#went_to_be_alone .
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(has 5 pages)

The Creator's plans are highly integrated with His purpose for man:.1Corinthians 2:9; Hebrews 2:5-8; 1:5. Our Creator has chosen to utilize humans to do spiritual work.(Acts 9:15).and uses angels to assist man in growing spiritually

Paul after his conversion.(Acts 9:1-21).went to be alone to be taught by Emmanuel the Christ, after Emmanuel's resurrection:.Galatians 1:15-18 "But when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his Son in me that I might let others know him as was my habit to do, immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood, neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me. But I went into Arabia and returned again unto Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and abode with him fifteen days."

Paul's meditative state is talked about as being in a trance. Paul received many revelations from the Creator while in his trances:.2Corinthians 12:7; Acts 16:9; 22:17-21.

In these times Paul was with the great oversoul we call Christ:.Acts 26:16.

Paul also is pretty sure that he had an out of body experience:.2Corinthians 12:1,2. Some call this 'astral level travel'. A group called 'Ekankar' believes in the astral level one could use for out of body traveling. But actual 'soul' travel is better and doesn't have the dangers astral travel does, as that's the level the dark side ones inhabit. Soul travel is using your spirit by means of the Soul.

gene Decode talks of the different levels. If interested, send him an email with any questions you may have colosensei64@gmail.com and because worldwide, there are so many following gene, put in the Subject line of your email, where you're from, such as like from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, would be 'Prince Albert/SK'. That way it'll get to the right coordinator or to gene himself if necessary to properly answer your question(s).

Paul's detailed life is recorded in this book.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.(ppquimby.com).was one who 'traveled' and could be in two places at once. He was a doctor who couldn't back then in the 1800's get to those who needed him in the dead of winter, so he would sit in his living room and show up in the house where he was needed. 

Paul called himself the."chief of sinners".(Romans 7:14-25; 1Timothy 1:15), yet knew he would receive a great reward because of the righteousness of Christ in him thanks to the grace of God. He knew scriptures the earlier apostles wrote, such as.John 3:17. And Paul was a master of the Old Testament and knew the mercies of the Creator-Father in heaven, such as in the life of the murderer David, the prostitute Rahab and many others. God is a God of great mercy:.Numbers 14:18; 1Kings 3:6; Psalms 145:8; Titus 3:3-7.

Paul knew about his sins no longer counting with his Creator and he had apparently done a lot more sinning than most of us do:.Acts 22:19,20; 26:10

So, what if an individual still sins?

Paul's.(and Emmanuel too).appearance was not immediately impressive: 2Corinthians 10:1. And he apparently did not see all too well either:.Galatians 6:11. This may have been his."thorn in the flesh":.2Corinthians 12:8. Tradition has it that he was bald.

Paul was divorced or widowed at this time. He was earlier, before his conversion and from many indications, a high ranking member of the Jewish Sanhedrin and one of great authority, authority of such that he was regarded by the high priest as duly dedicated to carry out and protect all aspects of the ancient law. At this point in Paul's life, he was absolutely sure that he was correct in what he was doing based on what he had learned, but he was woefully wrong in these early days:.Proverbs 14:12. What was his thinking that was so wrong?

If Paul was a member of this high ranking body, perhaps Paul was just under the high priest in authority and/or certainly he would have been a ranking member of the council because of his supreme learning ability which led to his impeccable qualifications:.Acts 22:3-5.

Paul refers to himself as an extraordinary Pharisee, an extremely legalistic sect with strict adherence to Old Testament practices which they thought they understood.

Paul was a Pharisee of the Pharisees:.Philippians 3:4-6; Galatians 1:14; Acts 22:3; 23:6; 26:4,5,9,11; 22:19,20; 8:1-3; 9:1,2,13,14; 7:58-8:1.

Paul changed, once he came to comprehend the real God:.Acts 9:21.

His being a member of the elite.Sanhedrin ruling body is interpolated from what he said in the above verses and comparing it with Acts 4:6

Paul was one wholehearted sincere, dedicated man, all his life in all he did, right and wrong:.2Corinthians 11:22; 1Timothy 1:13.

Acts 21:13 "...for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.".No letter 'J' in the alphabet until 17th century A.D..To see on it.

See Josephus.(for history, free download with the also free Online Bible program). For more on Paul's life see.The Life and Epistles of Paul, W. J. Conybeare and J. S. Howson, complete and free here.

The Creator took Paul out of all this by striking him down and making him blind:.Acts 9:3-20; Philippians 3:6.

Paul was so sure that he was right and that Christians were wrong when it came to religion, that he would even travel to different cities to haul Christians away to be put to death; again Acts 9:1,2; Galatians 1:23

As a member of the Sanhedrin, a requirement was that one have a female partner.(be what is today called 'married').(see also the great historian Josephus).

With the same fervor with which he was in error and persecuted Christians.(1Corinthians 15:9; again, Acts 9:2; 22:4; 26:10-12), Paul now served God.(2Corinthians 11:23-30).and kept at it in spite of an affliction that he had.

Paul became either divorced or widowed and went on to serve God being now single. More about Paul.
