't pop out of the ground the next day. This highly beneficial plan is unfolding in a like manner to affect all on Earth for good. 

You can have a part by praying for protection for self, family, the human Alliance good soldiers and military, the non terrestrial Alliance and their military and whatever else comes to mind. gene Decode's invocation.(click the pic or read here).will protect you and all who like you, because if they like you, they are part of you. Listen and see if you too want to use it. 

Like the great network marketing concept, where you tell a friend.(aka Multi Level Marketing; use your intuition by asking yourself questions on whether or not you should introduce the QFS plan to some other individual, because if you are a good hearted individual, you don't want anyone to have finances for evil purposes).and they tell a friend and so on and so forth, only this without you making anything off the sharing of the plan to help others, because you'll have more than enough for yourself and your family and this accelerates to encompass all good people. It's a few good hearts at first, who tell and share the way to goodness, the way to wealth and the way to health they've received. And then share this with family and friends of also good heart. This is what turns people on. It's the goodness of God: Romans 2:4. Good friends and family then see how good the real God truly is and that awakens them. 

Those ones hanging on to evil.susceptibilities.will not be part of it, thus keeping clean the developing new world. Then these good souls who have received wealth thanks to their family member or friend, are in turn, shown how to do similarly, by being invited to apply for money necessary for them and others only of good heart they will share the plan with. 

How much money? A need to have basis will be used to determine amounts. No one will be poor ever again. No one will lack shelter and other things necessary in living a full abundant life:.John 10:10. The plan is flexible, so it encompasses individuals' needs at various times. Enough wealth for each individual is assured. If more is needed, you can ask. How much more? Consider Jack Kidd of Scotland and his planned use of funds.

So the plan carries on and reaches the rest of the good people in the world. Be careful when introducing the those you may not be sure about. And so it will spread quickly in reaching all in the world who are good at heart and need help and in turn, want to help others. Again, what you can do to hasten it in your country.
The money you'll get will probably now come to you in the form of a 'digital wallet' as an app on a special satellite phone.(looks same as a cellphone), now that it seems you can't be fully using the banks as they are. You'll also get a new free laptop computer , free Iand I think also a free replicator.

Simon is looking after the 'med beds' distribution
and Charlie is looking after the humanitarian fund you can become a part of if you have an idea or a few for helping humanity in ways that you feel are needed. No money needed by you. The money is there. What's your idea(s) for using it in helping others. Write them down, get them ready. No business plan needed. Just a short paragraph or two to let them know when it's your turn. For how it will all work when they are ready for you, watch the Situation Updates,, Mark Z and others will have similar information on it as well.

Learn how to handle your prosperity so it doesn't corrupt you. Watch Charlie and/or Mary giving the daily Situation Updates, for where and how application is to take place. Good idea to join, for eleven dollars a month, Charlie's optional Insider Club at, click on 'Sign In' when there if you want to join. You won't be left out even if you don't join, but good stuff.

And, as an.aside, amazing photographs from space reveal how the criminal ship Evergreen got dislodged.from being stuck and went further up the Suez canal to the Sea of Bitterness where American Navy Seals.( it, with Russian military right there assisting. All 30,000 containers have been removed, some having both living.(over 1,200).and dead.(1,350).trafficked children in them.(also see Navy Seals and others rescuing children.before they are sold to the cabal, ending up ruined, tortured and dead and worse), along with high grade weapons of various types and small nuclear devices. The Evergreen ship is owned by the Clinton Foundation and Walmart. Hillary was real evil and the Obamas.were worse, the Bushes were murderers.(9/11); Biden too, executed January 20, 2021. The 'Biden' today is an actor, there for the temporary purpose of awakening people, that is, for those having 'eyes to see'. The real truth of what has gone on, if dumped on people all at once, might shake many out their boots. 

How many world leaders have spoken out against this savagery? Their silence is their indictment. Evergreen was Hillary's CIA codename, Evergiven was Walmart's. It's been known for a few years that this ship was used for trafficking children and/or weapons. The Obamas, Clintons and Bushes, Biden and others in the worldwide pedophile trafficking ring knew it, but profited from it, participated in it, caring not for people, instead using, abusing and killing them, selling their body parts and worse. Both Russia and the American militaries were waiting for opportunity to nail them. There wasn't one, so one was made with the help of the benevolent beings, angels, non terrestrials or whatever you want to call them. The world is getting cleaned up. Do your part.

Back to about the 'med beds'. The 'med beds' are to help all humanity and.obviate poisonous pharmaceutical bioweapons falsely called vaccines.and.harmful devices slipped in under the vaccines label, obviate the damage to the human body's health system being done by 'cides' and the GMO industrialized and chemicalized products labeled as food, which are harmful to the body and land. The 'med beds' will restore limbs, tighten skin, reduce body and organs age by 20-30+ years, get rid of cancer, heart disease, polio, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, thyroid damage, surgeries and so much more. There are three amazing machines built with Nikola Tesla's 'off-world' technology. Grigori Grabovoi of Russia explains how? See also Nassim Haramein on the Physics of Spirituality where he talks about the new non-polluting anti-gravity vehicles, estimated to be above the roads in just a very few years, 5+ years.

