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O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  I
p a g e  1

-Israel: Ancient Jacob's name was changed to Israel:.Genesis 32:27,28 "And he said unto him What is your name? And he said, Jacob. And he said Your name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel, for as a prince have you power with God and with men and have prevailed.(see #3 below)."
Up until the 17th century A.D., there was no letter 'J' in the English alphabet. As such, in the original, the name 'Jacob' was spelled 'Ya'aqob' and pronounced 'yah-ak-obe’ or 'yacob'. The name of 'Jesus' also was changed to now having a 'J'. All other words today having a 'J', back then didn't. The same ones who obfuscate today continue to confuse with names, examples:.1Kings 10:12.
What had led up to this name change from his birth name of Jacob to the new name God gave him of Israel?.Genesis 32:24-30.

History of Israel; 12 tribes of ancient Israel; Israel in archaeology; captivities of; spiritual Israel; English nations history.

Those of the 'house of David' are proceeded from the 'house of Jacob':.Luke 1:27; Matthew 1:1; Hebrews 3:6. Israelites are physically the people of ancient Israel. Today, who are they?

And Paul, the great apostle, in talking to the Gentiles in Galatia, said:.Galatians 3:26-29 "For you are all the children of God by faith.(as opposed to qualifying by works you regard as being spiritual that you feel you must do to be accepted).in Christ Emmanuel. For as many of you as have been baptized.(why is physical baptism now not relevant?).into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Emmanuel.(now it's a spiritual relationship as compared to the ancient Old Testament's physical relationship shown by the Mosaic Law's over 600 physical things to do to keep in an interrelationship with a spiritual being, God). And if you be Christ's then are you Abraham's seed.(and Abraham's seed Jacob had a big family:.Genesis 35:23-26).and heirs according to the promise."

God had great love for Abraham and vice versa, as God does for those today who God says the same about. God called Abraham God's friend.

Galatians 4:26 "But Jerusalem which is above is free.(open to all).which is the mother of us all." John 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

With the holy nature of the Great Infinite One having been given to us and now being adopted into the Family of God, the physical status no longer matters:.Galatians 3:26,28,29; 4:26; 6:15,16; Romans 9:6-8; Ephesians 2:12.

It's now a spiritual Israel, that is, those realizing their connection with the Creator are part of this spiritual Israel:.Galatians 6:16 "And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God." Jeremiah 3:23 "...in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel."

Why Israel? Why did God choose these particular people out of all those nations.(Genesis 15:19-21).on the Earth at that time? 2Samuel 7:23 "And what one nation in the Earth is like thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name and to do for you great things..."

In Romans 9:3,4 Paul says that those who are in Christ are 'Israelites', spiritually speaking.

The word 'Israel', today denotes a spiritual 'Israel', an invisible.(because it's inside us).nation, a spiritual nation of those high consciousness souls who have inherited the promises:.Romans 9:6,8; Galatians 6:16; 1Peter 2:9.

Old Testament things were shadows of things in New Testament times; like Jerusalem.

There are three names used in the New Testament to designate this people Israel, a people who came from the man Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. The genealogy.

The three names are:
1).Those of Judah's family called Judeans as regards their nationality, to distinguish them from Gentiles. New Testament spelling is 'Juda', the name was at first given to one belonging to the tribe of Judah, to the separate kingdom of Judah.(which comprised only two of the original 12 tribes, Judah and Benjamin, so those who remained of Israel were ten tribes). Judah's name means:.Genesis 29:35.

The tribes of Judah and Benjamin now belonged to the separate kingdom called Judah and the other ten tribes were called Israelites.(see map). Just as the name Israel in the New Testament refers to one's spirit but also to those of descent from the man Judah and refers to one's spirit that is now of God's high consciousness and out of the base low consciousness of humanity:.Romans 2:29.

Zionists are those having the name supplied by the cabal. They were Khazarians who adopted Judaism about a thousand years ago, adopting the name 'Jew', the name they invented.

The Israelites originally were all known as being of the individual Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel:.Genesis 32:27,28. Why? At first they were all called Israelites until two of Jacob's sons, Benjamin and Judah, split off from the original twelve sons, as predicted by the prophet Ahijah:.1Kings 11:29-32. These two then became known as the nation of 'Judah'. This was in accordance with God's purpose at the time.

They all eventually became large tribes as their descendents increased, with the 10 being the Israelites and the two being the nation of Judah.(map). Since this ancient split, each had its own kings down through time.

During a later captivity and after the physical restoration of ancient Israel.(Isaiah 1:26; 11:11,12; 27:13; 40:2; 60:10; Ezekiel 36:8-15; Zechariah 1:17; 10:6; 14:11; Malachi 3:4).where they returned from captivity, the name however, was extended to all those speaking  Hebrew, a nation without distinction:.Esther 3:6,10; Daniel 3:8-12; Ezra 4:12.
   Jewish people today are:.Romans 2:28,29. Israelites today are.

Israel split into Israel and Judah, but will again be one nation:.Jeremiah 3:18: Ezekiel 37:21-23. God had foretold the split:.1Kings 11:9-13.

