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Our Galactic Family
Ready to help at the right moment. 'We Are Under The Protection' 
is from 1:08:26.(1 hour, 8 minutes, 26 seconds).in at
What's a cloaked ship look like? Pay close attenion to the opening
of any of the Situation Updates by Judy Byington
and you'll see one partially cloaked going through the blue sky.

There are many more of those beings living on planets that are light years away, such as those of the great Andromeda council of 9. They are very peaceful yet extremely powerful beings of which some are helping clean up Earth. How far away are their home planets, what do they look like and what are their personalities like? gene Decode answers at 5 min. in.

Here are some others of our Galactic Family. 
See the rest of this group on Patriot Highlights documentary
and hear the song.

See one of the cloaking crafts in use by the Space Force.
See the Miami Bayside Mall tall non terrrestrials.
 See gene Decode's reveal on the incredibly powerful Council of 7 and their beings watching over humanity since our beginning and now because things are so bad here on Earth and because we are climbing out from the cabal's evils, they are going to help us. So how far away do they live, what do they look like, how are they going to help and how you can put in your heart's request by thanking God for them being here to help us, which makes a huge difference in them getting massively involved? If you are good, you have good energy toward others.

gene mentions in this video on The Council of 7, The Alien Races Book.
You can get the book here to see how the different ones appear.
The Alien Races Book at