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3d to 5d and beyond - the way up

There's also a 2d density, where one may have a subconscious intent to serve and help others, whereas the 3rd density is gotten to once one makes a conscious decision and does it, such as, being good, kind, helpful and compassionate to others, etc. Here, he or she is on the way up, where timelines get altered.

How is density different from dimension?

Most people however are bound in varying.degrees to their ego 2nd density as it were, until circumstances in their lives provide opportunities for them to awaken and rise up higher. One can notice this phenomenon when reading a book for a second time. You notice that which bypassed you the first time.

A lower 3d example is being curious about truth but rejecting anything that doesn't fit with a preconceived.mindset of information one had accepted as being true. 

At this level one wouldn't intend to research to see if something actually was true. At this level, opinions of others, especially from so-called authorities, are readily accepted, even if there's a danger in acting on what's been told to you,.like 'get the vaccine, it's safe and effective'. 

And here at this lower 3d level is found, fear, greed, anger, sadness, manipulation, deceit, hate, jealousy, envy, politics, religion, compliance, duality.(Matthew 6:22; 7:13,14; James 1:8; 4:8), the things of an unbridled.ego.

Higher 3d is a level for those who know what they are here for and have a sense of where they are going in the multiverse:.Acts 17:11.

The higher 3d people have at least an attitude of acknowledging some interest in questions toward truth, like "That's interesting, I should look more into that." "Hmm! Never heard that before."

The lower 3d ones are mostly of the genetically modified group called man'kind', whereas higher 3d people do not have quite as many mankind genes and have a greater proportion of what's called humanity genes, the ones the true God created us with. And then there are those who are all of humanity genes and progress quicker in truth if they choose to, because and always, each of us has free choice. Some have to struggle for awhile in finding their spiritual footing and that, maybe more or less than others, where things 'ring true' more quickly, because they are eager to find out what's true.

Lower 3d people are unable to mentally arrive at the commonsense.maxims which those without mankind genetics, that is, those of God's humanity genetics, have normally.

Since one's life is made what he or she thinks, it's no problem to make a choice toward a higher direction for one's life. That can always be done, no matter what evil one may have been in and/or done in his or her life.

Lower 3d people are basically selfishly minded, always looking for advantage over others and care mostly for what they may have to do to obtain for themselves and for others close to them. Being consumption minded, they'll lie, cheat and steal to gain for the self. It's me, me, me, first and foremost:.Psalms 109:6-18.

It's common for lower 3d ones to forget any good they may have promised to do. Their minds do not work like those with humanity genes. At this low level are the bullying types, the controller and harmful types, the spiteful ones, the sociopaths and psychopaths. They are also the lazy ones, who easily accept what some authority tells them, regarding that as being truth, rather than check it out with research as those higher consciousness ones in ancient Berea did:.Acts 17:10,11

The lives of the low 3d people involve doing things out of fear. They mistrust others, yet stupidly accept what some so-called authority says is true and they are often angry at others and are hard to live with as they have high emotions coupled with reasoning which is irrational, leading them to 'suck up' to those they feel they can get something from:.1Corinthians 6:11.

They seem fine as long as they are agreed with, but because they possess a controlling mind, that which doesn't fit their personal agenda is a waste of time to them. Note their attitude when they get some kind of a 'no' from you. They seldom, if ever, consider higher consciousness thinking toward 4d or 5d, unless some catastrophe strikes them. They are generally.arrogant.and.aloof, regarding others as below them.(*).and regarding God as some ethereal 'something' out and away from their concerns:.Jeremiah 44:16,17.

They believe the satanic lie that things are scarce and there is not enough for everyone and that God and life is probably just unfair, so one has to get what they can when they can and in any way they can, while they complain all along the way:.Romans 1:28-32; Jude 1:16.

4D is a higher density level where one is awakening to truths of existence. Here one sees the good and the bad and becomes reflective of life, seeing how things have been satanic and are affecting life negatively toward death. They are awakening. Seeing these things helps one to develop hope, hope that there is a reason for being and begins to see the things of God, the things of spirituality and releases control to this 'something' known to exist, thus living in faith:.1John 2:11. Continued introspection at this level brings forth the next level.

5D is the level of belief, a level of faith. There are no actual levels, but rather a compacted structure of truth occurs as one grows spiritually:.1John 2:12-14. And just like in Elijah's life, it's not a straight up spiritual growth:.1Kings 19:4-14.

One keeps a sure knowing and trust in a good life and future,  through prayer and meditation. Worries of the future and past concerns are dispensed with for appreciation of the present:.Hebrews 13:5.

A quality of this density is where one is thankful for all things good, sees opportunity, becomes creative and feels responsible for one's actions. Here also, one easily adapts to helping others because he or she just wants to be that way. One's negativities have been surrendered so that good can be emphasized. The realm of God has become reality of the heart:.Luke 17:21.

Way beyond 5D takes one further into love and into many new heartfelt expressions:.John 14:2

One is rewarded for his of her spiritual work. There is no stopping love. It goes ever upward, ever onward and forever in the future is eternal. Life finally reaches 'into the stars':.1Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.".Once into eternity we go on and beyond forever. The true God of all creation is infinite. So are they who have this God in them. See Gene Decode speaking of ascension. Look it up on his Telegram channel.
