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Square root of 1%.(tipping point for humanity into higher consciousness)
Sri Satya Sai Baba
Srinivasa Ramanujan.(brilliant mathematician)
'Stage'.(world is a...)
Stalin, Joseph.(example of what low consciousness can do to someone)
Stamets, Paul.(world expert on types of mushrooms to do with human health and solving the world disaster of disappearing bees)
Stampeders.(Calgary Football Team {CFL} coach Wally Buono; stampeders.com
Standing up for a cause?.(when to, when not to)
Standing up for what you know to be right.(examples of those that did)
Standing up.(for yourself and your rights against tyranny)
Start.(how long to learn all this stuff and where to start)
Statue of Liberty poem
Stargate.(one of the regular stargates the non terrestrials use in coming and going from our dimension)
...convert matter
...form from minerals
...important to Creator-God
...named by God
...neutron stars
...North Star (Polaris never moves)
...of Bethlehem
...red and brown dwarfs
...seven stars.(in the Big Dipper)
...seven stars.(in the Little Dipper)
Stargate(s) (used in traveling through space; the sun is a stargate, see pic); see also 'portals')
Starts.(suggested places to start at on this site)
...highlights pages
...lessons for life today
...quick reads.(some scriptures)
...quotes of famous people
...what God knows.(that we don't but probably should)
...what to know
...You Were Born Rich.(Bob Proctor book free for you)
Stasi's story
Stasis.(a fossil record principle)
State National.(your true status)
Statin drugs
Statue of Liberty.(beautiful words, but the evilness behind it)
Steele.(on adrenochrome & judicial inquiry)
Steeped.(in the ego level mass mind)
Stein, Ben.(his genius in the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed)
Step further
Step.(the next one; ready?)
Steps.(3 steps forward and 2 steps back)
Steps ordered of God
Steppes.(where the evil ones first landed when they came to take over Earth)
Steve Jobs.(cofounder of Apple Computer, still alive and working, what on?)
Steve Kroschel.(producer of Grounded and Detoxifying Through Grounding.(two important movies for getting yourself better and for continued health)
Steven Greer.(The Disclosure Project; new energy technologies, extra terrestrial contacts, hidden government)
Steven Seagal.(movies of his that are must sees)
Steward.(one of the parables)
Stewart, Ian
Still small voice
Stir.(the newly revealed way of God, Emmanuel was telling the people, was exciting them)
...Christ the corner stone
...high consciousness people likened to lively stones
...stone tablets could have been precious stones as they emitted light
...two times Moses had to go up the mountain to get the tablets, why?
Stone heart
Stonehenge.(Alberta's stonehenge is older)
Stop.(what stops all wars?)
Stop.(why God doesn't intervene and help us?)
Stop thinking negatives
Stories.(with lessons for all, such as the eye opening story of Esau/Edom and his brother Jacob and what it means for us today)
Storm.(as Trump says."the storm is upon us")
Storms.(the storms of life are for awakening to the true God)
Stove.(teaching your kids to be careful throughtout life is loving them)
Straight, David.(video on one's rights and how this has been obfuscated by justice/legal systems worldwide to keep you ignorant)
Strait gate / narrow way
Strange 'creatures'.(spacecraft? strange descriptions in the book of Ezekiel)
...attitude toward
...Earth time likened to strangers and pilgrims
...how strangers were allowed to be with ancient Israel and so today also
...meanings for word 'stranger'
...who were a part of ancient Israel
Strauss, David Freidrich
Strawberries.(eat before and after having fish)
String theory
Strokes against us
Strokes of affliction
Strong.(how to be strong in life)
Strong force?
Strongholds.(places where ancient kings lived)
Struggles.(in our lives, why?)
Stumble unknowingly.(spiritually speaking)
Stupid.(kids being told they are worthless)
Subatomic particles
Subconscious mind.(what is it?)
...don't use it in a way that separates your mind from your soul
...pride and the subconscious mind
Subjection.(what's it really mean?)
Subjects.(in the Bible good to be familiar with)
Submarines.(pics and information)
Submerges.(ego submerges the soul)
Submission?.(re male/female relationships)
'Submitting' in a relationship
Submitting to authority, Romans 13.(but not if they are evil)
...keys to
Succoth.(ancient area where Joseph built a house and his dad earlier bought land)
Sucharit Bhakdi.(how bioweapons they call vaccines poison you)
...Christ suffered.(for us:.1Peter 2:21,22)
...Deepak on suffering
...delivered from the evil world
...Grabovoi on suffering
...not here to suffer
...scriptures on suffering and the word meaning)
...suffering with Christ
...sufferings/trials.and.shaking them off)
...why do we suffer?
...why experiencing hardships
Sugar and honey.(type into an Internet search engine for info; pnly use a wooden spoon to scoup honey as metal ones destroy the enzymes)
...sugar and metabolism
Suggested quick reads
...holding onto yourself
...an idea in the multiiversal Mind
...analemmak.(strange patthern of the sun)
...and Moon no more
...and Moon size
...changing.(from yellow to white)
...coronal mass ejections
...dark.(and moon looks like blood)
...gazing process.(engineer Hira Ratan Manak subsists on the Sun for food & water)
...goes back 10 degrees
...nothing new under it
...solar flares
...stands still
...sunglasses.(should you wear them for long periods of time?)
...two suns?
......Sun a stargate?
......Sun was almost gone
Sun Tzu.(wrote the classic book.The Art Of War)
Sundial.(Sun's shadow goes back 10 degrees)
Sun's peculiar pattern
Sunday School
Sunglasses?.(think again)
Superiority.(an overtone of)
Superstring.(and the 'M' theory)
Supper.(the Lord's supper)
Supply of the spirit
Support this website?
Suramin.(for your health, make some pine needle tea; know what pine trees to avoid)
Surety.(being liable for another's debts)
Surface living
Surfing.(like surfing? biggest wave surfed; search YouTube)
Surgery.(what if surgery needed and you're expecting to be healed?)
Sustainer.(God the sustainer)
Schwarzschild proton
Swear or affirm
Swenson, George, Jr..(complexity of life)
Swine flu.(nonsense to get you vaccinated and harmed)
Switch.(how to turn on the good mind switches)
Symbiosis theory
Synthetic food dangers.(synthetic 'food' not real food the body needs)
Synthetic vitamin dangers
...basic operating system of the multiiverse
...natural systems
Szent-Gyorgyi, Dr. Albert.(discoverer of Vitamin C)