Thef worldwide clean up of evils.(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Cleanup so we don't end up if when we are bad, going beyond that and into evil as the ancients did and today, as those of the cabal have been. A special spiritual gift to help stay on the right track, so relapses to the bad side can be now a thing of the past:.Psalms 85:13; 89:24; 91:15,16; Isaiah 30:20,21; 1Corinthians 1:22; 1Peter 5:8; 2Peter 2:22..Meditation and prayer is effective for growing spiritually and hastening.the good things God wants us to have. All good works count toward an eternal.reward, eternal because, that's why we are here..Overall, you're here to move from your Earthly consciousness to the higher consciousness until the time for humanity is over:.1Corinthians 15:28.

The this example on the CBS news channel shows, may not be there any longer so type it in an Internet search engine to search for 'Michael Van der Veen CBS video'. And see this humorous look at how the controlled networks make sure those reporting news all say the same things. They are not reporters. They are controlled puppet teleprompter readers.

The corrupt worldwide media was allowed time to see if it would come away from the unconscionable.censoring of information proven helpful to people. Can you name one time in history when the people banning books, censoring information and silencing opinions were the good guys? The time is now up for the bad guys as there's been no change.(stubborn & really spiritually stupid).in spite of having been warned. Now they will be dealt with in accordance with Creator-Father-God's law of 'you reap what you have sown'.

The clean up has continued until the swamp of criminals filled by those humans heavily influenced and even taken over by the dark side.(1Timothy 4:2), the satanic side, are all rounded up and tried for their crimes. And, what did the top dark side satanically influenced people, which are those of the deep state, who are now being taken out, think of good people? See how evil those who've left off the good God become in their lives, those who have now been rounded up, tried and in many cases, executed. See the series Fall of the Cabal. New sequels are often added, about the very.evil, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci.(and his incredible lies), George Soros, et al, people who went beyond bad into deep evils, including planning the death of others through genocide. Avoid having yourself and your children harmed by poisonous injections, when nature's remedies and your immune system has all you need to get and stay healthy.

Clean up is so all of us can emerge from the murkiness.the dark side has been spreading over humanity, ever since man was put on the Earth:.Genesis 4:1-12; Isaiah 42:16; 1John 3:8. How was this putting the world into evils able to occur?.2Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9; 20:2,3.

Those administering the QFS and its precursor, the Quantum Consciousness System for humanity, are those of the same heart and mind ancient Job finally came to have. Learn about Job as the knowledge is a great help spiritually for you with all these world changes coming on:.1John 4:8-16; 1John 3:8.

The satanic ways the world has been under are now finished! As Vladimir Putin of Russia, friend of the US military and Trump, put it."The deep state is now almost completely taken down".(see David E. Martin's video on this).and Putin's quote on arresting these horrible criminals:."It's not our job to judge, just to send them to one who will.".Along with the US military are those of Putin, in cleaning up the world of such despicable evils, helping them are the militaries of India and of China and 34 other militaries of the Alliance of 209 nations. And many others of similar heart are also meditating and praising. The unbelievably corrupt Chinese Communist Party leaders, puppets of the deep state that was behind them, have now been arrested and removed from China by Taiwanese forces backed up by the Trump.(not Biden).American military and have been dealt with. Remember the satanic trick has been that there are two of everything, used by the cabal and now used to our advantage by the White Hats militaries. The deep state itself was cut off May, 2020. 
The media, after Israel, is the last to be dealt with. It's like the building is demolished and the left over rubbish takes a while to be cleaned up, such as, wherever remnants of these criminals are who have backed m o s t politicians and corporate heads throughout the world, after having corralled each of them using bribes, brainwashing and blackmail. It's like a boiling kettle, spouting steam that has now been unplugged, yet continues releasing steam for a short while or like a filled tub and the plug has been pulled to empty it, but it takes awhile for all the crud to go down the drain. Evil remnants are being eradicated daily, with the corrupt media being last.(planned that way for a purpose). The corrupt media will be the last to go. When you see the corrupt media gone as it exists today, you'll know the clean up is basically finished. When you see the 'med beds' available worldwide, you'll know Big Pharma and the corrupt medical system and Big Education are also 'done like dinner'. It's comeuppance time.

The evil is pretty well done, never again to exist anywhere here and 'out there'. The new life for all good beings is now more than just a hope. Pockets of evil are still being dealt with, such as in Canada with its corrupt lying politicians, their conscienceless.policies and criminal advisors from various agencies and so-called 'services', which are cabal controlled and big corporations backed. Find out how much this all will affect you and your family with so much good! Learn about the GESARA program.