2).Hebrews.(*), were called as such with regard to their language, education and what they did as work, to distinguish them from Hellenists, i.e., who were Jews who spoke the Greek language.

The name 'Hebrew' is derived from 'Eber'. The Hebrews are 'sons of Eber':.Genesis 10:21. Eber was the ancestor of Abraham..American Tract Society:."The Hebrews rarely use concrete terms, as they are called, but often abstract terms. Thus, instead of saying 'God saves them and protects them', they say 'God is their salvation'."

The Hebrews made their living for many generations in Egypt by hiring themselves out for what they could do for others. They lived peaceably within the land areas controlled by many pharaohs over the years, until one of the pharaohs was probably talked into believing that the israelites were a threat:.Exodus 1:5-14. That's the same trick world controllers behind the scenes use today; covid's a threat, the Russians are a threat, Trump is a threat, the Iranians and Iraqis too, also the Native North Americans, climate change, etc. and etc., when all the while the real threat was the controllers themselves. Evil blamers they are.

The biblical Hebrews had been in Egypt for generations, but apparently they became a threat, so one of the pharaohs enslaved them.

3).Israelites.back then, as respects their sacred privileges as the chosen people of God, chosen to be a physical nation back then to be an example of what the Creator is to the world that then was:.Exodus 19:5; Deuteronomy 7:6-8.

Israel originally was the name conferred on Jacob after the great prayer struggle at Peniel.(Genesis 32:28), because."as a prince he had power with God and prevailed.".Israel is the common name given to Jacob's descendants.

The whole people of the twelve tribes are called 'Israelites', the 'children of Israel', the humanity group as compared to the evil mankind ones.(Joshua 3:17; 7:25,26; Judges 8:27; Jeremiah 3:21).and the 'house of Israel':.Exodus 16:31; 40:38; Luke 1:33.

Did the ancient Israelites just arrogate the lands from those who were possessing it?.Judges 11:12-33.

After the death of Saul in Old Testament times, ten of the twelve tribes of ancient Israel arrogated to themselves this name of Israel, as if they were the whole nation.(2Samuel 2:8-10,17,25-28; 3:10; 19:40).and the kings of these ten tribes were called 'kings of Israel' while the kings of the two main tribes, Judah and Benjamin.and the small tribe of Simeon.(Joshua 19:1).were called 'kings of Judah'. The prophets had foretold of the split:.1Kings 11:9-13.

Soon after the death of Solomon, Ahijah's prophecy.(see.1Kings 11:29-32).was fulfilled and the kingdom was rent in twain.(B.C.E. 975-722). Israel split.(map).into a north and a south kingdom. The northern kingdom was called Israel. The southern kingdom was called Judah. And, about the tribe of Levi and the Levitical priesthood. 

Each kingdom had its own prophets.

The ancient nations which came from the man Israel, today are scattered among most all nations:.Joel 3:2 "I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land."

The kingdom of the ten tribes of Israel was successively invaded by several Assyrian kings. Pul.(an Assyrian king:.1Chronicles 5:26; 2Kings 15:29).imposed a tribute.(tax).on Menahem.(king of Israel at the time).of a thousand talents of silver.(B.C.E. 762).and.Tiglath-pileser, in the days of Pekah.(B.C.E. 738).carried away the trans-Jordanic.(tribes on the other side of the Jordan river).tribes and the inhabitants of Galilee into Assyria:.2Kings 15:29; Isaiah 9:1. This was one captivity. There were others for both Israel and its split off nation of Judah:.2Chronicles 36:10.

Comprised with.New and Concise Bible Dictionary.and.Fausset's Bible Dictionary:.There were six minor captivities during the era of the judges, namely, that by Chushanrishathaim, Eglon, the Philistines, Jabin I of Canaan, Midian, Ammon and later, another by Hazael of Syria.

In addition to these, there were other great captivities of Israel and Judah..Why God brought these captivities upon these people:.Ezra 9;6,7; Jeremiah 11:7,8; 25:9; Hosea 5:4; Habakkuk 2:18,19. And, what's God doing today to awaken humanity, in order to bring those God has called back to Him?.Acts 17:30.

Prior to the beginning of Israel as a nation, the people were in bondage in Egypt. They were a stubborn and pigheaded people who time and again would live as they wanted.(Jeremiah 44:16,17), then get into trouble and call on God to help them. And God would. But after.so much.vacillating, it was time for a major lesson and that was to be serious captivities. But, it still didn't do any good as this lesson in history wrote. Something had to help them with their low consciousnss ways keeping them at that level. And so Christ came to change the heart, the only thing that can change a person and all persons in the world. And Christ does this by not sending people into captivity, but by exposing them to higher consciousness ways and from there, they can take it further. How? And what if they don't take it further?

-U.S.A. Congressman Dennis Kucinich.(D. Ohio) (kuh-sin-itch).wrote a letter to the Secretary of State, who at the time was Condoleezza Rice, bringing up questions as to why what is named Israel today, is becoming crueler.(article at commondreams.org), giving a bad image to the dear, gentle, helpful, kind and intelligent people of the tribe of Judah worldwide. Why.
   And are they using weapons banned by international law?.(article at commondreams.org or search on the Internet)
